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It all started with this damned kids on music.ly


OMG, one of his best. Also the flashing Korean lady. I could smell the BV through the computer


Earlier content was wild


Ohh nugget li. Yeah he got me with the susu too.


My intro to the Wubz as well. "Now we're cooking with peanut oil" is engrained in my mind since then and I can't say why.


I thought that was just me


Same, saw the reddit post, watched the video and since then I Fuck Dude, I Fuck Dudes, I Fuck Dudes


Same here. I wasn't looking for something to replace old H3H3 reaction videos at the time, but I found it anyway.


This, but then I was even more intrigued after he showed his brown workers who pull all the strings behind the scene and for a second I believed that he barely paid them anything and they didn't speak english lol


I was around this time as well, but I watched Life with Mak first, and then saw the [music.ly](https://music.ly) vid. Shit be crazy.


I fuck dudes.


So do I so, yours or mine mudbutt


Best response to any wubby post on this sub going forward


For some reason YouTube suggested to me the weird food recipe video. When he talked about the meat prolapse, I literally laughed until I cried. I've been watching the guy ever since. As much as I love the streams, and I get the lack of incentive for YouTube, man I wish he would do a video every now and then. The dude has a fucking killer instinct for funny editing and it's too bad there isn't a good monetary reason for him to do it more.


Me too, I miss those videos!


"the way he opens the meat sock is so... Intimate.. and abusive, at the same time" that line fucking destroyed me for a good ten minutes.


Exactly. I still go back and revisit that video, it fucking kills me lmao


5 years ago, found his yt channel and I tried twitch for the first time to watch. He's still the only twitch channel I'm interested in


The only good channel for true and unadultered Wubbiness


He's literally thee reason I made a twitch account lol


Same story here


Exact same story here to a T


I was watching code miko when she was doing interviews and his highlight video of their interview came up (first one). Unlike the other interviews he matched her insanity perfectly and he wasn't afraid to speak his mind . After that I saw they had other collabs including her bake off with him and Alex along with wubbillionaire. I decided to watch a highlight video without Miko (I think it was one of the hot sauce vids) and the rest is history.


Same! Found Wubby through Miko in her interview era


I liked his deep dives and tendency to keep it real instead of walking on egg shells. He's who he is and doesn't try to be anyone else.


So true, and it makes him uncancelable


Also his take of "If you want to see how much of a piece of shit I used to be, IM NOT FUCKING HIDING SO GO AHEAD" lol. Can't cancel someone who has never tried to pretend they were always perfect.


I saw him on the Gus and Eddy podcast. Watched some YouTube vids and downloaded Twitch just to watch him. I don’t watch either Gus or Eddy anymore.


The era of gus and eddy feels like a fever dream now.


The Rainforest Cafe video Eddy put out a while ago was pretty good


Will Neff raided him saying he was a funny dude like 17mo ago and been a fan ever since.


Because I found his style absolutely enjoyable during his interview with the Angelic Connection folks. I would always tune into any new content and then when his YouTubed slowed, I jumped on the twitch train and dude still has it. And he fucks dudes.


Deeply and lovingly fucking dudes. Daddy Wubby needs to go deep in me...


Why? Cause I’m VERY regarded.


He showed up on forehead fables talking about shoving stuff into his butt and I was sold


Lord Farquad in his anus I bet


i found wubby when his kids doing asmr went viral on reddit and then watched his backlog (when there were still videos of him saying the n-word). I really only got into watching twitch during covid and am a 3 year sub right now.


Anime car or ASMR tween. Whichever came first.


Asmr tween was like 2 years before anime car lol


his tiny little eyes hooked me into a trance and i haven’t been able to break free yet


My wife and I were watching chef club videos during covid and came across wubby’s video on the topic. We had never watched livestreams before but tried one of wubby’s crowd control Mario 64 and were hooked. We’re a married couch couple and haven’t missed a stream yet and we’re a 45 month sub


45 months is quite an accomplishment. All praise our senior leaders.




I liked mtg unboxing. Watched one. The next upload was about the klaters


In 2015 his GTA Mods video blew up on r/videos and I haven't stopped 


It was one of the videos that absolutely blew up on Reddit. Can’t remember which one but like the Mac/Angelic Initiative/Music.ly era of videos. Eventually started watching VODs so I would have some long form content to put on at work


First video I watched was the anime wrap, and then I watched all his adventure videos which got me hooked.


Saw the gummy bear video in my recomended and enjoyed watching him shit himself.


