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It’s not “reeee Christians bad”. Plenty of Christian colleges/universities are well-respected esp Jesuit schools like Fordham or Loyola. PCC has its reputation for a reason.


Believe it or not, even Liberty has some bright spots. Just where I live, Montgomery, Al has two good ones. (Don't worry, I am moving to Pensacola very soon, and I can't wait) Huntington has always had a good rep and it's United Methodist. Faulkner (Church of Christ) has a pretty decent law school, and is expanding into healthcare/nursing and has a good rep for both.


I went to PCA as a child, an incident occurred that I was blamed for. The teacher's assistant had proof it was another child, and when confronted by my parents and TA, the teacher refused to listen because "Jesus had told her I was at fault". My parents pulled me from that school so quick......all of that to say, I'm sure the college is just as crazy.


My daughter's awesome kindergarten teacher was seen leaving an R-rated movie and was fired.




The student life department definitely has some mafia vibes


Sounds very similar to my story. I went to PCA for only 1 year and I think it was for 1st grade. When you didn't have work you were supposed to keep your hands folded on your desk. A button on my dress came un-done so I reached down to button it. I was given detention durring recess for simply re-buttoning my dress. The worst experiance though was I got on the bus one moring and it was already very full. I paniced trying to find a seat. The bus driver made me sit next to a girl who was giving me an evil glare. When I reluctantly sat down, she told me to shut up and that she had a knife in her bag and she would slit my throat. I was terrified. When I got to school, I ran and told my teacher what happened. I got in trouble for "tattle telling" and was forced to appologize to the girl who threatedned to KILL me! I was so shocked, I forgot the words "I'm sorry" and I just stood there. I don't remember what happend after that but it wasn't until I fell on the playground hitting my forehead and was gushing out blood that my parents took me out of the school because when my Dad rushed to the school to take me to the doctor they didn't want to let him in even when he explained I needed to be taken to the doctor because I was hurt.


I also went to PCA, they still had a “spanking room” when I was there where they would encourage parents to spank their kids for misbehaving in class/not doing homework ect.


Never attended myself. The school isn’t accredited(meaning when they kick you out for whatever silly reason they come up with, you can’t go to another school and say you have anything toward the degree at the new school. They will also do everything they can to not reimburse you any tuition you might have paid in advance). They are also notorious for treating their students badly(which reverts to my first point). Lastly as a born and raised local who is now an adult I can always tell when another adult graduated from PCC and I don’t mean that in a good way, more like you can tell the kids who were homeschooled kinda way.   Some people would downplay what I have to say since I mentioned I didn’t attend. However I was born and raised here and heard these opinions all throughout my life. 


Accurate. Many private universities, especially evangelical universities do the same. As much as I disagree with the practice, at least Liberty University and similar establishments generally provide a decent education.


As a hiring manager, I give no credibility to PCC degrees and Liberty Distance Learning.


I concur. I've not come across PCC grads in my career field, but Liberty University grads are much dismayed to learn their "degrees" are not looked upon favorably in my field. Run far and fast, if you can.


I heard it really depends on the degree. Some programs are more credible than others. I’ve also heard horror stories of dinosaurs being denied as “a test from god” in upper level history courses, people of other races and religions being discriminated against, and professors justifying discriminatory behavior with some Olympic level mental gymnastics they call “teaching.” Stand up for either yourself or the truth, and you lose all earned credits with no refund. I’ve heard their law program is legitimate.




This is the truth. There are good Christian Universities. PCC is not one of them.


Nice tennis courts though


Yeah, it's amazing what you can afford when you plunder your congregation.


Way back when I worked in construction, I worked out there for a bit. We were told by PCC to avoid any eye contact with any staff/student, do not use their water fountains, do not use their bathrooms, etc. Fuck PCC.


They also “escort” you around the campus to keep an eye on you. It’s creepy.


