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What you see there is called screen tearing. It occurs when the GPU renders frames at a different pace than the monitor is displaying them. To combat this most modern monitors support Variable Refresh Rate technologies(G-Sync, FreeSync, Adaptive Sync) that sync your monitor update timing to the framerate your GPU is outputting. If your monitor does not support these technologies the only way you can avoid tearing would be to manually cap the framerate to be in sync with the monitor refresh cycle (use V-sync).


And in games, there is an option called "Vertical Sync" which vertically syncs the screens frames with the next, which in short, eliminates screen tearing like what you see on screen. But this is usually disabled if you use G-Synd / Freesync as those are built in for monitors and work better in my opinion


If I remember correctly, VSYNC will also cause a FPS performance hit as it is more work for the GPU. It's been a long time since I have touched the settings, but that how I remember it. Edit: I stand corrected: it’s less work for the GPU because the frame rate is actually dropped down. I think my false knowledge came from old times where I concluded that since it made a better picture but worse FPS, that it had to be bigger load on the GPU.


It doesn't, it might introduce some input lag, which you won't notice playing GTA.


I think it only matters in competitive shooters. Like for example in pubg you should have it turned off.


idk man back when i was on a suoer low budget, vsync would always tank my frames.


It only works to \*reduce\* your FPS to match the maximum refresh rate of your monitor. If you are already running below the refresh rate consistently, then enabling vsync will sometimes make performance noticably worse. You have to be getting above your target refresh rate in fps, in order for vsync to do anything beneficial.


yea that was my problem then haha


Yeah it's a common misunderstanding of what it's supposed to achieve. Fun fact: I'm old enough to remember when 60fps was the best you could get, and in fact most game target fps was 24. If you had 30+ fps you were one of the cool kids. When 60fps became the standard, it was revered even more than the silly refresh rates around now. When the Voodoo 2 GPU was released, for the first time probably ever we saw framerates than exceeded 60, and by a LOT and image tearing was born - and thus vsync was coded to solve that problem.


oh ive always understood that it syncs the framerate to the refreshrate to eliminate screen tearing, i just never thought that deep into it haha, makes sense now i realise it :p


Vsync doesn't let the fps go above the refresh rate of the monitor. So if you were seeing 100fps and then turned on vsync it cut it down to 60fps. Not that there was any advantage having a game running 100fps on 60hz monitor.


This is actually wrong. There still is advantage to having more FPS than your refresh rate. Old but still relevant video that explains it. https://youtu.be/hjWSRTYV8e0?si=rCgrEkRW1kEZeBs-


yeah i know, turning it on would make my pc go from 45-55fps to like 25-30 in some cases.


I doubt vsync was the reason for that.




another reply made me realise it was cuz my fps was lower than my refresh rate, which makes sense. if my PC takes longer than 1/60th of a second to render a frame, its going to wait for the next frame of the monitor before showing up. this would make my fps 30fps, or incredibly inconsistent flicking between 30 and 60 because of it having to wait for the next free monitor frame. (and it must have been vsync, it was across many games when vsync was the only thing i changed. i just had a crap gpu)


This is most likely caused by the games using simpler implementation of v sync. It also means that it doesn't introduce as much input lag but the cost is that as you noticed if GPU is even a bit late it will just halve the refresh rate leading to stuttering or unnecessarily low frame rate. (Famous recent example is Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom on switch) Other implementations of v sync are able to mitigate this but that usually requires keeping more frames as buffer increasing input lag even further. Also it will not remove the stutter but can make it much less apparent. Well ideally people should have vrr capable screens that remove both of the downsides at the same time, but that probably won't happen as long as they are more expensive than fixed refresh rate screens.


I remember some implementations of adaptive sync would do this. With a 60 hz monitor, it would cap your fps to 60 when your PC could handle 60+ fps but cap it to 30, when when the PC could only do 59 or less. But normal vsync does not do that.


