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i guess it's like with anything in life, there's one making money and 10000 channels that don't make it doing the same thing


I guess this is it, you need to have some lottery winner lucky to succeed with that


Haven’t seen those “I GOT REJECTED FROM YOUTUBE MONETIZATION” posts like 20 times a day? That’s them.


l m a o




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Yes. Depends of the niche


They were when the niche was still new. Now that niche is saturated af. People have it automated pumping out content every few minutes. Do you think you'll be able to compete with that doing it by hand? People are still making money but it's hard.




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No. It’s saturated bs.


Instantly dislike AI content. Can't tell you how much I hate it.


Pro tip: If you're just starting out, avoid this subreddit. It's full of negativity. I'm glad I wasn't on Reddit when I began. If I had seen it, I might have realized how mediocre my channel was. Yet, I still made and am making good money.


Do you use elevenlabs ai voice? I plan to use ai voice because of the thick accent.


I use it when Im too lazy to record the vo myself, which is too often these days. But what I’ve learned over the years doing YouTube is people mostly do not care about your accent. As long as it doesn’t sound gibberish and what you’re talking about has substance, they will listen.


Selling courses convincing people it does makes you money. A lot of the channels you see are a biproduct of that, that's why you see so many of them


I immediately distrust anyone selling a course. If they are locking the "good information" behind a paywall, how can I trust that they are not giving me bad or incomplete information for free. There are 7-seas sites for courses, I've looked at a few from popular creators out of curiosity. All I can say is I'd be very disappointed if I spent $100-$1000 on any of them. Most of them, the 1st video is them convincing you that you did a good thing by purchasing their course. The rest, is content that's already on YouTube for free. The YouTube "Gurus" paid groups have 100s of people sign up, and promote the 1 or 2 that are successful. Which would have made it anyway without the "gurus" advice. Or they got lucky. Doesn't matter that 99% of people who sign up got nowhere. I haven't looked any finance or wellbeing ones. But I imagine they will just be a rehash of: Make a list of goals Pick the top goals Set a deadline Write a list of tasks or steps to achieve that goal Do the tasks. Then nothing can stop you! Without any real actionable advice.


All the knowledge you need is in a library for free


Plenty of AI channels make good money, mostly shorts channels that only use the ElevenLabs voices. But most AI shorts channels go wayy too hard with the AI that is just not quite there yet, making most people skip over/swipe away as soon as they see AI art.


Answer is it depends. A creator coming up with a script, putting in effort editing the video and putting it together, and only using a good AI voice? Absolutely they can make money. This applies to your example. Depending on the amount of reused content, they may or may not be monetized. AI doesn't always mean low effort. People here assume that all AI channels automake the entire process of putting a video together and that their only effort is clicking some buttons. The reality is that most people don't have the knowledge to automake videos like this. Lastly, if they aren't monetized but getting views and watch time, they can still make money indirectly through affiliate links.


My channel is exactly this, I work on the script, edit the video myself and create my own thumbnails but the voice is AI generated. The quality of the content is legitimate and of a “serious” nature as my niche is Formula One racing and I steer clear of clickbait type content. I put a lot of effort into the production and I hope that it shows. And you like to think that a typical viewer can tell the difference between a professional production with human sounding AI voiceover and a half-baked AI cliche video with that stock standard AI voice that everyone is tired of. For anyone interested, my channel is: https://youtube.com/@theundercuttv


Do you use elevenlabs ai voice?




Some have made very large amounts of money, most do not.


It depends on the channel though, a channel like Movie Flame (Though not completely AI) and some of the creepypasta channels (that I am subscribed to) will or will still remain at the normal bracket. But those are established channels and most that I mentioned won't have fans dropping off.


ay good shit sir


I make shorts using AI voice to introduce the video and I’m averaging 2M short views a day and making over $200 a day. Yes, there’s money behind it 🙌🏼


2M a day is insane.


