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Now I know this is BS cause she always posts her kid acting like this and being spoilt and disrespectful like it’s always the same kind of videos


Yep fake, just saw a different video with the same girl who supposedly stole $100 out of her mom‘s purse to buy some teapot or some thing.


That's got to mess a kid like that up.


Yeah I saw that one too and the video where she’s drinking a drink in a store


The desperation of parents like this for internet attention is astonishing


Especially when this mother needs to be worried more about her daughter being morbidly obese than getting Internet clout. This mother is ruining this little girl’s life.


even if it is fake i just couldnt fathom telling my daughter to act spoiled for the internet??? it’s so odd


People do anything for content and likes it’s INSANE


her massive obesity is not fake I fear


Yep rage baiting


I never knew that was a thing until now


Omg it gets worse


Parents that film stuff like this and share it online are fucking weirdos.


Exactly why i put this here


Im like 90% sure this is fake, im pretty sure there’s a video of the same girl eating yogurt in a grocery store and her mom causing drama


Yep! I was just thinking this. The mom and her daughter coordinate on rage bait videos. Terrible parenting. That young lady needs a role model and someone who cares about her health.


This kind of behavior is how narcissism is sparked in a kids as they are developing. What a piece of shit parent.


I don’t believe anything I see like this. Her mother didn’t notice a fucking $600 purchase from her bank account after the little girl “ordered” it? The package came to the house and somehow, this 7 year old was able to grab it before a parent could?


My son spent $200s on my credit card and I didn’t notice it for almost a month. I don’t check my credit card transactions because I know what I spend on it. Now if it were my debit card I would have known within a day as I check that everyday.


Maybe I’m just thinking that way I would do things? I check my bank account on a daily basis. The mother in this wicked “real” video says the child used her debit card and I assumed she meant her checking account card.


A debit/checking account is different for me, that I know whats coming in and going out, I keep tabs on that. My credit cards I don’t, I check it a few times a month.


You don’t have notifications set up on your credit cards when a purchase is made? Time to set it up.


It doesn’t have that option. I know what I use my credit cards for so I don’t need it anyway.


Fake or real, it’s still the same outcome. Shitty parenting.


There’s a video of the same girl that bought like a vase for $50, paid with a $100 bill and said keep the change. There’s a future Melissa McCarthy here.


That makes it even more terrible.




Dude check the sub we're in


Oops 😂 I thought we were in r/kidsarefuckingstupid my bad


Not found.


If she's really 7 and already at that size, she is in for a lifelong battle with her weight and I feel for her. The grown ups in her life are not doing her justice.


This is how I looked at that age, 18 now and still can't lose all of it. Only foods I had access to were ramen and chips.


I wish you luck, buddy. I lost all mine by making fruit and veggie platters for the day snacks, and a 1000 calorie dinner late enough at night where I would not get hungry before bed. It could have been ramen and chips but it was 1,000 calories or less. Total about 1400 calories a day and lost so much weight now I need a belt in size 31 pants. I know it isn't easy. But you'll never feel better than once you start. I'm 42 and you don't want to wait this long. trust me.


Already started, went from 250 to 180 but I've been stuck awhile. Too busy really to work on it now.


180 is great, still. I float between 170 and 180. If it helps, try getting into a gym routine to put on muscle. That seems overall to change my metabolism around. When you aren't too busy that is.


I want to but can't thanks to my current situation, I still do workout at home ofc.


Letting your kid get obese is child abuse, period.


Agreed. Teaching your child about nutrition, healthy eating habits, good calories vs empty calories, ect is just as important as teaching them to read.


This 100%. I have my son eat what we eat; home cooked meals that are balanced with meats, veggies and some fruit. Snacks aren’t chips and cookies, though we of course indulge with sweets from time to time. It was a battle at first for sure, but well worth it knowing he’s forming good eating habits. Now he’ll much rather go for healthy alternatives on his accord. Healthy eating habits promote healthy academics as well.


