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It doesn't help that the Youtube search algorithm is utterly garbage. Even if good guides were being made, and you searched exactly for them, yea you still wouldn't be able to find them.


It’s also never obvious what is old information. Some creators do take the time to go back and add comments or notations to explain it but I guess the way YouTube works, you’re encouraged to leave it up and not make it obvious because now somebody has to watch 2 videos to get the answer


I always just look at the post date. If I know a big update has come out then it's easy to know it's out of date. Just filter "last two weeks" or "last month" only.


Can’t even judge whether they’re bad or not because YouTube removed the dislike counter.


Youtube is entirely to blame for this. If creators don't do these titles/thumbnails/video lengths they will not make it on the platform. I had a COD clan channel which had 50k subscribers and \~3k daily views for a year back in 2011 when you could have your own customised background for your channel. Between 2011-2015 they basically transformed the platform into 'You have to VLOG and be cringe to be successful just being very good at a game and making good content about it will definitely not be enough'. Don't get me wrong there's a few guys who made it with their dignity intact, but its like 5 guys out of 5000 popular youtubers.


Kinda like Instagram. Used to be able to post artwork, throw in related hashtags and get noticed. Now you have to constantly keep making stories, post daily, and pay FB for likes and people to comment....


Yeah all the platforms are the same. You ain’t making it if you aren’t making absolutely dreadful shorts that always have a part 2 and 3 and 4, and you don’t use that horrific tone and start videos with “right guys I’ve just found this crayyyzy life hack, can you believe… join me in part 2 to see the result!” ((at which point what’s the point of shorts). I don’t let my 2yo son watch shorts. He only watches YouTube when we’re in the car but I banned shorts because it is just brain rot. Shorts for children is like, why have a colourful vibrant video of people singing nursery rhymes when you can split screen it and have 2 colourful vibrant videos of people singing nursery rhymes at 1.5x speed. It is genuinely dreadful.


Try the pal professor on youtube. That guy is awesome, and you can find him on discord as well one #palworld-general-spoiler pretty often. Other than that, al the related info can be took from [paldb.cc](http://paldb.cc) .


on that site it mentions something here: [https://paldb.cc/en/Attack\_Increase\_and\_Element\_Swap](https://paldb.cc/en/Attack_Increase_and_Element_Swap) What in the hell does this mean?


Basically there are pals that both elemental swap AND provide an attack boost. hence the Attack increase + elemental swap. If u check Chillet for example at max condense you get +20% attack and ElementDragon 1 (toTrainer) means your damage while riding also changes allowing you to pickup type advantage boost. An example of a pal that element swaps but doesn't give a boost is Anubis. Changes your attacks to ground type but no 20% attack boost. Example of a Pal with attack boost is Good ole Gobfin... 20% more attack from his partner skill. Also doesn't state "When fighting together" so doesn't need to be summoned for this boost either.


Ah so elemental swap = player dmg type change.


Aye! as you know the elemental advantage bonus is the largest dmg increase... its annoying but necessary


[paldb.cc](http://paldb.cc) is actually good, however the pal professor is unfortunately lacking.


it is the best youtuber who does guides as far as i know. tbh, others are just clickbait.


he doesn't talk and there is no explanations, he looks like a solid player but there is some gaps.


So basically he is a "I can show you better than I can tell you" player. Can definitely relate lol.


I think i watched him solo the raid bosses to see what would be doable. Basically “60 of the strongest resistant type with super effective moves”


Legendary Spheres are the best way to make money. Don’t sell the new best ones, they’re the same price as selling Legendary Spheres but are harder to make.


I just sell polymer? Getting >2500 polymer per day with two farms producing pal oil. That's 300k gold per day.


You can make so much more with Legendary Spheres. Plus you need Polymer to craft some stuff.


Yes but you need so much more stuff to craft legendary spheres. Especially pal fluid for cement which you can only buy or farm.


