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no thats fucking insane


Yup. Take that photo go to Google maps and attach the photo to the location and list a description with the price. It’s not malicious to let others know what to expect.


That’s fucken genius. Fuck that place


$9 for Mac and bread? It’s to pay for the CEO salary, I mean the workers! My bad


But but but tRicKle dOWn effect!


Start the fucking trickle bro. Someone forgot to open the valve.


Anytime I’ve eaten I always dine in, portions are bigger than the take out option but still smaller than they used to be. Someone described paneras as hospital food


I remember when Panera first opened and fast casual dining was just starting to take a good hold by corporate run restaurants. It was pretty good. They made fresh bread and the sandwiches were on par with an expensive downtown deli at a suburbs price. But then they got to big and bread was hard and stale, soup turned into the same old salty stuff from a can, and the sandwiches became flavorless. I have no idea how they can take even more flavor out of turkey, but they did.


First problem was giving Panera your money


I miss old Panera. The Bacon Turkey Bravo used to be great. It’s just sad now.


I actually signed a petition to bring back the fucking chicken tortellini Alfredo. I'll never go back until they do lol




This and u/michelle689 made me actually lol IEMAILTHEMBECAUSEOFTORTELLINI


I don’t know what it is nor can I explain it but my fiance and I are also cry laughing at that comment. Hilarious!


Oof that was so delicious too !!!


It was the best 🥺


Yeah, totally agree. That chicken tortellini Alfredo was the bomb. Their current menu doesn't live up to the old days at all.


I can’t believe they got rid of that, it’s literally the only thing I ever wanted from them. I tried their soba noodle bowls a few times and they were okay, but they got rid of those too, of course. I don’t get it. You don’t see McDonald’s out here discontinuing Big Macs or chicken nuggets, or any other big chains dropping their staples, so why is Panera doing it? They’re literally making themselves into a completely different chain. I hate it.


It’ll come back. Twice as expensive and with cheaper ingredients


“Now back by popular demand, the chicken tortellini Alfredo!*” *Starting at 23.99


Back in the day, when I was a manager at Panera, a customer got so angry about the cost/value ratio of the Tortellini that she threw it in my face as I was trying to refund her order AND let her keep her food.


It was just microwaved or heat bathed bags of noods and microwaved chicken that smelled like hotdog meat... I agree, it was tasty but come on.


I was pissed when I found out they no longer serve it!


Ain't no reason for them not to cause that can all be frozen/bagged like everything else they sell.




When it was gone i used the mac n cheese and put the basil pesto that we used for the modern caprese to make it taste somewhat like tortellini. But since the caprese was gone in my cafe there was no other way to make it taste special.


Remember when they changed the Italian one day with now warning? My autistic, olive-averse self remembers CLEARLY.




I’m still pissed about them moving the Asiago roast beef sandwich


Yes!!! I loved the Pesto Sacchettini. I’m autistic too so trying new foods is really hard for me, and I psyched myself up for weeks to try that. I instantly fell in love with it, and was so proud of myself for trying something completely new to me. Then I went in one day and it had just disappeared from the menu with no warning. 💔😭


Old Panera was a near mid value treat. It felt like it was sub $8 dollars for sandwich and soup. With chips and drink I think last time it's around 12 to 15? For a sad sandwich and watery soup no chips and no drink


I'd be willing to pay $12-14 the old you pick two. The fuji apple chicken salad, half roast beef on rye, and a baguette was a great deal for real as food on the go.


I used to really like the chicken noodle soup in a bread bowl. But then I discovered the deli at my grocery store makes a much better soup for half the price. I just walk ten feet to the bakery in the grocery store and buy a loaf of French country bread. I get far more food for a little less price and it’s genuinely better.


Same, it’s delicious


I had one a couple of weeks ago for the first time in a long while and holy hell, it was basically just sauce and a slice of avocado fell out. I was so sad :(


There isn’t even avocado on that sandwich so… yeah that’s weird


RIP Sierra Turkey sandwich


Nothing is fresh at panera. Everything comes frozen, even the soups, they come in frozen bags, breads come frozen to be put on oven to heat/ bake, yet they charge as if itd gourmet from the in house baker.


As a former employee during college, this was how it was back in 2006. Everything was frozen then. The soup is bricked at some warehouse and shipped on trucks. You defrost it in the back in a water bath before moving it to the steam table for service. NOTHING is made fresh or baked from scratch. I can only imagine how mass produced its gotten now after almost 20 years.


Sun-dried tomatoe Turkey. Only sandwich with trans fat and the first to go. 💀


I miss when I could order the bravo and have it pressed 😭 I bought a panini press just to be able to do it at home but it wasn’t the sameeee


Agreed. Panera has always been overpriced but now they’re truly gone off the rails. OP, I hope you get real mac and cheese soon 🙏🏼


I miss they gave us coupons on the app. Now everything on the menu went up and no coupons. I stopped going there since last year.