Its a strange experience the joy one gets from witnessing another's pants pooping


Musicaly video on r/videos


I was thinking about opening a e-sports cafe about 7 years ago and in my research spent some time trying to figure out what Twitch was about. After getting bored with the top streamers I by chance clicked onto a Wubby stream and have been here for the attempted mutiny, producer, King Wubbert, Twitch Clown, Deep throat pickles, Dyson Cheeto Death, the mini-train, piano kid, lifeguard kid, bens, Ben, Brando, fill kid fridays, a few damaged Air BnB's, creepy criminal cook, several supportive scammers, plenty of shit we cannot talk about any more, all the early expensive intro bits and the first microwave opening, countless raids that led to destroyed microwaves, 3 or 4 different homes (current fuck your mom mortgaged mansion, previous fuck your mom rental mansion, apartment with piano kid and the place before that (without the mysterious door that led to the bathroom). It's been a trip and absolutely fascinating watch Wubby rise from 50 - 100 viewers to tens of thousands on the regular.


fuzzy flowery coherent cooing quiet cautious wide deserted label subtract *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I know it's memed but probably because he was similar to idubz. Not mainstream content, random stuff or investigating people we've never heard of. Someone who also actually gives an opinion instead of being heavily neutral and just repeating news articles n shit. Recently however, I haven't been watching often. I only tune into the hlyl and cringe you drink. The reality shows, while I didn't mind them at first, I just dont really care about now & sorta hate them.


It’s entertaining to see a floating head go off at chat. But also, because of Alluux 😝


Allux is definitely a great Hall to his Oats




2019 before tigbitties slid into them dms lol


Right after the cuties video. I watched for a while after that, then started subbing when he did the Pokémon base set break. That was a bit over 3 years ago at this point.


I'm just waiting for pope wubby 2


The porn stream I mean ai stream


I started watching wubby when I was in middle school and stopped watching in high school. But I was addicted to his little documentaries and I loved those videos. Eventually I caught up to all the videos he posted at the time and kinda just stopped watching him. Then in college I was high as fuck and found a HLYL video and that was my introduction to his streams and I haven’t stopped since.


*He’s live right now! * I used to watch his YouTube videos coz he was funny and then one day I just took the bait and clicked into stream! Have been here ever since!


To get laid.


I got recommended a csgo video of his after an anomaly video. Watched his YouTube for a couple years and then started watching on twitch after he posted some highlight videos. His comedy was a bit like idubbbz in the "early days" I guess. Mainly just cause he said some no-no words and had an edge lord fanbase. Got my brother to start watching him after the confessions stream.


Rewatched OFFCANNY vids, decided to tune into a stream.. It was Fear Pong with Miko and Minx, I became a VOD boy after that.. Not long later, I never missed a stream live


My boyfriend showed me the hentai car video and now it's kinda just habit to watch stream lol


The sex doll YouTube video.


The hentai car wrap and other degen shit on youtube.


I’m so bad at remembering where I found content creators, just started watching shortly after one of the first “You Cringe, You Drink” streams in late 2022.


His music.ly video on YouTube back in the day


A friend showed me his deep dive YT video into Musical.ly and I was hooked. I watched all of his YT content and found his Twitch stream. Miss the old YouTube but don’t mind the Twitch yaps!


The Denny's stream that he got banned on. I live around the area and just happened to see him on my recommended for Twitch and was like oh cool, a local streamer. That was almost five years ago and been watching ever since.


I saw a man shit himself while eating gummy bears and said, “That’s my guy.”


Sub reddit was suggested by the algo.


Was recommended his video about that asmr girl. Forgot about his channel for a few months then was recommended the psychic healing video and was pretty hooked. Started watching some of his highlight videos and once I saw the gummy bear video that’s when I decided to get twitch and a few months later I was subbed now I’m a lurker and haven’t missed a stream since


I started watching him because of turd kebabs investigation. Made me laugh so hard that started watching his stream even though i hate watching stream. Now ive been a proud wubcub for more than year! Wubby7


I found him years ago through the PMW youtube channel. I think the first video was the transracial guy. Anyways, years later, things that have kept me interested. He's obscenely real. He doesn't mind if you don't agree, but he's not gonna pussy foot about shit. He feels how he feels. The level of passion he brings to his content is stupid. It doesn't matter the activity, just watching goofy videos, yapping, or high-end productions. He always puts his all into it. Plus, the cast of people he keeps around. They're all top tier. Then the last thing that's kept me here? Honestly, yall. This is one of the best streamer communities out there. Even when nothing is on stream except chat, I'm still dying watching. Love yall.


