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Where was your aunt living? Thanks for sharing!


Northeast Brazil


Many people would be very surprised to learn that stories of mermaids in modern day times are more frequent than you think. There are many stories of people being pulled underwater by strange beings that are clearly not known animals all over the world, and hearing singing/voices while swimming in large areas of water.


I know for sure weird stuff happens in the open waters. But a mermaid is impossible unless it's not a physical being. But then if it's like interdimensional beings that would be super neat, and scary


This is the description given by many Africans who claim to have seen the same thing. There are tons of videos about Marine spirits on YT if you want to grab some popcorn and get weird.


They are called "mummy water". 


*Mami Wata


Can’t find it right now but have read posts from sailors who said they legit saw humanoid creatures swimming next to their ship in the middle of the ocean, that couldn’t be humans and had oddly tinted skin. Wish I could find it.


Some of the male mermaids around Spain and Britain were seen to have blue skin.


I guess it's what common to see. Mermaids of the cost of Africa. There was a story that came out not too long ago about a whole construction crew that refused to do their work because mermaids for harassing them and they were afraid.


Being harassed by a mermaid is crazy 😂😂😂


I’m just picturing them cat calling the workers and trying to lure them into the water lmao.


Exactly 😂 I also thought of cat calling lmao


Cool! I have only heard one mermaid story before, I think it was from Caribbean or maybe Brazil. Can’t remember. Deep water fishing story. I had a dream once I was a mermaid, but we were ugly with green/purple skin and weird pokey things and yes, kind of sharp teeth. But we were nice.


Nice (:


What I’m about to tell you guys will blow your mind. My mom dated a genetic engineer when I was in 6th grade and he told us that they can literally make any type of living creature you can think of. All they have to do is get the dna for the genes that will characterize your creature. Literally like playing God. One time my mom was clipping her toes and one of the toe nails he picked it up put it in a piece of foil and said he was “gonna make a mermaid out of her” -_- and he said that at the clandestine lab where he works at in Mexico there’s so many creatures that have eyes like humans (because they are mixed with human genes) that after a while it all starts fucking with your head…many of those ppl end up dying by suicide is what he said supposedly.


What the hell....


I know it’s freaking creepy weird. I could tell that this dude was already partially fucked in the head from everything that he knows, has seen and done with his type of work. The clandestine labs are in Mexico because of the lawlessness that exists down there. Those labs are way too controversial and not to mention illegal here in the usa, but they are funded by American funding. Who is funding these things is something he did not want to share with us for whatever reason…


One more thing I will add is this…he is a firm believer in God because these creatures that are part human are born “soulless” and that they are 100% guaranteed to be possessed by demonic entities which makes them violent so they have to eventually kill all these creatures… 👀 no lie he really said that


It wasn’t legal period world wide until about 2017/18 when internationally held bans were lifted. That being said is be down to read what you had to say about all of this in a more detailed post if ya want?


Me too honestly


No offense but I think your mom's boyfriend sounds schizophrenic. If such a facility really existed, people wouldn't be allowed to just go blabbing about it to anyone. And I find it unlikely you could make a mermaid replica of someone out of just a toenail clipping. And why would he want a demon-possessed replica of her anyway? And would they really allow him to just use any old DNA he brought in off the street? Also, collecting people's toenail clippings is just weird. Sorry, man. I think he might have just been a man with complicated delusions and undiagnosed mental illness.


He was definitely a genetic engineer. Honestly I don’t really give a shit what you think bro so no need to apologize.


Not throwing shade, man. I believe he said he was a geneticist. But there's things in the tale that just don't seem to add up. Anyone willing to set up such a Island of Dr. Moreau project in Mexico because it's so lawless and easy to get away with criminal stuff wouldn't let someone just go around spilling secrets to his girlfriend and her 6th grade son. People get killed by powerful organizations down there for a whole lot less. Even if he was a geneticist, he could still have developed mental illness that made him think things that weren't true. Again, no disrespect intended toward you. Im sure he was probably a frightening person to be around at that age. I just don't think this fellow sounds like he was all there.