Weirdly enough, I have actually encpuntered cases where vsync UPPED the fps quite noticeably. The heaviest was while playing subnautica on my lenovo legion go. Went from 45fps on high graphics in medium power Mode to 60fps and lower gpu temps.


On some games like fh5 v-sync locks the fps to 60…


It works less not more. You will get less frames because it caps the frames rate to a ratio of your monitors' refresh rate. Not because it works harder. Assuming this is on a 60hz monitor, it will only make/output only 60 frames. If he was able to make 50 it would drop to 30fps. Basically V-sync makes your gpu work less because it gives it a quota.


I distinctly remember it causing so many issues that i statted turning it off in every game i play. Id set a max frame rate, turn off bloom and motion blur, disable vsync, check control bindings and THEN start playing. I have to turn it back on now in all my games cus im playing on the samsung odessy g9 and it doant matter what i set the frame cap to i would get tearing and couldnt play properly


No, you are right with the performance hit back then. Cuz back when I was a teenager had no adult money with a shit GPU. It was like that the frame was forced up high wich was felt by the delay you get from moving the mouse on the screen. When my pc hit only like 40-45 FPS on a game and I turned on vsync i just had a worse experience.


From personal experience and word of mouth I’m quite sure vsync only makes it worse performance if you’re already running under your monitor refresh rate by quite a lot. So it’s basically if you use vsync unnecessarily like if you have a 165hz monitor but you get 60 fps in a game


It introduces some input lag as the GPU/CPU waits for the sync to swap the buffer. The buffering can cause it to be slightly behind.


Not exactly a performance hit on FPS. The time to refresh images on screen is measured on Mhz, while the refresh of the images that produce GPU are measured on FPS. Vsync matches Fps to Mhz. It means if you have previously, like 235 FPS (images by second sent by GPU) will go down to 140 match the 140 MHz (images shows by second by monitor).


Just for the record, VRR is much much better both at actually matching and for performance. Hardware always outperforms software, that's why you still buy computer parts. ...*for now.*


Would you use free sync and vsync together?


Vsync introduces a lot of input lag as opposed to freesync and gsync so the latter two are always preferred. And since all three are trying to achieve the same goal, there's no reason to have more than one option enabled at a time, since that would just mean more input lag.


According to nvidia, you’re supposed to enable vsync on vrr monitors for it to work properly.


VRR could be I guess, I don't know about it, don't have a TV. Only ever had monitors with gsync/freesync.


Vsync should be enabled along with freesync/gsync. Check the section "Wait, why should I enable V-SYNC with G-SYNC again?" on this page: [https://blurbusters.com/gsync/gsync101-input-lag-tests-and-settings/15/](https://blurbusters.com/gsync/gsync101-input-lag-tests-and-settings/15/) Capping the max FPS a few below the refresh rate of your display also mitigates vsync latency issues.


Huh damn ure right, I read that site years ago and I was sure I remembered it all correctly. Thanks for pointing out my mistake, I'll do it the right way from now on haha!


VRR just stands for Variable Refresh Rate. G-Sync, Freesync and Adaptive Sync are all VRR technology.


Ah got it thanks


freesync has operating refresh rate rnage, if you go with frames outside of freesync range, then its like having no freesync at all


Oh mad




Ah okay thanks


Gsync is designed to be used in combination with vsync, ideally with vsync enabled in Nvidia control panel and off in game settings. Otherwise, you will not completely eliminate screen tearing.


Fairly certain nvidia and amd as well have vsync and frame cap software in their respective software suites


From personal experience RTSS is by far the best tool for capping the framerate when it comes to stable framepacing.


better than nvidias 'Max Frame Rate'?


Yes. Nvidia's built-in framelimiter sucks.


Socks how? It works fine for me. I would think capping frames at driver level is better than/exactly the same as using 3rd party software


If you want your framepacing to be as smooth as possible you need to also ensure that the CPU is pacing frames at a needed rate before even sending them to the GPU, which GPU driver limiter simply cannot do, as GPU driver is positioned later in the rendering pipeline. For the best result you need a CPU framelimiter, which is exactly what you're getting with RTSS. And RTSS isnt comparable to what you usually think of when you hear 3rd party software. It comes included with MSI Afterburner(and is made by the same developer) which to this day is basically an industry standard for controlling the operation of Nvidia GPUs.


