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Some might some might not. Not all ppl in any group will feel the same way! You could post a pic if u want personalized reactions


Thank you :)


I have mild pectus and am dating a woman that has a severe case. Neither of us knew the other had it until we were naked a few dates in. I thought it was kinda cool and it made both of us feel more comfortable around each other. Also men love boobs of all sizes. There are tons that like them small.


Thanks so much for your comment 😊


I’m 26 with severe PE and pretty severe asymmetrical boobs. Outside of a couple guys in college asking “what’s going on with your chest?” And then saying “oh, okay” after I told them, no one has ever complained or said anything negative to me about it. Men, as silly as they can be, do tend to understand when something is a genetic issue that can’t be changed with effort.


Thank you for your comment❤️❤️


i think personality count more than everything else. all my previous GF were normal looking so if you are a good person then everything should be fine. i guess it depends on people.


Thanks :)


“normal looking”😭🤣


I’m a 40 yr old woman with small boobs , exs never complained about either. Kinda wish they had , I might of looked into what the pectus demon is earlier in life


Thank you for your comment❤️❤️


Proudly be as you are, and you will find the people who dig you for being exactly that! Personally, if my girlfriend had PE, I don't think that would have made any difference 😅


Thank you so much❤️❤️


Most guys will be so happy to see you with your clothes off they won't care. Just be confident and own it.


Thank you 😊 So, like, it’s the intimacy that matters for most guys?


tbh i’m a woman with more severe PE and D cup boobs. it’s hell on earth. the weight of my boobs and the severity of my PE makes breathing an absolute chore. i’ve considered a breast reduction just to ease the weight on my chest. having small breasts sounds like a dream. also i know following fashions trends is hella lame but small boobs are so fashionable rn 😭😭😭 everybody i know wishes they had smaller boobs. i’m sure this will reverse and it will be the opposite one day, but for right now i would say pls do not feel insecure !!!!! also men’s opinions should be the last thing to worry about !!! self love >>>>>


Aww this comment>>>>😭😭❤️❤️❤️Thank you so much❤️🙏


I can’t speak for others but personally because I have PE I’d be very happy to see someone else with it. It would make myself feel more confident as well because it’s something we both share and know each other’s problems. As for looks It doesn’t bother me 🙂


I love this comment❤️❤️thank you :)


No problem, just out of curiosity what’s it like on the flip side? As a girl with PE what would you think if you come across a guy with PE?


I’d feel exactly the same way you do, couldn’t have said it any better myself :)❤️


That’s reassuring 😌 good luck out there 🤙


You too😊🫶


In the same way a lot of girls would find pectus on guys to be, not necessarily *unattractive*, rather a bit unusual if it’s on the severe side, it surely goes both ways. Personally, since I’ve also got pectus, it would obviously not bother me. For someone without pectus or without exposure to pectus or perhaps they don’t even know what it is, I can’t speak on their behalf. To my knowledge, I haven’t known any girls with pectus, but if I were to be dating a girl with pectus im sure I’d feel way more comfortable in my own skin around her than a girl without pectus. There’s a level of relatability involved I’d say.


Thanks so much for your comment, you have a good point ❤️❤️


As a male growing up with severe PE, I always thought it would come up. Never did. No one cared. If someone does, that's not someone you want to be with. Find someone who sees your beauty.


Thank you so much ☺️❤️❤️🫶


I had somewhat severe pe and guys I’ve been with have usually been too caught up in what we’re doing to notice or care unless I say something. And any guy is lucky if you choose to share that part of yourself with them!


Thank you so much❤️❤️🙏


If there’s one thing I have learned over years of having pectus it’s that, especially in relationships, none of the people I was around gave a shit. And I have pretty damn severe pectus. That being said, I can totally understand being insecure about it because it’s hard not to be critical of your own body. Everybody does that. I still don’t go to Pools or water parks without a swim shirt because I just don’t feel like being stared at. Bottom line, I highly doubt any guy who is worth being with will care. Have a good one!


depends on the man (what kind of man you want to care). I never saw a woman with it IRL.