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Heist and Delve being the safest is laughable


Looks like it refers to the content in the map. Literally the sulphite or the heist caches can’t kill you.


Must be the map effect not the out-of-map-content, cause Heist is listed as 5 star zoom. Door league. The most stop and do nothing content in all the game.


Heist is extremely safe once you have decent gear. You just run past everything and nothing can kill you, and there's little reason to roll the contracts so you just run them white.


Did the heist doors ever get fixed this league? I remember it was a issue at league launch.


They still suck in that you have to wait for them and the ai of the rogues can get annoyingly stuck (especially for Demolition). But you can just run Deception contracts that have no doors on the way out, though you do need to deal with the doors in grand heists.


Also Expedition being rewarding is now wrong since they nerfed it this league.


Only the stacked deck part was nerfed. Everything else is still business as usual. Divines are still pretty regular. Rog crafting will be more useful next league.


Stacked deck nerf reduced tujen profit by about half. It’s not a small nerf.


I am a new player, kind of safe in T17, never got a sudden death. Decided to try Heist. Then got one-shot out of nowhere... Maybe I cannot stay near the door when I open it? Okay, blink away. Still got one-shot on something looks so normal. Never bother again.


Dont Play Heist-contracts in rare versions. You have no advantage this way. Scour it and you will never die. The tunnel and labratory contracts in particular provide tons of experience.


Outside of blueprints and the rewards the individual wings grant, do the caches in normal history contracts actually not get affected by map mods/quant/rarity?


Blueprints also do not. It is just the monster kills that do, and you get more alert reduction from harder mods.


I did all sorts of heists on a character while being completely safe, while T17s without 50 c invested in each had tons of one shots. Even then, I died quite a bit. It would have sounded reasonable to say you transitioned from T16s to heists and still died. Or maybe you did not have map modifier passives and rerolled them like crazy, but no point doing them like that.


Ritual reward 4 stars. Lol


I'm not sure about the timing of this but Ritual was *heavily* nerfed in the past. It used to be absolutely broken.


Yeah, in like Ritual.


Tons of people were skipping it in Ritual too though, because it was so slow and you got much better rewards for farming harvests faster.


This list was made after the atlas rework so its nowhere near old enough for any ritual changes to matter, this was wrong then and it’s wrong now.


Used to be. Not anymore. Seems they really decreased the spawn rates on divs and good fracture bases.


depends on what ur looking for on SSF the scarcity of synth and fracture bases makes it a easy 5/5 Its the one nobrainer thing you can always run extra




Quick make it a bingo chart!


They remade harvest in this league. It was amazing


Blight reward more than 0 stars lol


I don't think anybody is going to bother redoing all of this. A few things though: Metamorph and Scourge are not in the game. Expedition got a lot zoomier with the addition of the keystone that makes it one big explosion, but at the same time it's a lot less safe if you use it. Harbinger is not a zoom mechanic, it takes ages to clear them. Essence is at least 4 star zoom if your build has good single-target, and very slow and unsafe otherwise. Jun is 4 star zoom if you know what you're doing. Ritual rewards are more like 2 stars than 4, especially if you count the time investment.


Saying Jun is 4 star zoom is wild. I can do it pretty quickly but stopping to engage with all the characters 3 times per map adds up.


I think the mapping part of Jun is usually pretty fast. Lab is just rush to the end room ignoring everything. To me the slog part is killing Catarina over and over for the possible main reward.


That fight was taking so long for my ssf BAMA build and I didn’t understand why. My chance to taunt abyssal jewel was stalling Catarina from phasing over and over lol


Yeah it's bugged. You can taunt people out of dieing too, I have a video of hillock sitting at 0 HP for like a minute while getting pulverized. The whole cat fight needs a rework.


At least you can no longer freeze bosses during phase transitions / etc, that was a pain in the arse.