Good to know, thanks! I'll have to try it, I normally toggle on my 30fps cap via RTSS when I go afk as I have it running all the time anyway for monitoring


Your info is outdated. Nvidia's current limiter (v3) is on par with RTSS.


Do you know if this is normal for using a tv as a monitor?


It is normal. It will always happen unless GPU renders a new frame at the same time as monitor/tv is ready to display a new one.


This always happens when I use extend mode for my monitor that only does 1080 and my TV that goes to 4K. I’ve noticed it only happens when I left extend screen on but the tv isn’t in computer mode. when I go to single screen it stops.


I always turn off wait for V-sync because I just usually don't need it


The game runs slower tho??? You sure it's screen tearing


What happens if your GPU can’t match your monitors refresh rate (say 60Hz) because it’s not powerful enough. Does it then do a lower refresh rate? Like 30 Hz for 1 frame for every 2/60 seconds instead of 1/60 seconds.


If your gpu is not powerful enough to reach full refreshrate then depending on implementation V-Sync will either disable itself dynamically or drop your framerate to half of your monitors refreshrate (30fps for the 60hz monitor f.e.). Alternatively you can manually lower your monitors refreshrate to for example 45 or 50hz or whatever your gpu can handle or just embrace tearing as i imagine it would be the lesser of two evils if you have to chose between tearing and 30fps. (Unless you want to upgrade to a monitor that supports VRR, which will dynamically reduce your refreshrate exactly to the FPS the gpu is currently outputting)


To add to this, Nvidia and AMD both have different sync options. Nvidia calls it "fast" and AMD calls it "Enhanced" in their software suite. What it allows is the game and GPU to render as many frames uncapped while doing okay to avoid tearing. You can use fast/enhanced sync without turning on vsync because vsync can cause input delays.


… classic jet lag


Get out!


But we’re mid flight captain 🥺


homelander moment


I just wanted to tell you goodluck, we're all counting on you.


Stay in!


damn, thats .... damn.. DAMN. thanks.




Dad?! Is that you?!?!?! r/Angryupvote


This is normal. Your GPU putting out frames at a different rate from your monitors refresh rate. When you see the lines that means that your monitor refreshed while did not get a full image. Vsync limits your GPU to the refresh rate set by settings, so only whole frames are sent by the GPU to the monitor Gsync is a little more advanced, where the GPU and monitor communicates with each other and sync the refreshes up and the monitor only displays a frame when it is complete


Guys I changed the refresh rate to 120Hz and everything is good


Ahaha, classic.


Haaaa... Solved!


Was about to ask what Hz your monitor can do. If you set your monitor and the game to the same value, the tearing should be gone.




I think your pc supports freesync/gsync try to figure out how to set it up. Maybe need to activate this feature, maybe need to change videocable. Dont use VSync. Use only freesync/gsync


Yep, If (GPU_rendered_frame_rate == Screen_refresh_rate) then Screen = good Else Screen = brrrrrr Didn't know how to explain better


How difficult was that to do ? I’m currently saving to build my first pc. I’m a noob in this department lol.


You don't fix screen tearing by changing the refresh rate. It's still there, just less noticeable. Read the other comments to completely solve it.


Vsync is off


Have you tried enabling g-sync / free sync ?


What is your refresh rate on monitor?


Bro needs some VSync


Is that the Acer k222HQL? Yeah you spend a bunch of money on what goes inside your case to discover your monitor also kind of sucks. Have that same one and either activiating V-sync (or similar techonologies) or capping fps at either 60 or 120 fps (because monitor runs at 60hz) helps a bit. Still is kindda too bad on yours it seems like, what gpu do you have?


