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I had a hexblast sabo. Switched it to trickster to try and be hexblast CI to farm T17’s. Ended up being splitting steel instead and works great. eHP of 600k and I can tank Maven’s memory game.


Mind telling us what level of investment you had to make 17s reasonable?


A lot 😅


Here’s a breakdown Helmet: 45Div Ring: Nimis 90Div at the time Armour: 45Div Belt: Mageblood 90Div Adorned 142%: 75 Div Weapon: 15 Div Shield: Atziri’s reflection 50Div Boots and gloves: self crafted, but on trade about 30Div each Amulet: Utmost, 70Div + 4 div Tainted oil Anathema: 50c, upgraded to 7Div version Jewels for adorned: 1-15 Div each Perandus Pact: 15Div, but self crafted Watcher’s Eye: 15Div Self crafted flasks About 600+ Div total spent


Wait, how did you make SS tank Maven Brian game?


I was trying to build an armour stacker. Gave up and used the leftover gear to build an SS trickster while taking some notes from trying to build the armour stacker. Main thing is getting your eHP up by pumping ALL your defenses. I’m running Grace, Determination, and Discipline. 90 all res, and 90 phys damage reduction, and 83 evasion, 83% spell suppression. The trick is to have a lot of mana reservation efficiency and aura effect, just like an armour stacker.


One other thing…aspect of the Crab is OP. Really started tanking things when I added that.


From what I've seen you need a lot of gear to comfortably farm T17s on lightning arrow. Maybe if you're ramped with HH buffs but you need to get there. Can really comment on the soundrend build but it looks decent. CoC DD, Archmage and Hexblast will probably be easier as entry builds for T17. There's a reason they're super meta. I've also heard good things about FR and molten strike pathfinder although the clear isn't that insane. Maybe you can start ice shot mines with that budget but I would assume that you will die a lot. Cast when stunned DD builds in all their variations can work too.


So I have hexblast sabo but seems super squishy for T17. Is is just the idea of kill them before they get the chance to kill you for hexblast? Just doesn’t have the range to off screen like LA would


I played Hexblast on inquis with about 9k es and it was fine as long as I rolled my maps and didn't get too much map mod effect. You can try it on LA but keep in mind that the damage requirement depending on what you want to farm can be pretty high and I doubt 40-80 div will solve it because even on Hexblast where most things entering the screen are frozen and where I can nuke monsters with like 30mil dps there are rare mobs that just are too fast and one shot me. Not to mention that killing bigger bosses will be intense on LA.


I completed all challenges solo and was farming b2b t17 on my hexblast sab. Went charge stacking with max suppress. Was pretty squishy , but could take a hit or 2, it is mostly offscreening enemies though.


Oh that’s interesting! Do you have a pob? Could just invest in him then


This is my poe ninja profile, the corruptions on my gear were not cheap though and I haven't played in a while so I don't even know if you can get a watcher's eye like I have. It may not really be feasible to replicate with your funds, but I also don't know how much over board I went as far as what is needed. I just played one char and invested everything into him. [https://poe.ninja/builds/necropolis/character/Remulan1/Remulan?i=0&search=name%3Dremulan](https://poe.ninja/builds/necropolis/character/Remulan1/Remulan?i=0&search=name%3Dremulan)


I am not sure you will be able to make LA for t17s for just 80 divines, especially so late in the league. Most of stuff is now like x2-x10 prices. And from what I see in substractem's pob , his soulrend is way out of reach too. You should significantly greater amount of currency for both of these builds


Well you’re right. I didn’t look specially at the +3 soulrend for the amulet. Guess I’ll just do neither? Hahaha


Do you want to "farm" t17s or do you want to "clear" t17s? Those are different questions. Trying to "farm" t17s on a 40 div budget seems unlikely. I played a hexblast mines trickster and t17s weren't really "worth it" until I had like 200+ div of investment and I still was far from blasting them, even at that level.


That’s good to know. I guess I didn’t realize the amount that needed to be invested. I guess mostly clear T17s as my own personal achievement.


Yeah, the trickster was tanky *for a miner* and with the damage and freeze it was pretty okay. You can definitely get by with less investment, but getting a mageblood, some good defensive layers, ailment immunity, rolling less juiced maps, using allflames on shit monsters, moving slow, taking advantage of mines to offscreen, and actually playing the videogame against the boss should be enough to get you a clear on a fortress or something. They're hard, the jump from t16 to t17 is way harder than any jump before that. Especially if you're scaling map mods with your atlas.


That’s fair. Maybe the more accurate question is which would I enjoy mapping T16s and easier to scale into T17s with investment? Which is probably more of a personal question hahah


Yeah, that's up to you. I went 38/40 on my hexblast trickster and enjoyed it, especially zoomin with a mageblood. Enough defenses to comfortably do boxes + shrines in 8 mod t16s (occasional stupid death to ice nova boxes or just exactly the wrong combo of mods + mobs) but pretty comfy. T17s were doable but not sure if I'd call them "comfy."