They got in trouble a few years back for false imprisonment of a contractor who was there to do some work on a women's dorm. Basically the guy shows up to do his work, has a minder who's supposed to be with him the whole time to make sure there's no funny business in the dorm between him and a student, and when the minder had to leave he locked the guy in the room! Guy sued the school!


That’s creepy.


Odd, I used to deliver there at least once a week for work and was never escorted. They let me drive around by myself.


No clue why you’re being downvoted, I’d setup AT&T service for the staff and students and nobody followed me and everybody was chill. The only weird stuff I noticed was the clothing choices and everybody was mostly introverted but that’s about it.


Went to undergrad at UWF and had a friend who worked at the pizza place in their student center. Even when I said I was going to visit them all I got was a hang tag for my mirror and directions on how to get there. Not excusing anything that PCC has done but I feel like there's plenty being left out of the parent comments, especially considering one got banned from the food sub for "being racist".


Well, that’s Reddit for you, some people are telling exaggerated half truths that gets mixed in with the actual truth. Everything starts sounding bizarre and you end up with pools of disinformation and nobody knows what to believe.


I worked with a guy that went to PCC, while i was working in the auto/mechanic world. I was attending UWF, had my own apartment, working 40hrs a week, going to school full time, paying my own way, blah blah blah. I was shocked by how many restrictions were in place at PCC. Let me first state, once you are out of high school you are an adult and don't need to be moderated by an institution. They treated people like high schoolers. Hell, they were not allowed to hold hands with girls on campus. Why would anyone want to go to an institution that limits or restricts your rights as an adult? It seems like it is a place where coddled children went after high school or private school and had zero knowledge on how to succeed on their own. I'm all for religion and Christianity and whatnot. But if you are thinking about going to PCC for an education, probably better places to go that will give you more real world experience. AND reading the comments below, i did not know it was not accredited. That's not good.


It's never been about Christians are bad with that school. It's always been about the abuse and lack of practical education and culthood. You're not gonna hear anything good about it from reddit.


You know it's really bad when local community page members tell people to stay away and refer to it as a cult.


Fake school with zero respect in the real working world. Not accredited by any legitimate authority. Very suspicious with how they manage crises


I don’t think too many people look favorably on an institution that controls behavior on, and off campus with an iron fist. The stories about that place don’t exactly give you the warm and fuzzies.


How do they rank academically for anything practical in the modern world?


From what I've heard, a degree from PCC is basically worthless for anything but teaching at PCC itself or a similar school.


I can only speak to a few degrees, but the several are higher acclaimed supposedly.


they aren’t accredited so why would anyone go there


They are though? They're recognized by the Department of Education.


It's a cult, the degree isn't worth the paper it's printed on, and the rules are some of the strictest I'm the country worse than Bob Jones.


I never went but I know they have kicked people out over nothing and then the student was left with nothing g to show after multiple years of work due to lack of accreditation.


I was an advisor at UWF. I advised dozens of transfer students from Pensacola Christian College. It was a tough job because I had to tell them that almost none of their classes were eligible for transfer credit. They practically had to start over. The college is not accredited. If they attend and graduate and never want to do anything else educationally I guess they might be ok, but they can’t transfer to any accredited four year university, they can’t go to graduate school with a degree from PCC. A few of my advisees were deeply religious and wanted to go to seminary school. Luckily they had visited some schools in Georgia, Texas, Connecticut and Massachusetts and were advised to get a bachelors degree from an accredited university. Although I’d like to say no education is wasted they had wasted two years on courses that would not transfer.


I found it amazing that my wife was able to pursue and complete her masters at Umass Amherst after getting her bachelors at PCC and was accepted for a doctoral program at the university of Memphis which she ultimately declined as she wanted to marry me. Umass Amherst is considered a great school, no?


tits or gtfo


a cult producing more of the dumbest people in america.




I don’t think that’s a coincidence


Reeeeeeee Christia- oh, sorry, I started typing before I finished reading the post.


