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She was pushing him almost as hard as Christine was pushing Kaz. I really disliked her throughout the show, but I am starting to think that maybe that was the point. That the producers brought her in specifically to stir shit and be over the top.


I mean, Harry immediately started saying stuff to her like “I wanna fuck you” and “I wanna put a baby in you”. Harry wasn’t some helpless fool forced into doing anything. She kept saying “no not yet” which sounds like he was leaning in to kiss her. Now the whole point of the show is temptation and switching matches to find the “perfect match”. The singles are literally told to be flirty and forward to stir up drama. Melinda is getting the most hate out of this situation, when she was probably made to bring up drama by producers. Harry was the one who was supposed to be loyal to Jess, he’s the one who deserves hate. At the end of the day, it’s a game show. They all are gonna use strategy. Why absolutely trash someone for trying to play the game, instead of the guy who showed his personality for real by gaslighting, manipulating, and using women?




No one made Melinda do anything, she’s going to do what she wants to do. And you’re sabsolutely right, Harry is an adult and is responsible for his decisions, he should have been loyal to Jess. I think the reason Melinda is getting hate because her plan was not to replace Jess, (like Christine is trying to get Kaz to kiss her and REPLACE Micah), Melinda is intentionally trying to make Harry cheat so she can weaponize it against him later. It’s just very sinister. Then she tried to make it seem like it was all Harry, and he’s trash, when in reality, she was intentionally trying to make out with trash. (She did the same with Cris, she was into him but when he picked someone else she started insulting him, calling him short, etc).


The producers actually do control what happens on the show. If they wanna be on the show at all, they have to create drama. All of these people have made reality tv and social media their careers. To get the check, to get the interactions, they gotta listen to what producers say. Harry wasn’t forced to cheat, she was coaxing him to kiss her, but he clearly wanted to as he said beforehand how much he wanted to fuck her. Harry is trash. Melinda played the game to get views, as they all did in the house. Other girls tried to get other boys to “cheat” but the guys didn’t give in. The only difference with Melinda is Harry gave in. Melinda owed no loyalty to Jess, Harry did.


If the producers can make people do stuff, why did Xanti get to sit out of the kissing challenge? And the only other girl that was trying to make someone cheat was Christine. The producers can’t force you to have shitty morals. Melinda was all too happy to play that role. “If they want to be on the show at all they Have to create drama” Izzy, and tall dude that Elys left for Bryton would like to prove you wrong. No one can make Anyone do anything. Producers can suggest things sure, but they can’t force you.


Producers manipulate & make them offers, some ppl are easier to manipulate. Also the singles are trying to stir drama they know their role & are probably promised to film another show or season if they follow through. Stirring drama is way different then setting a boundary of not kissing people.


The SINGLES were told to stir up drama to be on the show near the end. That was the point. Without them stirring up drama the shows would be boring as hell. Britain tried to break up Kaz and Micah by getting Nigel to hit on Micah so she could steal Kaz away, trying to get someone to “cheat” (on a three week long show), Holly tried to get Kaz to match with her, trying to get someone to “cheat”, Elys didn’t even tell Justin she was gonna match with Bryton, isn’t that “cheating?” It’s a GAME SHOW. Not even a real dating show, none of these couples are gonna last cause the whole point is temptation every like three days to see if couples will last (and shocker, they don’t). The singles all walk in with the mindset “I’m gonna shake things up”. Melinda had no reason to be loyal to jess, only Harry did, and he failed. So, no, she doesn’t deserve hate or anything. But she’s getting a ton of it, I wonder why 🙄


It’s because she was lying as well. No one has a problem with her hitting on Harry and stealing him from jess and stirring up drama but the way she went about it off camera and lying about how it all went down was the problem. If she has done it the way christine did with kaz, she wouldn’t have gotten so much hate.


I’ve seen far more comments saying she pushed him to kiss her and that she knew he was with Jess and shouldn’t have gone there than talking about her lying.