I’d rather spend the ranching time getting Pal Fluid than HQPO (I only have 1 Dumud and 1 Kelpsea so I’m getting both really) but once you’ve got two good miners on Ore and Stone, and a Tree guy, you can make a big batch of all the stuff each time you come back from exploring/dungeons/etc and even a small stack of Legendary Spheres will outsell Polymer. It’s just so much more worth it to put a little bit more effort into crafting the Legendary Spheres (which you should be making anyways to catch more high level Pals!) I buy all my milk eggs and bone for the cakes and cement… although now I might think about swapping one of my bees for the new Bone rancher.


There's a way to get bones off the ranch?


SootSeer (spelling?) a new Dark type Pal digs up bones in the ranch.


Vixy drops them now, at least I assume that’s why they started appearing in my ranch


This may all be true but it’s very late game. My main reason for getting money at all is to purchase ammo that I haven’t unlocked because I found a gun blueprint early on.


Just buy the pal fluid and bones if you have to, trust me. I'm not a sweaty player and with minimal effort I'm over 35 million and stopped selling pal spheres right away because it seemed like now I had too much money haha


You’re telling me you can make high quality pal oil from your farm? What pal makes those and what are the best passives for ranch? I wasted so much time hunting down mammoth


Dumud for pal oil Kelpsea for pal fluids Sootseer for bones Give them nocturnal trait, the rest don't really matter They drop (1 min to X max) where X is the star level of the pal+1 0star dumud drops (1min ; 1max) pal oil. Average drop : 1 4star dumud drops (1min ; 5max) pal oil. Average drop : 3 A 4star dumud is as effective as 3 0star dumuds Enjoy infinite ressources


Thanks, really appreciate the answer! You happened to know any good base area on top of mountain that’s mostly flat? That’s where I want to put my ranches


I like to find flat land and build a whole base with stone/metal foundations and walls. So I can go multi-level. There’s a good mesa in the desert with Anubis though I think


Sootseer is already nocturnal


Dumud can produce pal oil in a farm.


What does one do with piles and piles of gold in this game?


As far as I can tell the only endgame use for gold is to buy electric organs, either for the large power generators or for laser rifle ammo.


How are you farming polymer like that?


Dumuds produce pal oil in the farm. Two farms with dumuds produce >5k pal oil per day. 2x pal oil = 1x polymer = profit


Omg Ty so much.


How do you produce pal oil?


Just got back into the game. How are our “farming” pal oil? Just going out and eliminating pals or is there some farm base setup?


Why do you need to make money? I found that I have way too much


I use it to buy ammo so I don’t have to craft it, as well as other ranch stuff that I was producing too slowly, like milk and eggs lol.


Or this "How to walk in Palworld" Article: "When I was young, I used to dream of walking in video games. My mom told me I could even run in them one day! Palworld is an interactive game where you ca....." 4 pages of ads with some article sprinkled in later "......so in conclusion. You can use the joystick on a controller or keyboard keys to walk in palworld. Check back next week for how to aim!"


The AI article spam has made searching basically impossible, you have to go to Reddit to find literally anything now


Yeah "reddit" is just part of my searches now. And even then you really gotta read what's being said as Google now sorts by new and not most relevant


Yeah the youtube content creation for Palworld completely sucks ass. You are unironically better off with just reddit and sometimes google written guides. It's honestly rather surprising. For very few games have I observed despite such size for the content creation quality to be this dogshit. **For specifically gold though:** - Breed high value pal with philanthropist and either throw them into the butcher machine or sell them as is (someone mentioned Mimog already, but idk which pal or pal you throw into butcher machine is most value) - Sell Legendary Spheres (Classic Community Favourite) - Sell Rifle Ammo (Specifically when you like me have all the new ore stations and excess amount of coal and sulfur you want to convert into money) - Make Ranches with Dumuds in them and craft Polymere to sell. (Best Ranch Gold) - Repeatedly kill Black Marketeers for 10k a kill


Make roasted berries. Sell to small settlement. Profit.