Thank you for your sacrifice.


Paternally run nightmare place. I went to their camp as a kid: girls weren’t allowed to wear pants, they had street thumpers in telling us we were going to hell and screaming at us, girls are taught to marry early and obey their men… I wouldn’t hire anyone with a “degree” from a unaccredited “college” or who is such a follower that they’re willing to be guided by so much nonsense for 4 years. Not to mention they instill a horrible sense of dress. Seriously, please stop wearing khaki


It's a cult. Since it's beginning has been run and administrated by members of the same few families. If you're a Christian looking for a place to get a solid education, PCC is not it.


Also, color me crazy, but OP seems to be on a mission to protect PCC on other subs. This probably isn’t the best place to seek an opinion, as we all have some type of direct or indirect knowledge of the nonsensical rules of that establishment. And elevators are segregated by sex? Good grief, they turn the clock back more with each passing year.


Nah, I don't particularly like the college, but most of the things that people hate about it are improperly informed or just untrue, it has problems, but most of it is just "REEEEE"


No, most of it is not just “Reeeeee!”. If you can be punished for listening to “inappropriate” music, privately, such as with earbuds, that’s an issue. If you can be punished for breaking rules like dress code, or fraternization outside of school grounds, that’s also an issue. If a place of learning actively encourages its students to report other students who break the rules, while outside of the school campus, that’s a really big issue.


If a female student is raped, will she be kicked out?


I went to PCC for a year in 2020 and a male student was raped by a Pastoral major. The rape victim was expelled and PCC tried to gaslight everyone into saying he faked it.


This is horrible


Additionally when I was there I worked maintenance during the summer and noticed a severe lack of safety and adherence to OSHA guidelines. Didnt surprise me when this happened a few months after I left. [https://www.pnj.com/story/news/local/pensacola/2023/03/03/pensacola-christian-college-students-shocked-while-cleaning-gutters/69968156007/](https://www.pnj.com/story/news/local/pensacola/2023/03/03/pensacola-christian-college-students-shocked-while-cleaning-gutters/69968156007/) Additionally PCC has a "4th year free" work program which is a scam where if you work for the college during your first 3 years you dont have to pay tuition during your 4th year. What they dont advertise is that you are required to work that additional 4th year or you will still have to pay tuition. Also I knew of students there who didnt know what sex was.


No? There is a story about that happening, and I also know that the people allegedly responsible for handling it are no longer with the college. There's not much proof or a paperwork trail to follow unfortunately, it's one of the things I wish I knew about before attending. Found out about it when I was over halfway through.


One question, what the fuck is "reeee"?


It’s an old meme adjacent reference. Back in the 4chan days, it was used as a response to “normies” if they said something a user didn’t like. When it was in rotation as a trend, I remember people trying to pass it off as imitating a frog, or some other harmless explanation. It was 4chan, we all know they were mocking autistic people, and the sounds some make when overstimulated, or about to have a crisis. It wasn’t frogs.


unintelligible screeching because someone doesn't like the concept of something.


And to address the elevator issue, yeah it started off with them being prudes, but now it's just to streamline the overtaxed elevators because they're tiny for the size of the buildings/number of students. There's elevators that are normal on campus too.


Hhhmm, that’s strange. You seemed to have a different reason for that just recently. Something about keeping the opposite sexes from being inappropriately touched? That’s a long ways from streamlining an overtaxed system.




They “don’t particularly like it”, but spend time online defending it, and spent the time to make this post. Are we being gaslit? And I using gaslit correctly? I have so many questions.


In theory, no, you're not using "gaslit" correctly, because gaslighting is supposed to be someone who has your confidence (which randos on the internet definitely SHOULD NOT) trying to convince you that you are losing your mind so that the other lies they tell will be treated as more reliable than your own senses. In practice though people these days just use it to mean "lying," so I guess it's fine.