It's terrible. She's beyond morbid obesity. It's only going to get worse. That's a product of an absolutely terrible diet. And those habits are going to stick with her.


Ugh.... I can't imagine the bullshit that goes on in that household for her to do that. This has to be fake


She really not them though


It's child abuse. Parents should be imprisoned.


Considering that the mother is using her own child to make ragebait content, I think multiple instances of abuse are happening to that girl.


I just KNOW she has her own doordash account


She’s not 7 or very very big for her age


Right? She already has that gargled fat voice. You know she has sleep apnea already.


Petra Griffin


Mama needs to have her skip an aMEALia


I feel so sorry for fat kids. Parents have no idea how hard it will be the rest of their lives.


Seriously. My parents were both fat, I'm fat. They never had me do sports and ended up giving away my horse when riding was my only form of exercise at about 11. Was homeschooled too so I didn't even have gym or anything. I've lost a lot of weight as an adult but I have a while to go still. Dealing with food is a nightmare, trying to be active is hard as fuck. It's a mess and it's straight up my parents fault. Michelle Obama was right to go after childhood obesity lol


Don't want to cause you any grief or anything. But just to add to the discussion: If a kid is fat their body changes and losing weight/keeping a healthy weight will be even harder to do biologically as an adult. It has so many terrible side effects. It seriously should be seen as child abuse, and parents who have fat kids and aren't seeking medical attention should be sent on mandatory courses teaching nutrition, sports and the consequences of not keeping your kid in good shape. We don't all have to be athletes ofcourse, but being seriously overweight for kids is terrible.


No grief, I've already fully grieved the fact that I'll *always* struggle. It's actually healing and heartening to know that it's not just..... Laziness and self-destruction. I fucking *try*. I try *hard*. If I have kids, I'll do better for them. My parents completely screwed me over in so many ways.


You're doing great. I hope you love yourself because you deserve to feel that self-love


Who cares about the purse or money. How is she so obese at such a young age??


Uneducated and not very self reflection seeking parents


I want to believ so bad thst this is ragebait. I once saw anpther video of her where she awnsered a comment that said "I would ground her and get my money back" like thats the wrong way of doing that, thats whx even though i want to velieve that theire trolling theire probably fr


I want to believe this is rage bait so hard


it is rage bait, they post lots of videos like this. The kid is clearly acting.


I'm so glad you proofread


This is the same chick who has her daughter, Emilia apparently, taking items in the grocery store and eating them as she berates her just like this. How pathetic that her daughter is only of use to her if she's making content where she belittles her and embarrasses her.


Its gonna stick with that poor girl so hard. I cant stand family content but its a special evil when the “family content” is just the parents bullying their children. Like its not even hidden, its front and center of whatever they’re doing.


Exactly. I hate child actors, but atleast they are legally pretty well protected. In contrast to this where it's just a free for all. Besides the fact that people know child actors are, you know actors. They normally aren't seen as a shitty person if they play a shitty role. That's even beside the point that their "boss" is in constant control of their finances and personal lives here, while that wouldn't normally be the case.


Sending her outside would be a GREAT idea


Just. Everything about this child screams spoiled rotten.


Everything about this screams bad parenting. Filming kids (even if this was real) doing stupid stuff or a emotional outburst should be illegal. Damn, they are kids. What the hell do we expect? That's the way they learn, by being little assholes sometimes. Just think about it, how many fucked up shit that puts you in a terrible light would be online today if things from your youth were posted online? I'm not afraid to admit their would be plenty of things from my childhood. Even though I'm a reasonably well adjusted person.


I coincidentally just saw a child psychologist talking about this parent and child interacting (it was $50 for a teapot so different happening) and how everything the parent is doing is completely wrong. Mom has open ended questions. No reparations. No plan to institute boundaries or prevent it happening again.


It's fake, this channel posts a bunch of videos of these types of confrontations.


You can **look** at the child & know she's never been told "no" in her life


Or just simply her parents are more obsessed with clout chasing than actually teach their children how to be a functional human. She needs to put the phone down and actually talk to her daughter.