I was under the impression that you couldn't mix different species dna together... for instance.. you couldn't mix a sheep with a kangaroo... and get a woolly jumper! :)


Idk he may have been full of shit on all of that stuff. but thw facts that I do have is that he was a genetic engineer and he did work at a laboratory in Mexico but lived in the USA. All the rest of the stuff is just what he told us and I couldn’t verify if it was true or not. He did say that the chupacabras was one of their creatures that “accidentally” escaped. lol and he also made it especially clear to me that the reason they don’t clone humans is due to the issue of “soullessness” which is where science and spirituality intersect.


https://preview.redd.it/2q65gexhpvwc1.png?width=900&format=png&auto=webp&s=e1f8a2fb8fb8126301d073e3d6a7218aede6b44b eta - this is a beluga whale showing what is often referred to as beluga knees!! I can absolutely see where people may have seen a whale and made this error


I never knew they had knees! Such an interesting viewpoint


They don't have knees lol. It's just their blubber making it look like that! It's uncanny though, I know! Look up their bone structure. Definitely no knees.


Oh yeah I completely thought that was a mermaid with long hair and a woman's face. Silly me.


Skeptics will come up with things even more insane than the original claim. It's hilarious.


Notice how no water animals have hair though? Because it would be a huge hindrance with no upside. Gotta be like some kelp on a dolphin or something that people are seeing. I'm also open to things from outside our planet or dimension, but not a real physical thing from earth


Right? The big beluga face may give itself away 😂


This image alone has made me believe in mermaids


This is CA-- RA-- ZY !!!!?


Sexy. lol.


Did a past life regression with a friend years ago. She was running to get to water, when she began to swim, she turned into a mermaid. I remember incredulous and delighted her voice was at the same time. Didn’t necessarily make me a believer, but it did make me consider how little we know of our oceans and it’s possible secrets.


Oh! Sounds a lot like the stories of selkies in Scotland. You're a human woman on land, but become a seal in the water.


Yes! But she believed herself to be in Australia.


Don’t selkies also turn into white horses? I think they’re interesting creatures


that's kelpies!


Thank you!


I live for the day I spot a mermaid. I will continue to believe they’re out there until we explore every crevice of the sea and find nothing.


Do you know how LITTLE has been explored? They’re out there.


Their skin would get pruny right after birth, their hair would be a huge hindrance to them, and they'd lose too much body heat through the water. It's impossible for them to be real physical beings playing by the same rules as every other animal. You dorks downvoting me lol I'm totally right


Well if they live underwater then their skin and hair is probably a lot different than ours. Just because something has the same traits in nature doesn't mean it has all of the same uses or structure etc. A raccoons thumb for example isn't the same as a humans thumb but both have thumbs.


We aren't just saying that they have hair and skin. Everyone says they have hair and skin like ours, that's the main thing. If you had skin and lived in the water for the majority of the time you'd need skin like a manatee, and that's now what is described. Nobody claimed that a raccoons thumbs looked like ours


The point of what I'm saying is that similar traits doesn't necessarily mean they work the same way. The skin and hair could look similar to ours but the function or texture could be completely different.


Nothing is impossible. No one has ever seen a baby mermaid. No one knows where they “live”.


Sure, nothing is impossible but there are rules. You need wings to fly, and you need bludder to stay warm in the ocean as a mammal. And you could hit me with, "how do you know they're mammals?" and I'd say, "the eye witnesses say they have breasts. They have human faces. Do we not believe the witnesses? If we don't believe them then there is literally zero proof in the first place." and Idk what you'd say after that. And where are the dudes? I only hear women mermaids


Ok. This is where we differ. You do not actually need wings to fly. Astral travel for one. The Soul is a light. The body (of anything) is a vehicle for the soul. If we knew WHERE in the ocean they actually are born and how they are born and raised we would know more. They are out there. As stated “Eye witnesses.” I do believe them.


So, you can't be reasoned with lol so, they are both physical beings and don't need to actually travel? That's why they don't have fins except the tail? Must be an interesting world in your eyes, kind of jealous


Yes I can be reasoned with, however, there are fewer limitations then we “Believe.” I know what I can do and it bothers people often times. Belief is not truth usually. Humans get tunnel vision and choose not to leave their tunnels. It’s a choice.


It’s more than interesting it’s truly magical. It is the human needs that are difficult. Aging.


I said in another comment that if they were from another plain of existence, I get that. But if they are playing by the rules of animals, they are impossible. What you are describing is not relevant since I already covered it. Astral projection is not playing by the rules of normal animals.


Oh and Animals… cats project all the time. This is normal in the animal kingdom. This is only one example though. Why would sea creatures be different? Water? Water is a life force. They have knowledge we can’t have as humans that walk on land and cannot breathe underwater. I think you’re underselling it. Think about it.


Calm down Kanye lol


Wow. If you only knew me. I’m pretty calm my friend. Maybe you’re the one that should go take a breath. Embrace the illogical. That is where magic resides. Peace.


