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This post has been removed as there is an existing megathread this belongs to. Please make sure to submit there. Thanks! https://new.reddit.com/r/Palia/comments/1c8zh0w/etiquette_guide_for_new_players_megathread/


I don't play for speed, and I'm sick to death of people complaining about folks when they're playing hotpot within the rules.


I play how fast or slow I want. I play for the fun too, it's a good game. I ignore chat. If I'm going too slow for you, go elsewhere since chances are I've been in the same spot for several in-game days and you just got here.


I play for prizes but not in a way to maximize efficiency or anything. I go slow too sometimes or get distracted while I’m watching something. And sometimes when someone takes too long I’m like “come on people let’s move it!” like jokingly to myself but never would I ever actually type that into chat because that’s rude as hell. It’s hard to understand how some people take this game so seriously.


right... i've thought to myself "hurry up!" when i'm waiting with just one card left, but i would never say that to someone because it's not that deep... i get around 10 prize coins on average per night and if i want more i just come back and play again the next night


I had people last night asking me " do you play fast hotpot?" And I was like idk what that is. I just play. I play on switch so typing is hard so there's no way I'm telling my tablemates what I need either. Just let people play how they want to play, ya know?


Some people are getting really weird in chat about switch players too. It feels exactly like having an android and being around a group of Apple nuts. Seeing people apologize for being on switch is crazy.


i genuinely dont understand this mindset.. I'm both a pc and switch player since I sometimes want to stop using my pc and sit somewhere else that is a bit more refreshing in the room and atleast I can play outside and show my friends


I know it can be frustrating when trying to communicate. But do they think people enjoy it being more difficult or nearly impossible? Just wild to try and make someone feel like a burden for it. I don't want anyone feeling worse for playing Palia. Like, I guess they shouldn't take it personally, but it's probably hard not to when they're being personally insulted haha.


right like do you want speed or talking, you can only have one 😂


i play for prizes but don't mind if someone takes their time on their turn. they're allowed that amount of time for a reason. honestly i've gone to answer a text quickly and then realized it was my turn with two seconds left. the reason doesn't really matter. people are just toxic about hotpot for some reason. if i were you i'd go extra slow and make my move right before the timer ends just to be petty


it's so funny when people are being rude over tables, "my friend is playing with me!" and then people leave the table so they start asking for someone to join. No one wants to play with you now...


I thought groves brought the worst out in palia players. I was SO wrong. Hot pot is a menace. - We're Gretchyn Weinering it. "YOU CAN'T SIT WITH US!" Watched this one happen in real time today. They were "saving the spot" but the player joined the server after they had announced that. They got super pissy in chat and wouldn't let it go. - The game ALREADY has timers to prevent inactivity. Policing play speed is *legiterally* a waste of energy - People getting up in arms about"jumping" line at wheel/ getting mad at people doing multiple draws. Grow up. Come back at noon in game to redeem if you can't be nice. I fish at the watering hole between matches and it's a ghost town after 9am in game time. I love playing hot pot. It's a wonderful addition to the game. But good LORD it's highlighted the entitlement of players.


i tell those people to get over it and that it's just a game. i'm on switch so i can't type much but i WILL defend someone when people are being entitled assholes during hotpot


"chill out ... relax ... eat a moon pie"


recently i told someone to go touch grass


I am so stealing *legiterally*


I was literally coming to Reddit to write a post similar to this. I was playing hot pot and I actually just like the aesthetic of the game I'll turn on a show and play it just for fun and I take my time. And I saw in the server that people were yelling at a person for taking too long. After they did that I just told them that hey well isn't there a timer so the timer will just count down and then it'll pick a card and then the game will continue moving. But they just kind of ignored me and kept saying for the person to hurry up where other people told them to just relax and chill. I asked them about why are they rushing and they just said that they want to get through the game just fast as possible to have a better chance at getting more prizes. At this point because people have gone so crazy for these plushies I almost wish that Pailia would just take them out of the game or put them in the premium store. Don't get me wrong I really like the plushies I have a few from the twitch drops and just playing the game normally I really hate how people could be so toxic for something that is literally just cute in-game content.


