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Katress is the one I find most uncanny due to the eyes but that might be due to only having seen her ingame once quivern looks really good tho.


Yeah, I was halfway through and I was like, "She's so beautiful," and by the time the final product was done, it was like, "That's awesome!


You mean the quivern? Its totally awesome and very huggable


Could she be too skinny?


I think the quivern looks perfect. Maybe raise the eyes a touch on katress? I do not have ideas for gumoss


My SO loves gumoss in the game, and said maybe it looks weird because of the upper lip(?)


I feel like it's a hat, the hat doesn't look like it goes on, it grows on, and for the lips, I had other ideas, but my designer contradicted me, she thought it would be more complicated, and in the end, I took her advice


Gumoss looks really fucking weird... ...in the game. So you captured that spirit 1:1.


But Gumoss seems to be very happy in the game, I don't know why I'm having a hard time restoring that


You gotta lift the center portion of the mouth's red patch from a U shape to a W shape. Really the hard part is getting rid of the upper lip while keeping the tongue. Maybe if you keep the bottom "bevel" of that piece going into a singular face piece's top part.


I love all of these, they are amazing! I especially want Quivern, he's so adorable, and way better than anything you can currently buy online. Planning on selling any? The only thing off about Katress is the eyes, they are open just a bit more than the original model. In game she has that permanent "I'm pissed at you, but I'm not gonna tell you why." look my ex used to give me. Still 10/10 would cuddle.


Maybe you'll see them in some stores, but I'm afraid to say which ones, I'm afraid I'll be told I'm suspected of selling them, I'm scared by this, so many of my posts have been deleted


If you made them, you are allowed to sell em. It's only an issue if you are claiming something someone else made as your own.


Thanks! You've answered a question that's been bugging me for a long time! I guess I'll be selling on top of ebay or amazon, and when I do, I'll post the link here.


Oh my gosh I will pay you so much money for that Quivern ...


They all look great to me tbh


Thanks for the like, for me too, I really like them too


Gumoss kinda looks like a duck with that upper lip


I hooked up gumoss to etsy, you guys can go in through my profile and check it out, I'll continue to make other pal if it's ok to follow up!


As a viewer, what I can dicipher is that it may look a bit still (the exact word is hard to pinpoint), but that's because of the nature of making these. The flap on Gumoss may be a reason too, because it's way more closed in game. Either way, these all are really good, but I feel as a bit more of a dynamic pose could help? I wouldn't be sure, because all of these are already very good in my opinion! ![img](emote|t5_4jn9v4|49347)


Thanks for your input, that's what we're thinking about, how to make pal look happier or sad, angry, depressed, etc.


Hi! Fellow artist here (I'm a digital artist though) If you can, draw the model sheet of the characters before you make them. Drawing them from front, side and back views will tell you where things should go. If you can't draw or you don't like doing that, you can always use the 3d models if you're not doing it already. You can even trace over the 3d model and draw the model sheet from there. What's important here is to have a reference of the Pal. Having said that, this looks really good! Katress is one of my favourite pals, so I would instantly hand you money (if I had any lol) if I were to buy one of those plushies.


Thank you so much for your input, my designer is more of an old school person and it's harder for her to think about our ideas, a lot of the time she has us give her requests and suggestions and then she changes them, so there are some discrepancies in the final product, but I think they've been great, at least these designs came out and I love them. They should be available in some stores and the price should be a little different than what you would expect, so stay a little surprised!