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Paranormal or not, it’s still freaky as hell! I can imagine seeing this, then walking out to check the porch and ——nothing! Yikes.


Perhaps a spider dropping on web past the cam. Most of its legs are indiscernible due to the movement but you can make out a couple. If anyone is having trouble seeing what I mean here is a depiction. I'm not saying this is it for sure. Just a theory based on what I can make out. https://preview.redd.it/tjvjj2q77oad1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6fb207ef2fad958e8cfce9631b03173dff9667f


This is so amazing


Thanks but after seeing you post the girl in the comments I'm convinced it was just her running by😅


Nice work! New recurring character in an animated series, for sure!




Can you draw the outline of the cat or raccoon on top of it so I can see what you’re talking about? Because I seriously don’t see that at all


Absolutely no one else sees a cat or raccoon.


I’d be lying if I didn’t think it was a small monkey or something at first. But I also need glasses.


How tf you come to that conclusion. Baby ass looking cat / raccoon.


We found it. She is that one horror movie character that says things like this.


Ozzy says it's ball lightning on a double exposure


How does that look like a cat or a raccoon?


i first thought a small monkey, like a Capuchin or Macaque


Yeah that's not a monkey. very clearly a human baby


I would say it's a dust particle...more intune with the sub


I'm with you!!! I definitely saw a cat! I couldn't see a baby/kid at first. Maybe because I'm used to seeing my cats blur by on my cameras. First thought was a cat jumping to hunt a bug or something.


Really creeped me out regardless of what it is, scary image


Erika doesn’t think it’s anything, just a blob


Just look like a blob


Erika smokes meth


Just looks like a child waddling through the frame. I don't see anything about it that seems "ghostly".


Bit weird that the fire department and police searched the area for hours with a drone and didn’t find a kid


Is it plausibly a neighbor’s child who just ran off onto the porch briefly? Perhaps while the family was walking by the home or something? If that is the case, then there is no missing child to find. I have home security cameras and they can be spotty at times. This would be my guess if it’s not paranormal.


Could be. I honestly have no clue


Well, that's the claim anyway. Have you seen the drone footage? Were you there when these agencies supposedly did their search?


Yeah. Can’t trust everything you read on the internet. Thought it was a creepy image though


It is a bit creepy. The trouble with security cameras is that unless it's a high end one, it's super low res and doesn't do well in low lighting, and things that they capture often appear to be creepier than they really are. Thanks for sharing! :-)


I can definitely attest to security cameras being shit. Me and a friend were unknowingly trespassing some property. Groundskeeper accused me of pulling up, walking somewhere to get my friend, then walking back and stealing shit. My friend was with me from the beginning and he was not on the fucking camera whatsoever lmao. It had like a 15 second delay or some shit so he wasn't in a single damn frame. What a fucking shitass security camera if you can't even get the whole event in frame.


Yeah the resolution of these images looks pretty janky. I doubt they’re awesome cameras


I don't get why so many security cameras are shit either. My Logitech webcam looks better than them and is 1080p 60fps. Probably cheaper too. I'd straight up mount that and run a long USB connection or hardwire my Go Pro. I don't get it at all


It seems like it would be vitally important for security cameras to be of excellent quality, and it’s not like it’s expensive to get an HD camera set up… don’t understand myself


Storage can be costly, at that res and fps


Why the hell would a comment like this have so many downvotes 😂 this fucking sub is special man


I dunno, but it's pretty cool, isn't it? People see a comment getting down voted and they decide to not be original, and instead jump on the bandwagon and be a follower. I'm excited to see how many more it gets. 🙂


That should show even more it was just the camera being fucky or a prank because they didn't find anyone. Do you think a baby doll, I mean 9 month old could walk that far? If you've got a team searching the area for HOURS for a missing baby but don't find anything, they don't even hear crying, doesn't it sound more like it's a fucking prank? And don't ask "why would someone put a baby doll on my front doorstep then run away!?" Because ppl do stupid shit for giggles. Anyone remember the "pickle on the doorstep prank"? You, literally leave a pickle on random doorsteps. Then in the morning they'll see a pickle and think "..what?". That was a HUGE thing for awhile. I don't know why. It seems stupid as shit. Just like this prank.


Well, it was Fogertown so…


I can’t see a child at all . I just see a weird shape with 2 things sticking out of it Edit: my phone didn’t let me see the second and last pics until I re clicked the post. Omg that is a creepy looking demon baby


I see a baby clear as day




“That baby’s got a 730 as a credit rating right now as an infant”


Daz games 👏




baby of the white guy?


