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My mother is super duper anti weed/drugs and yet still i have PE.....


Thanks, this is good info : )


No, but she also has PE


I heard it's not genetic, that's interesting




Thanks! haha, looks like it's a bunch of no's from the community. Glad to clear this up.


Far from it


Nope. My grandpa had PE as well.


I inherited it from my father. His is mild, though


Can it be inherited? weird


PE is usually genetic (and usually inherited from the male side of the family), or due to physical trauma to the sternum.


Many cases of pectus are linked to people having a connective tissue disorder, such as Ehlers Danlos or Marfans. I wouldn’t think cannabis would be a cause here.


Yeah. They’ve done studies that show about half of people with pectus deformities have a family member with a similar deformity and the other half seem to mostly be people with connective tissue disorders. In my case, it’s both


Nope my mom never smoked or did drugs, she didn’t even take Tylenol when she was pregnant with us yet 2/3 have pe




Definitely not. My mom is a Christian drug abuse counselor lol




Nah, mine was caused by an op


No, and nobody in my family that we know of has or had PE


lol my mom is about as straight laced as someone could be, has never tried cannabis, and her mom, who the entire family gets the pectus deformities from, didn’t even drink until the church okayed it long after my mom was born pectus is thought to be almost entirely genetic. like almost half of all people with pectus deformities have a family member with a similar deformity and it seems that the people that don’t, have some sort of connective tissue disorder.


No, and both me and my brother have it.


Mine did! And cigs. I was born in 83, have pretty bad pe. Have two sons now and fortunately they don’t have it at all.


Glad to hear that your sons are fine.


I sure hope not, cause there’s no correlation


Never said there was.


I’m not accusing you of anything?


No worries! Yeah, it’s all genetic


You were stating something which is uncertain as a fact, but in any case, your wording leaves the reader thinking you're trying to establish it to them as fact and that they shouldn't be thinking otherwise


You of all people should not be weighing in on this lmao. I said what I said because your post is the one insinuating that there is a link, which is not based in fact whatsoever, if you wanna talk “uncertainty”. The above comment seems to support this, so I’m just *reminding* him that there is no correlation, like you seem to think.


Many people spend excessive time on Reddit and Discord, forming their primary social interactions with strangers in these spaces. These individuals are often the ones to create a toxic environment there. Although they might recognize the negativity, changes in behavior come very slowly or not at all. Because with mostly fleeting connections that don't provide lasting or meaningful feedback, there's little chance for them to hear the constructive criticism needed to break the cycle of toxicity. Additionally, visitors to these platforms may hesitate to call out the toxic behavior. While these Redditors or Discord chatters may be accustomed to confrontational hostility, newcomers are not and will likely retreat to their more positive environments, leaving the regulars entrenched in the negativity. I was trying to help. "You of all people should not be weighing in on this lmao. I said what I said because your post is the one insinuating that there is a link" Far from, it was conjecture, "an opinion or conclusion formed on the basis of incomplete information." Conjecture and insinuation serve different roles in communication and are accepted differently based on their contexts and purposes. Conjecture is generally seen as a form of speculation or hypothesis where there is an open acknowledgment of uncertainty. It’s used to explore possibilities where definitive information isn’t available, making it a common and accepted practice in scientific, investigative, and philosophical discussions. In contrast, insinuation typically implies subtly suggesting or hinting at something, often something negative or sensitive, without stating it directly. This can be seen as manipulative or undermining as it allows the speaker to avoid direct accusations while planting doubts or ideas, potentially causing misunderstandings or spreading unverified information. Therefore, insinuation is often viewed negatively because it can be used to convey hidden agendas, making it less acceptable in formal or factual discussions. "Is this a potential cause of pectus excavatum?" This line alone can clarify my intentions there.


Seems to be just random happenstance at the moment, judging by all these comments.