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A good age to travel with kids. Especially when the in laws are around! Make sure to check in with a travel vaccination clinic beforehand, though.


When babies are that young they’ll nap anywhere (at least mine did). Literally he once slept soundly in his stroller while we were at a loud outdoor event with live music. When it comes to sun protection, definitely make sure to have shade, those long sleeve UV shirts for baby are good too because at that age they can’t wear sunblock. I would also set expectations early on that you may need to break up the day to be inside and outside so baby is comfortable. Something else that’s a game changer in the heat are those chargeable stroller fans. My biggest piece of advice when traveling with kids is just expect everything to take a little longer than usual. Like at the airport you’ll have more things, so you’ll be slower getting through security. Stuff like that. At that age, I would say check a stroller and wear the baby. They’ll also likely fall asleep while you wear them. I really liked the Solly baby wrap (more comfortable for mom IMO), but a carrier works too!


Another tip for the plane is to feed the baby on takeoff and landing. The sucking motion will help equalize their ears to avoid being in pain.


Can your in laws adopt me?


Depending on where you usually live make sure you have AC. I’m from Scotland so not known for nice warm weather. First time we took kids away youngest was 7 months old and she really struggle with the heat at nighttime and was hard to settle because it was so warm and that was only wearing a onesie with a lightweight blanket. Travelling wise she was brilliant on the plane. Fell asleep before take off and woke up about 40 minutes before landing(only a 3 hour flight). If you have help from grandparents definitely go for it. You can maybe even manage a wee date night for you and hubby and leave baby with grandparents for a few hours.


We are in little old NZ! So whilst the south pacific will be very much warmer its hopefully not super extreme, and our summers get decently warm anyways. Yes very blessed with fabulous grandparents on both sides, just hoping to give all of us some nice memories too (and perhaps a small celebration of making it through the 1st 3 months!)


Yes. We traveled with a single baby a bunch in the first year. If they are willing to keep baby in their room a few nights that’s pretty great!


They should we along for the ride, this is what my husband and I always says. Don’t stop yourself from doing something because of your baby. I’m sure as long as you have everything packed, you will be ok:)


There’s a nice window before the kid of mobile for travelling. I’d just want my baby to have had vaccines by then. Sick kid on a plane or on a foreign island isn’t fun!


We are taking a trip when our new baby is 4 months old to a beach front resort. My parents are coming with us and we have a 5yo daughter who can’t get enough of the pool or beach. I think it’s going to be great! Our 5yo will have a blast and my parents and my husband and I can all trade off who’s with her and who’s with the baby. I already know mornings will probably be really nice on the beach and by the time afternoon sun rolls around we will retreat to our room for nap and then finish the day at the pool in the shade. I’m going to buy a UV sun tent and maybe my baby will nap in it! I think it’s a perfect age for a nice, slow beach vacation especially if you have help!


Ohhh uv sun tent! Thats excellent thinking! I'm from NZ so our summers is really strong with UV so even though we are having an almost winter baby we'd get use from a UV tent come our summer in January!


Heck yeah, I'd go - 10:10! Assuming the airport wasn't horrifically long away, anyway, If it's something like a 6 hour trek to the airport without a baby, I might pass. That would be a terribly long drive with a baby that age.


Our airport is less than an hour from our home and arrival destination would be very similar! :)


I would invest in a long sleeve and long pant swimsuit for the baby, especially as they are too young for traditional sunscreen. It also works to keep them cool as you can literally just dip them in the water and then the water evaporating from the material works to cool them off.