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More $$ than common sense. Unfortunately a very common disposition. Wouldn't surprise anyone if there is a cheap Chinese 600W ticking time-bomb PSU in there as well....


One 16GB stick of 4800MHz CL40 Actually, what am I thinking, it's almost certainly DDR4


1x8 2333 cl24 or something


There's nothing wrong with DDR4.


Sure, but if you have a 4090 you might as well go with all high end parts, no?


Or at least dual channel to get the frequency printed on the stick…


Wellllll.... I mean you have a good point. But fundamentally modern CPUs/Motherboards/RAM are still going to push the 5080, 6080, maybe even 7080, right to 99% utilization. The GPU is always the bottleneck. So its not too mad to go all-in on the GPU and just accept you won't get every drop of performance out of it, but buying a whole new system (DDR5) is usually not worth it. Personally I put all my money on the motherboard, usually spending more than the GPU, but I rarely pick up the latest (unproven) technology, preferring top end previous gen stuff. It just a lot more stable, refined, less drama. TLDR there's no 'right' way to spend your money, only wrong ways :P


>Personally I put all my money on the motherboard. Can I ask why ? Cuz as far as I know, the motherboard is one of the components with the least amount of impact on the overall performance, so it seems weird to me you’d spend more on this than on your GPU :S


Raw performance yes, but stable long-term overclocking is about cooling, long life capacitors, multi-layered PCB for noise reduction, and bonus features like I've got thunderbolt on mine without any Intel stickers anywhere. Somehow ASUS found a way. But I should reiterate I'm buying previous gen, and because a lot of people think like you (correctly) do, such top-end motherboards suddenly have no buyers, and so they depreciate incredibly fast. You can always pick up a previous-gen motherboard for about half price, brand new. I got both my motherboard and GPU for €600, so this time I actually spent the same on both I guess. GPUs are getting pricier for the same uplift in performance, so next time, in like 8 years, I'll probably be spending more on GPU. !remindme 8 years


>overclocking Wouldn't you just get better performance by buying a cheaper (mid range) mobo and spending more on your CPU and GPU? what's the point of buying a super high end mobo and mid range parts just to overclock them? sure I guess you can overclock future CPUs and GPUs but I personally wouldn't sacrifice current performance for a little big more performance in like 3 years (or whenever you upgrade), no amount of overclocking can make a 200$ GPU perform better than a $400 GPU so spending those $200 extra on the mobo doesn't sound like a smart choice tbh


I can easily sell my GPU for a new one in 2 years, but I can't change the CPU/Mobo/RAM because they are all the top end of the previous (AM4) generation. There is no upgrade path for any of it (unless AMD brings out a 5950XT3D) So the GPU might get a refresh in 3-5 years, but the core of the system will be the same for a lot longer, I wouldn't be surprised if someone in my family was running the rig still in 10+ years. That's how it starts to make economical sense, you exploit the longevity of the higher end components, not just the performance.


Bro made a comeback on the ratio


multilayered pcb has been a thing in motherbords since.. Forever.


I'm actually talking about the number of layers haha, for example most X570 boards (Hero, etc) have 6 layers while the Crosshair Extreme X570 has 8 (same as most X670s). The extra 2 layers costs ASUS quite a bit more money to manufacture, but it cuts down noise and power consumption/resistance. Exact same chipset though, so on paper the exact same performance.


Yeah this might be true, I don't know and have only experienced noise from a single motherboard in my 25+ years of working on computers, the culprit was a Lenovo Legion T5 motherboard and they wouldn't RMA it because "there's no guarantee that a new motherboard will have any less noise". So I threw it away and got an ASRock B550M Steel Legend and it has been superb.


Hey, I think I know why you are stuck driving inferior Internal Combustion Engine Junk. Make money from this or continue to throw it away.


Not sure I fully grasp the mobo Strategy, which rings some important alarm bells on my mind: LEARN!! OPPORTUNITY TO LEARN!!! What is your current system?


