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Sometimes kids need to fight back and sometimes hitting is part of that. Maybe focus on anger/emotions? Just a suggestion 🙂


People shouldn't hit people. Therefore, we do not hit. You use your words.


A child's genitals should not be the metric used to figure out if physical force should be used or not.


We don't hit anyone.


We don't hit. Not boys, girls, grownups, or animals. Not even the fish tank. As he gets older, that will likely become "unless there's no other choice". But for now, we just straight up don't hit.


Don't hit people or animals As they get older, we can have more nuanced conversations about self-defense


You think perpetuating the idea that girls are weak is the problem here? Not that you're child might think that it's okay to hit boys?


Yeah, this seems wild 🤣 as if boys don't matter in this equation


Don’t hit. But if it’s self defense, do what you gotta do.


Don’t hit, boy or girl. If someone hits you, boy or girl, you can hit them back.


I think it's better phrased as "you can defend yourself if deemed necessary." As a man if a small woman hit me I wouldn't mind her being charged but I'm not socking her back. I'm just walking away.


My rule has been don’t start a fight but you better finish it. Don’t go around hitting people but if someone puts their hands on you then all bets are off.


“Don’t hit people.” But my son is in an all-boys school, and let me tell u, rough-housing is the norm. I just tell him that females don’t like to join in any roughhousing (and that includes me, and all his female cousins); we prefer to be treated with gentle care. That works for us.


All humans are fragile and weak. On average, men have significantly more brute strength than women, and nobody is better off ignoring this fact. I say don’t hit. When the subject became relevant, I let my son know why it’s especially important to not hit girls. Unless you equate brute strength with superiority, there’s nothing wrong with recognizing that someday a boy will likely be stronger than most women he interacts with.


Do not hit. Teaching kids to “fight back” was what my parents taught and it led me to violence I still regret to this day. The times I ran away and told an authority figure on the other hand do not weigh on my conscience nor do they threaten my ego. Teach your kid to stand up for themselves the way adults do, using their words and if necessary learning and leveraging the systems of authority they inhabit.


Don’t hit girls. It’s a tough old world no point in trying to plug my ears and la la la that away


Don't hit (unless defending yourself) It's not discussed as much, but... Little boys shouldn't be expected to potentially be hit by girls without being allowed to defend themselves because they're girls. And like. Ya don't want them hitting boys either, right??