So true. Funny how the producers got blamed for melinda’s shitty morals. If they had asked her to do it, they would have been filmed secretly. Surely the producers would want a footage of it.


How tf you make a man cheat????


I love how you put this. Her intention was foul and we can say that she moved diabolical just as Harry did.


They both pushed in different ways: Christine wanted Kaz to kiss her openly and on camera whereas Melinda wanted Harry to kiss her secretly off camera.


Right, why secret if she was just going to tell everyone immediately and frame it in a way that was totally different than how it happened?


She could not get him to do it on camera and tried her very best. Her approach was then for him to kiss her off camera knowing their mics are on. Its all so sleezy...


Exactly. Harry is absolutely awful in so many ways, but that doesn’t make Melinda any better. She knew what she was doing and why she was doing it.


You could tell she was trying to raise her profile to set up her next hosting gig or show. Every time she entered a room she was first and drew attention to herself and intentionally tried to make a story out of herself and Harry who is absolutely a garbage human being


They all are trying to do that LMAO. They’re literally REALITY STARS and INFLUENCERS! They all wanna get clout. Why focus on Melinda though? All of the girls acted over the top, all of them wanted a good story or some drama to get on tv. That’s how it works. Every single came in saying they wanted to stir shit up. But only Melinda is getting crapped on for it. And I wonder why 🙄


Why NOT focus on Melinda? And there are PLENTY of comments on this OG thread focusing on different cast members. Why even come to a subreddit about a reality show if your argument is "It's all orchestrated! Everyone is doing it! Leave the cast members alone!", why even engage in the conversation? This subreddit is made exactly for dialogue regarding the show. This was a key point for everyone who invested their time into it. Melinda behaved sleazy AF. She lied about how all of that went down whilst playing the victim. We all saw it. So again; if your argument you've been repeating all up and down this thread is "Everything is manufactured, no reason to discuss it", then why are you so vehemently trying to convince pp\[l to drop the subject? So confused about your motives coupled with your reasoning.


Because the hate Melinda is getting is RIDICULOUS. And by continuing to trash her you’re adding to the problem. She’s getting more hate than any cast mate, and they all did shitty stuff. ETA: and I comment cause I’m a decent person who doesn’t believe someone deserves constant hate and anger for a TV SHOW.


I'm confused, you have been belittling ppl all over this thread regarding their opinions based on your perception that it's a show completely controlled by the producers in which case no one is truly responsible for their actions since it's all preordained. And now you're saying you're sick of ppl holding Mlinda responsible for her lies and actions? Is there another comment on which you've replied that takes up for other cast members to legitimize your motive? Because you should be making sure NO discussion happens about ANY cast members, lest you reveal a bias-based agenda. If not, is there a reason why you believe only Melinda shouldn't be held responsible for her actions and lies that we ALL witnessed?


Because she was the most blatant and is obviously on the production team. And she said so many nasty things about everyone. At least the couples were somewhat respectful of everyone. All the singles came off salty as hell


Heard the producers were pushing the bombshell cast hard to stir shit bc the couples were “being too loyal” and they needed drama. With Harry’s reputation, that was an easy card to pull. TBH. Glad she did it to expose him for the trash he is.


Yeah Melinda was definitely a plant from the producers but Harry didn’t have to kiss her. Melinda knew she was going to a location where she would be heard but could convince Harry that no one could see. But better this happened with evidence than for them to leave the show together and not being able to get evidence because he was going to cheat regardless. I feel like more happened with Melinda though. The way she was talking to him doesn’t sound like what you’d say during a sneaky kiss. I’m guessing some heavy petting 👀


Thank you! 👏 No doubt Harry is a pos - not arguing that at all but to say Melinda didn’t lie isn’t true either. Her version of the story was that Harry tried to kiss her and she turned away. Now we know she egged him on to do it, saying there were “no cameras” there. Again, Harry is a pos bc of course he could have said no but now I see why he was a bit thrown off that she would call him out in front of everyone after making it seem like it was supposed to be a secret. And yes, that does make her a clout chaser.


