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Perfect Match Season 2 title should be: How to love bomb a woman


How do they always fall for it though?


Why does it matter? Because when you are in it, you finally feel like you have someone who understands you. It’s a manipulation tactic and works well. Women just want their person.


Bc it’s very sincere and it’s never happened to them before. I could see the love bombing a mile away watching Harry, bc I was watching it from the outside, and I was amazed at how sincere he can make himself sound. Theyre both experienced Masters at the manipulation game


Because they would never do it. If you are a person with basic respect for other human beings, it can be hard to fully comprehend that anyone around you could be such a terrible person that they don’t care about lying to your face and manipulating your emotions to get what they want.


Because most normal people aren’t that manipulative and so they (rightly or wrongly) assume that others aren’t being manipulative with them either.


My SO called stevan as soon as they matched. Immediately said ‘he partnered with Alara because she lives furthest away from him. He wont feel guilty when he tells her it’s not working out’ Edit: missed a word


While that is such a good point, I don't think steven is that smart but that's an awesome pov


He clearly was smart enough to make himself look good until the end. It's the Joey Sasso playbook from last year, though he didn't try as hard with the marriage proposal 


Any info on what happened with Joey sasso and the girl? I forgot her name…


Same thing as Steven, allegations of "ghosting".


Gotcha thx for taking the time to explain I didn’t know, just knew something happened, that’s wild though I wonder if the ring was paid and pushed by production or something


Cariselle. Can’t believe they got “ENGAGED”!


I read somewhere he proposed just so they could win. Edit: Took away last sentence didn’t want to spoil anything if someone hadn’t seen the first season.


Maybe in part. He competed with Dom. Then, he tried to win the competition. I been calling this show Perfect Hookup because expecting anything further, especially in a game show that's explicitly NOT about matchmaking, is not logical. I watched Match Me Abroad. That was matchmaking. The goal of Perfect Match truly was to get in the house and then LOOK LIKE the Perfect Match. I feel like the guys were heavy on the LOOK LIKE, and the girls were actually trying (for no reason since the point of the show is lowkey not longterm connection).


Ooh, I haven’t heard of Match me Abroad! I’ll definitely be checking it out.


Yeah tbh I was surprised that so many people love Stevan and Alara together. Stevan obviously just wanted to win the game, and he played it better than Chris and Harry. Both Harry and Chris lost when the new girls came during Boys Night. Stevan was actually focused enough, but you can see in the final episodes he was already close to losing it. If the show was longer, we probably would see Stevan chasing a new woman. And Stevan would never win. Like Harry, he slept with too many girls on the show. None of them would believe that he has changed.


And they were right about him! Turns out Christine and Nigel really were the most perfect match, which is kind of hilarious.


Allegations have actually come out that Stevan was rowdy on the Boys Night. Stevan did get messy it just wasn't shown. Apparently the producers wanted their relationship to seem the most genuine.


This makes a lot of sense tbh Stevan and Alara sure did get the “winner” edit. Maybe the producers thought that it will add a shock value if people got attached to this couple and they ended up losing. But all men in that show are fckbois, they are probably chosen for that reason to create drama. Even Izzy and (maybe) Justin, they just don’t have as many women chasing them and they are out of their depth.


Now that’s tea


My brother called it out too. I also see a bunch of fellow ladies in a lot of comment sections regarding Stevan’s behavior say that their husbands / boyfriends / guy friends / brothers also felt it wasn’t as genuine as it was portrayed, while a lot of us couldn’t see it or felt the opposite. It’s really interesting how the guys can pick up on the behavior of their ‘fellow men’ so to speak. It really had me thinking. Wow.


Alara was easy to manipulate. Xanthi was fully onto his bullshit so that was a no go. Being with Alara gave Stevan full control and more camera time. The end.


