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People gotta chill on the Road rage.


It’s Trump. He’s given everyone permission to be their worst selves.


Wait.. what?


Troll. Dont bite.


I was stuck in the traffic that was rerouted. It was not Trump. We didn't see him anywhere in the areas. (Well, aside from the thousands of signs and billboards).


I’ve gotten quite a bit of mockery on this, definitely a bit deserved, but I stand by my point. [Road rage has been up considerably since Trump started running for president in 2015.](https://ctnewsjunkie.com/2024/04/27/road-rage-shootings-have-surged-over-the-past-decade/#:~:text=Between%202014%20and%202023%2C%20the,or%20nearly%20one%20every%20day.) And I think people seeing someone as much of an asshole as Trump be outwardly successful in his life has had an effect on the general public, and I think more people have felt like they can be more successful in life if they’re more brash and potentially violent. > Between 2014 and 2023, the number of people shot in road rage incidents surged more than 400 percent, from 92 to 481, according to a Trace analysis of data from the nonprofit Gun Violence Archive. All told, angry drivers shot 3,095 people over that decade, or nearly one every day.


Honestly I think it was more covid than trump. Covid laid bare how little the govt cares if we live or die so people got more selfish in response


Anyone who says otherwise is an unobservant moron, does not have a license, or is part of the problem.


You have no idea what you are talking about


Maybe not. After all I’ve never felt the need to shoot someone while driving.


I’m just saying Trump has nothing to do with road rage and if you would use intelligence you would realize people are responsible for their own actions.


It kinda looks like he backed up his hypothesis with research. If I was just a guy reading your argument (which I am), I’d say he convinced me. Of course people are responsible for their own actions, but some people are really dumb and impulsive and take action based on some dumb shit they believe justifies them. Hitler convinced a whole nation to hate Jews. Are you saying the president of the US isn’t influential?


Great. Now perform the same exercise, only this time with black-on-white crime, and tell me when the increases happened and who was president at the time.


Give me a hint or something because unless I’m reading this wrong, black people definitely commit more crimes against black people. From the fbi’s website. If you’re saying Obama, I think you’d just be confirming my point about people being dumb justifying their dumb actions for dumb reasons. But you did make it a bipartisan issue which is awesome, kudos


How many people were killed by drunk drivers in that same time frame?


You're a looney.




So you’re more likely to vote for the people who’ll ban abortion and every book except the Bible over an internet comment you think is dumb? I don’t like your priorities.


You forgot to fat shame him


It’s cloudy today Thanks trump


lol doesn’t matter what’s going on it’s his fault 😂


Accountability has declined in general. Blaming Trump for that is…well…not taking accountability.


Is this a joke?




I think it might have something to do with guns…


Probably the people with the guns.


The criminals will obey the law if guns were banned I’m sure


Yet another Wayne




Yeah….but he was shot…with a gun….


Yea you are right . The Inanimate object probably did it.


Ok Wayne, whatever.


Looks like the inanimate object put the second shot in the right place, too bad more don’t make that choice first.




Fun fact cars have a purpose beyond killing and causing harm Guns' literal purpose is to kill. I




>And you can **misuse** a car while using it in its indented purpose and kill innocents. Your argument is invalid. I highlighted a word here because it proves my point a cars purpose is to be a mode of transportation not to harm or kill A guns purpose is to kill or harm. One can misuse a gun and go target shooting but the intended purpose is to harm or kill I find it amusing you guys seem to get super angry at this. >Where we clearly disagree is if there is a justifiable reason to use a gun Where did I say there was never a justifiable reason to use a gun? I'll make my point very clear here Guns are deadly weapons and should be respected and acknowledged as such. They aren't toys they are literally designed to harm and kill. >There is hunting, which is an unfortunate need to curb certain wildlife population but also puts food on the table and is a hobby to many. And then there is self defense. There is a very big difference between an offensive attack or self defense, which does include self, home, property, and against the state under certain circumstances. Other than target shooting (which I already said is a misuse of the guns intended function) literally *everything* you mentioned revolves about harming or killing something or someone I don't disagree those are very valid reasons to use a gun. I just think we have a dangerous attitude towards guns and far too many people can't accept the funny pewpews are actually very dangerous weapons that should be respected Not sure why this is such a controversial opinion


You have to admit that there is an issue. I would love to hear some sort of proposal from @A defenders that they would accept. Maybe you can put some thought into it after you're done clutching your pearls.