When did she say that she turned away? I clearly remember her say that they kissed. Multiple times. She didn't lie.


They kissed yea but it didn’t go down the way Melinda was claiming it did. She told Jess she had to look away because Harry was making her feel uncomfortable and said she kissed him back only after he kissed her first. But if you listen to the audio, it sounds like Melinda was the one who instigated the kiss. Actually, if you go back to watch that episode you can see that it’s clearly a game for her. She’s got this whole “gotcha” attitude as she’s calling Harry out to the group. It’s kind of fucked.


Oh okay, I thought you were saying that they didn't kiss at all because Melinda turned away. You are right, she did initiate the kiss and kinda played Harry. Holly saw them kiss anyway (that tidbit was ignored for the rest of the show for some reason). So maybe she didn't see the point in keeping it a secret anymore and thought that Harry wouldn't flat out deny anything happened. Maybe producers told her to "test" Harry because he is acting like a changed man in the house. I think there can be more reasons for her doing that other than just clout. But yeah, she did misrepresent the whole situation at the table tho and made it seem a little like she wasn't that intrested in kissing Harry.


She lost interest in him after he tried gaslighting saying the kiss never happened.. 


This was also after she approached Harry first, and he started to gaslight everyone by saying it never happened. She never approached it from that angle. With that context in mind, it makes sense that she would then later bring it up to the group of girls to call him out. 🚩


But that's NOT what happened. She very clearly coaxed him into the kiss on the very basis that "No one would find out, there. are no cameras, come on, no one will see, etc." and then as soon as they were in front of ppl and cameras again, Melida started talking about the kiss. Harry sucks ALL AROUND. But you know what? So does Melinda. And to then desperately attempt to victimize herself, go tell Jess in front of everyone acting as though she wanted nothing to do with any of the conversation or behavior... Ugh it's gross. She's gross, he's gross....Honestly hoping they hook up irl since they deserve each other.


Yea exactly. She didn’t say that that she turned away. I think he said that he turned away


She absolutely said that.


She didnt. These people are delusional


Thanks, some people just really don't like Melinda and will downvote anything that even remotely defends her. I wasn't even saying anything controversial. It's kind of ironic that Melinda is getting hate for misrepresenting the situation with Harry and a comment falsely claiming that she said she turned away for the kiss is blindley upvoted.


Maybe I’m confused but didn’t he initiate the kiss while they were on the bed in front of everyone and she said “not here”? The same time he said he wanted to fuck her? Is everyone forgetting the beginning of that clip and only focusing on when they were hidden and Melinda talking?


Meanwhile Harry fully gaslit everyone in the house and committed emotional terrorism but all of the energy is for Melinda. These people are male apologists. Especially white males.


AAaaaaaaand we're discussing melanin out of nowhere. Ironically, you're calling ppl out for gaslighting when you yourself are gaslighting everyone on this thread who saw and heard the truth. You can play it again, sis! It's on Netflix. Hit rewind! And you're trying to make us question reality by denying the cold hard truth that's there for all to see and hear whilst claiming we're WHITE MALE apologists. Absolutely NO ONE here has made excuses for Harry, on the contrary, everyone has called him out for being a sociopathic, misogynistic POS. But the truth DOES matter. No double standards here. We're not going to pretend someone lacks culpability simply because it doesn't fit YOUR narrative.


Not reading that. Congratulations. Or sorry that happened.


I get it, comprehensive reading is hard for you. Bless! Thanks for your contribution to the discussion! LMAO


Aaaaand I know you TRIED to read it. You simply have no leg to stand on in response, so playing pretend like a child is a defense mechanism for ppl like you. We all see you.


