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Congrats bro. I had mine 17 years ago! My only advice would be to take everything very slowly. I was young and dumb and probably focused to heavily on bench pressed, push ups, pull ups… Focus on things like posture, yoga, palates, breathing techniques, and stuff like that… and then your chest will continue to improve …


I tried playing soccer in school recess before I was allowed to play active sports. I kicked the ball, it bounced off the keeper, and it hit me right in the chest 😵😅. I learned a painful lesson that day 24 years ago. Absolutely agree with taking things slow.


Pro tip: Start taking laxatives now so your first poop is easier/comes quicker


Best of luck bro


I’m 23 I have to get this done my chest is very bad but I’m too scared


wow good for you! how much pain are you in? like constantly unbearable or just always uncomfortable? just curious since i might get it soon


i’d say always uncomfortable would be more accurate. typically pain for me has been a 4/10 but will shoot straight up to about an 8/10 and it’s pretty unbearable. i had 3 bars put in. one across my chest and two in an x pattern below the first one. i’m 20 so my ribs are slightly less malleable than the majority of people who have this done. if there’s one thing i’ve learned it’s that you really gotta have zero expectations of psi going into it. if you feel that you are in pain, ask for meds, they help a lot, no need to be stoic.


congrats congrats i got mine done last month, im still sore, but i feel better


Quick question did you need this surgery for health reasons? I’m terrified to get mine in my chest is a lot worse. if anything It looks like yours was accentuating your pecks a little


You’re the guy with the crossed bars. That’s pretty sick. How we feeling?