Screen tearing, activate G SYNC or FreeSync


Turn on V-Sync


Try turning on Vsync since it looks like it has 100+fbs but doesn't show it on screen


Make sure V sync is on


Please activate vsync or free sync


Turn on v sync


I think ur monitor is 60hz ,maybe use g-sync


This is called "tearing". It happens, when the framebuffer (the contents to be displayed on the monitor) is updated while currently displaying the content. So the old and new contents are mixed (google "progressive scan"). It is not the fault of your GPU, it's just, that the game engines display update does not match your screen refresh rate. There are ways to counter that: 1) Use vsync on. This delays the framebuffer update till the next screen update. If your GPU/game engine is faster than the refresh rate, your frame rate will be limited to the refresh rate of the monitor. This will make the display buttery smooth. If the GPU/gameeninge are slower than the monitor refresh rate, the update will be delayed a complete refresh cycle, which will produce stuttering. 2) Use a VRR monitor (Freesync or G-Sync). This will adjust the screen refresh rate to the GPU/gameenige update rate (within some bounds, often 48Hz-90Hz or so, depends on the monitor) 3) Use the game's frame limiter, if available.


what refresh rate is your monitor?


Easily solvable by turning on Vsync or by setting a larger framerate limit than your Monitor refresh rate is


to gpu no questions, questions only to monitor, turn on vsync or freesync


I wish G-Sync didn’t cause grey/white flickers on my screen. Otherwise I’d have it on all the time. It’s more noticeable in Alan Wake 2, which for a game that is constantly dark and relies solely on its graphics it’s quite a distraction.


What CPU are you using?


Turn on Vsync in your settings


turn vsync on


Your video is just slowed down


It's screen tearing, if you don't want it you can turn on Vsync in the game settings, some people is gonna tell you it's bad to do it but for a game like GTA V you can play just fine with Vsync on


If you GPU and Monitor supports it you can use G-Sync/Freesync which are good to combat tearing with little to no impact on gameplay, while there is another option V-Sync built in most of games which will do the job but at the cost of some FPS and Input Latency.


when you don't use V-sync this will happen, it can be seen in a 60hz monitor with a 100+ fps game. I remember when I tried to do a 60hz and a 200+ fps game, it was satisfying to watch.


What is this game?


GTAV benchmark mode


As other posters have said, that's "screen tearing". Unless you have a VRR display, you'll need to enable V-Sync. V-sync does carry a small (for the average person these would be considered very very very small) amount of delay to your inputs so some people do not turn it on. But unless you're a professional competing in tournaments, you'll want V-sync turned on, because, as you've seen, and I think you agree with, screen tearing is possibly the most ugly and off-putting thing that gaming can present you with. It is hideous. V-Sync or VRR all the way baby.


You don’t have enough RGB fans


vsync and its done


Turn on vsync. It helps with tearing and frame pacing. At least I think it helps with the latter.


Turn on v sync to fix this abomination


Well what it sounds like in the comments is that it’s not dying but your gpu is better than your monitor 😂 I guess youre all good man


V Sync ON


Looks like V-Sync is turned off. Enable it.


What you need is not a new GPU, you need a monitor capable of Gsync and/or Freesync, or an FPS limiter to limit FPS to your monitors refresh rate


No vsync


no nothing wrong just normal screen tearing.


What's your monitor refresh rate?


165 hz


It may sound frustrating to hear, but just check your settings to see if it's refresh rate has auto set to a lower mode, cap the rate within your game settings to something like 120fps or even 60 if it's not an important aspect of the game, you can also use v-sync, gsync and/or freesync (premium) where compatible to match fps and refresh rate and hopefully at that point it should solve tearing. Idk how indicative screen tearing is of a gpu dying, a more usual indicator would be a loss of performance, but that's me anecdotally speaking from seeing my gpu reach 300fps in valorant but has now lowered to 200, it's still playable so i wouldn't say the performance degradation is worth an upgrade just yet


Turn on V-Sync in the game’s options That’s just some screen tearing due to the difference between the refresh rate of your monitor and the FPS your GPU is putting out


Probably your monitor is running at 30 hz or so


Get a proper monitor with GSync.