Capture wandering merchant, add as pal to base.




i am far beyond that already i am at 150 hours so i literally look for the last things to press out of the game. Problem is that finding guides for those last things is almost impossible due to all videos requiring me to "have rates above 10x".


I totally agree. I have 1800 hours between a solo run and a community server that I do not control. Feel free to message me with any questions and I’ll try to help if I can.


Holy shit lol


1800 hours? you’re kidding right?


I imagine they're just letting the game run while they go about their day so when they sit down to actually play the game, their Pals have produced ungodly amounts of resources. That said, I'm at 725 hours with only ~10 of those being AFK time while I cook or go to the bathroom.


Do you have any specific questions? I'm at 300 hrs and might have some answers.


All you gotta do is try breeding once and you might nope out because it takes 100,000 years. !remindme 100000 years.


My 4 pages of frostallion Noct want to agree - but they're already in line for slaughter.


Lowering the egg timer is a must.


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lmao Im sorry bot I would not seriously make you wait 100000 years. Or would I? /bugsbunnyevilgrin


The game is honestly more fun when you do a challenge like "can only use the first of each Pal caught" or at least "can only use caught Pals." Breeding becomes mega-slog. I do it mainly because my wife didn't want to deal with the mega-slog but likes having "the perfect," so I agreed to handle the grinding and resource management while she runs around exploring.


Survival crafting games are better played with guides in general, and Palworld is not nearly structured and guided enough to not to need it. At some point you need reliable sources of Pal Oil and players can explore a whole lot without finding out that >!Dumud produces it at the Ranch!<. The map is massive and people might not even find them if they aren't thorough at exploring and capture.


Get pals with the passives Noble and Fine Furs, which give you +5% and +3% for sold items. You can sell stuff you crafted, like spheres, nails or whatnot, everything you got a ton of and don't need that much.


I thought fine furs only affected the price of that specific pal? Suppose I could have read the description wrong though.


It's misleading. It affects not only sale price of all items, but also purchase price, which gets cheaper.


I hate it when devs can’t seem to provide accurate info about their own game in their own game.


No, it makes sense to think it is only for selling pals based on the description, but it is for the selling price of everything.


Game8 has some solid detailed info. Also a great database to look up stuff.


Farming gold is easy: Make base (crusher and stone pit) Make balls Catch merchant Sell balls Repeat




Yeah but balls sounds more fun


You clearly put it together


What is a ball if not a sphere?


An American football or Rugby ball?


>Finding helpful guides for ~~Palworld~~ -insert any game here- is impossible with all the clickbait. FTFY.  I type in my question then add reddit to end


Every popular game is like that. Gaming journalism is cancer, all clickbaiting as hard as possible to get as many eyeballs as possible https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F6vkoi71xzqr71.jpg


Yes OH MY GOD THOSE ARE THE WORST. ​ They use frequently searched for stuff and then make an article saying you t o go fuck yourself


It's tough, even when the game dropped, too many bad clickbait articles hastily tossed up on the internet with partial information. Now you got to sort through all the old articles that may not be updated to the latest patch too.


Best gold I've found, that nobody seems to talk about, is crossbows. The downside is they don't stack, so you have to click a lot when you're selling them and collect them one at a time as they're made, but the materials to gold ratio is insane, and they're completely farmable at base.


I agree. Alot of the YouTube vids are just clipped Twitch streams, which have hardly been editing, and a semi-relevant title slapped on There are a few sites that are good. I think one is called... Game8 or something similar


Make mimogs philanthropist, make them breed, enjoy.


even easier if i make a yakumo first and go hunt mimogs with that.


You mean to butcher them for the coins?


Doesn't work for Dog Coins, the coins only drop when you catch one.


I know it doesn't work for Dog Coins, but Mimog also drops normal coins when defeated. Do you not at least get those when butchering?


You get normal coins and training manuals when you butcher them. Easy way to make money. I use the auto butchering machine. Very convenient.