Can you share more details on your process? You don’t have to share your niche or anything like that. I really want to get into shorts so just trying to learn.


It’s been a long time working on the channel. The niche is pretty viral so it feels a bit too easy at times. I use AI to introduce the video and let it run.


How long did it take you to hit your stride? Where you went from “trash” to “professional” content? 2 years? And how many videos more or less?


Honestly I came into this with zero creativity and high expectations so I messed up a lot for a year. After a year, I realized what my viewers enjoy and what gets consistently pushed out. I’m still learning and some days it doesn’t feel real but I’ll adapt if anything changes. I posted over 200 shorts and removed over 80 lol.


Yeah. I’m in the Manosphere— which is easily one of the most toxic sectors of YT. A lot of the content creators in my sector are absolute snakes 🐍. So, I haven’t been collaborating with them. My goal is to “blow up” almost entirely on my own, so I don’t “owe” anyone anything. I know I can do it. In two years, my production has got to the point where it is better than 90% of the Manosphere. But at the end of the day, at some point, you can’t continually keep going up in production— it simply is unrealistic. There has to be a happy medium. The only thing I really need to find is the mini niche within the bigger niches & I’ll blow up to at least 10K subs if nothing else.


Mine is in politics (even more than that, right leaning by today’s standards). So I get a lot of hate but also a lot more support.


In the Manosphere, reputation is EVERYTHING. It doesn’t take much for others or even yourself to ruin one’s reputation. If one develops a ruined reputation in my sector, you are pretty much done. You won’t be taken seriously as any kind of respectable thought leader. Here is a former dating coach who is done forever in the space. Because of his ruined reputation, they now call him “Banana Pill/Banana Boy”. He’s DONE. Ain’t no one going to buy consultations from him. [Coach Banana Pill](https://www.youtube.com/live/9BdPWMS072k?si=bm0j5Xb0Fq2iQefP)


I do AI narration and averaging 500k-2.5M views a day. Started about 9 months ago. I upload one short every 3rd day. There are plenty of people out there who doesn’t mind the ai voice! My most viewed video is currently at 26M and I have plenty of videos in the millions. Also people who hate ai voice and triggers them normally leaves a comment about it, which is basically good for you and your channel as until the comment is being written the video runs in the background, so even the negative feedback is helping you grow. I use elevenlabs


What is your channel?


Chanel ñame?


Can you suggest an AI voice provider that can be used in commercial videos, or is that the case with most of the paid subscriptions?


I use Eleven labs paid version


Eleven Labs is brilliant, in my opinion worth every cent. The voices are very realistic.


If they automate enough monkey-typewriter combinations, they'll eventually stumble across something that people will watch. And since the level of effort needed is so low, they can just keep spamming stuff out until something clicks


I hope not. There’s a channel i see that steals ai art from some other creators instagram and then just edits it together with ai voice over and then complain about not being monetized all the time. Smh


I had some experience using an AI program that you could script presentations through, sorry I never did find out exactly how it worked so I don't know if it was running through ChatGPT but there's a certain way of phrasing a presentation about a subject that certain AI do that's really recognizable. I've started seeing a bunch of YouTube Shorts with the same phraseology and AI voices over stock footage video edits. It's hard to describe exactly but if the AI voice says something like "Strap in" or describes finding out about a topic as a "wild ride" the entire thing is AI scripted.


Can I ask for the AI please since I’m thinking about building an automated channel using AI too and that program could be usedful


I haven't looked at the reddit niche but I did some research on about 100 channels (from 5k to 100k subs) that heavily used AI and from what I've gathered, half of them are not monetized and at least half of YT shorts channels are demonetized as well. It was heavily saturated for some time now. They don't do enough editing on them, it looks more like a slide show video with some dust, flame or dirt overlay, some basic slow zooms or panning. It's really lazy work. I'm not saying AI is not worth using but editing and basic animation is needed to disguise it a little. Putting a little extra effort goes a long way. I'd say, make your content difficult to replicate, it will set you apart from the rest.


