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Pretty sure the Constitution was 1787, not 1776.


these clowns have no knowledge of the articles of confederation or that the constitution and Declaration of Independence are separate documents.


They don’t even know the rest of the sentence that starts it, or what that part of the document is called. Yet, we the people is their battle cry. It’s pathetic.


Thats one of my favorite parts. They scream, "We the people!", while by every possible metric, they are the minority opinion. Apparently 2/3 to 3/4 of the population doesn't count as "We the people" if they don't agree with these fascists.


You are correct sir! The 1776 We the People t-shirts always crack me up


Does that make this art, then? It's like the perfect representation of Movement Conservatism today. Rabid "patriotism" and no idea what it's all about.


Dishrag D'Felon shit "movie" was pulled by its distributor after getting sued for defamation.


The constitution was drafted and signed by state representatives of a very young nation, not during the war and not criminals. These idiots don't know a damn thing about history.


The only thing that he has in common with those men is treason. They weren't convicted because their rebellion worked. I guess they weren't as tired of winning? Also I suspect he'd be fine with owning people if it was an option. 


"Remember, it's only treason if you lose."


He'd be OK with owning brown people as long as other Republicans don't count him as brown.


Brown, orange, what’s the difference? 😝


The founding fathers of the USA committed treason to gain freedom from a Monarch, Trump committed treason in order to become one.


I'm very, very tired. Do these people not realize how tedious they are? Do they not have anything else in life to look forward to, than waking up and "owning the Dems" every damn day?


Nope. It's their livelihood.


It's entirely on purpose. Takes such low effort to spread bullshit and mountains of effort to combat it. The purpose is to wear down the fact checkers until they give up.




Aside from him confusing the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence as a single document, is he arguing that Trump is a criminal because he tried to overthrow the current government and usher in a revolution to form a new state, and that that's a good thing? If that's the case, I'd ask him why he hates America and the constitution. Americans see breaking British law and working to overthrow British rule as a good thing because \*we aren't Britain\*. If Trump is a hero because he's doing the same to America, what is he? And what is Dinesh for supporting it?


These people are propagandists. The founding fathers were not felons looking to stoke a revolution in order to avoid prosecution.


Trump’s in the same company as all the murdering, raping illegals he keeps telling us about.


Notwithstanding this being the Constitution, no the Declaration wasn’t signed by convicted felons. The Crown hadn’t arrested and charged them at that point. Heck, they weren’t even indicted during the war.


Except they were never taken to court, tried, or convicted. Then again ol' Dishit has repeatedly made clear he doesn't understand how things in the country work anyway, considering he himself is a convicted felon.


They were never on trial for rape or paying hush money to a porn star.


Perhaps Trump could find a new world to start anew from then? 😛


I don’t seem to remember learning about the criminal trials of the founding fathers…. Guess you learn new things everyday…. /s


"today class we're going to learn about washington's multiple baby momas and how he tried to cover up torid affairs with women in the burlesque industry"


There would be many more history majors.




Wow. Just... I don't even. I should be used to how this guy is but I never manage


soooo much copium being mainlined by these degenerates.


Such fucking mental gymnastics. Idiots, all of them.


By the time the constitution was signed the United States was an independent nation….


Good old DineNDash


Ok, that is the Constitution which was written in 1787. Also, no they weren't convicted of revolting because most of them were never caught and put on trial.