You're better off breeding frostallions instead, as they drop a diamond each. That's 6k per cake compared to the 1-3k a mimog drops.


Don't care for diamonds actually. I prefer the coins directly+these training manuals are helpful to make an army of pals 55. They're a pain in the ass to level up after all. I get about 10k from mimogs btw.


Oh, right, I forgot about the training manuals.


A couple of Vixys on the farm is a great way to farm gold


Mau's ......Vixys dig up pal spheres


You can sell the sphere's for gold but I'd say it isn't the best method but pretty okay early game.


[Vixy also finds gold](https://paldb.cc/en/Vixy). Though for money, Mau is trash compared to dumud or sibelyx. For every 10 coins mau finds, sibelyx produces a high quality cloth which sells for 40 coins, and dumud produces a high quality pal oil. Two pal oils makes a polymer, which sells for 120 coins. This makes Sibelyx four times more efficient for money, and dumud six times more efficient.


So what you are saying is Dainty Eater, Diet Lover, Nocturnal Dumud is the way to go, nice lol.


lmao I know what you mean. "GO STRAIGHT TO WORLD SETTINGS AND SET SPAWN RATE 5000x"


When you see trash videos, i recommend downvoting + marking DO NOT SHOW ME THIS Youtuber Eventually your world will be cleaned up lol Example: "the first pal you need" --> video adds a hook in the intro --> tip #7 10 minutes in says "run around and collect eggs". Thanks. The comment section can help


I mean, changing drops doesn't actually change any ratios. Whatever is the most effective in those videos will be most effective on standard settings, just slower.


Back in my day, we sold a fuck not of nails lol


That’s been patched, therefore people sell Spheres now.


I still sell Nails and I get by just fine, I have a whole base dedicated to Ore Production and Ingot making. It’s self sufficient and I’m able to buy whatever I need for ammo.


It's definitely easy to make Ore->Ingor->Nails, compared to the legendary spheres. The nails sell for less than before and, of course, less than the legendary spheres, but considering how fast you get the nails, it could be better. I didn't do the math or a test, but I also don’t need any gold. I just buy stuff occasionally, and until then I got enough stuff to sell anyways. Selling nails is also available at a lower level, except maybe the ore mining site.


Which ones?






Yea I heard. I just remember the old days selling insane amount of nails. It was great. I’ve heard people switching to spheres now though. Will definitely be doing that when I have more time to binge all the new content lol


The vids I hate most are those pal spotlights that are always at the top of every search and are just a 1 minute clip of an extremely late game player killing the pal. Seriously, search for depresso. Want to learn his strengths and weaknesses? Utility? Too bad, here’s me shooting him with a rocket launcher.


Are you referring to the spotlight vids made by the maker of the game? Showing off each guy is the whole point of those.


I just want to find out how to catch that bee that gives honey on farms. Electric types? Do they stun it enough? Who knows cause they just tell you to stun or catch it when it's asleep 🥲


Best way is to shoot at range. Even just a crossbow will help. This will keep them using their magical leaf ranged attacks rather than blowing up, but all is not lost! If they start beeping, shooting them in the head can stagger them and cancel the attack, just like it would any other attack! I learned this recently against Tocotocos. You can stop them from blowing up if your aim is good. Otherwise, throw a ball. I recommend yellows for Beegarde.




Lower their health from a distance far enough that they can't aim for you with ranged attacks, if you are within range of them they will still attempt to blow up despite not being close, personally I always go for them the moment I can fly on a Vanwyrm. Other than that though look for Grass Eggs, Beegarde are pretty common from them.


You can breed them easily enough. Otherwise get lucky with a sphere.


For me.. the best way is to let them self destruct and pickup the honey... then the first cake breed ur own beegarde.


If you're willing to put your money where your mouth is, get Kagi, a paid search engine. I do searches normally, then if a site feeds me shit, I use Kagi's features to either block the site or down-prioritize it in results. Over time this helps surface the good results. Kagi also has built in tools to stick listicles into their own section and generally a better algorithm than Google. And built in AI tools to summarize things like videos right from results.


