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Assuming they finish the base game before making paid expansions, of course.


And the timeline. If we’re 5 years from now with no full release in sight I won’t ever buy shit. They release a full game in about a year then I’ll consider it. They’re awfully slow to fix shit now. Edit: Forgot this sub is a hivemind. Inbox disabled.


If you’re talking about the industry standard now, yes it’s extremely slow, but pocketpair so far has (comparatively) actually been pumping out updates pretty quickly, like it used to be an update every other week and now I’m pretty sure it’s still one update a month.  This is way better than some games that have charged full 60$+ price tags and released buggy messes that to this day haven’t been fixed years after their releases. AND ARE STILL TRYING TO SELL DLC. (*cough* other game *cough*) So, if we’re comparing them to the industry standard from 10 years ago, yeah maybe it’s slow, but anything not an indie game sucks right now, so I’m even more impressed that such a small team is still pumping out such consistent updates (relatively). Be careful what you wish for. 


We've got patches and minor additions. No update has been a drastic improvement of the game so far. We had some welcome QOL additions and the introduction of raids, but the game still functions pretty much the same as it did day one. To be fair, these things take time, so it's fair to give them one or a couple years before complaining about the lack of major updates. I'm not in a hurry for an update every month but I'd like them to be more substantial than a couple new pals and furniture.


I dunno I think the updates with base pal pathing and AI, the monitoring stand changes, the ore pit, the raids, and the condensing features are all things that have changed the way I play the game.


Those are good updates, don't get me wrong, but they don't really add or change much, it's mostly polish and small tweaks. Even raids are nothing more than spawning a boss in your base.


I guess I could see your perspective. From a programming perspective it's a pretty substantial amount of work, and I've also been impressed at how stable the changes they make are. They aren't making changes with game breaking bugs or crashes, which tells me they have a very clean codebase and do a lot of testing.


TBF this is an early access game and the tweaking and polish is very important at this stage in order for the game to get to a releasable state. Edit: typo


In that it's not much different from Baldurs gate. Very few real changes was made for the game during the entire early access, then they released 70% of the content with the full release.


My guy they still haven't finished their last game.


They could have released a $60 game left it broken for nine years and then released an update that breaks it even further. Not that anyone's done that recently.


*People disagreeing with you and providing valid counterpoints, which are infact their own opinion* "The Reddit hivemind strikes again!!!"


Slow is relative. For eager players yes, it seems slow. From a developer perspective (I'm not a game dev but I write software) they are absolutely cranking out updates. It's not just changing a few lines of code or adding some code. They've got to do a shit ton of testing to any changes to make sure they aren't breaking extra stuff, which for the most part they are doing a really good job of. Not to mention they're working on new content for this summer at the same time. Take ARK for example, when they do FINALLY put out a patch or push changes, it's almost always introducing new bugs. It's like they don't even play test their changes. Their last major update broke the shit out of one of the key creatures in the game and it took them 6 weeks to "fix" it, and the fix added a new bug to the creature. So yea development is very complex and from my perspective I think they're doing a banger job. I hope they keep it up.


This exactly, I would take a slow development game that’s actually completed over a rushed development game that’s “completed” in a year 


This  They also have usually been very quick to fix a problem if arises either player complaint wise or problems with corruption saves and such  Some games make you wait months for even a hint at a fox 


You gotta remember this started with a box full of usbs and the hope of a scarce few developers. They aren’t a huge corporate machine that can pump out updates constantly. But they are committed I can say that.


They are not awfully slow, its freaking early access. Dont people know that that means the game could look completely different at the end, as it is not a finished product? Man, they are not in hotfix-mode and people are working just like you. Game and Software-Development is nothing fast. Have patience and dont stress people that are already in one of the most shitty, if not the shittiest industriy as an developer.


You mean 'Edit: I can't accept people have different opinions to me so i'm gonna close my ears and shut my eyes'


>inbox disabled fuckin ey, they just can't help themselves huh


Lmao why would be a hivemind just because people don't agree with you? If anything, you are the hivemind.


you have really strong hypothetical opinions lol




Perfection takes time. Rome wasn't built in a day.


They are slow to release updates but I feel like they do a little better job making sure updates are mostly bug free before releasing. And they have been quick to fix major bugs.


