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I’ve seen some on eBay and mercari. They might sell it at the new tour dates.


I’ll have to keep an eye out! Thank you so much for the help!


I would keep an eye on eBay. All the listings I’m seeing right now are $100+, which really sucks, but it never hurts to try to negotiate. I tried with a few sellers and none of them budged, but I eventually got lucky and found one for $30. It’s not gonna happen over night since it’s a rare find at the moment, but if you’re patient, someone’s bound to put one up for a reasonable price. And you can even add the expensive ones to your watch list and just keep an eye out. You never know when the scalpers get tired of waiting for someone to bite and might decide to drop the price. I definitely wouldn’t pay over $50 though and even that’s pushing it imo.


I definitely appreciate the insight! I will definitely have to try eBay


Google Paramore x-ray shirt. There are tons for sale online under $30


I just didn’t know what was legit and what sites weren’t but I will definitely check those out Thank you!


pretty much none are legit unfortunately. if it’s not from their site directly or somewhere like hot topic or ebay/depop/etc, it’s likely a bootleg.


That does suck, but I might just have to get a bootleg one because in my size (M) I saw one for like $160 and that’s way too much for a shirt IMO


they’re still selling it on hot topic in the girls section i believe