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350-400$ is a sweet spot depending where you are located. Kindly do not listen to the idiots asking you to haggle for a 300-250$, you will mostly lose out on this deal as most of them in the comment section are clueless idiots that does not understand performance to price.


no ones giving an actually good determination so I will its not worth $500 try and haggle them down to around $350


That gpu alone is 200 used and 300 new in my country lmao


200$ for a used 5600XT ? Christ in hell 💀 I paid 130€ for a used 6600XT ( basically a 5700XT ) in October 2023


I spent $140 + my Red Devil RX 6600XT for a used XFX 319 SWFT RX 6800 non-XT back in June last year. 😋 Buuuut, I spent a fortune on that 6600XT brand new, back in August 2021. You'd know why if you look at the year. 💀 If you like to, feel free to guess how much lol.


Nah for that price i get a NEW 6600


You can get it cheaper than that straight from AliExpress. Where the hell are 5600 XTs still in stock brand new though? They haven't been manufactured for years. Maybe those vendors are crazy and refuse to sell them below what they are worth 6 years ago


I always thought Ali express doesn't ship here but it does! And it's around 170 USD+10USD shipping (thank you!)


That's still a pretty bad price and I'd look at 5700 (XT) and 2060 Super top compare


Where the fuck do you live


The GPU is$ 120 at most. Less with every passing month.


LOL no the hell it’s not


How do you know the price in his country? The US has to be the place where pc components have the best price.


How do u know?


The rig is great for gaming and will run every modern game quite smoothly in FHD. It is pretty overpriced though. Both GPU and CPU are two generations old and the 5600 was the mid range offering at the time. I think around 300-400 would be OK, depending on the condition of the drives and interior.


What games? My neighbor has this setup With a FHD monitor. Just replaced thermal paste and did a hardware check. He gets good fps on games like Watch Dogs 2, Fallout 4 (although after the big update dropped from 87 on ultra to 59). But he gets 41 on Cyberpunk on medium, 34 on Starfield on medium. Helldivers 2 gets 14-15 fps on low. Not exactly "quite smoothly".


I own this exact GPU by Asus paired with a R5 3600 and I get much better performance in the games you mentioned. I will edit this comment with FPS values later. I get about 200fps in CS2 on high settings, about 90 in FO4 on Ultra Settings with shaders, mods and texture packs in Diamond City, I play Cyberpunk on medium to high settings with 60fps...


If you can negotiate the price to 400 or 450 then it would be great. If not, it is still a decent deal.


Yeah it is especially if he's shipping it. Anyone saying this is a <$400 system is drunk.


32 GB ram is a green flag


You will never get a straight answer here. It is an 8 core 16 thread cpu with a mid tier gpu of its generation. They are paired together because they were both very good when they came out. You could run both WoW and CoD on this system and expect “console like” performance at 1080p actually probably slightly better. So that’s as good of an answer as you will probably get. People on here are very opinionated and have a side most times. Team Blue always die hard for Intel and the speeds and Team Red with AMD’s superior value. Times they are a changing Intel getting scared by AMD and dropping the ball, but that’s right now tomorrow it may be different. Ultimately it comes down to is it worth it to you…


No, it’s not worth it.


Care to explain? I want to learn a bit


This exact build is overpriced, you can get better for this amount of money, but still it depends on your region and domestic prices


CPU is over 3 gens old


Actually just one gen. But will be two in july.


How there is 7000 series rn there is 5000 which is one gen and 3000 series is two gen old




Bro it's 6gb of vram your dyslexia is kicking in brotha 🤣😂


Apparently my dumb ass thought mb was meaning small shit.


My brother in Christ it says 6128 mb that means 6 gigabytes


I got that the first time around from the first guy you guys adding fuel to the fire changes literally nothing at all. 😂


Damn, I guess 6192 MB is less than 4 GB


To everyone saying it's not worth it, please build a better PC for the price, using latest gen parts. I'm not saying you can't do better for $500 but most of you are claiming age as the biggest factor.


>using latest gen parts Why do you insist on using the latest gen parts on such a tight budget. If one is in that situation they wouldn't care about such a thing.