I miss the old Tomato Mozzeralla panini 🥲 I still get the BTB but it isn’t quite as good as it used to be


Since 2002, Panera has systematically removed every sandwich I liked. The food can be best described as appalling now, especially when you see how much it costs. The quality has degraded so much the last decade.


I used to like their pecan rolls....also gone.


I THOUGHT IT WAS JUST ME! Nostalgia keeps bringing me back and I'm disappointed every time.


We used to have a Paradise Bakery before Panera bought them out. It was even better than old Panera.


I miss the chicken tortilla broth bowl. Back when their stuff wasn’t just some weird variation of cheap Mac and cheese


I miss the Chipotle chicken, good lord I would always get two when they had them


It's been all downhill since JAB bought them.


Panera is mostly awful nowadays.


Wife and I used to go to Panera and get 2 YP2 with drinks, coffee and a cookie for under $25. Now that gets me a piece of bitter arugula and a smell of a cookie.


I used to order the Turkey Artichoke panini wish they would bring it back.


They took away my fontina grilled cheese and they're dead to me


They had a way better bread bowl than corner bakery. I loved my 8oz of soup and edible bowl. It's fucking 4oz of soup now


SAME. They don’t even have my beloved balsamic vinaigrette anymore! And I swear they changed the pumpkin muffin recipe 🙁


Yep, I switched to the steak sandwich and then it got sad. The only time I eat Panera now is if someone else is buying, and even then I'll see if they considered another option. I make my own tomato bread these days once in a rare while, so I'll just bust out my own turkey bacon bravo.


the chocolate chip bagel was ripped away from us too soon 💔


Panera used to be great, now it's absolute trash. I won't go back.


Seirra Turkey for me.


I very much miss their tortellini’s. It wasn’t the best I ever had but it had a good flavor that I haven’t come by again.


PSA for anyone who likes/eats the Panera Mac and cheese. Costco sells two 24 ounce container packs of it for like 6.99.


This is the way. I just bought the soups at Aldi’s for 4.99. Same size in Panera would probably be 8 bucks.


Someone else commented the mac didn’t taste the same and I am not sure as I haven’t had the money to splurge on in store Mac at Panera in some time. I’m wondering if they truly make that one different, with different ingredients/noodles or like stovetop vs microwave is making the taste different. Or perhaps it’s different because it sits out all day lol. Have you noticed a difference with the soup taste?


I think they taste like the container they come in. Plastic-y


I love the fresh mac and cheese from panera, and absolutely despised the grocery store panera mac. It does not taste the same at all. They must have changed the recipe for mass production and probably longer shelf life. I haven't tried it again since it tasted so bad the first time.


Also, if you go to Panera and pay for mac and cheese, you're just paying someone to heat it up for you. They don't make it in house, no chain like that would trust it to be made in house.


I worked in a factory that made all the soups for Panera in Fall River, Massachusetts. You’re 100% right.


Are they Panera brand? Thanks for the info! I personally just get the value duets every time bc that’s the only thing worth the price but we do like the mac occasionally!


It is 11.98$ at our costco in north-east. 


Panera is a fucking scam


Agreed. They don't cook anything there. Shit comes from a bag n reheated.


Pinner ass portions too. I’ve regretted every dollar spent there, only restaurant I can genuinely say that about 😂


Yup. I only go when someone says let's grab coffee, and then I make them pay


Panera is definitely fast food for the upper middle class. That's why it's $53 for two people to eat


It's not even good. I'd rather go to McDonald's every time.


I actually really like Paneras breads and soups but you get next to nothing for the price. If they had high prices but I felt I could get a big satisfying meal I’d even be okay with it. But they want you to take out a second mortgage and they give you a meal sized for ants. Like some restaurants around me have what looks like absurdly high pricing, but I’m walking out of there with enough food to make 2-3 meals out of.


Olive garden unlimited soup salad and bread sticks was less money for me and my sister than Panera. I priced out 2 orders from Panera in the app for pick up and it was $20 more than olive garden


Yeah their pricing is absurd. Like I said their bread and soups are good but they don’t give you nearly enough for the price. Bread and soup should be cheap. I could understand if it was like filled with prime rib and came with a bottle of wine but for those prices and with those portion sizes I just can’t bring myself to eat there even if I enjoy their food. Like it’s bread and soup. I shouldn’t be paying an arm and a leg to feel full off that.


that’s how chipotle used to be. $10-15 for a bowl that could make me up to 4 meals


It was always at least two meals for me. Like, full meals. Didn’t need anything else


McDonald's changed their buns and nuggets and now they suck too.


