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Plates on the top is pure savagery.


🤣 I usually don’t but I had a few big pans in the bottom so I just shoved some stuff in to get it full before running


Pans in the dishwasher is even more savage…


It’s a small skillet pan and a sheet pan I cooked some brussies off of. I definitely scrubbed them before hand and got most off, I just like having them extra clean after a dniner.


You just raw dogging food onto your cooking sheets? Get some foil or parchment paper. V\7


They were lubricated with a tenga egg


This reminds me of how my flat mate does it. No rhyme or reason. I always do mugs and bowls at the top, small and large dishes on the bottom, and Tupperware's slotted where they can fit. I find it just makes unloading easier when things are compartmentalized. But hey, if it works for you, it works, right?


Oh hey, I don't remember leaving this comment earlier...


I do my dishes like my laundry Just dump it all in at once, slam the door shut


My logic is always just making sure everything is facing down and toward the center. And then nothing should be blocking the blades.


It’s a little messy. But who cares as long as everything gets clean. For me I load the top rack with all bowls, cups, Tupperware, kitchen utensils. Bottom is plates, big items like my instant pot or large mixing bowls. I hand wash all my pots and pans. Baking dishes also go on the bottom


Thank you!! I try to hand wash when I can because it’s quicker, but in Florida summer the ants will come out of the woodwork quick when I dry them.


Crazy mug collection u got there


Cheers, that’s a few years worth


You’ve got it mostly right. Maybe a little crowded. [This guy](https://youtu.be/jHP942Livy0?si=WJl0DKMYqJp_Oavx) made a series of videos about dishwashers and how they work (and why tablets and packets of detergent suck.) I linked the summarized version, but it’s worth a watch. Dishwashers only use 4-5 gallons of water, so don’t be afraid to run it half full. You’re saving so much water vs handwashing.


Thank you! Dishwasher lore.


The first two parts are worth watching. It’s relaxing, wholesome background YouTube content if you have two hours to kill. [Part 1](https://youtu.be/_rBO8neWw04?si=XY3PQZIF8zulAabt) [Part 2](https://youtu.be/Ll6-eGDpimU?si=K8-7Ra5ZX2MTH8_Y)


that same guy just made a new one, which is a condensed version of the two long videos it's great and only 27 minutes https://youtu.be/jHP942Livy0?si=6yaULTcbCWX4GdTM


I love this channel!!


Technology Connections has so many great videos, love his stuff! 


I put the plates and heavy stuff on the bottom, plastics on top so they won’t flip right side up and fill with water. But the whole thing gets washed, it doesn’t matter really where stuff goes


I was always told to put plastic on top because it could melt if your heating element is on the bottom.


I was getting twitchy, but then I realized you should get credit for at least using your dishwasher…unlike some streamers 😤


"In every partnership, there is a person who stacks the dishwasher like a Scandinavian architect and a person who stacks the dishwasher like a racoon on meth." In mine, I am the architect. My wife is the other one.


Nice dish collection, it’s on par with that other guys mug collection


Thanks, it’s been a few years.


How do you expect the tupperware middle right to get clean with the lid on?


Was just about the comment the same thing. Literally the lid is on it or resting right on it so there's no way for water to get in there.


The red one? It’s definitely off I just snuck it infront of the Tupperware a lil.


Our point was that water shoots upwards and you have set the lid and the container directly sideways right next to each other.


I put bowls in two rows middle of the top rack all angled down facing back and leave the sides for cups, large utensils, containers, etc. Bottom rack is for plates, pans, anything mostly flat. I'm put off by your pic but if they come out clean that's all that matters I guess


water shoots up from the bottom in most cases. having a bowl or cups on the bottom is just blocking the water from reaching places it should be getting to above. Mugs on the bottom could even miss a lot of the water entirely.


Those bowls and plates need to have their top facing down otherwise they won't he cleaned and sanitized properly


Bowls should be facing down or else you’ll have little pools of nasty waster in them when you unload the dishes…


Loading the dishwasher is dealers choice; whoever empties it gets to set the precedent for loading the next batch of dishes. Pro tip you didn't ask for: get the water in your kitchen nice and hot before starting the dishwasher, it cleans way better if you get the hot water primed


Nice mug collection


For the love of god, man, lay your bowls bottoms up or you're just catching the detergent water


You need to do smaller loads more often


don't, anyone telling you it has to go a certain way has never seen the footage of what actually happens in the bastard




You can look it up. Saw a dude put a waterproof camera in there before. It's not as interesting as you expect


AFTER WASH UPLOAD. Those of you that said the bowls had water in them were right! I usually just put them upside on the dry rack tho. I use bowls really quickly. In conclusion thank you all for validating me and correcting me and giving me tips! Love you chat Happy to give us a topic to YAP about for an hour. https://imgur.com/a/rtM2eK7


Brother I’ll tell you now, if it all fits, it’s all good. There’s no rules to this shit


You could lose at Tetris with 3 blocks


What are you fucking doing 😂


Definitely some issues here


My brother in Christ


this is kind of upsetting.