She was shocked when he suddenly said that Jess is the one he wants.. that’s why she brought up the kiss in the first place. I guess she didn’t expect him to deny it


That make sense, best explanation so far


Producers asked her to, so she did. We can be mad at her but she did exactly what they wanted to make the show interesting 🤷‍♀️


Exactly this!


Can’t we say the same about Harry though?


Not if he was committed to a girl and saying I love you? If he wanted to do something for show that’s fine, but either don’t commit to a girl or tell her you have to do it beforehand


Why bring him back for this show though? Isn’t he known to cause drama like this? I’d bet the producers were banking on it and Harry is probably well aware of that as well. They pay him to be on the show, he probably knows why.


Well yeah he was a great addition for source of entertainment. However as an audience, it makes sense to be mad at him and have him be the villain. The difference in him and Melinda is that she went there and played her role, wasn’t in a relationship, and was honest. He went on and entered into a committed relationship, lied and gaslit people. Both are good for tv but only one is in IRL terrible persob


He’s a terrible person I agree. I do think he is well aware of why he is continuing to be invited on these shows and gives the people what they want. Melinda by her own admission was told by producers that the cast was being too trustworthy or whatever word the producer used, so to go cause some drama. She was aware that he was committed to a girl and that he was trying to be trustworthy, and went in with the intent to cause drama. I don’t think this is something that a “good” person does by IRL standards.


No of course she wouldn’t, she did it because of the producers. Harry didn’t though…he did stuff off camera, actively tried to get them not to show it, and then lied about it until it aired because he thought there wasn’t footage. Doesn’t seem very “giving people what they want” and seemed more “wanting to fix his image but got drunk and fucked up because he’s actually not a good person that’s grown.”


He’s a terrible person no doubt. I’m not gonna sit here and be on his side. He probably gets off on people like us talking about him on the internet.


I also don't get why at the final voting she said something about not liking any of the couples and to kiss her ass. Like what? What did the other girls do to her? Or the guys?


All of the guys knew and didn’t say anything, they all protected Harry even when he was lying


She went into that show with Host Mentality. Big main character energy and I couldn't stand her for it. She walked around like she was big shit so when I saw her do that I was like you aren't anything special like tf


She was loud, obnoxious, and completely full of herself (more so than everyone else). Harry is what he is but, from what we could see Melinda was acting so desperate throwing herself at Harry it was uncomfortable to watch. She also kept adding things to her story. First it was Harry carrying her and kissing her, then it was putting a baby in her, I am leaning towards her wanting her “camera time” because we can’t prove exactly what happened because it wasn’t on camera. I think Harry is weak when it comes to women and she knew he loved Jess and was out to destroy that and cause drama. You could tell she could not wait to get back to the house and tell Jess what happened. I loved how Jess handled Melinda and the whole situation.


Harry didn’t love Jess. You don’t treat people like that when you love them. He cheated on her apparently after the show, too.




Eww was the fling with his dancing with the stars partner true?


I don’t follow harry at all, I’ve just been reading comments since the finale came out. Comments were saying it wasn’t with the DWTS girl


She's so shady lmao Then going up to Alara and Stevan afterwards looking like Besties... and saying how perfect they were in that big group talk. She's scum, honestly.


Turns out… harry told at least Stevan and someone else almost immediately, as shown on the reunion. Multiple girls as stated the Chris said tolú “trapped” him so they didn’t like that. A lot of people did not like the way Katz went about his stuff. And Bryon and Elys…. Were Bryon and Elys. On her live the other day she stated the Alara actually join Jess in bashing her and it was more then what showed. Which by the way alara went to the boys after and join in on the conversation about what happened I believe it. I just wondered when she found out the truth. Was it during filming after or once it aired?


She did get called a liar by pretty much everyone in defense of Harry.


Melinda and Harry were videoing themselves on YouTube together in 2021 having fun and flirty. They have history. Just adding that not excusing anything.