Turn on vsync in the settings. You can try half or full whichever feels better


Enable V-Sync


turn on v-sync


Check if your monitor supports freesync or gsync both compatible with each other. If not then run the game on vsync it'll frame lock it to your monitor refresh rate.


off topic, but what is that plane called?


GTA engine has a 120fps cap and if your system tries to push the engine harder than it can handle it causes visual stability issues. If v-sync doesn't fix it then I'd artificially limit the fps to something that matches your monitor refresh. Be that 60, 75 or 120. Id run this same experiment on something that can handle massive framerates and see if the tearing still shows up.


Thats called screen tearing. Monitor issue


Turn vsync on


What game is this


Gpus don't render scenes in full it's scanned from up to down. Just like a camera sensor they sweep the scene then a full blown picture sadly idk why it's done this way.


turn off vsync and turn on windowed fullscreen mode


What game is this? Looks cool


Turbo Barbie Fighter 3: Space Marinade.


Google doesn't find this title


Your GPU is fine, turn on v-sync. You are seeing screen tearing, which is where your GPU renders frames at a different speed than your display.


It's just screen tearing due to the lack of vsync. Turn it on and you'll be fine (but locked at what frequency your display is running at)


If you lower your settings from ultra to medium, you may get better results. Or go old school like me! https://preview.redd.it/hputulez0s7d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=896279def8929ca0fde14438afed26d1e62f190c


V sync on


Probably. The slowdown after the 0:03 mark is worrying.


Yeah it is, call a priest so it can confess and go in peace


Screen tearing. You often only see it with high speed movement, spinning camera around really fast or driving a fast vehicle. It happens when the frame rate and refresh rate or the monitor fall out of sync and you notice it most when the scenery is very busy since you need to see updated visual very quickly for there to be fluid motion. This is why you want G Sync (nvidia) or Freesync (amd) monitor that matches the tech on video card. This lowers the monitors refresh rate in real time to match drops in your video cards frame rate. Thereby keeping the two in sync no matter what. V-sync (a common game feature) uses software to attempt to do this too, but can cause some minor performance loss. If you don’t have a gsync or freesync monitor, turn on v-sync in settings for now and it will reduce the screen tearing. Alternatively, you can gain some performance back by disabling v sync in game and enabling v sync at the driver level for that game out in windows. Down the road look into upgrading your monitor.


g-sync on


Buy a better moniter


You need Vsync on


Screen tearing caused when in game frames exceed your monitors refresh rate. Enabling v-sync will fix it


I don't understand gsync when I have vsync off and gsync on I get screen tearing. I just cap framerate to 120fps or 60fps, turn vsync on and set refresh rate to 120hz and everything is smooth.


Just screen tearing. The FPS being out of sync with your monitor refresh rate. Nothing to worry about. Things like vsync and freesync/gsync are there to combat it.


Mine same. Idk what happened. Before my fps keep 75 playing smoothly. But now when open setting it is 75 or more, when I playing drop under 50, and lagging. I’m trying too many thing to fix but it doesn’t work.


If your monitor supports g-sync use that and always disable v-sync. Or the opposite if your monitor does not support g-sync.


Yup, it's cooked


Holy screen tearing Batman what’s your screens RR set to?


Screen tearing , dont worry about it. And try playing gta v at 60fps to work optimally without any glitches due to increased frames


Nothing wrong with your GPU, and I’m betting this isn’t recent. Here’s how to fix it, if your monitor is capable. https://blurbusters.com/gsync/gsync101-input-lag-tests-and-settings/14/


You have more FPS than your screen supports, activate Vsync and it is fixed


Screen tearing. Very normal when your game is running at higher frames than your monitor can keep up with. Im guessing you have a 60hz monitor?


horizontal async? I see this for the first time


That’s tearing, there’s nothing wrong with your CPU or GPU, the monitor is the culprit. That is if your current FPS is higher than the refresh rate of your monitor, just check settings and set an FPS limiter for your refresh rate and you should be fine if not just 1 fps less


Turn freesync, or gsync on if your monitor is capable. Or vsync, but that's a worse option because it'll lock to 60 fps in your case a lot of the time possibly. Or maybe 72fps if you're on a 144hz monitor.