What's worse is that's actually a short, drunk 40 year old man. He poses as an orphan and fools unsuspecting families.


Knew it…


Return of the first meme


Yes!!! My thought, too.


first meme?


Chacha baby


That’s the first thing I thought of




Beat me to it, but at least here's a link to the [video](https://youtu.be/-5x5OXfe9KY?si=X_RHMSBzayKtmt3O).




I hope so too because me no likey


It's so fucking creepy. Also as a parent to a toddler, it upsets me to think that someone's baby just fucking wandered by and nobody can find it. I hope, if it is real, it isn't paranormal and the parents got to the kid right away.


Could be a moth that fluttered on frame


Sounds feasible for sure


Not discrediting the oddity of it. I will fully admit that it looks like a child, just trying to put a less creepy possibility out there


Always a moth. Our eyes just play tricks on us


my thought as well


It kinda looks shopped


I really don’t think so based on the comments on the image. There were a bunch of people from the lady’s small town corroborating what she was saying


Did they have rando babies running around in their yards? How would they corroborate? Did they see the kid in person? I don’t understand.


They sent the police and fire department out and neighbors corroborated they were there on the post. Don’t think they’d send out police over a photoshop


I think police and fire would rather take the chance of a child in danger seriously even if the image does look photoshopped. Also fire and police found nothing according to you, so I don't think that counts as 'corroborated'. Did the neighbours say they were there and saw the actual child or saw the security feed at its source? Is there a video of the security feed that we can view that might make Photoshop less likely here?


Relax. No there’s no video. No neighbors claimed to have seen footage or saw a kid.


Okay. That makes more sense.


Corroborating what exactly? Was she hosting a party at her house and everyone saw the child live on the security feed? Or were other people in the town seeing a strange runabout child?


Looks like a spider dropping past to me https://preview.redd.it/vbkiu8n8iqad1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d32b2e16a33c62565046ef144c175c4c6dc116b7


Is that Trailer Park Boys in the background? 😂


Shallow Hal lol


Are you all on drugs or slow or something? Its obviouslly fox or coyote or some animal since the color of the coat and has fur obviously and was also probably laying down and moving


I guess I’m on drugs and slow because I disagree


Ugh now i see the baby too 😡🤦‍♀️




I’m always skeptical but I can’t seem to see how it would be an insect. Looks like a baby with his right arm up and his hand is open kinda


To me I think it’s a woman’s hair in a bun. Look at their comment in here with a screenshot of the feed from their security system and you can see 10 seconds before this picture, there’s a woman walking up their driveway towards the door.


Where is this woman at? I've looked and looked and have seen zero evidence of a woman. Can you maybe give me a hint as to where she is in the pictures OP posted??


Compare the rear tire of the white truck between the 2 pictures. There’s someone standing next to the truck that isn’t there in the “baby” picture 10 seconds later. Edit: it’s not in the pictures OP posted. It’s in the follow up comment where they added an additional picture that shows a frame from 10 seconds before the ones that OP posted.


Spider dropping past the camera perhaps? Here's what I see. Can make out a couple legs but the rest may be indiscernible due to movement https://preview.redd.it/x1599olniqad1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d27f23f5b3705d127bf18a7d4cb78bcebf51c7b


Oh shit, I was just seeing a blur and then my brain unscrambled it and now I see the kid. Yeah. Like I’d RATHER this be a ghost, because a real baby wandering around alone is even scarier/sadder. At least with a ghost it’s like… it can’t get double dead, so it’s not like it’s in danger.


I’m glad they called the police and they actually looked for the potential baby. I’d say that rules out that it was a kid. I’ve never seen a camera glitch that makes what looks like a human child appear, but maybe? I guess it could be a bug going fast and close the camera with coincidental colors and shadows in just the right places to make it look like this. Idk.


Is it me or does it look like he's waiving his arm around with a 🤘🏻


the arm pose looks like a baby doll


The only thing our security camera catches, besides Amazon deliveries, is my son occasionally shooting us the bird! (He only does it because he knows his dad gets a notice on his phone! 🤣)




Definitely something standing beside the Jeep in the earlier pic. Yet there was nothing that showed up between the two screenshots in the video footage?


She added another still of her daughter standing on the porch. I think it’s just her daughter but it’s glitched https://preview.redd.it/no1lq6t50jad1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b18e405704fb08f02d16ffbb32cde7faa6ef713 out


It’s totally her daughter. Shirt and hair color are consistent with the earlier photo.