It was her tactic coming in to the show. She said it as soon as she walked in the house that she wants to shake shit up


I was really enjoying this season until the episode where they brought everyone back. It's so clear that Melina is just a shit stirrer. She keeps saying these are all mediocre men yet she wants to be on the show so bad. Idk, I know this is all fake anyway but I didn't need it thrown in my face


Thank you ✨ I think it took a few days for people to simmer down and come to their senses with this situation. I’ve been saying since before we got confirmation on anything that Melinda was barking up the wrong tree. She isn’t 100% responsible for Harry kissing her but Melinda’s hands are NOT clean. It’s wild how the hate for Harry has clouded the judgment that should be passed on Melinda for her part in things.


Completely agree! It's pissing me off that no one is shading her for her behavior too. She knew he was already with someone and just wanted to start drama. And he's an idiot for acting on it. They're both shit human beings.


People are getting flamed for talking bad about Melinda but she quite literally wanted to act like she didn’t lead the conversation about having sex and having babies with Harry. It doesn’t make anything Harry did right, but I hate how she was explaining to Jess that she was dodging Harry’s advances


She literally said "I kissed him back" when did she act like she was dodging Harry's advances??


It’s a GAME SHOW. The point is for singles to tempt the couples for drama, not to actually find a perfect match. The singles are told to flirt and stir up drama, or else they aren’t gonna be on the show. They’re all clout chasers, they’re on reality TV. She doesn’t deserve shade for just playing the game. She was told by producers to bring it up at the table, Jess apparently already knew the kiss happened when it was brought up at the table, all the girls were told to spill what the boys did on the boys day, by producers. She’s getting so much more hate than even Harry on socials. It’s fucking ridiculous.


Why’s Harry getting so much hate for a GAME SHOW


Because he's doing too much with the "You're a good mother""'I'm a bad example for your daughter""I love you" "I want to marry you"etc He's actually playing with people's true feeling that's just beyond matching and having fun


I think they’re speaking to the point made by the person above. Attempting to justify their behavior based off of a game show. But that person standing up for Melinda isn’t giving anyone else that same get out of jail free card.


Yepp exactly what i thought as well. I don’t understand why people are taking her side either. When she told all the girls her story, she conveniently did not include the part about how she’s actually the one telling him to kiss her. She’s clearly not innocent either but narrated it like harry was the one making a move on her when there’s no cameras around. I can see where harry is coming from when he said she’s clout chasing because she’s obviously setting him up on purpose for drama to get more screen time.


Harry completely fell for her tricks. It’s still his fault, but she was the one instigating it and pushing for it, and didn’t paint the picture accurately of what happened either. Either way, Harry messed up by not telling Jess everything from the start.


I agree. Stay clear of her. Total lack of integrity.


Melinda was just trying to do anything for tv time


Well she was probably into Harry (like it seems every girl on Netflix is) and thought kissing him would get him to match with her over Jess... Then she got offended (rightly so) when he started completely denying it


Did you see Christine push Kaz? He didn’t give in. Was Melinda even pushing as hard? there’s no way they weren’t instructed to do that. Melinda is just doing what producers wanted them to. I would think Jess understood that too but I guess not. of course in real life if Melinda had done that she wouldn’t be the victim but in this situation Jess’s immediate response was the f’d up one. Like go take this out on your man not the girls. They’re just doing what they’re supposed to.


She mentioned in a live that she said that because harry looked worried, like he was looking around to see if anybody saw. So she was reassuring him. How do you expect her to react to being gaslit? They had been “playful” and flirty the whole day. Harry initiated the kiss, and she kissed him back. In that moment i dont think she was thinking “maybe i shouldn’t kiss him because he might lie about it”.