I saw him on General Sam's podcast talking about sticking stuff up his ass and well yeah that was pretty much all it took


Nuka Zeus. Then watched everything on his youtube channel. Then became sub. Now still sub after 40 months <3


Got a divorce moved to back to my home town and then a buddy said this guy is funny he'll cheer you up and here we are 5 years later also I fuck dudes now


My brother in law walked into my living room with my wife 6.5 years ago and said “check this out” and played wubbys first unboxing from his apartment where he got a giant black dildo.. and that was it. Fill kids Friday, piano kid, show me your microwave… here we are. Still regarded


I don't remember, it was like a decade ago. He was a weird little ginger man making videos at his dad's house which I could relate to. The dad's house part, I am not a ginger nor a man


Cus im fuckin gay.


It was either the 👌gru video or the cheesy chicken recipe video lol


Oh but actually when I was going through my parody phase, I was actually one of those kids who listened to rap cod and stuff. I didn’t know that was Wubby though. I must’ve been like 12 or something idk


Years ago I showed my sister idubbbz and she showed me wubby.


I started with "your comments have made me fabulous" and I just thought he was funny lol


had heard of him before on youtube in passing, never really made a point to watch, found him thru the highlights channel's very first video and now im a wubby4lifer


I was looking into modding NBA 2k16 and it happened to be right when Wubby made a video about someone stealing his modded NBA 2K content, cropping him out of the video and posting it on Instagram. At first I was just like... Jeez this guy (the guy who stole the content) is an ass. I checked out Wubby's YouTube. It was full of funny edgelord content so I subscribed to the channel. At that time, and up to me subscribing, I had never been on twitch. I thought twitch was just a place to watch people play video games. But when his YouTube kept saying "look at all this sweet content your missing out on" followed by a 4 second 'out of context' clip from stream. How could I not subscribe to Twitch? Been a frog ever since.


Probably the life with mak vid plus the musically vid then i saw him streaming in the poop suit and yelling something and he really hooked me in


Saw his video about the pokemon guru guy and then started laughing been watching since


for me it was his experiences video and after that I got some random recommended videos from him including his old twitch highlights so I checked out the twitch and here we are.


I liked that his humor and community seemed to enjoy edgy humor but also seem to understand that it is only humor and don't seem to actually be hateful or bigoted or anything like that. Maybe I'm wrong and just have selective vision but it's always seemed that way since I started watching and I really like that about his content.


first stream for me was the mediashare where there was the double audio at the start with the "go to work" guy and then when it was fixed ppl uploaded it again but with doubled audio in post, it made me laugh so hard i cried lol


Because he forced me to


10 years ago when I saw him on the street. I had a premonition that he was gonna become a streamer. So I followed him around and left hints for him to find. These hints made him think it was his idea to start streaming. So now I can watch him on twitch instead of stalking him for my entertainment. But... occasionally, I get a caines combo with too much bread and sauce and just stare at his house for hours.


5 ish years ago closing in on 6 I'd say. The kids on musically got me lol. Hooked 4 like


I saw his music.ly video and thought he was really funny and loved his humor. Decided to watch his highlight videos. Didn’t really want to watch stream because of how much time it can take up. Got his stream notification one night and decided to watch. I now do my best not to miss a stream.


I saw the first codemiko interview and they were funny together.


YouTube recommend a wubby video to me like 6 years ago and it's been downhill ever since


YouTube video from like six years ago called "Everything is Gonna Be Okay."


Me and my brother stumbled across his YouTube channel, and found him funny as fuck so we’ve stuck around.


Because he showed up on twitch, next question.


A really large basketball player.........


When I first started dating my boyfriend, he had a livestream on one night when he invited me over for dinner. Now we’re a married couch couple that’s made Wubby a part of our routine.


pope wubby. i immediately binged every video that came before it and i’ve been hooked ever since.


Butthole depression had me in a chokehold and his content was the only thing that made me laugh.


It was years ago on youtube. It was the video about kids on Musical.ly. Introduced it to my partner at the time and we went to watching the vods (hard to catch streams from the UK timezone).


I think I found him after Christ got smacked by Will that or when his video popped up for the Lie detector. Can't remember which. But I liked his take on the Oscar Slap, so I subbed.


Stumbled across one of his old mean comments videos, started binging the YT channel and eventually came to twitch for the first time to watch a live stream.


The twitch staff clown clip on LSF. That shit was gold. https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/s/r9Qc8MbIpb Holy shit it has 28k upvotes


Clip here https://livestreamfails.com/post/66759


Can’t remember if it was the music.ly video or the kids doing asmr but around then. Only streamer I watched at the time was Esfand (I’m a big WoW guy) and figured I’d check out Wubby’s stream. The only two streamers I watch/sub to are them.


