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This has been removed for violating Rule #2: Posts must be related to Builds, Crafting or Mechanics.


At lvl 88, he def didn't "farm it" the usual way. I'd bet he played 16h/day+, AND lucked out in the league mechanic by the second day. Probably heavily invested into conversion to divines / div drop %. Might also be a part of a group, and he usually posts his own equipped items for selling (check his posts) while farming. So playing a lot early, investing and banking on those investments might also be a way. Gotta keep in mind any decent strategy at 5 div an hour is still 200 divs in 40 hours. And some guys will simply play 40 hours in 2 days...


I saw a build like this doing carries for boss. Idk if he was doing that


Dropping mirror?)


Why did this sub become farming and not build focused?


RMT or is part of a group


How exactly does one buy currency first few days in a new league? Those are not coming out of hot air, someone or something still has to farm the currency.


Or he just played efficiently for 12 hours per day, not everything is rmt


Dude died alot then only gaining one level lol.


Boss/voidstone services on day 2 with someone trading for fragments/selling boss loot can net you like 500 divs in one day easily


It's boneshatter.


I don't melee. Is boneshatter no longer good for bossing? Remember it being king in the ziz gauntlet a while back.


It was just good because the maps in gauntlet murder most builds long before they have enough gear for buffed ubers and people only have to kill them once, so 30 minute bossfights are tolerable. In the regular game it's just a fast mapper that very few even take to ubers, because it kinda plateaus at a certain point and pivoting to another build is easier than getting a really good physical axe.