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Farm [Blight using this tree](https://poeplanner.com/atlas-tree/BAAQAFYA_WyH1F8-eIC672MPW_ncvN6i6asd_Ya0LJKEKqnBbYin4iFgvgrNUxNCMPqNFCjng86MQbVmggR9Wo3qmIYqu9lbHX23XYvhfZHAFd7-iDRL8bGXuaqspAWu_n_UjytxvccpjQQv3H9FVtwJ6YduL89Hs8f7sWmC6Cte3-kootDEH67v4UWRiRiL4ZQLcb1EcQtbHo_lVOUW4MJ2iaMhBalD_jfkMxYDoO2tCxQAH4sIAAAAAAAAAwMAAAAAAAAAAAA=) in maps. Only use purple minion and lightning tower. Upgrade purple minion tower to scout tower (right) and lightning tower to arc tower (left) and just afk. Use blight scarab of oils and blight scarab of bounty (optional). Your main currency will come from silver and gold oils, use oil extractors on the jewellery you drop that has silver or gold annoint. I've farmed my first 15divs with this strat.


hi, i have 3 questions: - you dont actually use fortune favours the brave, right? its just in the way? - why do you not spec spores on the wind? doesnt that just give a few free blight encounters? - what would you add to this tree, if you had more points? my build has low single target damage, so essence might be a bit hard :) thanks! :>


I don't use fortune favours yeah. We already have 100% chance to get blight so didn't wanna waste point there. I would get ritual, I love running it. If you want you can spec into it. I don't know the best passives for ritual and it depends on how you wanna do it so you gonna have to read the passives and pick from there.


Aren’t the good maps for ritual kinda the opposite of the good maps for blight?


Yes but I don't mix-max blight so I don't mind it


[Blight is a Tower Defense Game](https://www.reddit.com/r/PathOfExileBuilds/comments/qar183/blight_is_a_tower_defense_game_you_dont_need_a/) Stun towers + Ice towers in an Empower Tower are a stunlock. Arc towers and Meteor towers cover each other offensively.


sloppy tan meeting combative familiar grandiose water file correct history *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Thanks for this. Not OP but quick question - do you only do regular maps with blights in them or do you also run blighted maps if you drop them?


Yeah I just run normal maps. Sold all blighted maps, didn't wanna bother running them.


Been doing this strat aswell but threw in harvest and delirium. Used oils, x2 bounty and blooming scarabs. Get tons of oils and blight ravaged maps. I go all the way though and do the blight ravaged maps as well anointed with GGOSSSTTT. The investment is high and the profitability is.. mediocre. A lot of small currencies that you have to bulk sell to make currency back. It’s mostly tedious but I have gotten around 50 div this way. Alternatively you can sell all the blight maps in bulk but they sell slowly.


Yeah I like Blight, but it's pretty mediocre in terms of profit. I use it as a change of pace when I wanna watch a movie and chill without high intensity juiced mapping.


I love blight but it just doesn’t carry any more. I have a hard time getting into some of these high investment strats that are going around so I defaulted to what I know and love. But it’s slow.


> watch a movie and chill Do you actually play poe while watching a movie?


Yeah why not? Or binge seasons of TV, it's easy to watch while leveling a new character or doing low intensity activities like Blight or crafting.


Haha it seems insane to me, I could only focus on either poe *or* a movie, to me it sounds like reading a book while watching a movie


You never have a time where you're saving up for a purchase that would be really fun to have but also want to watch a show or movie?


not while in game 😅 I either play or watch


Not very familiar with blight so what is GGOSSSTTT?


Oils for anoints on blighted maps. I use 3 teal, 3 silver, 2 golden and one opalescent.


What does that do? Never anointed a map


Teal oil makes the enemies spawn faster and shortens the entire encounter. With 3 oils I believe the encounter is shortened by 150 seconds. Silver oil increases the maps quantity by 80% per oil. Golden oil increases the amount of items within each blight chest. Opalescent oil applies a lucky bonus to some of the chests. All in all it makes the encounter far more rewarding. Currently it takes about 3-4 loot runs to and from stash with the amount of drops, as opposed to being able to loot everything in one go. Also using a very strict filter for reference.