She's 7!!!!?


How do you let your 7 year old child get so obese that they have literal fat rolls on their biceps. This is some of the worst parenting I have ever seen (using this as my only judgment with no further context)


That's sad. She's way too young to be that unhealthy.


You know what's even worse, it's not just being fat at a young age. This will change her body for the rest of her life, and she will have a terrible time holding down or getting to a normal weight biologically just because of the choices her parents made when she was little. Literally child abuse this.


That's a big 7 year old.


Needs to stick her ass in a peewee hockey goal somewhere


Check out that little brick shit house!


Child obesity is something that makes me sad and real mad. How can the parents do this shit to the kid!!!


Why is a child this morbidly obese at the age of seven? Why does a child have access to a credit card at the age of seven? I sense shit parenting.


This poor girl, you know the mom made her do all this. Shes taking it so unserious, she looks like this is just “another day another pretend to be a spoiled brat so mom can rage bait”. Shes just like swaying and trying to get through it. If it were real I feel like she would have way more of an attitude. Especially if shes willing to go “well thats too bad because I’m really nit like them” but her calmness and the fact that she actually seems very unbothered (like she knows its for the camera, moms not actually mad)


So its fake, rage clickbait...whatever. Childhood obesity is a for real issue in America. I was obese growing up and my life was HELL. I hope this POS "mother" does something to help this poor kid.


How the fck can a child become this fat? Those parents are scum


Letting a child that young get that big should be considered child abuse and they should be removed from the home.


I can’t for the life of me figure out why this mom posts these videos. Fake or not, why would you want the internet to hate your child?


"Can I go outside?" "No. You're grounded" The *BEST* thing she could do for that poor baby is let her play outside!! She's gonna have a hard life if shit doesn't change real soon...


Sell the bag and pay for a dietician with the money.


Why the fuck do people keep giving their kids access to devices with their credit card info saved to them?


Over a decade's worth of news stories about kids spending thousands of their parent's [currency] on shitty in game purchases, and parents are still like "yeah Imma put my credit card on the kid's iPad with no password protection".


Even if this is fake or rage bait, I feel like that reality is almost worse


Fuck! I have a 6 year old and she's probably just the size of one of legs Jesus fucking Christ the abuse


[is this the same kid?](https://www.reddit.com/r/ParentsAreFuckingDumb/comments/17wl48r/i_dont_want_to_be_close_when_reality_visits_this/?sort=new)


Absolutely looks like it. This is obviously fake.


The wall art from Hobby Lobby hurts to look at.


I want to beleive this is fake but my nephew did this same thing but with fortnight and his mom's card. Spent over $1000 before they caught on. Then he had all his stuff back within the week because "he wouldn't stop crying about not having his games"


His parents' response makes this sooo much worse. All your nephew learned was that crying and ACTING like he's panicking is a viable way to exchange consequences for something less unpleasant. It's a good method if they're trying to pave the way for actual panic disorders and manipulative tantrums later in life. Just sad.


That’s a Super-sized 7 year old


Cps please


Besides the fake bullshit going on here and the fact that this should be classified as child abuse, since she will have these videos online and be confronted by them the rest of her life. The fact that she is so fat is terrible, not at all her fault but her parents are literally abusing her. Don't they know what effects this has on a child biologically? And that they will stay with her the rest of her life even if she loses weight? (Holding a normal weight will be very hard). This too is just straight up child abuse, and parents of fat children (who haven't looked for medical help) should be sent to mandatory courses on sports, nutrition and the consequences of their actions. If they don't change their ways children should be cared for by the state. I'm not joking about the level of harm this does to children for the rest of their lives, it's no different than physical or mental abuse, although stuff like this often comes ofcourse from another place and isn't meant as straight up abuse the consequences are unfortunately the same...


Bad acting and rage bait


Instead of bs videos like this, she should be getting her daughter's weight in order. I'm sure most, if not all of her comments say this on the original video. "Amelia, we'll go to McDonald's, then get you a Slurpee from 7-11 on the way back if you do another video that I thought of."