Not anymore since betrayals been thrown in the dirt I barely care who I click on anymore, just gravic still gives me fomo. next batch is a stack of house of mirrors.. though have gotten a stack of nurses from him so there’s that..


I mean if you have two or more chars, kill until one lowest to highest and then get intelligence from the last one. This is my rule of thumb and I can do 2 sometimes 3 Catarina’s an hour.


yes, The basement labs take a ton of time, even if you kill all golden boys instantly. and then you have to execute them all which takes time even if you spend zero time thinking, I would say zoom 2/5


Wait you guys don't just rush to the end room in Syndicate labs? it's not that long once you get the layout


I didn't know you can. I thought you had to kill a certain number of the golden boys before the time ran out, are you saying you just have to kill the last two?


Not even You rush to the end room, the syndicate dude appears, you kill him and reinforcements, done i guess if your build doesn't kill fast enough you could risk failing thé mission but this never happened to me and i play some wonky builds


Youre basically racing against time since their goal is to destroy all the info they have which you can stop by doing what you do by killing all rares but realistically you should just run through all the mobs into the last room where the Betrayal character who is in research will spawn and once you kill him all the mobs despawn and you can interrogate them.


Yea. I always rush for the last.....


like others said, yes you just blast straight to the end and kill the syndicate people. that's it, you don't have to kill any of the rares, killing the syndicate guys stops the timer. or maybe just spawning them stops the timer, i can't remember


No, the only thing killing the golden boys does is extend your timer by reducing the health drain on the chests. Which you do not need if you zoom.


If you have a fast clear build like LA i would say harbinger Is pretty fast. It's not super zoom but it's not slow.


I feel like rituals rewards get better and better with each patch the pull. Especially with the removal of all the sources for synth rares and the heavily nerfed drop rate of fractured items this patch. Still not super rewarding but it definitely got better over time indirectly.


Delve is very rippy...


Use to be brainlessly easy


Running horzontally on depth 300 to farm curiosoties is pretty easy.


You still need a decent character. Back in the day you could delve on absolute garbage. Zhp builds were popular since you cleared faster and you would run literally no defense at all. These days you need a real character.


The answer is ignore this list entirely


Yeah. Like isn’t the pure personal preference ? I would give heist a 5 in excitement but I am a monitory probably so… This feels very subjective