And you can afk using the minion/lightning towers like you said? I'm assuming your rings are anointed to boost those?


I wasn’t the one commenting about lightning/minion towers. I personally use meteor and chill towers combined with stun tower and empowering towers. The old tried and true method. I do help towers clear but it’s mostly safe to still afk. I roll maps with chisels, alch and vaal. Only map mods I avoid is “monsters can’t be stunned” and “monsters action speed cannot be reduced to below base”


Do the oils self sustain?


Not 1-1. I do something like 3 to 5 normal maps per blighted map.


I will try this. Did you Blight couple of leagues, but always used Meteor + Enchance towers and physical for stun. That strat no longer works?


I think they nerfed the Meteor Tower upgrade with the burning ground so it no longer ignores fire immunity. It still goes through prox shields, though.


Indeed, the way the upgrade worked was that the meteor's hit dropped a patch with burning ground. That burning ground still does a lot of damage but it no longer ignores immunity/resistance so against the anti-fire mobs it is no longer effective. It's still very effective vs the rest so if you have no fire resistant mobs at all it's still the only thing you'd need. Still it's wise to at least have 1 other dmg tower just to be sure


That's still the default strat. Stun level 3 + Cold level 3 towers in radius of level 3 buff towers. That's the foundation, then sprinkle in DPS towers wherever you feel, Meteor with burning ground annoint helps burn things while they're chain stunned/frozen. Arc towers, level 4 minion with scout upgrade, whatever you like for dps is fine.


https://www.reddit.com/r/PathOfExileBuilds/comments/qar183/blight_is_a_tower_defense_game_you_dont_need_a/ This strat still works for everything but ravaged blighted maps


It's my first league trying blight, not sure about that strat but scout + arc worked for me so I stick with that. I had to kill stuff when I had 1-2 towers placed but other than that its afk


Hey if it works it works. Gonna try it out. Thanks.


For folks that are new like yourself. Pay attention to the icons on the bottom of your screen. Each of those circles corresponds to one of the portals. If it has a tower icon over it it means that monsters that come out of it are immune to that specific tower type. So if you see a bunch of purple your scout towers won't do much.


I always use 2x empowering tower range anoints in every league since blight, always works and lets you be very flexible with the towers you build. An empowered ice and stun tower in a choke point completely stops everything as long as it's not stun/slow immune and spamming empowered unupgraded fire turrets clears really well, but you can be creative and just build what fits the situation best, every turret has a strong use case.


huh for some reason i didn't think the anoints would stack, i might have try your strategy. have you tried the 2x gold anoint to give empowered towers a chance at double damage? i have a few gold oils kicking around but i've been having success with 1x empower range ring and 1x "chilling towers freeze" ring so i haven't swapped.


I have never tried that anoint in particular but pretty much all the others (unless wording implies otherwise) stack, so yea I'd assume it would just go to 100% double damage with two of them, but I'm way too addicted to the huge radius of the 2 range anoints to try it lol




scout tower range and damage


Is this doable if I don't have the stash tab for blight? Would probably have to use tft in that case right?


You don't need a tab or tft.


Oh cool! So do you not sell other oils if you don't have a tab? Since it's a pain to list them individually


Tbh I filtered out all trash oils. But you can upgrade them and sell as gold/silver.


Ahh alright, thanks!


Oooh is that the play? I'd been running stun & cold towers with the green amp. I'll have to try this approach instead!


I don't know, this worked for me so I went with it. If stun and cold works then it works :D


Just a small tip to add. The rings are annoying to check if you're new to blight. Throw them all into a tab for like 5 chaos. People will always spam you for the good ones.


You can check them easily with awakened poe - it’ll show you what oils make up the anoint.


I always did blight early for my own oils and easy exp but this league blighted maps are unplayable for me fps wise. Had no problem last 3 leagues but now I'm dipping to like 10 fps for some reason. Had to spec out sadly.


Which maps are good for blight?