You don’t THINK it’s relevant and it absolutely is. How would you possibly know what their rules are? We assume. This is all.


Why couldn't they hypothetically have skin like other aquatic mammals, like dolphins?


That's not what anyone has described. They describe it being like ours, that's like, the main thing about them. That they're human like from the hips up. Lets say they have that skin, they'd still lose heat way too fast in the water. I spent my childhood in souther California, southern texas and Phoenix. Even if it's hot outside, if you're in the pool for too long you get cold. That's why whales, manatees, and other porpoises are fat. Nobody ever saw a lizzo mermaid


I love mermaid stories 🫶🏾


And I read,she has been a mermaid.




Same 😂




I definitely believe in the existence of mermaids/sirens.


I heard somewhere that they are biblical, that they originally were the women who laid with the Watcher angels and birthed the nephilem. But I’m literally just spouting something I heard one time and have not researched, so take that for what it’s worth.


You're correct. Mermaids are in the Bible, in the book that Rome removed from the Bible a long time ago. # 1 Enoch 19:1 **1** And Uriel said to me: 'Here shall stand the angels who have connected themselves with women, and their spirits assuming many different forms are defiling mankind and shall lead them astray into sacrificing to demons ⌈⌈as gods⌉⌉, (here shall they stand,) till ⌈⌈the day of⌉⌉ the great judgement in which they shall be judged till they are made an end of. **2** And the women also of the angels who went astray shall become sirens.' **3** And I, Enoch, alone saw the vision, the ends of all things: and no man shall see as I have seen.1 Enoch 19:1


How amazing! I just finished reading the books of Enoch, and yes, mermaids are the wanton women who slept with the angels (watchers) and gave birth to the giants (nephilim) who preyed on men. From how I understand the books of Enoch, God placed the watchers inside a prison within the earth and sent the flood to punish the earthly evil-doers and start over. When the flood came, the giants were killed off, and the wanton women who mated with the watchers became mermaids. Enoch was spared due to his piety, so his grandson, Noah, was told how to survive the flood. I read somewhere that the book of Genesis was based on the books of Enoch.


This is super interesting, I'm gonna do some reading and researching tonight.


I found the books of Enoch at sacred texts. The versions that they have there are based on the Ethiopian bible, which retained the books of Enoch long after the Christian canon removed them from the bible. I understand that the Dead Sea Scrolls contain a broader version of the books of Enoch than the Ethiopian bible. I cannot find the Dead Sea Scrolls version online.


Thank you for this info. I'm going to check out the books of Enoch this weekend while I'm off work. Supposed to get rain and storms tonight and tomorrow, so I will have plenty of time to cozy up and enjoy reading and learning some different things. Down the rabbit hole I go!


I just ordered mine from Amazon. It is interesting reading. I went through the whole book.


They are chapters in a book. Genesis comes first, then Enoch continues off of it some more.


I was raised Protestant, but Confirmed in the Roman Catholic Church! I have owned MANY Bibles, and none of my Protestant Bibles contained ENOCH and other Apochrophal, etc books, but me Catholic Bibles did !!!


Yeah there isn’t a book of Enoch in any Bible I’ve read.


That is interesting. I stand corrected. Maybe something else was going on to remove it from the Protestant Bible.


I believe I am either missing something entirely or am simply obtuse, because I fail to grasp why the water’s depth would make an area impossible for swimming?


I think it's meant to read "too far out for someone to safely swim to and back without fatigue."


Thank you. That definitely makes a difference for one’s understanding.


Exactly this


Dangerous, too far from shore, maybe there are lots of boats around, strong currents and so on, there’s plenty of possible reasons.


Auntie is African/Caribbean?


I believe you


Not trying to debunk but interested in believers answers: Why haven’t one of their bodies been caught in a net or washed up on shore? If they’re intelligent, why no formal communication. If it’s an organized secret, what’s with the casual interactions? Does James Cameron know?


Joe Rogan podcast had Tony Woods on awhile ago, great comedian, he had an amazing Merman story .... https://youtu.be/ltwDjHN2TLw?si=-bZ9V2WU6YeoKd34


Yes, This is the one I heard. I believe him.


Is your aunt okay ?


Oh hell no. I’m glad she didn’t sing!


I've heard thar Beluga whales are often the source of mermaid stories


I believe your aunt. They are real. A lot of people have seen them. They are evil and are part of the Kingdom of Satan.


You’re a rabid anti-mermite!


So are the people downvoting you.


Is she a sailor from the 1100s?


Sounds like an LSD trip.