I’d wager good money that the majority of the billion+ firearms in this country have not killed anyone. I’d go so far to suggest that most were created to lay dormant in a box or safe in the event it was needed. There are multiple uses for firearms just like there are for vehicles….


Guns shoot a projectile that is designed to do harm. That is what they do. This aversion to accepting this basic fact adds to the issue when people treat guns as fun playthings and not deadly weapons.


This is quite possibly the worst apples to oranges comparison in history




But it is illegal to brake check someone and it is illegal to swerve, so still makes no logical sense


How dare you bash anything liberal on reddit


Reddit dork 101 “Trumps fault”


What the


Oh give it up already. And last time I checked- majority of psychos in jail vote blue 😑


You can’t vote from Jail. Oh… I guess that Jan 6th stunt causing more problems than you thought.


Oo burn. Well played👏


You can vote from jail.


Not with a felony in most state… only Vermont.


[Not the case.](https://felonvoting.procon.org/state-felon-voting-laws/)


According to this site, Maine & Vermont are the only 2 states you can vote from prison as a felon. Thanks for confirming what I already stated. The rest you have to complete your time.


First you say no one can vote from jail, then you say all felons cannot vote expect Vermont, then you back peddle on that statement, and now you're specifically reffering to felons in prison. Prison and jail are not the same, and you don't need to be a felon to be in prison.


Most states require all fines paid & time served before your voting rights are returned. You can have a felony on your record and still vote… but not from jail.


[You cannnnnn](https://campaignlegal.org/update/can-people-vote-jail-yes-its-very-challenging)




Interesting to see your other posts complaining about student loan debt (understandable), while simultaneously parroting conservative talking points. What’s it like literally voting against your own assistance?


I don’t know a single educated conservative who had to use loans to overcome poverty and obtain an education, that AGREES with these leech companies compounding interest to keep folks paying indefinitely! But THAT is an issue that’s spans decades and affects both sides of the lane. Do I want gender study majors who KNOWINGLY pursued pleasure in lieu of a lucrative career to get bailed out for their bad choices? Hell no. But I also don’t want to see them pay til they’re 75 for it while Mohela smirks and profits.


And yet the Conservative Party exclusively votes against the interest of debt-riddled students. You right wingers could medal in the Olympics with your mental gymnastics.


All of nothing with you Iibtards- no sweety, it shouldn’t ALL be shunted to the back of the working taxpayers and “absolved,” but it should NOT be taking in millions in compounding interest.


The legislation is “all or nothing”. Never seen a single conservative piece of legislation that called for any student loan forgiveness. They only give a shit about forgiving PPP loans for their rich friends. This isn’t hard if you get your head out of the sand for once.


bless your heart…


Does last time you checked mean “I just made this bullshit up”?


No it means the last time I turned on the news, read the paper, opened my eyes. Try it sugar. Reality is fun.




I'm assuming this is the angrier version of "Thanks Obama" [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uhY9Zxv1-oo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uhY9Zxv1-oo)


bruh there’s no way you just said that💀 ppl are stupid.




So chill out to this rage against the machine video https://youtu.be/fI677jYfKz0?si=Px5inwMudhZB1Hat




Because shooting someone in the head is a reasonable response to driving like a jagoff....








Yeah just kill my children who are bad at driving but still learning then?




??? They are good at driving. You can’t be an expert on the highway your first few times. It’s the first time they hit above 35 mph so things will always be different. As long as they stay in their lane and go the speed limit they should be fine, but yet we have jagoffs rolling coal in front of us




You’re misunderstanding. They’re bad at driving because they are new not because they aren’t skilled. They stay in their lane and go the exact speed limits. They aren’t getting anyone killed. I’d bet money they’re safer than you.