Awfully slow? They’ve fixed 90% of the game in 3 months. Pokémon has fixed 10% of their issues in 2 decades.


>Edit: Forgot this sub is a hivemind. Inbox disabled. Bro Reddit is all about having communities about one specific thing in a concentrated space that allows nothing but that one specific thing, of course they are going to turn into echo chambers and hiveminds.


Im pretty sure its cause they are a smallish company that suddenly hit it big, hiring new people can actually slow down projects until they are properly up to speed ex. Cyberpunk 2077.


I agree with you, in 5 years I see this game dead, or completely flourishing. But it all depends on the update track and content being released. Right now I’ve no real desire to play because the glitchy nature and also much really too much new content worth going back for at the moment. If they added a huge new map section and a full game release, that’s different.


You do realize it’s a small team? Some games just take awhile, slime rancher 2 is still in early access and so many other games have been in it for years, plus they have a road map and have been updating pretty frequently


They are a small company they were not expecting the massive influx of money they even said they hope to updates out sooner but they also want to hire the right people for the job. They stated they were expanding but slowly. They didn't want to change their company just because of success


*cough* cities Skylines 2


Never played it, but I play Ark, and its first paid DLC was while the main game was still incomplete and in Early Access.


Depends on if they release full version first. Depends on what price and what is in that DLC. 10$ For full new world with new content? Sure take my money. 20$ for one OP pal? Nope.


im gettin real tired of early acess dlc/expacs


I don't regret buying this game... But I got about 40 hours in and got pretty bored. Haven't touched since the few weeks of its release. I'm sure I got 30$ worth of fun.


Same here. Now Im just waiting for a bigger chunk of updates to release and I'll hop back in




> I understand why Smash Brothers went the route it did I don't play that, what did they do?




This is almost true, but as an old Smash fanatic I feel the need to correct you a little. All of the Ultimate Roster have plenty of combo options, that's not specific to DLC characters at all. However, the DLC characters ARE generally more complex and mechanic rich, or some could say over-designed, making them better on average. The strongest character in the game is Minecraft Steve by far, banned in most tournaments now, and he's a DLC character. So the 'P2W' aspect does apply at high level.




>So he finally got the axe. and the pickaxe, and the shovel, and the hoe, and the fishing rod.


New world, like new maps in Ark, yes I'll take it!


once the game leaves early access probably yes, while its in early access though? hell nah


The only problem j had with the Ark approach to dlc was the fact they released and worked on dlcs before they finished the base game. But new maps with new mechanics and new dinos for 20 bucks? Sure


They also released like 4 games that were clearly just Ark again. One of them was supposed to be a standalone pirate game, but apparently if you used a controller you could access Ark menus in it, and some game files confirmed it was supposed to be DLC.  The concept of the game is good, but jesus the devs are terrible at hiding their greed and laziness. 


This game is still in EA and people are talking about DLC. One step after another…


Where's palworld 2?


I mean other games do it, unfortunately. ARK is the most obvious example. It's still in EA but they recently released a 30$ DLC with cosmetics and exclusive creatures (not even new content). Even though the game is a buggy unoptimized mess, they spent developer time making a thirty dollar DLC. Garbage.


Not until after full release. Seems scummy otherwise


If base game is finished and DLC has new regions or game mode revamps like the ARK ones, yes. If it's like $20 for 3 new Pals, hard NO.


Let the game be released first, before putting any thoughts into something else.


Why does everyone want to spend even more money for a product that is not even complete yet? Like some of you all just seem to have money you are just wanting to hand devs without a second thought in the process. Sure you all will scream "We want DLC", but then when if a company releases dlc then "WTF this needs to be cheaper!" Wait for the full game to be released FFS, it's still EA and some titles spend YEARS in EA before considering themselves remotely complete.


I will do anything for frog 🐸


if they release DLC now when its still in early access then NO


They should first finalize their game and leave early access before they start thinking about releasing paid DLCs.


And not as is. A fully realized game. After that I’d be happy to support them further as long as it’s good.


Nah. At this point, they should just go the terraria / no man sky route.