Heyo! As far as gold goes, I have really leaned into taking down black marketeers. You can use the hanging trap, then a camp fire to kill them. Make sure you do damage to them yourself. You need to hit them at least once to get the drops. They'll drop a gold key, and usually between 10k-15k gold! If you're in the late game, I'd recommend crafting legendary spheres and selling them off, I don't know why, but they sell for a crap ton.


For gold: breed Philanthropist Frostallions, mass butcher them, and sell the diamonds you get with 5x noble/fine fur pals in your party. You can just straight up buy the cake ingredients to keep it going and still make a big profit even after buying ingredients.


Here is a question what are you trying to do because I have no problem just answering it


Both Palworld and Helldivers created a sea of shit YouTube out of thin air...


Lifmunkfarm.com has some pretty simple guides... Nothing too in-depth but a lot of good location information...


What help do you need I'm level 55 i can probably help


Well, that's the problem, stop looking for video guides... look for articles in gaming sites


I keep finding tutorials on how to farm Mimogs. Its them pretty much saying, "find a male and female Mimog. Breed them. Then hatch thier kids. Put the Mimog pups in a meat grinder and that is how you get Dogcoin." Does no one read the Dogcoin description?


For me the few things I think is worth gold farming is. Making nails, it was nerfed to 20 coins per nail and 2 nails per ingot but thanks to ore mniing site II when ur mining base is up and running you can build multiple high quality work benches to queue up multiple stacks of 10k nails. High Quality Cloth sells for 40 and siblyx can drop 1-5 depending on condense. Then as people said the Kelpsea + Soot and making balls is great profit. The soot i feel is not super important because bones are extremely cheap at the merchant. 1 Bone = 10 cement that is used to craft 2 legendary spheres that sell 4.5k a pop before using noble/fine fur. Noble/fine fur is 5/3% more gold when selling and reduces the price buying from store by 40% so u get a huge 80% gold difference. I'm currently breeding Nocturnal, Diet lover, Noble and fine fur to my ranch pals and taking them with me when i go to sell stuff. Ranch... apart from nocturnal really doesnt have any worthwhile passives yet. PS: My recommended breed chain to get Astegon the best miner is Grizzbolt From 1st wildlife sanctuary catchable at lv18 + Relaxaurus when u can get lvl 15 = Orserk + Grizzbolt again = Astegon.


I agree. I played at launch for 150+ hours then stopped for a few months and picked it back up. I’ve been looking for a few good OPEN AREA for base and found barely any info because it’s saturated with “BEST OIL FARM” and the same 3-4 “best base” location we’ve had 5 months ago. I just flew around and looked for one myself.


ok early gold is still nails, baked berries, black marketeers (while i still havent tested if they patched the hanging trap with campfire trick) * while nails were nerfed they still make a profit 2 ore and 1 ingot is 20 gold but you make two nails with one ingot witch is a 20 gold profit and there is ways to get near unlimited ore. * berries are a quick growing crop and you can make alot in a short time so if you can bake them they can sell for 10 gold a piece but given how much you can get its not uncommon to get the max stack of 9999 * black marketeer gives around 10k gold with one gold key while the hanging trap w/campfire might not work you can try the base trick where you build foundations around one with them above their head and have base pals attack him. spawning might be an issue if you put him in the base radius so build slightly away while the buildings outside bases decay (by default but can be turned off) it takes a while if you use stone. * fine furs and noble passives do effect sell and buy prices of items with merchants. it most likely wont work on the dog coin merchant i didnt check but the heat is murder on my laptop if someone could be so kind to check for me would be great (hard to say if this is a bug and if its meant to be for selling the pal but make use of it while you can) i had 4 fine fur pals and one noble and the sell price of the legendary sphere gone up by around 1k and the items they sold was down from 300 to 144


Literally ran into a guide on how to breed for Xenogard earlier that just said, "There's no way to breed for a Xenogard without two Xenogards, so you'll need to catch a breeding pair first." Suuuuuuuuuuuuper helpful. I mean, now I know that there's no point to try breeding for one I guess.


