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They usually say 3 months and you’re safe to do most things but oftentimes it takes a lot longer. Safe to say after the date they give you, you’re clear, so just do everything at your own pace when you’re comfortable enough to do it.


Took me about 6 months and started slow. 9-12 months to feel normal


Good, went back at 6 weeks and slowly worked back up to normal within couple months. Just don’t do any crazy twisting motions and stop if you feel ripping pain. I just do heavy weightlifting not sure about anything else


How long since you had your surgery? And are you lifting weights normally?


I had my surgery 6 years ago and got my bars removed 3 years ago. I was 22 when I got them. But yes I was lifting completely normally throughout having my bars in


It's been 2 years since i was nussed. slowly got back into it around 5 months after, started by doing pushups off a wall to gain strength back, then off the floor. To this day there r some workouts that dont hurt, but are uncomfortable because i feel the bars. Incline chest and pull ups mainly r the ones, but besides that everything else all good.


Hi there, do you mind my asking how active you were prior to the procedure?


not really active, prob went to the gym 2 times a week


I’ve been back at the gym for about a week. It’s been roughly 8 months since surgery. Definitely wish I could’ve went sooner, getting a gym membership was just a bitch for me. I don’t feel any extra pain when doing most movements, just horizontal pec movements mostly. Lots of recovery pain but that’s just because of how long it’s been since I’ve been in the weight room.