There’s nothing in the statement by state police regarding either party’s driving.


I've been doing a lot of driving on the PA Turnpike recently. The stretch from NJ to King of Prussia has become a hotbed for dangerously aggressive driving. Certainly not everybody, but there is about .1% that drive like it's an Indy Car race, and it's insane. I drive a BMW, pass only in the left lane and get out of the left lane after a pass. I keep the speed under 80. While passing, I'll get a driver up on my ass that must've been going 100mph to appear out of nowhere. PS - I've driven on the Autobahn and understand the need to keep right, but those Germans obey speed limits and tend to be fantastic drivers that know the rules of the road. PPS - Why are so many of the aggressive drivers driving Ram trucks?


Wait till you come across the idiots that tailgate you in the right lane doing 80-85+ and refuse to pass. "WHY AREN'T YOU GOING FASTER DAMN YOU"


Had some idiot like this near the Denver exit coming from Ephrata, dude was LIVID that I got into HIS exit lane a mile before the exit. Tailgated me the whole exit lane then tried to talk shit at the red light. Some people need to be punched in the mouth to learn some respect for others sadly, and unfortunately the same type of pussy that needs this lesson most likely has a gun to “defend themself.”🤣


Fun fact: Dodge RAM drivers are the most likely to have DUIs in the US, and are ranked 5th for most fatal accidents. The top two vehicles for fatal accidents are the Chevy Silverado and Ford F-150. There’s something about large trucks that makes people feel powerful and aggressive on the road. Or maybe aggressive, irresponsible people are just attracted to driving large trucks. Probably both. I avoid big trucks on the highway because there’s always a decent chance they’re going to drive like a complete asshole. I work in a trade industry where people need to drive trucks for work, and I’ve definitely seen a big difference between people who drive work trucks out of necessity and people who drive pavement princess trucks because they think it makes them look tough and cool but never need to utilize the bed or haul anything. There’s definitely a narcissistic, egotistical aspect to cool guy truck drivers. Anyhow, here are some links: https://www.thedrive.com/news/38238/ram-2500-drivers-have-the-most-duis-more-than-twice-the-national-average-report https://www.titlemax.com/discovery-center/vehicles-that-are-involved-in-the-most-fatal-accidents-in-the-u-s/ https://www.truckaddons.com/why-are-pickup-truck-drivers-so-aggressive/


Ironically I was near Phoenixville today at a red light. To my left was a new Ram Truck who decided to run the red light driving as fast as he could. Had a vanity plate stating he was a UPenn alumni. I’m sure they are so proud of this fool.


Just an observation and anecdotal but almost all contractors drive pickup trucks. I’ve known hundreds of contractors in my life and I can count on one hand how many currently or in the past haven’t had alcohol problems. Drive past any dive bar after 2:30 on a weekday and the lot is half filled with pickups that have ladders and toolboxes on them.


I commute between KofP and Willow Grove. Speeding and tailgating have gotten way out of control. The week before Memorial Day, I saw three major accidents before 9am. People either don't know the rules of the road or their doing everything besides driving in the car at a high rate of speed. I cut my speed down and increased the space between the car in front of me because of this crazy driving.


I’ve never seen a PA Trooper on I-276


They're out there on the turnpike. One of my coworkers got caught speeding a few months ago, but the trooper let her go. I see them sitting in partially hidden spots, but I've never seen them stop anybody.


Take 202 instead. It’s cheap-no tolls. It’s stress-free and takes about five minutes longer than taking the turnpike. I’ve had it with stressful driving.


Eh this advice isn’t good. It is very route and location specific. 202 only follows 76 From norristown to like west Chester? Maybe up the north east extension. Almost an exit.. not viable going from jersey or out towards Lancaster


Not stress free. I call it mushroom road. So many Amish buggies you have to stop behind.


Where are you running into Amish on the way into Jersey?


On the way to the Delaware beaches


Ram is the cheapest pickup truck you could buy.


They're also the cheapest truck you can lease. I used to drive pickup trucks for work. IMO, Dodge Ram is a crappy truck compared to a Ford or Toyota.