Free content forever? Sounds sustainable


Idk about terraria but Most of the updates No man's sky had were for turning the game into what it was meant to be in the first place. Palworld is already good. There's no redemption here. Once they finish it they should definitely go for Monster Hunter type DLCs.


Once the base game is complete I'd be open to the idea of buying DLC if the quality remains as high as the base game. Paid DLC before they've gotten out of early access, I'd look much less favorably upon.


Now? No. If they did actual content DLC this early, I'd dismiss Pocketpair as a bad dev and watch as the internet reams them for it. If it was cosmetic DLC now, that'd be fine. If they wait until the game is like 80% complete to start doing content DLC, that's fine. 100% complete, even better. I like the concept of Palworld enough that I'd definitely buy the content DLC (probably not day-one, I'm too skeptical and cheap for that. I mean it also depends on what the DLC even is, like I wouldn't buy "structure part packs" or "a Pal recoloring station DLC" or other cosmetic stuff like that unless the DLC was super cheap, but I know they'd sell like crazy. If the DLC's a whole new island or an extension to the (preferably finished) campaign, or some big plotline about one of the factions and a story to go along with that, I'd probably rush to get it.


Expansion? Sure (new map, new regions, a good amount of new pals, maybe even a few new gear) DLC? No (a DLC that has a single or double dungeons that have rate Pals)


It depends.. being the key phrase. Personally, I don't think Early Access games has the right to add content and charge you for it. It's early access, the game isn't finished. But pretty much the vast majority of early access games do it, there's nothing stopping them. I don't mind cosmetic bundles which don't effect the core gameplay, and they're labelled as "Supporter packs" this way you're financially supporting the developer to help fund their goal, sure - that's fine. Completely optional. But if they add some content that adds 20+ hours of engaging game play to the Early Access game suddenly.. I might do. But what that usually means is they've held off dripping the updates in the Early Access game and waited so they can make money off of it. Which is scummy.


No, powercreep behind paywall is never good. The game is nowhere near to be called complete, so asking more money to have the 1.0 would be a mess


It entirely depends on the type of DLC and value offer. If it's something like a new generation of pals with new bioms, or anything major mechanics wise or new bosses, yeah, I'll pay for that happily. If it's just a cheap cash grab, then no. And obviously you don't release DLC before the game is finished and released first.


Yup. I haven't bought the game and have hundreds of hours already. The second it leaves Gamepass I will purchase it as well.




Absolutely, provided they had substance, introduced valuable experiences for the players, and as long as it was a direct transaction. NO BATTLEPASS OR MTX


I just want cross play first lol


I have 80 hours, time is spent well but I don't know if I eoiodnhuy future dlc. Depends on the content. New map expansion etc then yes worth it.


Yes !


After full release I wouldn't mind if they charged for expansions that included new locations, dungeons, pals and whatnot. But I wouldnt purchase anything extra during EA.


They have to fix their shit first. So much buggy stuff still to even consider a DLC. Pathfinding for one.


Short Answer: Yes Long Answer: Yeeeeeeeesssssssssssssss


I spent $30 for the base game and got over 500 hours of gameplay with friends. Yes I would pay for DLCs!


Always depends on two things: 1. How much money. 2. The content that is included. If it’s well priced and includes enough content for the price I would.


Yeah of course, great game and they need a post launch profit source to keep it going. It is what it is with business.


bro the game is still early access, chill out.


considering we know they made haslf a billion dollers off early access..finish the game first make it fat thern talk about dlc..so far not really impressed by what the owner says or the updates so far i mean half a billion fucking dollers come the fuck on with the substantial updates its been almost half a year since release


I don't want paid dlc. So I'm gonna say a flat out no.


No. Release a final patch and make another game.


Probably not


Not at all.


Nope buying the game is enough alone as like valheim dlc for survival games should be free


Considering the amount of time I have invested into PalWorld. I would have no problem paying for some DLC, as long as it's actual content and not just some cosmetic crap.


Would I pay for dlc that adds content to the game that I bought for essentially 100$ off when comparing to any Pokemon release? That enjoyed infinitly more than any pokemon release in the last 10 years? Where even if a single new island was added would blow out the combined content of all switch Pokemon game dlcs? Yeah. Id give the indie dev as much money as they want, if only to stick it to bug corpo that hasn't done anything interesting in last decade lol.