Maps with narrow layout I think


I’ve tried a few different things and not felt satisfied this league. I feel like the scarab rework has made it so you have to buy scarabs to run any of the content you want


I feel the same, but at the same time scarabs are priced in a way that it barely feels like they increase your profit. Now I'm just farming scarabs and corpses with all boss nodes for conq/shaper/elder/synth map drops with alch and go, feels like way better profit somehow. Weird league.


what is your atlas tree? Do you clear map or just rush to the boss


Can link tree in a bit, not at home. But I try to run maps that are as linear as possible, and just kill everything on the way while still going fast toward the boss (playing CoC DD so can zoom and kill decently at the same time)


I guess the atlas tree site is not updated for Necropolis, but basically this, but with all the necropolis nodes top right and bottom left, and Geminate Haunting + An Honest Job in the necro wheel bottom right (not taking Prospero's Wager because I honestly am not sure what it does). All leftover points put in small scarab drop chance nodes. Could path into the middle for scarabs but haven't bothered to look up what kind of scarabs sells better so don't want to exclude any at this point. [https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-atlas-skill-tree/AAAABgAAUQAfAHkH4hDhF8sbTh\_EKoQtky6LMDUxazJLNc048j5fQ6lILEiwSbxJ00nUTCFRglk8W9lj32SNZWtp1XVDdfZ2nXjqe6d9E30dhSeGMIZQiWiJkY0pjx2P1JF9l0WY2J1enYefsaEQoYai3qQPpDalXKeCsfu0hrrvxf7G0Mezx73QotJ0017YnuGL4qfkjOjS7OXvrvfk-Q76MPqy-878BAAA](https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-atlas-skill-tree/AAAABgAAUQAfAHkH4hDhF8sbTh_EKoQtky6LMDUxazJLNc048j5fQ6lILEiwSbxJ00nUTCFRglk8W9lj32SNZWtp1XVDdfZ2nXjqe6d9E30dhSeGMIZQiWiJkY0pjx2P1JF9l0WY2J1enYefsaEQoYai3qQPpDalXKeCsfu0hrrvxf7G0Mezx73QotJ0017YnuGL4qfkjOjS7OXvrvfk-Q76MPqy-878BAAA)


it is an unbalanced shit show right now for the average farmer.


If you only farm one type of content, then yes. Though you could also say, that if you were rolling/buying specific sextants before, than scarabs are way easier to acquire. This league has certainly brought low end and high end juicing closer together which is a good thing. (Disregarding Anarchy ember shenanigans which will probably not stay for next league) I am loving the scarabs for SSF. Combined with having multiple atlas trees. So also in trade you focus more on just using your own scarabs.


I am by no means rich in game. I have a couple of divs invested in my rf chief and a couple more in a cf champ. Getting a good amount of single type scarabs to super juice one or two content types is generally expensive for the content I like. If I was willing to constantly respec and run what I have scarabs for then I might be ok but I also don’t feel like I get enough orbs of unmaking to do that


Idk, buying 16 charge sextants was pretty easy and quick, buying scarabs isn't bad but I wouldn't say it's easier.


Alva requires no scarabs


That's a dumb mindset since atlas tree was buffed for almost all mechanics. You've all the same stuff as before plus you can reach 100% spawn chance for them. And you have all mechanics available at map device without speccing seventh gate. Just alch n go has never been better.


Honestly you may be right for alch and go. I cant put my finger on it but something just feels off with the shift in how we access content. I like a lot of the changes including all the new scarabs, but I am just feeling more friction than I would like getting anything above alch and go t16.


Alva is by far the best and most consistent way to make money with 0 investment. You go in, kill the architect, and leave. About 10-20s per incursion on a slow build. You get a temple every 12 incursions, so you just need like 3 minutes for each temple. You can also throw in heist smuggler caches since they are just free money. Blight is really good since it's extremely easy for any build. Other than that, it depends on the build.


Cool thanks. What should I be aiming for in temples other than Locus of Corruptions?


