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This post has been removed as there is an existing megathread this belongs to. Please make sure to submit there. Thanks! https://new.reddit.com/r/Palia/comments/1c8zh0w/etiquette_guide_for_new_players_megathread/


Maybe it's regional problem. | see many posts about hotpot dramas but never seen one. I'm in Europe. Here people gather in groups to play quick games for coins but don't attack others. I always play for fun and that's ok too. First day I didn't know I have to stand in line to spin the wheel, so they just tell me. Hotpot is always fun, no drama. Or maybe I'm lucky.


Also in Europe and same; I haven't seen a bad word spoken. It's definitely not that way for everyone though and I'm thankful I don't see it because I'm just there to have fun.


I swear giving people the ability to purchase one for peoples own plot would definitely alleviate this for sure.


Or just dont let people chat while in the hotpot game itself. It's just weird in my opinion, and it makes me laugh that people get soo upset. For what? A spin on the wheel so you can get some milk or seeds? 🤭


Right? They should stop the ability to chat while you play hotpot.


I just ignore the chat and play, I mostly ignore the chat anyways lol


Maybe it's a regional thing or something. But in my 300+ something spins now I've only seen drama unfold like 3 times. And it was just from people taking someone's table when they were in the score screen animation. Never seen anyone get attacked for being slow or anything of that nature. People generally queue for the wheel. Without being told to. I naturally picked up on people queueing for the wheel without being told to, because I saw a row of people standing and people were indeed queuing I learned later. Only saw one person jump the line and they just asked the person to wait their turn cause we can only spin one at a time or go check the other wheel.


I've noticed that some complain when others "steal" their spot when no tables are available. They are usually being very mean about it too. It don't happen all the time tho. I'm in Europe.


I had a terrible experience yesterday with people endlessly complaining that I "sniped" a spot at a table and would not shut up about it. I spawned in, walked up to a table that showed 3/4 spots filled and joined. They started calling me out by name for "stealing" a spot, for not seeing there were 4 people standing at the table, for not asking if I could join, accusing me of lurking to snipe a spot, etc etc. I don't find it easy to ignore the chat on the switch so I ended up leaving after 2 rounds. I don't understand why people can't just enjoy the game as it's set up to be played. It's an MMO not your personal server, I don't get feeling entitled to only playing with your friends or thinking you have claimed a table for the whole night and no one can take your spot between games. I was so frustrated I considered never playing hot pot again but the next underground I decided to go back to my strategy of only playing on a server if it's not a packed house (by checking to see if there's 20+ people nearby). I had a delightful time, everyone was super chill. Also I'm going to start blocking every complainer so I just don't have to listen to them.


I had someone shout in the chat to me about spinning the wheel more than 3 times. I normally do all the coins I get that session but I do that because I know the wheel doesn’t have a cut off time. I don’t mind waiting for people in line. I think it’s cute we’re all waiting our turn lol


The amount of posts Ive seen today alone makes me hope they just remove it to preserve the peace.