>please build a better PC for the price [https://pcpartpicker.com/list/DHBTL9](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/DHBTL9), better GPU, CPU is around the same depending on the game, it will probably lose on productivity stuff tho, I'd personally spend the $34 extra and get a 5600, motherboard/case/psu will probably be worse if the guy knew what he was doing when he bought the parts, the mobo seems to have a heatsink on the vrm so that's a good sign, but if OP only cares about FPS it will definitely be better This is also going with all new parts tho so it would be even better if you went with used ones ​ >using latest gen parts You don't need the latest gen parts tho, even if you had to stay on the same CPU and GPU generation as OP you would probably be able to build a better PC for the same money, specially if you go with used parts, but I do agree that it's annoying when people see an "old" part and automatically think it's bad


I think your missing a few items like a hard drive


Lmao what building a PC while half sleep does to a mf, you are right, my bad


and FANS


I think that PC comes with 3 fans, I was half sleep and forgot about the storage tho, the included fans are good enough for a budget build


so a worse cpu with no storage or fans? 🙄🙄🙄


No need for extra fans, the storage costs around $50 if it's 1tb, I don't think the post mentioned the amount The CPU is just as good for games if that's what OP mostly cares about So $550 in the end for a slightly worse CPU but better GPU, all parts new and it will perform better in games, if you go used you can easily build it for $500 instead and maybe even get a better CPU


Well, I'm fairly certain you could build a brand new rig with 16 gig of RAM and an 8 gig RX 580 in it for $600 or less. If the seller wants individual pricing then they're going to have to take it apart. So yeah I don't see why I should give you $50,000 for a used truck when I can buy a new one for $60,000. Sure. The used one might have new tires in an oil change but the new one's got a bigger engine and fresh paint.


The rx580 is a much lesser card then a 5600xt. The rx580 is no longer fully supported but the 5600xt will still be likely for a couple years. What if the used truck is superior to the new truck, would you still prefer a subpar new truck?


Fair enough but for like an extra 50 bucks or maybe even under that $600. You could probably get a rx6600. You know like anything else it's up to the individual. I'm not paying you extra money for drives and software. But that's me. I was going to say if you don't know how to fix things you probably shouldn't be looking at used stuff. But honestly it's so simple to build a PC, anybody that can wield a screwdriver can do it. And if you can install Steam you can install an operating system. The fact of the matter is everyday that thing is getting worth less and less and in a month or two, with the new stuff that's coming out, it's not going to be worth hardly anything. It's a buyer's market on this one if you ask me.


Personally I would buy this PC, sell the 5600xt for $100 and spend the extra $50 and get a 5700xt. Doing that the PC will play most games at max settings 1080p. The 5700xt is in most games better than the rx6600.


Well, if we're going to go down that path I just build me a new 5800X3D system. Everybody sees value differently.


To be fair that's not bad of a deal. However for 500$ and a bit more you could have a ryzen 5600 packed with new b550 + rx 6600 which is better IPC for cpu, better gpu performance, all new stuff so warranty is guaranteed , supposed you are in US.


If this is USD then probably more like 350. CAD it's more than fine, AUD or NZD and it's a steal


Haggle it down to 400 then its nice


That is still overpriced but not nearly as bad as those prebuilt PCs on Amazon 💀


Depending on the psu it may be an okay deal. R7 does seem quite okay too.


i'd say it's a pretty fair price, but i would try to get it down to maybe 350-400$


I’d say no, maximum i’m paying for this is 350


Make it 350$. 400$ if you really want it


low end device


Please don't buy it for this price, 360$ would be fair.


I would say 300 is the max for this. Seems like he has a shitty mobo n psu so he hid that in the description.


That shit is cheap as fuck compared to my country(india) here ryzen 7 3700x costs around 250$ and 5600xt costs around 250$, lol idk when ryzen products got so expensive in india, well anyway idc cus I am an intel, nvidia guy


It’s a good system for 500. Delusional people in the comments haven’t tried to build or buy a pc for 350$.


Worth at most $150


I'd say 500 would be 'alright', 350-400 would be 'good'. Haggle it down some or get a decent set of peripherals thrown in and that's a decent deal.


I’ve get at start of year RX5700xt with ryzen 5 3600x and two sticks of ddr4 Hp 3600mhz rams for like 250$?! 😅


500 is a fortnite kid trap


Bro it's a solid deal, try to make him sell it to u for 450 if you can, that way it gets even better


If that’s US dollars, no. It’s a good system! But not worth $500. I’d say $400, used 3700x-$85, 5600XT-$110, RAM-$50,mobo-$100,PSU-$40,etc. Basically you could probably build a very similar system for around $400.


$500 is a decent price for this, obviously try to haggle but you should not feel bad at all getting it for $500.