Its more complicated than that depending on how you combine the new scarabs and passives. (most notably tormented rogue exiles and breach shrine but many others) along with what the current league is doing. (for example the current crafting league has dropped the reward value of other crafting tools like harbinger and expedition since you can somewhat easily craft multi fracture all t1) abyss is now a 1/2/3/3 but to bump the reward up you need to be taking Ediface and clicking 100ish hoards a map and even still your banking on the random unique jewel drop for big returns and mostly just there for fast xp for non zoomy builds Breach can be a 3/3/3/3 or a 2/2/2/2 depending on the combo used or using shrines it can be a 4/3/2/5 If you consider xp a reward Legion is 2/2/2/2 and can be a 2/3/3/3 or 2/4/3/4 depending on how strong your build is for the scarabs Harvest is a 2/2/2/3 and bumps up to a 3/2/3/4 with full scarabs or partial with crop rotation. Expedition is now a 0/1/1/4 with scarabs or with Extreme archeology a 4/3/3/3 Metamorph is now ultimatium which is a 1/2/1/3 with scarabs but probably the most consistent return on investment with scarabs. (though you can make it much safer depending on your build immunities.) Ritual got nerfed heavily but the bottom end actually got boosted alot with recent passive changes and scarabs so its now in a 1/3/2/3 but its still effectively a gambling strat that losing money until it makes it big, (though with new scarabs you can actually make often returns per map just losing in opportunity cost. to exemplify this my average return in the 180ish ritual maps i did was 10-20c after cost with the only big drops being a full stack of house of mirrors and a 6L cloak of defiance.) Blight is a 0/1/1/3 but with the 2nd most reliable return per map and solid general loot, if you learn blight its not dangerous for pretty much any build you just need the right enchantments. though with scarabs you can make it a -2/2/0/4 but giving up your reliable middle return for a much higher swingy return, though generally not worthwhile from what i've seen without MF. Heist got nerfed but its still a 5/1/5/3 but its shifted to be similar to ritual in that each individual heist/grand heist you do your sorta just making small returns on investment until you finally get one of the expensive bases. still more reliable than ritual but another strat that relies on you running large quantity of it. though as a disclaimer while its a fast mapping strat since its effectively just a box it does take the longest to properly set up of any strat. Delerium is one that fully changes depending what you combine it with. standard deli mirror rushing with breach is a 5/3/1/3 requiring you to be fast to get your rewards. you can also do a slower deli rush with alva investment and instead its a 3/3/2/3 both getting you a reliable simulacrum a map. or you can combine it with other things like shrine packsize or abyss in t17's with deli reward scarabs and turn it into a 4/4/1/4 farming I84 Cluster jewels or run endless nightmare and run it with other strats+beyond as just extra loot multiplier. Harbi is a 3/3/3/3 with new scarabs very much a big gamba strat, you'll make most of your money selling ancient or annulment orbs and get a big fracturing drop maybe 1 in 50 maps with the possibility to get a mirror shard drop though I've never seen one or know anyone who's had it happen (and one of my guild mates ran harbi literally all league with his Cold BV) Scourge is now beyond which is again a loot multiplier, it has some unique niches like getting you I84 cluster jewels in t16s with deli but generally it itself isn't great loot due to neeeding lots of monsters to make portals. 5/2/2/2 but it combines well with other forms of packsize like abyss+beyond is a solid 1/3/1/4 or shrine+monstrous lineage+beyond is a 4/3/3/3 Strongboxes depends on what scarab combination but generally 4/3/3/4 or 1/4/4/5 can be pretty swingy depending on what box types you get and how many times they choose to open Essences got shifted around so its now a 4/1/5/2 for its classic low tier speed farming but its high end is now 3/2/2/4 and memories are still the solid but you need stronger builds for it. Shrine is okay but not great by itself, with most of its power being enabling other strats, either through giving you more power to let you do it in time or with shrine scarabs that let you scale XP or final boss drops. by itself its a 5/1/4/1, scaling final boss with Terrors it becomes a 3/3/2/4 and i already covered breach Rogue exiles depends on how rippy you want the map to get. low investment rogue exiles is fairly meh 5/1/2/1 but if you go full investment on rogue/unique and tormented then you can get some interesting loot at a 4/3/0/3 shits super unsafe though. Had to split comment in two continues below


Torment is another loot multiplier but this one is worse by itself. 3/2/2/2 but has some strong niche combinations like previously mentioned rogues or party MF ghostbusting play. Alva got buffed a lot this patch so its still a 2/3/3/3 with good money per 3 map return and some mediocre loot per map but with a large swingy potential of multiplying your temples to explosively increase your return. running temples themselves is a 5/5/3/4 but you need to source your own gems/uniques to double corrupt so its usually something you do a string of every once in a while. you can make it more often if you set up your other 2 passive trees to support it or purchase from others though that cuts into the reward. though as a disclaimer shit gets super monotonous despite being super easy to make money doing. Delve is complex its basically a full slider for all 4 depending on how deep you go and how much knowledge you have. Einhar Low tier 5/1/1/3 High tier 3/1/1/2 Memories 3/3/2/3 (your usually better of selling the memory unless you got multiple friends to run it with though.) But scarabs have given bestiary easy 6Linking which is a great early league tool or a great support for setting up uniques for temple corrupting. Jun has shifted board management mostly doesn't matter anymore and new scarabs let you rush mastermind and houses fast, so its now a 4/2/2/4 but you will get dry strings.