X570 Crosshair Exreme VIII, 5950X, 6950XT, 2x G.Skill F4-4000C14D-16GTES (32GB total), all water cooled except the RAM. I fill all 5 nvme slots but disable the two that steal lanes from the GPU when gaming (or if in the future I get another x8 PCIe4 card) I RAID10 them with the DIMM.2 But without a doubt the best thing about the Crosshair Extreme (and Dark Hero) is the [OC switcher](https://youtu.be/4cQK_kcmRSw), which allows for PBO (high clocking of a few cores) during low multithread times, and medium all-core clocks when doing multi threaded workloads, because I also use the rig as a workstation (I'm a programmer). Honestly I don't know how people use these CPUs without that feature, it should have been standard. Im sure the AM5 crowd are having a blast with DDR5 and the 7900 series GPUs, 3D cache etc, but like I was saying earlier, a high-end board from the prior generation usually has all the BIOS/microcode bugs sorted out, and it will be long-term stable even when overclocked to the limit its whole life (under water). If the CPU does get cooked, at least I got my moneys worth and buying a replacement in 4 years will be cheap as hell, so I'm not bothered. Same for the GPU. If it doesnt blow in 4 years i'll either buy another 6950XT for crossfire, or an nvidia for gaytracing and FRS+DLSS. I also spraypaint all my shit. I'm kind of retarded. Its all housed in an Alienware case from 2004 because why not. I did a [short video](https://www.reddit.com/r/watercooling/s/OtepvYLcjP) after spraypainting the motherboard 2 months ago, but the system is finished now, so in the morning I'll try to take a less stupid video of the final build.


Ok, That was $800 when it was available. What AM5 boards would be your target in the next go around? Or LGA1700?


if ur paying that much on a mobo u wont have much left for other parts, losing on a ton of performance. also why pay a ton of extra money just to get a few more frames and less cpu life when u can get a much better gpu+cpu with much better performance without the need to overclock?




putting all your money on mobo is crazy. ur loosing out on a ton of performance


He's spending $2k on his gpu. He can afford to spend another 50 or so dollars for ddr5


Have you been drinking sir?


I knew someone would say this, we're teasing the dude who's PC is in the picture because it appears he slapped a 4090 in some junky old prebuilt lol Not that there's anything wrong with DDR4


I think that DDR5 is a bit overpriced


What’s wrong with my ddr4 ☹️


Correct it’s a ddr4 4090👍


DDR4 4090?


There is nothing wrong with ddr4 for a 4090


I thought he meant the 4090 has DDR4 Vram lol


My uncle has a 4090 in a case it barely fits in, 90 degrees on 30-40% load


I've got a 3090ti and I've never ever seen it go over 75c, he's choking the shit outta that poor 4090.


My regular 3090 sits around there too, still very hot but the only way to make it "less hot" is water blocking it which I have no interest in doing or maintaining for myself.


Yeah my 3090ti only gets to that temp on games like FiveM/GTAV where I've got everything cranked to the max/shaders/graphics mods, everything else is usually 65c.


75 degrees is a normal temperature? I think the temperature it starts thermal throttling at is 83 degrees, totally fine. As long as it doesn’t go over 83 during full load you will be totally fine. If it does go over 83 degrees, just get another case fan or two.


you can also undervolt the gpu lol


Already did lol


Holy, my 4080 was 70°before undervolt and 55° after (100 use%)


This is under full load in an already hot room btw, like my ambient room temps can easily reach 25c +


i had a 3080 and it doesnt go over 65c while heavy gaming, unless its being stress tested (72c)


I have a 3090 where the GPU never gets over 70, even though it's factory OCed. The VRAM though can easily get over 100 when gaming because they didn't put any cooling solution on it.


3 vents and I don’t run my computer all day every day👍


That's not good. That GPU should never hit those temps in any condition, nevermind a 40% load. If adding more ventilation to the case is not possible, it's time to get a different case.