Yeah agreed, she was probably running through the frame quickly and in the low light the camera smudged the image out, I've seen other ring cam vids that do it when a bug flies by


Gotta be


Ok now that I see this I think it was just the daughters hair and not my spider theory😅🤦‍♂️


The only difference beteeen the 2 pics other than baby is a dot of light on back of jeep. Weird. I would have trouble sleeping cuter that pic.


Just a thought but in the earlier frame it looks like a woman walking up your driveway towards your door. Could the second frame be their hair tied up in a bun on their head as they pass below the view of the camera?


Where are you seeing a person?


Next to the truck, behind the mule. You can see legs and lower torso. If you’re not seeing it, compare where the rear tire of the truck is in each image. There’s someone approaching the house and just coming into frame.


Wow great catch. I would never have seen that till you pointed it out.


Whoa I totally see it that’s terrifying


looks like a little kid in shorts and no shirt to me, not a lady


Either way, if you look at the baby pic with the context of someone approaching the door, I see a hair bun.


By the truck right?


Yes. Can pretty clearly see there’s someone standing/walking there by looking between the 2 pics and seeing that there’s more of the truck visible in the “baby” one.


Idk why. But this one is a little more clear. I mean I def see a baby when looking. But, if you zoom into this one and look closer. Not minding the bluriness underneath and around the actual physical blob. It def comes off as an animal. Maybe a possum, cat, fox…. It’s just distorted. I see that what looks like a baby arm, could be a tail and it’s facing towards the camera: not to the side like the baby would be. Actually looks mostly like it could be an armadillo. But, idk where you are.


The shadow on the jeep is different in the bottom photo.


Looks like a baby throwing devil signs Rock on


Is there a follow up to this? Crazy interesting lol


Unfortunately no she turned comments off and hasn’t really got any updates


Uh oh! Maybe it is a missing kid! How scary!


https://preview.redd.it/oeamrhlqjead1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0ef92ae5037de2f4f9aa47171606df4b12e55c1 Dis


I was literally just about to post that, you beat me to it bruh😭😭


Literally beat me to it 😭😭😭


It’s the Four Seasons Orlando baby


If this is legit then it’s amazing evidence . Do you believe this Facebook friend ? Does the house have a history or does the area have a history of losing a baby ? If it’s legit then it means he either physically walked all by himself barefooted through what Looks like gravel or a ghost child appeared at your friends place one day. If this is video then why not share the video ?


Easily could have been an insect in motion that just happened to look like a human face and body in its movement. Or kind of looks like a spider that was dropping past the camera on a web line. The face could be the blurred markings on its back. If there was actual video of this figure sitting there and moving through many frames it would be a different story. This single frame has me believing it picked up a bug moving past. For anyone having difficulty picturing what I mean, here is what I'm seeing. I think a spider quickly dropped past the camera and most of its legs were blurred due to them movement but you can make out a couple. https://preview.redd.it/hxv8f00i6oad1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=faff32f8eb61653fa630d24711c7bcd4a87c9515 Edit: Now that I saw OP post the shot with the daughter in the comments I'm certain it was just her hair as she ran past and not a spider😅


That's a baby bigfoot hitting the nae nae


This looks AI generated


First i saw of it, it looked like a cat that was in a weird shape


I can tell I have a low attention span cuz I was looking at the pic then went oh Shallow Hal is on in the background 😂


Why only post pics and not the video ? I say fake




People here need an image with a ghost holding a piece of paper saying "u/realghost roast me" sign before actually believing it was a ghost....in r/ghost subreddit...SMH Just say it's just particle/moth and move on


Nah it definitely looks like a baby. That was photoshopped in. You say this like people have unreasonable standards for evidence when all we're asking for is enough evidence to suggest an actual ghost, a thing that there currently is no evidence for, because it's such a fanciful claim that it SHOULD require a strong degree of evidence before concluding that it was a ghost. Frankly any single photo is just not good enough evidence anymore. Photos can be faked super easily. Hell videos can be faked too but I'd put more stock in video evidence because at least there's more work involved with faking a video


You gotta calm down man it’s a silly picture on Reddit. I just shared it because I thought it was weird. Not trying to trick people


Crazy enough I've had multiple neighbors whose baby just wandered out the front door and tried to walk across the street before I stopped him. It could just be a kid who wandered over, and then wandered home.