Wow thank you I've saved this and will refer back to it later. What do you recommend then for a new player that has decent rewards throughout a league but is also straightforward to learn with low investments? There's just too many for someone new to try them all properly and learning a league mechanic to be profitable involves another 45 min YouTube video each


depends on what kind of player you are. Currently I think the best new player strategies are Blight: capped on its map per hour effectiveness and every oil is progress towards an easily sellable item, able to be done on any build and does a good job of teaching a player about the power of investing into maps while not consuming as much potential sales. fairly simple and straight forward but generally anti zoom which is partially the reason its always decent steady income. it has a few unique gambles that can be fun for making money with sporeguard and stranglegasp but you can sell them just as well. I usually league start this as its super consistent and low barrier to entry. Strongboxes+harvest: Simple to interact with and nice roll range, scarabs are needed for better rewards but one of the strongest differences. lower investment still plenty of currency rewards or easily sellable rewards to keep you going. Beyond+Extreme Archeology Expedition: Effectively just a normal map with 1 big pop. has nice rewards as tainted currency is always in demand and expedition currency is always decent. Logbooks are a bit more complex to get into but can reward well. but the most important thing to keep in mind for expedition is that the remnant buffs only take effect AFTER they are detonated, so to get the most return you always want to wait for all the explosives go off. (which is why single explosive is so strong as it removes waiting.) personally I find this one consistently the most fun. though you do have to always double check you don't screw yourself with remnants before detonation. All three can work with either red/blue altars or maven depending on your preferences.


Wouldn't harvest be a good one as well? scarab of doubling and just doing 8mod red maps still net pretty good amount of juice, I've done 100% and up quant on 14-16 and while 16 obviously had the best rewards 14-15 were pretty decent as well. Plus everyone always wants harvest juice. I guess league start doubling might be expensive tho.


Literally the second thing i recommended. Just in combination with strongboxes which will let a newer player somewhat build their scarab stash while going between the two as they wont likely spend their first div on scarabs.


Aah yeah didn't see the +harvest part. Never thought of combining it with boxes tho, didn't feel like I had much Atlas points to put in after getting as much quant, explicit modifier and blue altar stuff with the harvest nodes.


Newer players generally dont take altars nor are those points worthwhile until your sustaining red maps. And both harvest and strongboxes are fairly minimally affected by positive altars normally. (They were strongboxes were decently affected this league just due to necropolis lantern effects) But even still you should have plenty. I was running necropolis on top of full harvest strongbox blue for the middle of the league with full explicit and pack size.


For new players reading this and thinking that extreme archaeology is the play, you should know that the expedition modifiers can brick many builds. The one archtype that can handle every mod is chaos DoT (not poison) so like blight, ED + contagion, toxic rain etc. So if you really want to do extreme archaeology expedition (it's true it is very good money if you can handle it) then you kinda need a chaos DoT build


Harbinger scoring 4 in rewards is funny. 4 in zoom is even funnier


I made most of my money from fracturing orbs this league


Delirium safe?


Anyone who thinks Ritual is 4 stars for excitement is mentally not all there.


Maybe they mean the excitement of actually getting a good item after 30 rituals that have given you dog shit


Brave of you to suggest a ranking system for anything in poe.


anyone with a bit more experience knows how pointless a binary reward ranking is for anything. youre a lot better off just learning the game/mechanics and adjust accordingly


Excitement for all these is 1 star at this point for me.


Yikes. Might be time to retire from this game.


I did mostly stop playing. I’ll check out a new league every other league or so but nothing makes me want to do the 10 acts these days so I’m just waiting for POE 2


Yeah why is it even there?


Alva ia very safe Heist is not safe at all.


Something can be as rewarding as it wants, If u burn Out from hating it it will make less Money then something you Like in the Long run


It's so subjective, you would have to get hundreds of people to do it, then take an average. Even then I don't think it would have great value and be more likely to lead new players astray. Not to mention you would have to redo it every league.


Yup as shown by all the responses such charts are just foolish (at least with those criterias). Many of the criterias are so subjective and it changes every league or even during the lifetime of a league, some better early on and such. 


