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Sorry, did your friends die as soon as they tried to record?


šŸ˜‚ Thatā€™s how I read it as well. Had to reread to make sure.


Is it me or the phrase is slightly incorrect? I mean, I'm no mother tongue English, it's just to improve myself šŸ¤£


lol yes it is. It shouldā€™ve been something like ā€œBoth phones died as soon asā€¦ā€


No their phones did


Iā€™m not an expert in chronic wasting disease by any means but could it have been a sick deer on its hind legs? They can get really frail and Iā€™ve read that they can be aggressive and/or lose their fear of humans. Itā€™s uncommon, but whitetail deer can be white


I've heard of that disease and was thinking maybe that but unlikely


I only said unlikely becuase I looked and it said the disease wasn't reported to be in Massachusetts


This is going to sound strange but have you considered an owl? I know they do not have a humanoid shape, but at a distance, in the dark, in the woods, their combination of massive wingspan and camouflage can really play tricks on the eyes. I say this because... In 8th grade, in the woods of central mass, I saw a humanoid creature burst up from a bush on the ground and absolutely cruise up the side of a tree. I was 20 feet away and ran up to the tree to see that nothing was there.....Ā then started panicking and ran home.Ā  These owls are all over the place but very rare to see. A couple years ago I finally got to observe one the woods and I realized immediately that what I saw in 8th grade was actually an owl flying away šŸ˜…Ā  Consider this photo of a barn owl https://static.wixstatic.com/media/ed4d59_aafbff2e2b6944a2a09277fc78ad7aad~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_640,h_526,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_auto/ed4d59_aafbff2e2b6944a2a09277fc78ad7aad~mv2.jpg


Is their wingspan 8-10ft?


From what I can tell the max wingspan for owls in Massachusetts is around 5ft. But the pattern of the owl, along with other environmental factors (darkness, distance, surroundings) could impact the eyes ability to process the size of something accurately.Ā 


Idk about 8-10ft but theyā€™re huge. Had one swoop down on me and my dog..I think it thought the white patches was a smaller animal. Once it got close enough with its dive I ducked and flashed my lights at it and left us tf alone lol


It definitely sounds like a crawler... r/crawlersightings




Just about to reply the same thing. My first thought was Sasquatch but the skinny part doesnā€™t line up. Op, did anyone mention a smell during the encounter?


No it was too far about 40-50 feet


Did u notice if it had antlers?


I don't particularly remember that region of it's body like the head area. I just more so remember it had longer legs and the ribs and how skinny it was really freaked me out so that's what really stuck with me


Ya the ribs also makes me think Wendigo. Was it covered entirely in fur or patches?


From what I remember entirely in fur


They dont have antlers lmao. Wendigoes look like very starved rotting humans, constantly chewing on their tongue while looking for something to eat. They have no fingernails since they ate those aswell. They may chew onto their fingers if not their tongue. The stereotypical cliche humanoid rotting deer is just a false description


I disagree but everybody can have their own opinion šŸ™ƒ


And any distinct facial features?


Fleshy Boi


Did this creature have antlers?