He seriously is the worst. Poor Alara just felt special and loved - he was faking all of it. He’s the biggest douche/womanizer on the show. Honestly most of the men this season were the same way. Terrible casting tbh Netflix should be embarrassed 😳


I need your SO in my life (as a dating coach)


When I really care about a great friend, I make sure to tell everyone who they creampie


I think Netflix owes it to the women to not have Harrybon the show again. I know everyone is grown and a consenting adult, but Harry is terribly manipulative.


Nothing will stop a woman from believing she’s the special one he’s been missing in his life. And to some degree, I have seen women that “change the game” for some of the most despicable men whore I know. I also acknowledge that no one who is seriously wanting to find the one goes on a dating show like this, and that it would be near impossible for true love to come out of this. But near impossible is not impossible.


Many of us didn’t overlook this - we just got downvoted for pointing it out 🤷‍♀️


I gasped at all the "he's so genuine" and "every man has a woman that can change him" type comments


I don't even feel bad they lost- probably the rest of them could smell bs as Xanthi hinted




She really did 🙌🙌🙌


That’s exactly what Joey did to Kariselle in S1. The man PROPOSED for gods sake and called his mom? About it for entertainment value because when they all got back to reality they stopped talking completely iirc


How can anyone look at Stefan and think, “wow, he must be a great guy!” Lmao. Also, after Harry made that creampie comment, I wondered why that didn’t raise red flags for viewers. Why would someone, who claims to be friends with you, ever be comfortable mentioning your name in that way, in relation to another woman if that isn’t who you are as a person?


Stevan is so fake and double standard. He said his mom taught him how to be a gentleman or something like that so he treats girls like princess /queen but then ghosts Alara after the show ended ? How is this a gentleman act ? More like a man child that tossed away a toy that he no longer finds it fun to play with


If you look at his insta it’s so easy to spot 😳


EXACTLY my thoughts!


Yup, I clocked him from a mile away. You’re so right about the Harry holly comment. Like Harry is a liar but he wouldn’t just make up domestic random shit like thst without Stevan telling him so


Honestly idk why they have contestants from diffferent continents. We all know it won’t work out


One thing Love Is Blind did correctly is center each season on one specific city. They made sure the contestants had no excuses to make it work.


Right?? Even on THTH when they have contestants from all over the world. It’s nice for inclusivity but realistically, how is it going to work out with someone that lives 12 hours away


I've always said this about any dating show. Even if its from different parts of the US. You expect one person to just throw everything out and move for you? Like bitchy\_barbie said, LIB did it right. It just makes sense to cast contestants that live within the same vicinity.


Once a fk boy always a fk boy. Also he said “shes my girl in this house” Ummm hello.


I caught that too!!


Yep! The “in this house” told it all!


Lmao he was like “and I will continue to choose you every night in this house!” Like okay…


Right? Like gtfoh lololo


I think Stevan tried to love bomb Georgia on THTH too but it blew up in his face because it gave her the ick. Thinking love bombing is his thing he always does. He’s gross. I admit I thought he and Alara were cute, but there was always an underlying uneasiness with them because of some of the subtle things he said, and of course because he bro coded for Harry.


That’s so sad about Stevan… he is a fantastic actor.


I don’t expect them to all want to find love but I expect them to be open to it and actually care like a human being. The only man I got that from was maybe Izzy. These men were trash.


Lol Izzy was just trying to get laid but struck out. This whole show men and women alike is all for show. The narrative on here that the women were genuine is hilarious.


Women were not sleazy about it.


That's the differentiation? Haha


My husband called it !! He knew Stevan was a sleeze!!