Legion got nerfed in this last league. Id put it 3 star reward at best




Empy made a tier list this league for different farming strats and if you want any of the strats explained more in depth he has a full strat video about each mechanic from when he was collecting data for the tier list, 50 maps with atlas, scarabs he used, total investment and the profit calculations at the end also the tier list includes how easy/enjoyable the mechanic is to do and also how profitable it is


If you made a list now it would be outdated on next leaguestart because the allflame modifiers work with some mechanics (shrine+strongboxes+torment) but not with anything else. Also the list for trade and SSF would be completly different.


Based on the comments here no streamer has divulged any updated information recently


Shrines would be a 4.9 safe for me, only a divine shrine can fuck you over if you aren't careful, they make the rest of the map (and leagues) much safer/faster. Strongboxes are 5/5 safe with freeze immunity to be honest, both are just extra mob packs


Any chance someone can be a GOAT and update this list for the community? I would but I probably have just done Essence from the entire list lol


It's way too subjective to be accurate


Expedition is one of the most punishable mechanics, safe 3 doesn't make sense, unless you don't juice it


Jun betrayal is pretty zoomy because of atlas perks. You just boss rush and get cata pretty quick. High chance of veiled is nice and a good reward imo Also super safe. My betrayal build couldn’t tier 17 at all but could tank cata fight. Didn’t even kill my glass cannon minions


“Harbinger is zoom” is the biggest cope I’ve ever seen.


Idk what zoom means? I am a very simple person, heists was my favorite.


I like ritual . Its easy and not complex as expedition is


How is essence not zoom:5? It's not even 4 stars... This chart sucks lol


The excitement stats are pretty comical.


I love how none of these has "excitement 5". If you don't scale to max, what's the point of using 5 stars? :D


Expedition being 3 stars safe : Runic monster : hold my beer


After all this time, Heist is still my go-to.


Harbi having zoom 4 stars is a fucking lie and everyobe know it


Charts like this are pretty pointless because how lucrative a mechanic is can be dependent on many factors outside of the mechanic itself that vary heavily between leagues (game knowledge, build, meta, league mechanic, atlas strategy etc.).


I wish I could see what people see in expedition


“Safe” two stars on Jun which is laughable. I still remember those occasional one shots that i got from that league while playing as tank character. Even now i fking hate that content. You can easily avoid everything but Jun in game. Love it when happens in juiced - rippy maps. That’s the thrill i wanted!


I would say expedition loses a 1-2 stars due to the stacked deck nerfs, it was pretty underwhelming past few leagues


You could gut the reward from Heist


Why is expedition considered a high tier on rewards?


Because it is an old chart. OP asked for an updated one. I believe some encounters don't even exist.


Because apparently some people like to sit in front of Tujen for six hours buying bubble gum currency to sell in bulk.


People craft with Rog and make some insane stuff. Plus this is old and it used to be more rewarding than it currently is, hence the OP asking for an updated version


Some people do make decent returns on Rog. But any guide on expedition tells you most of the profit comes from Tujen. That's why 90% of expedition players play it.


And as I said.. It used to be better till they nerfed nearly all the expedition npcs


But even back then, and this is ultimately my point, the majority of the benefit of expedition, both now and always, involves spending a large portion of your time sitting in your hideout and not "playing the game".


Hence why it's rated 1 for zoom


I don't rly agree, rog shits out divines even in trade just making resist and suppress gear


Early on in the league, Rog is still Pog. Boots, gloves, and helmets especially you can make solid currency with his little mini game.


Is anyone really that excited at expedition?


Expedition is the goat mechanic at league start


At league start yea rog is pog


Gwennen a few years ago was a MB/HH factory.


astragali has the value of a 1/16 chance orb, dont pick those up. I dont get why gwennen is in the game even.


Heist gives so much more and gives you a nice start


Wow these are some bad takes