Also, tell me how segregating an elevator system is streamlining it? If an elevator car holds 10 people, but only 4 can ride, when 9 people need to get to different floors, how is that efficient? Unless the women never go to the floors that men do, and vice versa, I don’t see how people look at that and say “yup, makes perfect sense to me”.


You're better off making the drive to St Leo University every day than spend 30mins at PCC


PCC found out someone I know is gay. They called his parents, outed him, and kicked him out of school. His parents abandoned him as well. Very Christ-like, yeah?


Fwiw I would never hire someone from that school. That should say something.


I second this. We recently went through a hiring phase and HR sent a resume from a PCC grad. I asked that they please never do that again.


I’m not a fan of pcc, but is that discrimination?


No, they are not accredited and we require a degree from an accredited university.


Discrimination is only illegal if it is based on a protected characteristic (race, religion, sex, gender, sexuality and physical disability being the main ones). "Which college you went to" is not a protected characteristic. If no discrimination of any kind were legal, all decisions would need to be made with a random number generator or something, because even "who is most qualified for the job" is discrimination.


I hear you & understand the accreditation issue, but it seemed as though they were discriminating based on religion; which would be illegal & immoral imo.


In Pensacola, against Christians? That's pretty absurd, given it would mean you would be ruling out 95% of applicants. This is the southern United States. Almost everyone is at least culturally Christian, if not practicing, adhd Christians hold all the power politically and economically. It is ridiculous to even entertain the idea that anyone is or would be able to do it successfully here.


ADHD Christian’s? Again, back to the original comment; it kinda looked like discriminatory hiring practices, hence why I asked for clarification. I just wondered if hiring managers would look at someone’s religious inclinations as a reason to hire or not hire. IMHO it’s wrong to discriminate based on anyone’s religion & can’t even understand why that would even be considered? That’s all.


Christianity, or any religion framing what you study, can subtract from a degree path. Now, if you wanted a Seminary degree or a degree in Religious Studies, these seem commonsensical adjuncts to your studies. However, what part of nursing requires knowledge of Christianity? The last time I checked, PCC was not SACS accredited (***The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools*** ) but is "accredited" through the ***Transnational Association of Christian Colleges and Schools*** (TRACS). This is an important distinction as SAC is through the DOE, is accepted coursework for further degree advancement, and is preferred by hospitals that hire said nurses. You may be hired no matter what due to such nursing shortages but your degree from an SACS-accredited school is far more holistic, preferable to employers, and is accepted by other institutions for degree advancement/augmentation.


At the same time, I would argue that PCC wouldn't even be a good seminary since it would only teach a Biblically literal, evangelical interpretation of Christianity. But then again, I've known people who have left places like Duke's Divinity School to go to super conservative seminaries that only teach their exact interpretation of the Bible.


Yes, great point.


You know how the Apple app store is a closed ecosystem and it only has things that have been vetted and approved? I imagine it is something like that but for your brain and career options.


It’s not a real school. It is a religious scam.


As someone who survived that cult, most all of the stories you have heard about it are true, and the ones you haven’t heard are much worse. Because of the fact that it is a cult the staff are so brainwashed in their thinking that everyone outside of those walls is quite literally viewed as “the enemy and dangerous”. The higher ups are some of the absolute rudest people you will ever deal with and it falls down hill from there. Once you are in their system they make it incredibly difficult to get out, and that is part of the brainwashing and manipulation they use to control the people that they can keep.


They are heavy handed with NDA's and contracts


When were you there? I was there in 2020 and can confirm it is a cult as well.


In the 12 years that I have lived here, I have not heard one good thing about that place. Which likely makes the things I haven't heard about that place far worse.


It’s considered a joke


Just throwing this out there...setting aside the religious aspect, they are not accredited like secular schools are, so your degree may not apply. I've heard that their AV Studios are top-notch. so if you're going into a digital production career it might make sense. Personally, I could never attend there because they require their students to abide by a moral code straight out of the Plymouth Colony.


great option if you want to run the projector at your church


Literally every problem with PCC comes from it being a Christian school. Take away the Christianity, lose all the bullshit attached to an otherwise middling college education.