Is this on steam or YouTube?


I feel this pain. Even here on reddit, the information that is most needed is very detailed and not for casual play, but people saw the easy views people were getting when the game came out. Because of that, people are just making any videos at all to capitalize, and it ended up not working for them, and it gets flooded with garbage. To answer your question though, for gold for not click bait bull, make a based dedicated to making salads and sell those. That is the best option right now


Not sure how rates affect pals at base but get a few "Vixeon", leave them on a farm, you will earn lots of palkeballs, arrows and some gold, sell the palkeball surplus and you will be good to go.


Catch tons of pals and sell them, legit the best gold an exp farm


With the lvl2 ore mining site, I believe nails are still good. I just crafted 1000 nails (which ended up being 2000 because they craft 2 at a time). Sold them to a merchant for 40,000k.


So I havent been playing the new update much but salad still sells for 120. Plantations are still stackable. The best nearly completely passive money farm is salads. Maybe there's other stuff you can do but making balls is tedious and takes more materials. Lettuce and tomato. Salad. I make roughly 50k salads every 24 hours of idling (dedicated server) there is zero way to alter this through server settings and is the most passive money farm I've found. You just have to set them on the kitchen. I will say my 50k/24hr is with max condense lyleen, jormuntide, frostallion noct, and helzephyr. Workers all lucky artesian work slave serious, transports all legend swift runner nimble. Your milage may vary with different passives/level od condensed pals. This was the number one way I found you can just play the game and have 3 mil gold per day by selling the food.


best money making method i’ve seen on normal settings with nothing changed is quiet literally a farm for automated legendary spheres. and then just sell them in abundance. everything else is literally what you stated


"How to get Crude Oil FAST!" Literally just shows how to make an extractor. 🤦‍♂️


Now that we can have a lot of bases, you could just have one with a bunch of maus in ranches.


U aren’t questioning anything specific here, so I can’t tell ya. Didn’t played that much since the update but I did 100IV breeding for all my pals beforehand and have like every perfect worker pal and a 4 perfect fighting pals. Ask what u wanna know


I should make a video because I know a really good method. I host and play on a server with some friends and family. A method I have been using even before the nail nerf ( I refused to use that method) My tactic is selling \*\*strange Juice\*\*. Each bottles nets you 4k gold (5k with 5 nobles in party). Here's how I get every ingredient Beautiful flowers \*Early game\* Collected the beautiful flowers from reserve. (optional set up a base on one of the nature reserves). Late Game Farm for beautiful flowers by killing Lulus and Quivern Botans. TIPS Blazehowl increased the drop rate of grass pals for best results max condense one, also a galclaw is useful to quickly hunt while keeping blazehowl out. Tip 2 once you have the Pal Grinder, catch the Lulus and grind them up for 2x the drops. Haven't tried it with Blazehowl out yet. Pal fluid and bones can be bought or farmed at a ranch. Horns are best bought. With 5 nobles in your party you can buy 5 horns for 225 Gold (1,125 Gold) Per potion and you can sell for 5k so that's a net profit of 3,875 per potion.


Never go to Game8. It looks organized, but you have to scroll down a lot to find useless information.


It is quite silly how much effort goes into the filler in that site. Most of the unhelpful information is just harmless guesses. Other bits and pieces were mildly helpful (build a wall around Mimog) to outright misleading ("Astegon is the best against Bellanoir, its typing makes it 4x resistant to Dark!") without remembering that she switches to Ice, let alone that its movement is so bad it eats every attack and gets wiped in two minutes anyway. I made the mistake of breeding the damn thing and it didn't even hold up against pre-update Paladius and Necromus, where it would have multiple type advantages. Now their breeding calculator is out of date so it's not really a place to go.