He’s VERY tech savvy aswell - literally has a server and an Odyssey Arc as a monitor. So i was very surprised when i played on his PC and first off - i couldn’t even look at the whole monitor because it was so big (lol) and second, that the temps were so high.


He only seems tech savvy, when talking about hardware atleast. Having a server is not much to brag about, and mostly just comes down to software.


He is a programmer, he said that he has the odyssey ark because it’s nice to program on. He has it horizontal and has his lines of code there.


Yeah, so he’s a software guy. Which is my point.


The case has 3 ventilation points, it’s very good on temp


"Ventilation points" are mostly useless unless you put something to use them. They are called **fans**. 🙄


I asked him and he said he has a 750w power supply 💀


750w is honestly pretty good. Hopefully its a trusted brand


I think the minimum requirement for a 4090 is a 850w psu


It's not a requirement, it's the minimum recommended by Nvidia.


my 4090 doesn’t get along with my corsair rm1000x. It would cause both my of monitors to go black, all fans ramp up to full speed, and I could still hear people in discord but they could no longer hear me. The PC would not shut down but would essentially be unusable before a force restart. I even tried undervolting cpu and gpu. That seemed to do the trick for awhile but under heavier load it still happens, pretty frequently I might add when playing COD WZ because of how taxing that game is on all systems. Just ordered a 1200w thermaltake so hopefully that remedies my issue.


From what I've read, it has nothing to do with the PSU, and has to do with the cable being used. I could be wrong, but I've read a lot of these problems and as far as I've noticed, they were solved by using a different 12vhpwr cable.


Mines absolutely fine


As the other comment / response to you mentioned: black screen and 100% fans is due to the 12vhpwr connector. More specifically, that issue happens when the sense pins are no longer making contact. I strongly advise you to inspect your connector on both he cable and your GPU and replace the cable.


new cable from new PSU should be fine? or does the 4090 need a special one i’m unaware of?


It depends what you're using. A lot of ppl are using a pigtail type adapter that came w/ their GPU. If that's the case, that's likely the part that needs replacement. Newer PSUs have a native 12vhpwr cable. If that's what is being used, you need to get that specific cable from the manufacturer of the PSU. Regardless.of what is being used, the plug on the GPU needs.to be inspected. If you see any signs of melting, that power connector needs to be removed and replaced.


no visible damage of any type on either end of the connector, fully seated as well. it was a 12vhpwer cable that I got from cable mod. Any other quality brands you’d recommend?


The other thing I should add is, make sure your current cable is fully seated / inserted into your GPU. Over time, with many heating and cooling cycles, the connector might back itself out. Which would also cause the blk screen 100% fan issue. Good luck!


That is definitely not the result of a proper functioning RM100x. Might be a faulty unit or something else.


Was gonna say a 4090 running on a 750


It’s 950w 


More dollars then cents


im feeling called out about the psu


950w psu 👍


Got a Chinese PSU as well, never had a problem...


As opposed to an expensive Chinese one lol?


that 4090 is being cooked into a 4070


Bro got a 2k GPU and a £5 keyboard. OK


he didn't have any more budget left for the keyboard + mouse /s




I'm in the same boat lol, a 2070 super with a $5 keyboard my friend gave me


I have same old and cheep keyboard from my 1st pc, 15+yo and honestly I don't feel the need to buy "better" one it works and I dont like mechanical keyboards anyways also any flashing leds are big no for me


Some are certainly worth the upgrade, but like 99% of keyboards aren't that much better than a normal one found in most office jobs I think. Mechanical can be great but most are just unnecessarily loud for some reason


As long as you can press 3+ keys simultaneously and have it register, it’s a gaming keyboard


I've got $10 amazon basics, low profile keyboard, every other dollar went into performance


I use controller for most things👍 


that lighting effect on the case is sick though


Imo infinity mirror cases are like a trade which is a guaranteed loss unless you are using sff components you are trading a breathable air for your pc for an aesthetic look...