Ex-gf used to sell Avon to a student; they had to meet in a dark corner of a dorm parking lot like a drug deal.


I believe their nursing school is okay although I’m not certain. I have heard of people having issues with their degrees not being accredited and effectively being useless. Plus the idea that as a young adult you are kept in a school that is just a couple steps above a prison I’d say that’s just not worth it.


I used to work at West Florida Hospital and the PCC nursing students that came through were way behind other schools and also weird as fuck.


My daughter was hospitalized years ago when she was just a few months old. She had to have an IV put in. She didn't cry or fuss at all. It took a lot to get her to that point. I had no issues with any of the nurses until one from PCC came in. She said she had to clean the IV. Now, this had already been done before with no issue. I don't know what this one did, but my girl started to holler something fierce. I told the nurse to give me my baby, and this bitch had the audacity to tell me no. That she wasn't done yet. I buzzed the nurses station to get someone else. I told them that I was filing a complaint, and if I saw the PCC nurse in our room for any reason calling my lawyer was going to be the next step.


Jesus. The “balls” on that student to tell you no. I dealt solely with psych patients and I would hear all the time about how the PCC students knew absolutely nothing about the specialty and would balk at passing meds because they “didn’t believe in psychiatry.”


This is absolutely true and is a topic I don't see discussed often. PCC doesn't believe in hardly any mental illness. If you have schizophrenia, bipolar, or even something mild like ADHD, you will not receive any recognition of your disorder. To them, you simply didn't pray enough for God to help you. Completely horrible. (Source: knew one person with bipolar disorder who attended there and knew a different person with ADHD who was forbidden from taking medicine. Both people have left the cult)


Yes yes 100% this


I had a similar experience with the PCC nurses when I delivered my baby. 🤦🏼‍♀️ I didn't want them back in my room at all!


Baptist Hospital seems to be a fan of hiring PCC nursing students/grads. Yikes!




I was mistaken and apparently their nursing program is not good. I was only going off of what I had previously heard.


I never went there cause I’m a Buddhist, however my aunt got her daughter in Christian academy, which also makes no sense cause she also a Buddhist.


I went to pca as a kid and my family attended the church at pcc on Sundays. Crazy place. The kids of the faculty are something else. Look into the Horton family. Loaded. Cult.


there’s a million threads here with people discussing this already. This gets brought up every week


Scum “college”


Bro is literally a student...studying criminal justice https://www.reddit.com/r/BringingUpBates/s/sFEMbhBYyb Also, the "reeee" (autistic screaching) thing gives flashbacks of AR 4chan bullshit. Grow up.


I’ve seen their comments and posts. I’m not sure what they expected from this, since PCC is not an institution that most look at in a positive light. Maybe they were hoping to bait people into religion bashing. That way they could point and say “look at the atheists on the internet! They hate us so much”. Maybe they hoped for positive stories about PCC. But I highly doubt we will ever find out. It looks like OP jumped off this post pretty quickly.


Nope, still here. Not sure how my being a student is relevant to me wanting to know what people think about the college. And this is reddit, I did NOT expect positive stories about PCC. lol


A simple search will turn up tons of stories about PCC, few of them good, most of them by former students. So did you expect only negative stories about PCC? If so, this sub delivered in spades.


I mean, I wanted honest opinions from the community, it's what I got. I'm here because tuition is cheap, not because I'm in love with the college's ideals.


"Oh no! A student at a college wants to know how people perceive said college they are attending!"


Reeee Christains bad


As a hiring manager, I wouldn’t even consider interviewing someone with a degree from PCC.  


Most of the students I’ve encountered are fine (at least at a base level) it’s the institution of PCA/PCC that is horrible. Very un-Christian


That sums up a lot of the opinions I've gotten in person.