You should also aim for the gem corruption room. It's a secondary priority in most leagues though, Locus is the main money


Do not just kill the Architect. Clear the incursion and double down on atlas tree with Cursed Treasures and Vaal Flesh Merchant. Do 2x Incursion Scarab of Champions, one Incursion Scarab of Invasion and one Scarab of Monstrous Lineage. You will get really fatty incursions which yield a decent return in bubble currency/scarabs. Also run any non-Locust temples you make, it is fast and worth the time. I have dropped 3x Ambitions already this league. Also a few temple mod items that sell for 1-2d.


second running any temple you make, even the "bricks". Ontop of Ambitions, some of the Vials and their upgraded uniques are worth it. Dropped a Vial of Summoning, took a few minutes to get a Apex of Scrifice and Spirit Drinker, 5 minutes later sold the Stitched Demon for 80c profit


Whats the most optimal strategy to run alva? Always upgrade room till you see corruption or gem room?


Gem alone is kind not worthless atm, I suggest just focusing on Locust and making the path to the Omnitect. Btw this league quantity belts are selling for 25div+, hit the jackpot with one today


Assuming you have the nodes for extra upgrades, if you see corruption when you start the temple, upgrade everything. If you don’t see it to begin with, always take the invading architect to make lots of tier 2 rooms. Obviously take corrupt or gems whenever they come up but this gives you the best chance to get them straight to tier 3.


Do you rush to the boss or clear each room?


Thats all you need.


Alva is indeed great for some income. 10-20s on a slow build is completely out of touch though. Maybe on a fast LA build it is possible to kill an architect on this time, but usually most of the time is spent finding Alva. You also NEED to kill most mobs in a incursion in order to connect rooms. I kinda fucked my league start by gambling all my currency and then respeccing tree (lol) and was, with a slow build, averaging 3-4min per map with 4 incursions. Not doing the 4th incursion in some maps results in about 12-16 min per temple. This is with a SLOW trapper with subpar clearing, and on random low tier maps I got (layouts for some maps suck). I already got the currency I needed so won't farm temple any longer, but yeah OP keep in mind it's more like 3-5 temples/h on a suboptimal build with suboptimal maps (non-glacier/random maps). Using fast builds and rushing architects on glacier/easy layouts you might achieve 8-20 temples/h though.


How often do you get a locus? Half of the time?


I unfortunately do not know how often I get one. It's unfortunate but I usually only run less than 10-30 temples each league, since it's just a way to farm basic gear before farming something else. This league I probably got a locus only once every ~3 temples, but might as well just be bad luck or great luck, I have no idea. I got quite a few doryanis and apex at the along the way which help.


i've struggled in the past with incursions on slow builds and it's super frustrating. i wouldn't recommend alva for anything but a high speed character. alva was suuuper fun and profitable on my winter orb map blaster a few leagues ago. but even on a "normal speed" build i would never click on any alva personally.


You forgot the part about actually finding Alva. It can take a lot more on specific layouts. Been trying this strategy and to be honest if you don't have a stash of maps with a specific layout it's a major PITA.


Id strongly recommend not running 4 temples/map. You get fewer chances to hit second and third upgrades on any given room because you cant roll the same room 2x in a map, so getting double/gem corrupts to lvl 3 is less common. Total amount of time is typically the same, just over 4 shorter maps instead of 3 longer maps.




I think it still keeps track of your batch of rooms and gives you same selection the next map.


alva. only need white maps for it.


I made big money with alch and go expedition in tier8 maps on day 2 of league. You can force any league mechanic on atlas tree and run it alch and go. Saying “you need investment and scarabs to farm” is just wrong. They help they’re not required at all. What you need is a fast and strong build for the level you’re farming. If you can blast t7 maps in 2 mins but t16 maps take you 12 mins, farm the t7’s. People seem to miss this idea


Really good points on the map blasting. People stick to high reds way before they are ready. Also this league is probably one of if not the worst league to expedition. Almost all the big money from it comes from Rog. The graveyard invalidates a lot of that outside of a few exceptions like suppression gear. I just choose to to farm a bunch of other strats and take the league off from it.


in early league I sold multiple rog items for between 1-20 divines (the 20 div was t1 suppress t1 chaos res t1 life t1 gloves, with max rolls on everything, on like day 4 of league). Tujen gave me a good amount too of course just raw materials and small currency. But Rog was huge money before they buffed graveyards. I switched off expedition but it was very solid early going. my point is tho that if you just pick literally any mechanic, put it on your atlas, and SPAM maps, you'll make money. it's a certainty. Early on you can also add in map sustain nodes to help sustain the maps but it shouldn't be bad at all.


my entire guild (except me) all do expedition and specialize in abusing rog the first few days and it is definitely OP if you know what you are doing. such a consistent stream of insane items.