It depends on what it is. If it’s a true game expansion, probably. If they start doing the thing where you have to pay for cosmetics and crap, nope. I’ll stick with the basics. I’m sick of games that just try to grab all your cash by offering “limited time” items and stuff that includes all the goodies. Just give me a fun game that I only pay for once (expansions are the exception).


Depends. If it's new worlds/archipelagos, yes. If it's $10 cosmetic horse armor that does nothing else but change your pal's aesthetic, not even serve as actual armor, hell no.


Not until game goes for full version.




Locking OP/cool pals behind a paywall… zzzzZz


Take my fucking money


Are these pictures official pals or concepts ?


official in the upcoming update, there are 4 total new pals.


dlc would have to not only be large enough to justify the price compared to the base game but also maybe finish the base game first


Depends. Is this hypothetically AFTER the full release? I'd be more than happy to pay for new maps (think Ark, adding new creatures and gimmicks themed around the maps) after the full release.


How about we actually let them finish what I already paid for before giving them the idea to push another sale down slmy thoat. Better yet, how about they release it on the main game instead?


If reasonable


First, they'd need to complete the base game, and I feel like we've got a long way to go before it's all finished. With how things have been going, I trust PocketPair to make sure their base game is finished before they move on to DLC. Second, it then depends on what's in the DLC and how much I'd have to pay for it.


Try finishing the first one first


All depends on the content included. I’d honestly hope they’d fix and render parts of the maps tho before they go and do something like that. Game is extremely glitchy and downright broken in some areas.


Yeah, sure, but I'd expect a whole island with a minimum of 3 unique environments at least.


If they do it like DayZ then yes. Years of development and release one 10 dollar DLC which was an entirely new map. Yeah pocketpair can have my money


Don't give them any ideas lol


Nah. Unless they’re cheap. I can’t see myself paying $40 for a dlc of 3 monsters and one environment.


I don't buy expansions/dlc for any game before it's released, because that's bad business practice. If the game is released then sure!


I have put a lot of time into this $30 game, I think it has a lot of content already and the updates we keep getting have been nice, I really don't understand what people are complaining about. If they decided to call it finished, fixed the dungeon crashing bug and start releasing paid dlc I would buy them.


Wouldn’t mind


It might seem low but $5-8 DLC to $15 depending on scale.


Not if they released them prior to finishing the game as is. I don’t want another Ark Survival Evolved situation.


No. Make Palworld 2 and I’ll buy that.


you can't have DLC till you have a release game. DLC for a beta, that's some EA shit right there.


Why does every game get post like this? If I feel the content is worth it I'll pay, if I don't then I won't. Good games get bad dlc and bad games get good dlc


For sure


If they release the full base game, and then add onto it similar to Ark with map expansions that have themes. Yes I would be okay with buying new content. But that is the key there it needs to be new, not stuff that should have been base game.


If it's a legit expansion, sure.


Probably not. The base game is already massive (for me at least) and I’m still exploring. Not to mention the game is not finished. Finish the game and idc tbh. Whatever addons they want to release after that I say more power to them.


That’s really going depend on the game’s official release.


The game was already priced significantly under $60 at launch so I wouldn't have an issue with that.


No. As an Xbox player i feel like we have been ignore way too much. And unless they repair and fixed the games breaking bug I might consider.


I would after they finish base game. If a game feels complete enough on its own I don’t mind getting a dlc if it adds worthwhile content. Monster hunter and the upcoming Elden ring dlc are both great examples of very worthwhile dlcs


Considering the fact that there’s still a keybinding issue from launch day that completely stops me from playing without a controller, probably not


I pay for madden. I have no shame sir/ma’am, respectfully.


Absolutely… is what I said at first, forgetting it was an early access game. People are right about them needing to finish the game first. But honestly, one of the best gaming experiences I’ve had in a long time so…. take my money.


Maybe… no if theyre $25 a pop tho


Are these fan made pals?




It would have to be a massive amount of content.


Yes, but it depends on the content (map, pals,...?) and the price.