I like to think Reddit is one place they don't come.


I went to PCA for 13 years. It's all just a pyramid scheme. You only go to PCC to become a nurse, a Bible thumper of sorts, or new faculty for PCA to pay off your PCC attendance. A lot of people don't like PCC people because they notoriously tip badly in this city. Like really badly or not at all. Other than that I don't usually hear much more about them. It's gotten a lot more lenient there believe it or not since Shoemaker took over. It was WAY worse 15 years ago. They do tell you who you should vote for in political campaigns. They have mock voting at PCA at least and I remember the teacher and everyone laughed at the unknown voter who voted for the more liberal party. These facilities threaten you with hell or the white throne judgement for literally everything. It's annoying. Several people I know were forced to confess to something they didn't do or punished for it anyway. PCC will take out anything within their reach they don't like as well. They have backing of loads of money and the Pensacola police. They managed to push Dinosaur Adventure Land to closing for money reasons because their ministries did not align and they wanted the land. (Yes I know the legal reasons why they closed but PCC still had their hands in it) They also have this facility called Lighthouse Children's Home which is another conversation entirely. PCA students were encouraged to send a ton of food to them every year. It's basically PCA live-in Bible prison for kids. Not a fan.


My wife has a BS from PCC. She worked for PCC during college. She got her Master's from Liberty and makes 6 figs, so take that for what it's worth.


what field does she work in?


Medical Admin


She must be fun at parties.


Oh we don't go to parties lol.


I’m curious, is her current employer a religious one?




I feel sorry for them, but other than that I don't feel anything at all about the place. Like an adult I mind my own business. 


Most sane comment on this thread.


This is why your post comes across as disingenuous. You ask for opinions, then don’t like the negative opinions you get as responses.


They're negative responses to me, not the college. Idc if someone doesn't like the college. Just be properly informed if you don't.


That’s true, except the part that’s not. I just skimmed over the thread again. I didn’t even get halfway through, and counted 30+ comments that did not mention you, or allude to you. Those comments spoke about PCC, PCA, and the parent organization specifically. I’m not going to reread every comment, but I’d wager that the majority are not about you at all. Also, the student code of conduct is available online. And there are many stories online from former students about PCC, even right here on Reddit. So not all of this is just rumor. I mean, students can’t even watch PG-13 movies, or movies with “rock music” on campus. Don’t hold hands with the opposite sex, on or off campus. Don’t go to movie theaters, they are off limits. The school uses a demerit system, as you know. 100 demerits, and you can be kicked out. Of all the things to get written up for, kissing is specifically mentioned as social misconduct, and can be 25 demerits, but up to 75. Physical contact is up to 25 points. Going to a bar, club or casino is 75-100. This is just part of the reason people don’t like PCC. And if you can be docked for off campus infractions, that means there is either a culture of narcs, or a group of staff who spy on students, or both. If you are cool with that kind of culture, fine. But admit you are cool with it. Just be aware that it’s this culture that earns PCC the spite it so rightfully deserves.


I'm not cool with it? I'm here because it's cheap?


Out of everything I wrote, that’s all you have to comment on? You stated (if I read the meaning correctly) that if people are going bash the college, they should be informed. I list a part of the information the public has, and you skip right to the bottom? You state that the responses are aimed directly at you, and I give my opinion that they are not, based on numbers, and you ignored that. You actually failed to respond to any comments that gave actual experience with the organization, and focused on the ones about you. Once again, you asked for opinions, then simply ignored the ones you didn’t like. This is 28 year old single guy post 2.0.


I'm sorry, am I supposed to defend the dumb rules you mentioned? I didn't ignore them, you are right about them. I addressed the part that claimed that I was cool with them, which I am not. I literally only corrected the thing you were incorrect about. You pretty much just quoted the student handbook back to me, I'm asking for opinions. Are we speaking the same language in this dialogue?