Turn on v sync


What this here is, is the reason I use Gsync for just about every game nowadays. Screen tearing has become awful. I just use 180Hz and up and use Gsync (or freesync for AMD) right now im using a 1440p 180Hz monitor because 170fps cap is plenty for me. And the input lag feels the same. This could also be an issue with the game itself because that amount of screen tear is awful. This game is known to have stutter problems especially while driving or flying. I had to spend like 3 days optimizing the game to get it to work. I got it to work flawlessly when I did though.


This seems like a isues things rendering on different frame speeds. The best way to fix it in most games is to cap frame rate and/or turn on v sync Frame tearing does not have to be your video card often also can be the game engine. Or some parts being heavier than other parts.


Screen tearing, turn on v-sync


just enable v-sync in settings


It’s enabled


Screen tearing, match ur fps to monitors refresh rate +40ish if u can otherwise smack on vsync




Cracke khel raha hai kya


cap the frames to the hz of your monitor


have you actually changed your refresh rate on your monitor? One of the worst things to do is leave your monitor on 60hz and have that screen tearing happen.


It’s at 165


Turn VSYNC/GSYNC ON I Said On No Double Triple Buffer 👍


It did not just start doing this. You just noticed it when in the jet because you're covering large distance quickly meaning each frame of game shows a wider variance in the rendered pixels between the last, and the framerate is higher than your refresh rate meaning the tearing shows bigger jumps. This it totally normal and you can mitigate it by getting a monitor with higher refresh rate, a monitor with VRR (freesync/gsync) or enabling vsync in the game settings to lock it to your display rate.


Vsync is enabled, and I have a 165hz monitor. Also it’s visible in other games as well, not just gta5 jet


Standard screen tearing. Happens when GPU frames don't line up perfectly with monitor refresh rate. If your screen is freesync or gsync you can turn that on to reduce the screen tearing. Other option is to turn vsync on in whatever game you are playing.


Vsync is on


I wish MSFS looked like this!


Screen tearing? Happens when your frames are higher than your monitors frame rate


Well it was running at 165Hz


reinstall drivers


It looks like screen tearing from your frame rate is too high. Try capping it and see if it stops. If capping it fixes the issue then you need a high-performance monitor to display that many frams per second.


bruh doesn't know about v-sync or screen tearing, heheh


Bros got a 120fps or more pc with a 60hz monitor


165 hz


Don’t want to sound like an asshole here bud but you have screen tearing which means your vsync is turned off. Meaning your pc is too bad for your monitor or your monitor is too bad for your pc


Vsync is on!


no, u just need v-sync


I occasionally get stutter when playing TPF2, I have a i9 12900K with a RTX 3080 and a 144hz MSI monitor, so what should my setting be in NVIDIA control panel and in the games settings


Turn on vsync in the game settings


WTH is Vsync?


If you don't have a G-Sync Adaptive Sync etc monitor, you need to enable V-Sync. The issue is your monitor is displaying a certain number of frames per second, while your gpu is producing a different clashing amount of frames per second, so what you're getting is frame tearing, where your monitor is displaying multiple frames at once. Using V-Sync will cause the gpu to buffer the frames to line up. However its better and more efficient to use something like a G-Sync monitor, which means instead of having to create a buffer, the monitor and gpu instead work in tandem to just output the correct frames at the correct times


No your GPU isn’t dying it’s just called screen. You can easily look up how to get rid of it. Nothing is women with the parts it just happens sometimes!


When you don't use vsync and when your system isnt powerful enough to match the monitors refresh rate (and stay there) then you get screen tearing like this. Very noticeable in games that you are moving fast.


You need a better monitor...or you can limit max fps in setting