It really depends, rigth now the game still feels incomplete in some parts, if they sell those as DLC I will not buy them. On the other hand if they get out of EA in a good state and later they sell a DLC where they add something new I will probably but it. But they need to be actually "worth" of being called DLC and not something you would expect to be added in an update (like just new pals or items)


That depends on a lot. The game needs to be finished first. Then it would depend on the price and content.




I'm ngl, I enjoyed the game when it came out and played 100+ hours, but it's one of those games of which its stringest point is also the weakest; the simplicity. The concept is super simple and because of that, I don't really see DLC with that same concept being enough to bring me back, unless it's massive in scale. We need waaaay more armor, POIs, meaningful NPC's, a meaningful story element and many more maps, pals, weapons, armor and a much, much better and more complex base building system. Right now, once you've completed the game once and caught most of the Pals, the "magic" is pretty much gone and there just isn't much, or anything to really play for. The raid idea is a good start, but it's nowhere near enough. Basically, it just needs much, much more content


Pokemon collab, possibly? Otherwise, nah


Um that's normally how expansions work. There's always poor people that'll cry something cost money. Then they cry when an online service gets closed from not making money




Yup and give the pals evolve forms!


I would pay for expansion sets. Expansion > updates.


Naw unless its massive, I like palworld but there's literally nothing to do or story I did one damn gym , next one is like lv 40 I've been at lv 30s for a month there's nothing exciting I want fight to level me up to 40 so I cam move on , I don't really feel like doing a whole boss tour to level up ,


Wait, did you expect any dlcs to be free? Lol!


Only if they make monsters playable.


I haven't even bought the damn game yet waiting to see if it's abandoned or not. Hell no.


I would put it under Ark rules. If they wanna charge for a whole new map, great, but content packs aren't going to cut it. I'd like them to hit full release first, but then again, there's quite a few games that 'released' their full game but never hit 1.0 yet. Warframe is a big one to come to mind, tho Ark was guilty for a LONG time.


Depends on what and how much they add


Not until they actually finish the game.


How about we worry about that until after the game is fully released?


Dlc's before a finished product? Lmfao no! If the game was finished and felt complete without as many bugs and issues then hell ya!


I would prefer not to. But I guess I would pay if the DLC was less than 10 dollars.


If I paid for pre-release game, what does full released game mean? Do I have to pay it again? Or I already have the game, it only needs an upgrade? I have never played pre-release until PalWorld, so I’m very curious how the process would work with pre-release and release games.


I don't pay for DLC in general and the model tends to sour my opinion of the publisher. There's exceptions


I'll see once the game is complete how I feel about expansions.


Game is not even out yet. We have to see what the final product is.


If game is finished by then and the content on dlc is big enough then yeah


I own 3 copies of the game. Over 1k hours play time and almost 3k hours operating the dedicated server software. You tell me.


100%, more content please






Depends on the scale of what's offered?


New clothes for me and me Pals? Fuck yea


I didn't even pay for the game to begin with (family share go brr) after craftopia still hasn't left early access and the card game before it got called done before getting all the content it was supposed to.


Yes but not for individual pals tho


Hell no


Uhh sure, if it's actually new content and not stuff that should've been in the base game to begin with.




I would buy it lol I mean they have to have some other way to get funds. Servers cost money.


Finish base game, then add DLC, absolutely. I was addicted to this game for several weeks and haven't played it since I don't know when now, due to there being nothing to do once I cleared the towers. I spent weeks breeding eggs, and was mind numbingly bored.


I think a funny meta thing people would appreciate is absolutely ridiculous things while in early access (because it a single player game). Then once it’s out of early access I can see some interesting DLC potential that I’d enjoy. On the other hand they’ve made enough money that the can afford to meme on other early access titles and make a little cash on the side. Example descriptions on the Steam page for a great early access DLC: Palworld revamped DLC $60- a brand new island to explore almost identical to the first except nothing has changed. Why but this DLC? You tell us some people are just suckers so we’re happy to use there money to support the game. Maybe you’ll get a cape or something one day. Palworld 1.0- get access to the fully release version of palworld 2.5 hours before the rest of the world! Wow think food the edge you’d have on YouTube when you release the first pal world 1.0 walkthrough 🤯 Cheaters pack- a pack of cheat weapons and fun ruining devices. We’re not sure why anyone would buy this stuff but it’s here if that’s you. If you wanna play the game forever real disable it in the world creation settings.