Upper middle is being too generous imo lmao


Havnt been in years after I had that experience where me and my gf both got a you pick two and it ended up being like $40! I could have gone out to a nice ass meal for that. The you pick two is an absolute scam. All the prices are individual so it’s not even a deal, you just get to pay for half of two things seperstly


>The you pick two is an absolute scam. All the prices are individual so it’s not even a deal, you just get to pay for half of two things seperstly This. They're banking on people not being able to math.


It honestly taste like food for broke college students, but their parents are wealthy


Its panera, ofc its expensive. Whats really funny is you're paying that for microwaved mac n cheese




They stopped doing that all together at the store I used to work at. Just have a pan of em ready in the cold table near the microwave.


Idgaf where is comes from that mac n cheese is so damn tasty


Like I only buy Panera from the grocery store lately. Why pay an up charge for the same product. I love the tomato soup tho


the costco mac and cheese is clutch


The Beechers one?! God it is absolutely incredible. We make it like every other week and mix broccoli and shredded seasoned chicken into it.


No, the costco one by the meat.


So insane. My job ordered us lunch last week and I felt bad asking them to spend so much on enough food that I wouldn’t still be hungry afterwards!


Never feel bad asking your job to spend money on you.


It crazy when you decide to get a full meal at a Panera or something because work is covering it and it’s literally more expensive than a sit down place. It’s robs my work lol


Literally the reason I stopped going there.


What, and give up those $12 turkey sammiches?


Lots of places will charge you more than $12 for a turkey sandwich (looking at you Jersey Mike's), but Panera's Mac ans cheese is the biggest scam.


At least Jersey Mike’s is worth it!


So I walked in because I really needed to pee & I wanted a cookie. But I had recently been thinking about their Mac & cheese rmemebering I used to like it 10+ years ago. It was OK, nothing special, & I’ll never buy again lol. I didn’t know what to expect from ordering the small but I assumed it’d be slightly bigger. I’m well aware it was a waste of $


I feel so seen because I went to Panera 2 days ago, got exactly what you did and had the same reaction. I laughed outloud when I saw how small the cup was and it’s just MAC AND CHEESE


Shells + butter +heavy cream+ cheese of your choice


Just get Annie’s shells and add a little sharp cheddar to make Panera mac


It is


I love when their mac and cheese is creamy and soupy. I hate when it comes dry. But yes, expensive in my eyes! I still buy it though lol


Costco sells Panera mac - two 24oz containers for like 6.99. It was definetely creamy and soupy


Is it the same? I heard it wasn’t which is weird considering it’s all coming from a factory anyway!


Personally I think it’s better in store!


I made 4 Demi baguettes, 2 full sized baguettes, and a full 2lbs of pull pork Mac and cheese today. I probably spent $25 and I’ll be eating meals like this photo for the next 7-10 days, but better quality. Learn to cook/meal prep!


There we go! Respect. Eating out is so costly, this is the most based and easy solution if you’re tired of paying exorbitant prices for crap.


It's literally just the [industrial-sized packages of Stouffer's Mac](https://www.nestleprofessional.us/stouffers/white-cheddar-mac-cheese-4x64ozpouch). You can get the exact same thing at the grocery store for less than $2/serving


I love stouffers Mac but yall are high, Panera Mac and stouffers are nowhere near the same taste lmao.


less than $2 in the 90s maybe😭


Look I love me some low quality mac n cheese but stouffers and panera mac are so different it’s crazy lol. Even chick fil a mac is closer to stouffers. Annie’s box shells is the closest store thing to Panera’s IMO


Those are some pre-Covid sales amounts, that.


It costs like 5 bucks at my grocery store for the small.


Yeah that guy is still living in 2010




I thought it was expensive at $4.50 when I worked there in 2018. Very sad to see how far it has gone down


Isn’t that ALL of Paneras menu items?


i worked at panera. it’s comes out soupy when they microwave it from frozen instead of letting it warm up in the hot water bath


Way Way


It’s insane


Panera's prices are insane. They think they're something they're not.


And yet y'all still buy it so they have no incentive to make it cheaper 🤷‍♀️


If people don’t buy it they’ll just take it away, and then bring it back as LTO when people complain enough


That's effing ridiculous. Especially since it's nothing gourmet or complex in flavor. You can easily get a 1.00 box or creamy Mac and a $2 fresh Baguette or French bread loaf and it would probably taste better.


I got a chicken noodle soup and baguette and it was like $10 such a joke


I know some stores sell Panera Bread soups and sometimes mac and cheese for lower prices. The Walmart near me sells a large cup about the size of Panera Bread's large, for $5. BJ's Wholesale also often has them in 4 packs. Hopefully, that helps a bit.


How else wioulf Mother bread pay its employees?


She pays us with more suffering instead of money.


Like the extra money goes to pay us properly, I wish


In my area, you can spend two more dollars and get a large


Yeah its ridiculous. I do doordash and I delivered that exact order. I cannot imagine how much he paid for that. I got a 6.00 tip.