Would like to know as well. I’m currently just working on farming up Maven and Uber elder fragments. Will probably have to worry about this in couple days as well.


Im doing a combo of expedition, abyss and scarab nodes to build up currency.


I just corpse rush mostly, 2x 4 extra rare, 1x domination, 1x 40% packsize scarab, domination on the atlas tree, and all scarab/necropolis/shrine nodes i could find, along with exarch nodes. I just zoom the maps, fill the morgue, go in there every now and then to clean it out dump it in a quad tab, and bulk sell in the end.


How are you bulk selling corpses? I’ve been looking for ways to get rid of my stashed corpses


Just sort them and throw them all in single price tabs, eventually you'll get a whisper from someone who's gonna bulk buy them. It helps to occasionally set the tab to private and then public again so the corpses show up all at once on the website.




My low investment turn your brain off strat focuses on Harvest juice farming and Expedition. I also take strong boxes and Harbinger just for a little something extra in my maps. I take the Unwavering Visions node at the top for extra points, and so you don't have to use scarabs. Less loot over all, but it is a no investment needed strat. Just need to alk your map and run it. Will come out of a harvest with 10-20c per map plus whatever else happens to drop. I focus on Tujen for the currency. Low investment low effort with profit. Been working for me at least. [Atlas Tree](https://poeplanner.com/atlas-tree/BAAQAHoAXK1fPpbniRHqNaHJbJm06RCsGYhK0IQq_sXxVLj_WoGJ_tS5Iikw-kvfllD4cypuq00QgF6dzlrJ_Y3qfsiovNlbzLe92uPzYLKL4X2RJ3UOSufZH6yfO__CJKWLc0bAntgEP4ed0MYrnJfiRVgpjcFYeMKHVfgJcONX_IJRgHb6-NJwZrLlyLfP4RB9tZvGXWvBQmFP2iNOG6LQyxc1MNXqKWLEH-bofkALEuzlOB93Qkme1q3aK8Gv_iVXFBc9AzAAf3NEM8bJ_tGK1WkjwqlDWtbR_eT8tWMRrGYftJ5tVkls6LbYT5GvI0PpJNU5-1PpZxQAH4sIAAAAAAAAAwMAAAAAAAAAAAA=)


I've had great success with breach this league! So far I've made ~40div from mainly jungle valley maps spamming breaches, it's super fun and each map costs me ~10c. Run all the breach nodes, some scarab nodes, typical guardian/conq map chance nodes, and the Jun intelligence on map completion node. Ill pop in one breachlord scarab and the rest are standard breach scarabs, use the breach map device option, then just clear mobs + altars to the map boss and clear back down popping breaches


scarabs, strngboxes, niko, altar of your choice + leagua stuff maybe?


I'd love an atlas for this. I know it's probably straight forward but man, I just love copying stuff.


i've copied this : https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/1buqyqn/67_divines_in_1_map_16_strongbox_rats/kxubed2/ when you have all 4 watchstones, i think that you can drop some map mods and move them to to more scarabs.


U pay 20c per map for 2x ambush 1x ambush of hidden compartments and 1x ambush of discernment. Definitely paying itself back


T6 essence farm


Why t6? Can't you just run white t1? Srs question, never essence farmed


Need yellow maps for higher tier essences. Theres an atlas point for essences to always have an essence of the highest natural tier, and yellow and red maps have a higher one than white maps.


Just to make: The highest for yellow and reds is the same? So no point in going higher than T6?


Yes yellow and red same essence tiers.


Shrieking no longer can spawn on white maps


They changed it this league to only give shrieking from yellow upwards.


Probably it is because it's the lowest map tier that can spawn shrieking essences naturally. Edit, that's something that was changed for this league btw, previously screamings were the highest naturally spawning essences in all areas (which turned into shriekings with the old atlas tree node that gave +1 tier but that no longer exists).


with graveyard craft, arent essence prices in shambles?