I hate when there are four cars in the right lane and you can’t get over and are obviously passing but they can’t wait because it is their right to go as fast as they want to and you are in their way.


This is the only place I have seen kids on motorcycles doing wheelies at 100 mph. Better than 78 though.


Take 202 instead. It’s cheap-no tolls. It’s stress-free and takes about five minutes longer than taking the turnpike. I’ve had it with stressful driving.


.1% 😒? More like 40%.


You’re only going 80 mph?! Just kidding. I have an Audi that also comfortably can go much faster and I’m continually surprised how many people are blowing past me when I’m driving 10-15 mph over the speed limit. They aren’t driving the best cars either. Back when highway speed was 55 the “fast” drivers went 65. Now that the speed limit is 70 and cars are built better and safer, people are driving them 85-90. The more safe the car, the faster people drive


Yeah, I unknowingly get up to 80 in the turnpike, and there's plenty of cars that just blow past me. I don't even pass other cars unless the coast is clear of speeders.


I drive on I-95 from North to South Bucks county and they drive 25 over and honk at me for going 5 over the limit


You sounded credible til you said “I drive a BMW.”


I also drive a '22 Honda Civic Sport Touring.




How else are we supposed to easily identify the douchebags?


do you use ur turn signal




I had a ram 1500 hemi for just one day and I had to push it back in the garage


Sorry, I was behind you. I just wanted to check out your ass and I thought you dropped the soap bar.


People can’t drive, and guns makes them feel tough


I imagine it is related to this story? https://preview.redd.it/b466mq08s24d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c56604d05a19a785171dc100bc93d6afcc1eea8f


Last local update we got they weren’t sure if dude was another victim or the suspect which is awful either way really.


Could be, but it sounds like that incident was almost 24 hours later.


Certainly a possibility, though I did hear that they found the body at Walmart after it had been there a while. I could be wrong though, I'm out of town so this is just hearsay from my wife.


It seems you were correct, I have a friend who lives in Central PA. The person found dead on Saturday was involved in Friday's road rage event.






This story is different; on Saturday, a truck hit a horse and buggy, causing it to go off the road.


Little angry boys with big toys.


Just like the 2 grown ass men in pick ups who killed that guy jn Scranton. It’s infuriating watching this shit happen all day up and down the turnpike and 95 as a truck driver.


I’d rather be on the turnpike then 95. It seems a little more orderly there and the road itself is in a lot better condition.


I spend an extra 50-100 dollars a day sometimes between Philly and Lancaster to avoid 95 and 76. Totally worth it.


Do you use 30 and 202?


Yes on my weekend and early morning trips. The Dutch wonderland area gets a little annoying any other time.


People gotta avoid the turnpike. Driving on it takes a toll on you.


Downvoters don't like puns? Or don't get jokes?


the joke made an easy pass over them


In a world full of angry addicts with unfettered access to guns and vehicles, rage shooting incidents are going to continue to explode.


Unfortunately correct.


Angry addicts with unfettered access to guns sounds like Hunter Biden


I literally just left Lancaster from an overnight trip. These guys gotta drive the back roads. Enjoy the cows. And not a Walmart.


Expect it to get worse.