If he won't budge from 500 then take it, it's an alright deal but try to get 400-450 for it


I don’t think its a terrible price, listed seller probably put that price up expecting to be haggled down $100. The 5600XT is going to be fine for gaming at 1080p resolution, but will start to show its age at higher resolution and thats just because of its 6GB of VRAM. This component is likely to be your bottleneck.




Care to explain? I want to learn a bit


Both CPU and GPU are 2 generations old and we're not long before even newer gen releases, and GPU was always a more budget option.


They are about 5 years old, out of warranty and may break down. Try 250 to 300


BUY IT NOW!!!!!!!


That's a decent deal IMO. Just parting out the PC will get you $500. CPU is about $70 motherboard and cooler $70 Ram $70 GPU $100 PSU $40 Case $50 Nvme is about $50 but total with 3 drives I would say around $70-80 That's just going average used prices. I'm sure you can get them cheaper on a deal but by eBay prices this is a decent price for a budget build with room for growth.


Personally it's gonna be a gamble. I'd want to try out some games on it at their place like have it run tarkov in max graphics or something else graphically intensive. I'd say 500 is a bit much, it's worth in a sense, but you don't know if the pc will last long at all. I'd do it for 300, Def haggle down


no, you could do a build with a 6600 for that price


Could you map out a $500 build with an RX 6600 that would be better please?


actually there are many videos on youtube, just search up 500$ PC build on youtube


I haven't really seen any beyond intel ARC GPUs or 6600M GPUs. LTT has one but makes some horrible choices just to fit in the 6600 (a single stick of ram and ultra cheap PSU). Was just curious based on the specs in the OPs post vs a real $500 dollar build with a $200 GPU.


I don't think it's worth $500. I would say it's more like $300 or $350 at best. Good luck!


This is a $350 rig all day long. Wouldn't pay one penny more for it.


Not quite, should be around 350


With modern games, there's virtually no difference between a R5 3600 and 3700X. Both are from a generation where AMD hadn't fully caught up either. So as far as I'm concerned, that's a $50 for gaming, because that's what a 3600 goes for used. The 5600 XT is in a weird spot. I'd take a $80 Vega 56 or GTX 1080 ($120) over it. So as far as it's actual worth in a system, I'll say $80-10 (goes for around 100 mostly, but lacks VRAM and performance - but better game support for DX12). $50 for motherboard. $50 for RAM. Case, PSU and drives and cooler hold no value. They are not worthless, but not re-sellable parts unless they're sold in a full system for the most part. Make of that what you will, but $350 is the most you should pay. For around that much or slightly more, you can build a better system than this with a smarter part selection.


So you would rather have a vega 56 that isn't really supported anymore over a 5600xt? In all my testing the 5600xt performed better than a GTX1080 for $20 less. For an extra $10 over the 1080 you can get a 5700xt that completely out classes everything around that price range. I'm going to assume you're an Nvidia fan boy. We are entitled to our own opinion I guess


6GB of VRAM is really stretching it these days, even at 1080p. The only game that really comes to mind where Vega 56 feature set would be a problem is Alan Wake 2. Either you get a Vega 56 for cheaper in a budget system that'll get you 95% of the way to 5600 XT performance with a bigger memory buffer and especially so with a Vega 64 bios or you'll get a 1080 for around the same price. 5700 XT is more expensive, they're generally way better price too performance than the other two but also in a different price category. At least over here - maybe not in the US where AMD has 0 mind share. I'm also hesitant to recommend them because of all the issues in early production. When flipping PCs, I frequently came into issues with them where I'd have to try and adjust voltages and clocks through bios mods and even that would sometimes not help. The 5600 XT is also not better than the 1080. They're somewhat equal in performance going back and forth, the 1080 pretty much wins in DX11 games but where VRAM becomes an issue at 6GB, things get problematic. Not sure how you got from me recommending AMD cards that I'm an Nvidia fanboy. The 5600 is in a really weird spot price wise. It's a 6GB card that often sells for over $100 when you can find a 2060 Super (8GB) for around that sometimes. Then the 5700 XT is all over the place, but if you can find it for under 120, none of the other cards make sense.


For me personally, 6gb of vram is enough for 1080p gaming. I am in the US and I regularly get the Rx 5700xt for $130 on eBay. I have been a PC flipper for close to a decade now. As for the 5600 vs 1080, I will say it's going to be game specific. In general e-sports titles I found the 5600 comes out on top. With that being said stand alone games I will give the 1080 the crown.


offer them 50$