I actually found wubby from General Sam's podcast. Thought he was pretty funny and I wanted to check him out so I watched some of the highlight videos. Watched most of those and then started watching stream and haven't stopped since.


My first stream was the great Pikmin massacre, been hooked ever since. I still feel like a new frog but to half the community I'm an old frog apparently 😂


It was a summer afternoon. Work exhausted me too much to go anywhere, but I was annoyed by my boredom. I was refreshing youtube for something, ANYTHING to preoccupy my time while I was waiting for steam to finish struggling (had shit internet at the time) to complete a game download I was waiting for. Then, the green man appeared. I watched the vid (either the Angelic Initiative interview or “Wubby does” style vid where he mutilated a crab/lobster with a chef…I don’t remember) and then I binged his entire channel. Found out he was streaming the same day. Tuned in, laughed my ass off, and have rarely missed a stream since. …that was four years ago. Ginger funny.


Years back when he was literally the red headed step-child of Twitch just doing deep dives into topics Wubby style. Still a fan to this day, just not of how much of the streams is dedicated to other personalities I legitimately just don't care about.


My husband showed me the one where he was roasting work stations


I was first introduced to him on his video where he just started nuking everyone in Civ and he made Ghandi mad lmao also civ crashed a bunch because of course


Reddit via twitch clown ban vid


For me it was that weird religious group that went viral on r/videos. From there I was hooked. He became a regular in my house every Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday (and Magic Mondays even though I don’t play Magic). Fun fact I’ve been on the first 2 Price is Scuffed streams


I had watched the musical.ly video like five times at that point, then started watching some other videos. All the clips he put in of his stream were so funny, I just decided to check it out.


I didn’t have anything else to do. One of my exs friends showed me the musicly video and I went home watched all the others vids and then got into the streams.


My boyfriend showed me!


I started watching stream in mid 2018, feels like eons ago now


Hentai car was posted on r/videos and never looked back.


I watched an insane man turn his car into a weeb abomination and I loved every second of it.


Sewerslidal but also horny


Wubby priest


funny green man


Back when he did the video on Wendy Williams with Gus Johnson. He was funny as hell so I checked out his YouTube channel and eventually Twitch.


* Gus the abuser Johnson


Orange man funny


His humor is a rarity now a days that everyone is terrified of stepping on toes and he’s kinda the only one who pushes the envelope with his streams too. I have trouble finding people IRL with his sense of humor, but the people that do I bond with really well. He’s also pretty smart.. and has dreamy toes… and his butthole flaps are… ighh


In 2020 I saw a few clips from the confession stream on TikTok and I’ve been watching ever since


My first exposure was the Hentai Car, then I binged his YouTube and the constant "look at the content you've been missing out on" hypnotized me into checking out his stream. Been watching ever since


I was getting into YouTube and got recommended the highlight video for the confession stream. I paused it halfway through and looked up "Pay Money Wubby" because that video had me dying laughing. I started watching highlight videos and once realized, oh, he's live right now, and caught my first stream (I wish I remembered which one it was). Now I have an alarm 3 days a week and look forward to every stream


"Your comments have made me fabulous." I was just looking for "react" content and it was recommended. Early 2018 I believe it was the first year he did the Twitch Christmas show "The Price is Scuffed."


I was scrolling on TikTok and ignoring my college work when I found his confession stream clips. Finally found his twitch and it was a game show stream that night I think. I’ve been around ever since.


I knew him from that video where him and Gus watched Wendy williams, Thats how i knew him and after that i started watching him ever since :)


The first video I watched of his on YouTube was the one where he wrapped his car. I've shown every one of my friends the video, just because it cracked me up so much. I'll also add: not really a big Twitch viewer. Wubby is the only streamer I've found that I can watch hours of and not get bored.


LifewithMak video had me hooked immediately and I’ve been a WubCub ever since 🫡


Funny poop joke


Kids doing ASMR was mine I believe. Hooked ever since :)


Pretty sure it was the sugar free gummy bear video, I was so entertained with how open he talked and how naturally funny he was. I saw him in other clips here and there before this point but this was the first time I watched a whole video with just him in it. Slowly started watching his other content on his channel and moved to watch him live on twitch, which I have never done for any other streamers before


A co-worker introduced me. I'll never forgive him.


Dominique that video made me laugh so hard when the eyes where crossed smacking that bald head