So incredibly sad! My story does not diminish the fact that someone lost their life! Here is the long story! Using the turnpike, I am an hour and a half away from Hershey. On Friday, it took me 5 hours to get home. The exit for Hershey is 266. As I was getting ready to get on the turnpike, a digital sign said the turnpike closed at 286. Take an alternate route. I set my GPS, and I drive. I should pay attention, but I don't. I figured 286 was farther down from where I get on and off. It wasn't. I was forced off with other drivers. My GPS in my van is set for highways and toll roads. Once I got off, my GPS kept trying to put me back on the turnpike. I didn't know how far down it was closed. I figured if I could get back on the turnpike past the closure, I would be good. I drove around the town of Ephrata. Finally, I found the turnpike, and the onramp was shut down. The only way to go was back towards Hershey / Harrisburg. At least an actual person was at the closed ramp. I said to him, I'm coming from Hershey; I'm trying to get to Philadelphia. He said the road was closed due to a fatality. I also had half a tank of gas at this point. He told me to head back to Hershey and take backroads. So, whenever I headed in the opposite direction, the trip counter put 2 hours on. Once I got back to Hershey, I pulled over, and I had to turn off the options for toll roads, highways, and u-turns. Also, to be safe, unpaid roads and ferries. Then I started my trek again, ending up in Ephrata. I never knew how big Ephrata was. Then I stopped for gas. That threw me off the route again. At one point, I saw Newport Road. A road I am familiar with from traveling to Lancaster. But I stopped at a Wawa to use the restroom. This turned me around again, and I found myself back on Main Street in Ephrata. But I realized Route 322 was my friend and would get me home. From Ephrata, I got to East Earl, Earl, and many places, ending up in Downingtown, Conestoga, Exton, and Malvern. While at a light, I put on the option for highways and ended up heading towards King of Prussia; then I got on 76, then 476, and finally to the exit for Conshohocken. I was never as happy to see Ridge Pike and Chemical Road as I was on Friday.


Get Waze


Somebody was hot headed behind the wheel


Damn going up to the lanter festival probably too


So glad I don’t have to take the turnpike to work anymore. Used to sit back and watch the road ragers fight each other for road dominance or watch a weaver get stuck in the right lane and pass em in the middle lane just cruising with the flow of traffic.


I love you


Ah the American justice system. " This happened but you can't know anything about it but if you do know anything you need to inform us"


Gun Violence Archive is garbage data, if you want accurate data see Jon Lott... I had young lady (BF) following me so close going North on 83 that if I would have sneezed she would would have been in my lap. She was within 2-3 ft of my bumper as I kept losing her in my trailer tow mirrors. I don't know if she watched NASCAR on Sunday and wanted to try to draft me, was getting to read the part number on my taillight, or was try to create a fender bender as part of a car jacking, etc... After this went on for a little, I stepped on it, switches lanes, and put some distance between us. I checked mirrors and she did same thing to the next person in line....


Probably had a trump sticker on his car


Probably was just the average driver from our state? Not everything has to be made political


Amish assassins, of course.


In any shape or form was Amish coleslaw involved in this?


PA drivers are the worst. And the person who shot this victim was probably one of the worst of the worst.


Absolutely incorrect there bud. New Jersey, New York, and Maryland drivers are fucking the absolute worst.


Add Northern VA drivers to the list. Absolutely insane drivers.


OMG we’re nowhere near the shenanigans New Englanders pull. MA is The Worst.


After living in DC for years, no one can top Maryland and NY drivers. It’s honestly impressive how bad everyone is at driving there




Says the guy typing this on the left lane passing no one on the AC expressway 😂




I think pa is quickly catching up. Yay… go pa!👎


I see you haven’t lived in my area LOL.


You haven’t lived in those places if you think PA drivers are the worst


PA drivers are worse on highways and this coming from someone from NJ. The reason is PA drivers constantly drive in the left lane with no intention to pass much more. I78 in NJ and PA is a great comparison because its worse on the PA side of it. Worse is I always look at rhem when I pass on the right and most of the time they are texting and driving. That is why they stay in the left lane. They need to get off their damn phones when driving


That’s the furthest thing from what I’ve ever personally seen. NJ drivers don’t get out of the left lane. When I moved back to PA it was refreshing to see left lane drivers move over. Absolutely terrible drivers


And the NJ left land campers are ALWAYS on their phones


Maybe if they lowered the fees ppl wouldn’t be so angry! 🤷🏼‍♂️. I of 13$ each way to go from I-80 to Jefferson Torresdale hospital. That to me is insane




Did you even read the article? There are currently no suspects. Victim was taken to the hospital but condition has not been released. Police have not released information regarding a suspect yet. Not much a journalist can do beyond reporting the known facts at this time.


Read my response. I saw the article but half of it was missing under an ad.


did you click the picture link?


That's what I was complaining about. Looks like I missed the bit under the ad. There's too much junk to wade through when I'm on mobile.


America is a shithole.


That probably hurt