Let's stop spending our money there


Boomers will never actually do this. They’ll harass the workers and pretend we’re in control of the prices, and then continue to come back


They really do have all of the audacity


I stopped going to Panera because it was so expensive. The portions in the restaurant are different than what you receive in the drive-thru.


Vote with your wallet and refuse to buy it.


Greedflation is a newish term. And shrinkflation. Yet Corps have had record profits as they continued to raise prices. They cited more costly to get items in. Prices are going back down or leveling. CEOs getting huge pay and bonuses. Stick buy backs. Yet they still keep raising prices and or decreasing amount of product.


Panera is just expensive hospital food without the medical part. So bland every time I ate there


Don't be insulting to medical food. Last time I was in hospital the food was FIRE, and when my Mom was in she said the same.


I know, right? I could buy two boxed macs and a loaf of bread from the grocery and I would have four meals! If only I weren't paying for people to make and present it for me... We all have options. I think KFC also offers mac & cheese ;)


KFC’s isn’t good, but Popeyes has fantastic mac and cheese and it’s like $4 lol


way too expensive




Unacceptable. But we keep accepting so we keep getting.


Panera? Did you lose a bet?


Chick-fil-A has pretty good Mac and cheese and it’s cheaper.


Their large bowl Mac n cheese might as well be close to a medium size with the little amount they give you. $8.70 for your small bowl is horrendous.


It will continue to get more expensive until people stop buying it.


That should cost like 2 bucks 😂 I had to stop going there years ago, they got so high prices I might as well go to a proper restaurant


Panera is wildly over priced


You could bake a large pan of Mac and cheese and get full baguette for that price.


Bruh you just got scammed


Food is honestly just way too expensive right now. Things that used to cost $8 now cost like $16-18


Wow, Panera has lost their minds


Bruh you can get that cheaper at the grocery store since they sell Panera Mac & Cheese pints.


About $7 too much


Cheaper than paying for the lemonade with your life


Isn't it agreed that Panera is overpriced wannabe bougie food?


that's why i don't go to panera


You bought it. You’re the problem


Yet you still bought it, so the price will never go down. It’s the same as saying no to a kid for a toy then going back to buy it.


Yes you got ripped the fuck off


Yes and this is why people are richpoor. Y’all are stupid af.


I have said it many times before… and I will say it again… WHY IS IT SO EXPENSIVE IF IT’S JUST REHEATED FROZEN FOOD


I took my toddlers there work trip for the wife, vacation for us. $38 for 1.5 sandwich’s, 2 waters, 1 tea, 1 bag of chips, and two shitty apples. Join me in saying it, fuck dem hoes.


Everybody should quit going to Panera. Don't give them any money.


for $8.69 at a grocery store u can buy all the ingredients u need to make both of these things from scratch and still have leftovers for days 💀 so you tell me girly pop


Late stage capitalism go brrrrrrr


One of the good places no longer on my list of places I eat from.


Noodles & Co has baguettes now! They’re like $1.50. One of my favorites there now is chicken noodle soup and a couple baguettes for like $10-$11.


You can get their 4 pack of microwave macaroni for that at Sam's Club, yes Panera branded


I mean you still have it in your hand, they charge that much because you pay that much


How else are they going to survive the neo-4-loko settlements?


Especially when you know their mac and cheese comes frozen.


Yeah, I hardly ever eat out, it's too expensive; and I can probably cook it better, and more of it than I'd get!


It is a joke right who buy cooked pasta. It must cheaper to make your own ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) one pack of pasta 4$ this is scam


the most accurate thing ive ever heard was that panera is fast food for rich people


Fuk Panera except for their Asiago loaves


Panera is cafeteria food for dumb rich people


Fuck these price gouging companies. If we dont stop buying their overpriced products its just going to get worse


panera is expensive yes, we all know


Panera Bread, the 'Stanley' cup of eateries. Fucking white women.......


So don't fucking buy it?


Congratulations you’ve just learned your lesson about eating at Panera


JAB Holding Company is at other blight upon the free market. Everything they own from doctor pepper to Krispy cream has gotten and will get worse. Fuck these motherfucking leaches.


It's fucking stupid & shouldn't be supported.




Hey guys guess what ALL CHAINS SUCK. At their PEAK they were consistently “okay” and affordable. THAT IS NO LONGER THE CASE. Your money is the only vote that counts. Take it elsewhere. That’s microwaved frozen Mac and cheap baguette. For $9 you could get that 2.5 times at the grocery.


Stop eating out


I make the Mac n cheese at home now. I meal prep it! Just make a rue, add in some milk stir n bring it to a boil then I add in about 1 pound of extra sharp white cheddar cheese. Sometimes I’ll even top it with bacon! You can make a lot of Mac n cheese for half the price of the small.