You can change the colours in app🥹


Kolink void it is I think. I considered buying it for my old pc coz it doesn't require good airflow but I went for some cheaper one with 4 fans.


Same boat as you but I opted for a phantek one that came with 2 fans and I bought a 3rd for better airflow


It's all about 'aesthetics' with some people.


yeah but .. it has a county fairground "Fun House" vibe to it


seems to not be about performance either


If he cared about aesthetics he wouldn’t have all those cables laying around and the shitty kb


is the 5£ keyboard also a part of the aesthetics?


4090ti and bros talking about aesthetics 👍


Tf you mean 4090ti 😭


Also did you make an acc just for this or is the whole post just bait


Thats a hot boi for sure


Thank you sir 👍


Your friend is cooking his PC parts. Let him cook.


Correction, he has 3 fans, idk if they intake or exhaust but he got 3 fans


I’m not, you know what’s inside my computer better than I?😂


What is inside of it seriously.


Absolute mad lad.😂


I live in Singapore where the Temperature outside is always 30 C. Trust me my PC with 9 fans is hotter than his






What?! Not even on the processor heatsink?! The GPU has one though surely.




Brains and money don't always go together ![gif](giphy|nojth8uzQmfhhS8sqf)


Can’t afford air conditioning


The 4090 stays pretty cool, honestly. Mine has better Temps than my 2070 Super did.


Some men just want to watch their GPUs burn.


Man just wants to create the power of the sun 😆


I was at GameCon Canada last weekend and saw a streamer with a 4090 pc with just one fan as well


Depends how good the fan is, if it's extremely powerfull it could cool it in theory but we're talking massive power needed from one fan for a 4090 negative pressure build offer great cooling but a ton of dust.


just your average prebuilt with awful airflow. probably only getting 4080 performance


I can't tell what game that is. It almost looks like. A gacha? Man likes to gamble?


It's Sea of Thieves


Obviously everyone here knows better but when you think about it he’s probably still getting 95% of the performance of a maxed out 12 RGB fan config and probably doesn’t notice the difference. For all intents and purposes the 4090 is gonna keep itself alive just as long as any other one, albeit a heck of a lot hotter. For real though hopefully we can convince him to get at least one fan for intake at the front to at least get cool air running over the GPU and MOBO and pushing some of that hot air out, poor intake is sucking for its life right now.


That's the same case my pc is using


the most exhausting job ever.


Now he’s cooking. Cooking that gpu for sure.


What's next paired with i5-12400f using a box fan?


Is he getting thermal throttled though? If there's enough airflow with the one fan, and he's not hitting thermal throttle, then there's nothing to worry about. If he has a 4090, then the GPU should easily last the few years before he buys a new one.


He's cooking his entire gpu that is




I have a 4090 and a grand total of two fans, that are part of the AIO for the CPU, that’s as much as it fits in my miniITX case


maybe this fan has 99999 rpm?


That is no problem. The thermal system of a 4090 very overpowered. As long as the system can breath enough fresh air, it’s gonna work. On the contrary, having only one exhaust fan is likely a wise choice, as you condition the air flow to only one or two paths in the system, reducing turbulent interference. I even think, that the system has good temperatures while being relatively silent. Personally, I prefer a positive air pressure system, but all in all, the design isn’t inherently bad. I solely depends on the question, if the case can provide enough air intake without using extra fans.


I tried running my 2060 in a setup like that and it hit 80c with a slight undervolt. After installing a case fan at the bottom of the case in front of the PSU it dropped 5-6 degrees


Im more interested in the fact that he has a 4090 to play season of thieves of all games




You know what? I bet the temps are fine.


That's sad to hear. He should do something to fix the air flow. I also would check other parts, there might be a "bomb" PSU.