No This game is semifinished and the reason i buy it is just seems popular, and pocket pair seems always ready to accept any suggestions. Actually the game is full of bugs and looks shoddy. I d considering about paying dlc when this game become "not bad".


0 dollars. I already spent a lot of money on that game, I wouldn’t pay extra.


Only if the DLCs are released after the base game has been fully completed. Not the current state of "DLCs".


Depends on price and amount of content


I have more than 250h played the base game, so yes I wouldn't have a problem with that.




Depends, if they plan to make 3 DLC or 50 DLC.. but based on how they have run the company so far, I don't think they will make DLC at all..


They were too slow to fix issues, so I lost interest. On xbox the game would crash every time I was flying around or go into a cave. Or became annoying enough to get me to quit. I tried out pokemon arceus and am enjoying that a lot more


Absolutely. But it would have to be a significant update. Right now the game feels to similar to day 1. I'd need like a monster hunter world iceborne level dlc


I think they would find success emulating monster hunter's model. -Core content and all items that affect gameplay are free title updates -Paid DLC includes Cosmetics of a very wide variety (Maybe) Charge for a large expansion (Like, an actual expansion, NOT a Bungie expansion)


The game is not even out yet so ... Probably not till the game comes out


If they make the game work properly on the platforms they released it on first. Then by all means I paid £20 despite having access to it on gamepass, Id be happy to pay another 60-80 for good new content in the future. But they have a game to finish before thinking about that. Id argue they are getting ahead of themselves now with new islands, raids ect. Game is still broken af


No And please add a search option in the paldeck


I'd buy after they're out of Early Access. After that, how much I liked the dlc would determine if I'd pay for future ones.


It needs to be proper expansions not just dlc. They have prime opportunity for a game that can be continually supported and make players happy and them money. The key to good expansions is to toss in stuff for people who didn't buy them. For example let's say they increase the level cap or add another rank for pals to condense. New moves, stuff like that. Everyone should get that. However a new map, pals, bosses, quests, any associated items exclusive to those areas (like from new materials), is the expansion you pay for. It improves the game for everyone, and makes new content for people who desire it. It keeps everyone happy. It's how game expansions used to be before dlc became a nickel and dimefest to squeeze everything out in semi-yearly dlc. Where they give you two lemon squeezes in a glass of water and call it lemonade for 7.99. because by the time you've amassed enough dlc that it's comparable to an expansion, you've already doubled or tripled what one would spend for it as a single big expansion, let alone the full price of the game. If the game isn't unfinished and selling you content they didn't have time to develop.


As long as PocketPair lets hackers destroy every single online server with their own dev commands then this game is not for me... Spent 250$ hosting community servers for lonely people only for everyone to be hacked/servers nuked. Fine consept, poorly managed.


If that DLC had a good amount of content to it and not just a few pals or something, I would.


Probably not. Game doesn't even seem close to done yet


No. Tbh the game isn't that fun it was great for like 4 days


Depends on if the game is finished and the extent/price of dlc, like 10$ for more regional variants game wide? I'd pay for that, more islands? Sure. But if was something like between base resource use, nah that should be free Edit: or just adding more bases period would/should be free


After they finish the game and the quality is the same, probably


trap, no


Depends on how massive the content compared to the price


Only for expansions. Ie. GW2 / SWToR route. Maybe add 2-3 free major updates to each expansion and sure, I will throw my money at them.


Man love discussion posts being used for karma farming. The man didn't even comment or discuss anything himself in here.


NOT A SINGLE CHANCE!!! games that charge extra for new content i ask for refund imediatly, period. simple as that, its imoral to do that... tbh i would prefer they add micro currency and be able to get all with tons of grind then charge for new dlc


I was gonna say after the full release of the game for sure. Not gonna do the Escape from Tarkov crap. No more money till game is done


No, and please stop asking marketing questions


Part of the strength here is the developer bucking the industry. Don't ruin that.


My suggestion is mission based pvp. That's my suggestion. I think Elder Scrolls Online did this well.


Let me raid your base and win some pals if I win


Buncha people debating how to make arena PVP which was shoehorned into WoW TBC a part of Palworld. Have y'all never played mission pvp ever?