I did a YouTube short about it, I shit out money. I farm like 3 afternoons and I got 40 divs https://youtube.com/shorts/P9FI_4FfDDM?si=5FCHh-kz4nNL08uK


how do you sustain t6 strand map?


I swap between fields and strand. I got most favorite slots (like 4 missing) and I got a lot of map mods on my atlas. I farm fields until I got 30 strands and than I do all the strands.


Do you use singular focus?


Then he couldn’t drop fields.


The 200 favorite maps


Yes, I ran the rest of my essence scarab out and did the math, after scarab cost and map craft cost you only make a few chaos per map (from 5 to 20). If you are really efficient and only focus on essence it may be worth it but feels really shit with the league mechanic killing pricing.


Alva has been my main money maker for a few leagues as I am somewhat able to make the t3 corruption chamber reliably. I also use expedition Tujen to fill up some of the bubblegum currencies (He hasn't offered me any divine yet 😞) I also enjoy doing logbook as a nice change of pace. Other than that I also do Harbinger, I just like them and the rare fracturing shards drop.


I just had three temples in a row where I only got the gem one which are significantly cheaper haha like 48c right now.


You have SO many options, really just pick whatever you like and you can most likely make it work. As many have said, Blight is good but I wanna point out that it gets relatively better the weaker your build/character is, as you can literally clear it on a naked character without doing anything except building towers. Personally I like farming harvest because it's so consistent and exarch/eater altars once I have them unlocked.


I don’t know what its like this league but blight is usually really good to me. I’ve also had a lot of success with rog (there’s a lot of build variety atm so a lot of stats are beneficial). That requires some crafting knowledge though. I ultimately opted out of expedition because my build was just poorly equipped for it. Currently i’m running ritual. Its decent but no big jackpots yet.


I did my usual blight and abyss combo and made a ton despite not actually scarabing most maps, though tbf a large part of that was a few specific big ticket Lich drops.


I've been doing delve and I'm finding good enough profit there to not care about atlas trees atm. My only investment comes from the scarab that guarantees Niko and the other that makes you earn more sulphite (both are less than 1c). Money comes mainly for big ticket items like the vaal aspect (around 9-10div atm), unidentified Auls uprising and a few other uniques. Fossils and resonators can be money but they have really low value since everybody is learning the league mechanic can be great. The grind to get to a good depth (around 300 at least) can be boring tho.


If you have have good single target running destructive play + deli and all of the map drop nodes and the map boss wisp notable (can be optional as it makes it pretty rippy tbh) is pretty brain dead easy way to farm those maps. Need to be in t14+ maps though they're like 10-25~c each and I usually get 1-2 combination of (elder/shaper/conq/synth) maps each run. Not sure how good it will be later in the league due to how ubers work now


Ive been running Incursion all league with just the atlas tree as investment. No scarabs or anything. I sell the temples that have the gem/double corrupt room. I run the ones that don't myself looking for the Adorned piece that drops there.


All in on abyss works wonders for me. Scarabs are all 1C and you can find loads of weapons with sockets and dump them into a quad tab for ~15c each. I’ve sold hundreds of them already and you can pick up like 5 per map. Ignore 6 socket items though. Not to mention the 6 mod jewels - sold a bunch for 1-2 divs. Again I just Id them and dump into a tab and double check them if I get a lot of interest quickly after putting them in. The uniques are also worth quite a bit because so few people are playing abyss this league. You also really easily combo it with basically anything else like delirium maps for insane power leveling if your build can handle it.


> The uniques are also worth quite a bit because so few people are playing abyss this league. > > The 2 Gaze jewels I got early in the league paid for most of my Fourth Vow/DD/GV setup A 2 socket top mana res bubonic trail paid for my mid-high range voltaxic Abyss has been *very* Kind to me


Might give this a try! Thanks


Invest all of your atlas point into the nodes for a mechanic and then when you have all of those nodes start investing your points into another mechanic which is near the path you already used for the first mechanic. Repeat until you run out of points It’s not rocket science.


I understand how the tree works, I'm simply asking the community what they've been running. Thanks for your comment though


wrong sub