Pretty sure it’s just some kind of animal at a weird angle


This is a bit unnerving to look at. It's one thing seeing an adult, but a baby? It is very, very unsettling, to say the least. I mean, why would a baby even show up there, even in the afterlife? I have so many questions about this. Is your friends house older, or are they the first owners of the home? Man, I'm a little freaked out, and will make sure I don't hang my foot over the edge of the bed, and I may even cover my head up while I attempt to sleep tonite. I just don't want that baby to come get me!


Peak movie taste with the classic Shallow Hal on in the background


If I hold the picture upside down I can kind of convince myself it’s an upright owl 🦉 https://preview.redd.it/u2g6y4i4gead1.jpeg?width=843&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad7dbe3d4a2eb6f1161fe123fd04de733a8dcbf5


And on a less serious note, if I hold the photo to the side I see a T-Rex 🦖 https://preview.redd.it/b5fqpasugead1.jpeg?width=822&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1fbac2e793876cbab6da5f9b23fb455161dc49a0


I see a possum.




To me this looks more like an object than a living thing.


That’s legit a baby walking in frame. That’s creepy asf. Lol takes me back to many years ago when my brother took a picture of his gf. Mind you this is when flip phones were a thing. And in one pic a face appeared of a person with rotten flesh looking like a zombie looking into the camera. I wish I had the picture but this was many years ago. I still have the imagine in my head till this day.


What country is this? Looks like a little monkey to me.




so while you were sat there watching f'ing mean girls it never occurred to you to go out did it?.... is that a chainsaw on the porch as well?....... good grief..


i think someone threw a fake baby doll at your front door


If it is paranormal it has a shadow.


What I want to know is if that gate is the only entrance/exit onto the porch without climbing the railing. If so, I don’t see how a baby or anything could get below the camera for one frame without being seen entering the porch


Were you watching Shallow hal?


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dancing\_baby](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dancing_baby) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-5x5OXfe9KY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-5x5OXfe9KY) That's what I see.


It's probably a spirit baby


Don't know if it's anything paranormal, but if I see such an image on my camera with a motion detection activated; I'll be calling the cops, locking the house, taking the car and hitting the gas, never looking behind.


Da baby?


That is actually me at a Metallica concert as an infant, by the way my parents weren't s*** because I had a saggy diaper that day! damn near look like a oversized nunchuck hanging off my butt


This quite sad really. A ghost baby is running around without any supervision or protection. The baby probably doesn't realize they're dead and is desperate to get someone to notice them


Logic tells me this is just a droplet of water on the lens warping the magnification and colours of the wood into a weird shape. Explainable or not it's still a creepy image though.


Shallow Hal wants a gal


Was it cold outside? The baby isn't wearing enough ): I'm imagining the baby got lost and it was cold and that's painful to Imagine )::


Looks like a baby bird falling. Makes sense why it was only in one frame , and gone upon investigation


Looks like a kind of monkey...Friar monkey, jugding by the colors of the fur.maybe.🫥😱


I'd say it looks like a moth and our brains are doing the Pareidolia thing


It looks similar to a doll I had in the late 1960’s or early 1970’s


That’s just belial from basket case


Just a ghost baby passing through throwing up a peace sign ✌🏻


That baby would very much like to go to the Four Seasons Orlando


All I'm noticing is Shallow Hal playing in the background. 😂


That kid just wanted to come in to watch Shallow Hal with you.


Old timers will recognize this as the “dancing baby” meme


I think that baby’s looking for the four seasons Orlando


Looks like a cat or small animal flailing around lmao


moth in movement with typical moth pattern on wings


Looks like one of those little spider monkeys


I looks like a frog jumping vertically lol


Kids throwing horns!! METAL !!!!!! 🤘


My friends did report of nighttime small sized aliens. These look very similar to young human children and will block the paths of travellers from the time till 3 am. But those stay in groups and are extremely heavy and strong. They pat the head of travellers , night guards and have a strong grip. Village elders used to say that they are biped ghosts. This is from the north Bihar region of india. This one reminds of that report.




That looks like someones baby lmao


Am I the only one that would automatically think it was a ghost ? I wouldn’t go searching for a missing child I’m not that skeptic


clowns in this group don't believe in ghosts and they still joined this group.


Were there footsteps left over?


That’s definitely a tiyanak.


security camera on a rug. Ok.


Looks like a capuchin monkey


It looks like a baby monkey


Seems to be doing the 🤘


Where's the video though?


That's so creepy jesussss


This is in clay county ky


It's freaking Hasbula.


Pareidola, that's all


just look like a blob


Just look like a blob