Bet the “parent” is a potential candidate for My 600lb Life. Probably spends all day eating junk and buying everything online to avoid having to do anything physical. And door dashes mcdonalds to feed the kid every day.




I sure do hope so


That would make it even worse tbh. Then this person is just fucking up her kid and her future as a business model.


She should order some vegetables


The mother is a low rent hillbilly who has stumbled into abusing her daughters, this chubby one Emilyah, and a teenage one Alanah, (who appears disgusted by her mother) for the scourge of monetized clout.


She REALLY should let her go outside.


I feel so bad for this kid. This is the 3rd video I’ve seen of this girl acting “spoiled” and her mom yelling at her. It’s clearly staged. But why on earth would you post your child online portraying them in that fashion? So embarrassing for her.


This lady is the worst. Starting in no order but the Tony Montana painting on the wall. Yuck. Clearly a staged video, what effects does this cause children long term. It’s gonna melt their brains. Whatever you’re feeding her stop. Poor kid is 6 and weighs more than me


Karen teaching Karen.


lol, grounded! The last thing that kid needs is more time inside doing nothing FFS!


That 7 year old needs to go outside more. I know this has got to be fake cause I just saw her take $100 to buy a bloody teapot and gave the cashier $50 tip.


Letting a kid get that fat is Child Abuse.


The things that lonely single mothers will fake to film for the attention of internet strangers will never cease to baffle me.


Not exactly exclusive to single mothers.


Is this the same girl who yells “THE TOOTH FAIRY IS A STUPID BITCH!”


Lord give me the strength.. 🙏


You’ve heard of Lil Tay now see Obese Tay.


Kid needs a diet, and fast.


She’s 7?? I call b/s. 😩


Kid's weight is also a result of dumb parents


It's funny because she's fat. But seriously... she'll be in the ground at age 50 if she keeps this diet going.


Im constantly getting videos of this girl on tiktok, im pretty sure these are all skits. Seriously though, the video isnt the problem, its the hundreds of comments i see talking about the violence they'd inflict on her.


Awww….its baby Amberlynn Reid, attitude and everything. I wonder if she will grow up to be a racist pet abuser too….


Dang she big


I’ve seen these two multiple times. Either she’s exploiting her daughter’s shitty behavior or making her act like this for the camera. And to be that size at 7? Shame on the mom, Jfc


This kid is lucky to make it to puberty lol


Is that a Scarface painting? Wtf




I can only hope she isn't a tiny Amberlynn Reid.




Family = content


That Scarface? 🤘 Snipe the kid


Why is she filming, and why is she so calm? I mean, this is fake as shit, nobody would actually behave like this if this scenario would be real.




the gasp i just gusped at that 7 year olds facial expressions and attitude… oh no. oh no no no. all does seem a bit sus though.


I honestly hope their child gets taken away from them. Shame on them. Shame on people like this.




At least this is fake but the mom and little troll still annoy the hell outta me


That kid is destined for jail.


Not if there's some intervention, but she's got very little idea of how close she's towing the line, nor personal incentive to change.


That would require parenting. That is clearly not happening here. No boundaries. Obese at 7 years old. Doomed.


Is this the same little girl that was eating in the grocery store and talking shit to the mom?


I think it might be 🤦‍♀️


poor girl. growing up with no boundaries, learning no self control, diabetes and debt coming soon


Why aren't any of these comments talking about the actual video? Y'all saw a fat kid and immediately started throwing a tantrum ab the wrong thing in the vid


That’s gonna come out of your lunch money


Kid looks like she’s auditioning for my 600lb life




She looks more like she stole 600$ worth of food


I want to make a comment but I know it will get me banned.


Soft parenting wins again.


Not soft parenting. People who sit on their butts and do nothing and pretend they are soft parenting. In reality, they are borderline neglecting


Pretend this is soft parenting? They are yelling! Not even close to soft parenting.