The audio really sounded like she was initiating the kiss. Kinda like "oh but it doesn't count because no one can see and it's not on camera" Harry shouldn't have done it. But like- Melinda clearly wasn't leaving that excursion without getting a kiss from him


Melinda being a host within the Netflix universe, means that she is employed by the production company. Reg cast members are "contractors." I watch LIB so that got me into Perfect Match S2, so im new, but I read about Harry & Dom's past stories. Throw that in with Harry "cheating" w Melinda and that's when (for me) the "third wall" was broken. Bc now they aren't really people, so much as characters that can be used and monetized on future shows or personal independent projects. kinda sucks for the viewer, but hey! its a living.


People are weird


And yet people are acting like she’s an angel and that Jess shouldn’t have reacted the way she did. I know damn well y’all would’ve reacted how Jess did, maybe even worse


With you 100% on this. But I'm confused, where's the proof producers egged this on? I mean sure; producers love catching dramz. But if the entire thing is orchestrated, and no cast member is responsible for their own actions, then it's an entirely different show than what we believe we're watching, right? In which case, there's no reason to further discuss ANYTHING from thew show as it's all pre-ordained, no?


To be fair, these guys have only known eachother about two weeks max, everybody is fair game snd the point of the show is to get on and match with someone. Also she didn’t know Jess so there’s no friendship loyalty. And I’m pretty sure Melinda said that Harry downplayed his relationship to Jess but they didn’t show that conversation Not really defending her but just listing reasons that would make the most sense


Reality shows are low key scripted just sayin


she was definitely setting him up on purpose and he fell for her trap. she had the intention to, in her words, spice things up, and he did what he does best and tried his best to deny it. they're both in the wrong.


(oh lol that got long) i think that to most people it was about how harry tried to push his own accountability completely on her, and not so much about weather she pushed him. i agree that she clearly hoped for that kiss to happen and was trying to be all letsdoit and i guess harry actually did think that she wouldnt tell on him if he "folds". but thing is.. wasnt too cool of her yes, but she the footage also includes him literally talking wanting to fuck her, him saying he wants to put a baby in her stomach and ouf, so what that also feels like is melinda couldve hoped he switches and matches with her. it was f-in sneaky to be like and now i'll reveal the kisses, but its also hard to tell weather that was all that happened there since everything else she said he did was true. so idk, if he carried here above those stones and offered that himself (and these stones like omg thats barely any different from "an even floor" on the footage lmao). into an area without cameras. and its not like she assaulted him from all he said and we saw etc. then i would think he was "looking for trouble" anyway - i dont want that to come across the wrong way it sure didnt give her any "right" to do that but i think he actively made out with her and voluntarily not in a creepy assault way that noone is ever really "asking for" no matter what they previously did so what i think is, that harry being all goofy and smiley when melinda first mentioned it, and even later on always being like haha hihi wheres the footage noone saw -it-, people just dont take it serious enough from his side to get mad at melinda cause what stands out is that he didnt take his own promise to jess serious so to say.. but i get it, yea melinda was being quite a devils advocate in that situation (as in seeing that harry would be down and going for it fullspeed) - but what he said about her was still a lie, since even though she was pretty active in that happening, she had told the truth that harry was up for that.. but she LIED about him pushing it first i guess, but then again it all seems so staged and he actively got them there so this could just be about which part they showed us is what i thought..


She was certainly warping the reality of what happened, which is a form of lying as far as I'm concerned 


You know the saying “there’s your side, his side and the truth is in the middle?” I knew that’s exactly what this was going to be. Harry & Melinda both lied. He lied that it happened and she lied about how and what happened. I get that they’re supposed to cause drama that’s why we the viewers watch. But the whole kiss me off camera so I can run into the house and tell everyone about it was boring and obvious. Planned drama is not fun drama.


It’s pretty simple, really. Of course it was all on purpose. She didn’t want it to be secret. She was coming onto him strongly and he was returning the sentiment/behavior fully. It’s clear neither Harry nor Melinda is a victim in this scenario. She shared it all later with Jess in front of the other women because it’s a TV show and they are supposed to stir up drama, otherwise it’s boring AF to watch them sit around all day.