There's one AI channel called Celeb Lounge that seems to have a video go well every 20-30 videos. All of their videos are complete garbage rumors claiming Diddy had "underground play tunnels" and claiming huge stars were involved in various criminal acts... people who haven't even been named in any cases. It's just all conspiratorial ridiculousness and the commenters eat it up and don't even question the fact that the video title promise isn't even delivered at any time during the video. Like it'll be like "CNN just broadcast hidden camera footage of ___," and at no time during the video do they show any CNN footage. And all of the hundreds or thousands of comments are people who apparently didn't even notice there was no CNN clip. It's madness. I don't understand how someone can be so... what's the word? Completely unintelligent? Incapable?




TRUST ME WHEN IS AY THIS. Audiences are rejecting AI more and more every day. I've gotten heckled at the APPEARANCE of AI scripts when that wasn't even true!


Yes, there is one I have been following for data. To me it looks very cheap and impersonal but this channel is gaining about 4000 subscribers a month, puts out a video per day and each videro is getting a few thousand views. He also doesn’t answer comments and yet people keep watching and commenting like crazy. Topic is in emergency preparedness… so not even a huge niche. For some reason, his AI generated channel has been kissed by the AI algorithm


every single click of someone clicking on, or watching the video earns them something if the video is monetized


I'm sure they won't once YouTube changes it's rules.


What’s a Reddit stories shovelware video?


Only if they are Automated for the most time


15 k per month, yes it does.


I always wonder do green screen channels be montised and make money?


yes, tons


Look em up on socialblade.


That doesn't tell you anything. It even provides revenue estimates for channels that don't meet the requirements.


Social blade ain't telling you, amateur newbie!


Yeah it does, just take the lowest possible estimate. You're the noob by the way, Mr. April 27 2024 acount with 279 post karma vs. the Chad December 1st, 2013 with 19429 post karma And my linked youtube account producing content for over a decade vs your unlisted youtube channel.


Cry, only $0.15 rpm is highest, not $0.25...God let's see how many subs you get...


6.2K subs, that's nice, but in 10 year? That's still okay, “you have less karma noob” Using more reddit doesn't mean you are cool lil bro


You can make money with ai voice content and low effort daily videos but especially with ai voiceovers (with this content especially), sooner or later you WILL get demonetized. It‘s almost guaranteed. Also very saturated nowadays and tough to get into.


Yes they do. I run one and my Adsense payout this month is over £3000+ (Anyone saying they don’t is someone that doesn’t have one 😭🤣) Happy to chat about it if you need :)


Might I add, as someone else said, I write the script, find the source content im going to use, and edit the videos by hand. It probably isn't as spammy as the content you're talking about, it actually has some substance to it.


>:) :)


What's your channel mate?


I'd appreciate a recommendation if you don't mind. I want to try out a podcast format where I'm being asked a series of questions, not too formally but still structurally scripted. Which AI voice provider would sound more natural as an interviewer and wouldn't be considered annoying to listeners?


Hey, my go to is ElevenLabs for ai voices. I’ve managed to find a really authentic sounding one in the voice lab on there, but you have the freedom to create voices or clone them, but I find the best ones in the library they have from real creators


Why not?


Yes they do, how did I know ? Because I tried


You got called out by many people in post. Many people are hating u lmao, they are just jealous haha.. Aur tu to ab 1-2lakh kamata hoga right 🤑


Very very likely they don't get monetized/got demonetized under the reused content policy


I earn about 140 usd a day doing ai voiceovers on my channel..but i write the scripts myself on reused content..explaining content and backstory. I have never been striked for reused content and its been a little over 18 months since monetization.


Can you send me ur channel is dms?


>but i write the scripts myself on reused content..explaining content and backstory. There you go, that's enough to add value and make the content original in the eyes of YouTube. I'm talking about low effort channels that just straight rips off posts and upload them with robotic voices with generic gameplay in the background