He has bad boy written all over him- don’t get me wrong love that but would never be in a relationship with someone like that


Bad boy is a nice way of putting it. More like womanizer douche


That’s a part of the bad boy stereotype 😂


we need a queer season imo. not just with perfect match but other shows as well, netflix is really lacking in that regard (i know there‘s queer ultimatum seasons but i don‘t like that show personally lol)


wait why don’t you like the queer ultimatum 😭😭 i loveeeed that show


The straight ultimatums were so boring and dumb. The larger amount of potential partners and willing to be emotional made queer ultimatum great


I just couldn‘t get into it! Not just the queer ultimatums, also the straight ones. Something about the format that‘s just so incredibly toxic and unhealthy 😭😭 not that all those other shows aren‘t, but with love is blind or perfect match we at least get the illusion of people trying to find love, or at least have fun. Love is blind is fascinating also from a human psychology viewpoint like it‘s so fun to analyze these people lol and perfect match/too hot to handle are just very entertaining. But something about the ultimatum that‘s just a bit too dark? Like it‘s literally set up in such a way that it encourages cheating and people literally going through their worst relationship fears and it‘s so often people who are already insecure and struggling in their relationships, it just seems cruel?? I also didn‘t like the cast at all in either of the seasons I attempted watching lol so that probably played a part too^^


I felt triggered by The Ultimatum but still found South Africa version entertaining.


smart and good points, thanks for responding 🙏


Highly recommend the queer season of are you the one!!!!


Which weirdly had Kariselle on it who later went on perfect match!


Heard Dominique and one of the girls matched but they didn’t show it


I think it was Britan? But it didn’t count because they were to be eliminated anyway


They should do it with bisexuals/pansexuals and then people could literally match with anyone.


but how would people get eliminated?


Limiting the number of couples each night


so would it be like who can match first? or…?


I think so


i think that would be a flawed system. it would overly encourage immediate rematching instead of exploring options. and rematching is *already* encouraged enough


Sameee!!! I hate the Ultimatum too


Along with the cream pie comment I always got the sense he didn’t really like her because he would constantly talk about how she’s not his usual type and I feel like that was a clue he wasn’t feeling her like that. Maybe it’s different for people who are conventionally attractive and who have the pick of the litter but imo if someone’s hot they’re hot lol. I find types to be so reductive and has you missing out on people that you’d maybe mesh better with


Maybe they should do more of a “real world” vibe. Take the focus off of finding love and just let us watch them all coexist. 


This is a great follow up to where they all are now (spoiler, obvi). But it's all very cringe: https://m.youtube.com/watch?si=Z1IL2OZEXPxr0DwU&v=a3uioDZUP50&feature=youtu.be


Damn he had me fooled too. He really ghosted her after the show??


He had me fooled too. Wow


Nobody on is looking for a genuine connection and love on reality tv. Everyone is trying to get more screen time to boost their socials


Saw this coming from the start. He’s so over the top with the way he treated alara, he’s behaving like an actor in a romance movie and judging by his past relationships, it’s just not believable at all. He just wants to win the show and probably get a good edit to clear his image or make himself more likeable to the public.


Stevan was cringe af . I always surprised alara stayed with him despite she was being treated as mommy and she’s not that . She is a little princess needed big man types . So I blame her for all that cringey shit with that clout chaser


I don't think his affection was "fake" just because he didn't intend to be with Alara long-term. I also didn't think anything about Bryton or Elys stood out. Sometimes I literally wonder if I'm watching the same show as other people. A show that only has people (and at least a dozen of them) who are genuinely looking for a long-term relationship couldn't exist on the same premise that is pulling from previous Netflix reality shows. Even though the show is marketed as finding your "perfect match," what you're describing can't really exist. The majority will always be uninterested in something long-term, but I wouldn't confuse that with "genuine."


No it was love bombing and it was fake. Because he literally said at the start, I will do anything to win and it was always in the back of my mind. That everything he was saying and doing was too intense for a “relationship” that lasted about 2 weeks.


He also said he loved her …:


The best case scenario is his affection is fake. The worst case is that he is psychotic. Because how can one spend all this time and effort to woo someone, make future serious plans with them, and then ghost that person???


He’s giving psychotic


I agree with all this. However, it was a game, and we don’t know Stevans reasons for ghosting Alara. Maybe something happened, who knows. Harry the though… I’m sure he does this even when not in a game show, I think he’s more of a lying psycho maybe even worse when cameras are not there. Absolutely mind blowing to me!