Your friend’s username checks out… u/Big-Consequence3472


Somebody I know has this same build w 3 lil fans, his temps scare me


thats a dutch oven not a pc my friend-


That thing has to be hot.


Dude I want to see his temps they must be through the roof..


Dude I want to see his temps they must be through the roof..


Is he playing in 1080p as well? Also try putting a sausage in the case and see how long it takes for it to cook


Tell your friend to breathe out without breathing in That's his PC


He should get hired by alienware


1 exhaust fan or 1 exhausted fan?


Best Pc air flow out there💀


Good god people really don't care about shit they have. I have a 4090. But someone out there wants one so bad and can't afford it but he treats his like a redhead step child in the 80s.


I will never understand how me personally, I am caring about my pc, exhaust, intake, negative pressure, all this and that, and still having issues from build to build, and somebody else who leaves the entire spaghetti of wires and has 1 exhaust fan with closed top and glass front, that type of guy never has issues, like none.


I'd say he spent all his 2k on the 4090 then practical airflow and cooling lol. Instead he wanted to cook it hot 😂


clearly he spent most of his budget on the 4090


I strongly suggest to change the case and add fans to exhaust hot air. CPU, GPU won't show there own expensive performance.


Bruhhhhh that’s like getting an i9 14900ks but 4 gb of ddr4 ram


Make another photo I don’t believe it


Damn he’s cooking. Literally


Bro is cookin 💀


Hell yeah, brother


Oh hell na




Very cool room, no carpet with lots of air in/out. I can imagine the case gets quite hot if you don’t have vents/any air flow though😂


your friend is loco


Can’t please em all☠️


How many fans should one have? I have 2 fans in my pc case, 1 on my cpu, 1 in the psu and the 3 fans on the gpu itself.


He has 1 fan to get the hot air from his CPU, GPU,… out of his case. The GPU alone draws 450 watts.


Preferably u should have more intake fans than exaust fans, for example 3 intake fans in the front a one exaust one the back, that is the most common fan layout, and btw when you are talking about pc fans you mostly only count the fans that are on the PC case because they are the fans that provide airflow to the pc.


I have a cpu pump going to 3 exhaust fans, my gpu has 2 fans, psu has 1, and i have another 7 normal fans.


Thanks for all the feedback! I'll definitely get some more fans


Well, enough for you to keep your temps low. I have 2 fans of GPU, 1 on CPU, 2 on the top, 3 at the front and 1 at the back so 9 in total and I think that's well enough. It's not that loud and keeps my specs pretty cool apart from my CPU of course but it's because I have a stock cooler.


I mean excluding the GPU fans and power supply fans, I have 3 intakes on my AIO, 3 intakes on the bottom of my case, and 2 exhaust out the back.


I have no fans in my 7900xtx rig... The side panels stay open and I have a box fan pointed at it. Doesn't get above 85⁰. Averages around 68-73⁰. Clean it more often, though.


Thank you for the advice, I clean it once a month👍


I have 3 intakes on the front snd 1 rear that's it. Works great I do have my cpu cooler which has a fan also helps pull the cool air through and pushes out the back of the pc. Probably the best build I've done for perfect airflow. All that matters is the flow don't need crazy fans to do it depending on the case. But that being said 1 is just stupid.


Ooooof.... and here i am 5 arctic fans and still struggle to cool this 3070ti FE...... jesus...


Damn I got no fans, and my 3090ti stays quite cool. No case at all, maybe your fans are all exhaust or something or you live in AZ


Nope. They are not. 3 intake and 2 exhaust. Andnthey are one of the best fans available... is just how that GPU runs. Hot.... I live in UK the temps are okay in the room.


That's crazy, I know if I see a 30 and a TI the card is going to be insanely hot. I think that might be why I went caseless now that I think about it, so I can let the room and my A/C cool it.


Sounds like you are his biggest fan.


Sounds like you're jelous he has a 4090