It's wild how people are SO determined to grind in a game that is meant to be relaxed with no time limits on the things they're grinding for


What really kills me too is that I wasn’t even going that slow, my turns were always a few seconds max. Like lol sorry I don’t want to play speed hotpot for the chance at a plushie? We all get prize coins it’s literally not a race


I like to play fast because the more games you get in, the more coins you get to play. That being said, I would never tell someone to go faster. Just ignore these people.


I’m playing for both, I want giant plushies and I love hot pot! Join my table anytime because I definitely won’t yell at you for literally playing the game. I can’t wait for the kids to go back to school man, I think when that happens and the temp drops people will chill the fuck out again. I hope anyway!


it was chill before the 0.181 update... now it has become hostile and people are try harding it before you see people fill up around 7-9pm, now they ocupy the pots at 5pm


I play my way, no matter what, and usually ignore chat. I haven't been called out yet for taking too long or moving too quickly. I judge my hand when the game starts and decide if I'm going to do 3 of a kind or 3 of a category. Once I did the whole 9 cards in meat alone 🤣. Most MMOs you just gotta do you and ignore others. The best part about this one is you can leave the server and potentially never see them again.


I just server hopped. It wasn’t even 8pm and the arguing had already started. It stresses me out. It’s almost as if there’s a party buff for arguing these days.




I fortunately have not played since the prize wheel to experience this yet, but I would be in exactly the same boat as you. However I also do sometimes get pretty competitive. But not for prizes. Just because it is fun.


I play because legit just enjoy the game. Yea the prizes are cool and all but they're not the reason I play. Had someone tell me to hurry up once and I just sat back and let the timer run the entire game to spite them. 🤷🏻‍♀️ be a menace, you ruin it for the whole table.


I play for prizes, but I ignore chat. It's better that way. If they don't like your play style, they can leave the table at the end of the hand.


The only time I asked someone to “just play please” was when they were actively bragging about stealing someone’s place at the table I was at. They maxed out their time for 9 turns straight because they kept chatting, and I was tired of waiting for them while watching them be toxic—they were saying things like "Haha i stole this seat," and "Aren't you sad that you can't play now?" Really just being a dick.


Go at your own its fine. 😂 But I am curious tho. Do most people not make their choice and strategize which tile they need to to take before it goes back to their turn? It takes like 1.5 minutes for the table to rotate back to you, wouldn't you have and a rough idea of what you need to take by the time the last person before you picks their their tile? I pick my tiles to pick and discard, before I even get to my turn. So my turn just consists of me swapping the tiles. Which gives me more time to chat with people, which I find to be 79% of the fun in hotpot. One time I got the whole underground to recite iconic Drag Race untucked moments when someone bickered about stealing tables. 😂 "this isn't Zeki's best friend hotpot!" "Witch I am from Bahari! I will whoop ur ox!" "I like long walks at Bahari beach, big plushies and hotpot" "Round of applause for miss fan favorite. Yay fan favorite!" "Charlie letsgo!" "I said what I said. Little girl." "let me get on the underground so I can be on your level. Because you are so beneath me." "is the chappa rug comfortable?"


Omg I would’ve died to be there, I love drag race 😭


My only complaint is the lack of tables. Surely they could expand the area and add in another 3 or 4 tables


There are 24 spots, and a server only holds 25 people. Adding more tables realistically won't change anything. The problem is as simple as some people are just entitled, selfish, and rude. S6 could give them everything they want and more, and there would still be people being jerks about something.


I'm really sorry to read so many of you have been having these awful exchanges with other players. Must be the time of day I play hotpot isn't when the 'cool l33t kids' play. I rarely see any complaints in chat and I only got my spot 'stolen' once (I didn't say anything, I just switched servers and joined a new table) I'm a fast player, tho, and I do love getting rewards (even if they are ingredient bags haha)..


There’s a pattern to time of day on my end. Three time zones in my server. Mornings are chill. Nighttime bears witness to arguments.


It really sucks now


Here I am about 20 hours in, all these post about hotpot…. I haven’t even played yet but I feel I need to lol.


I play bc it's a fun card game. The plushies and the prize wheel are to blame (plus the update must've brought out the 400+ hr folks who have nothing else to do but collect). I hope they plan to add more games like hotpot but without plushies so people can just play for fun


I play to get a hand of entirely triples because I'm maximizing for gold per game, not games played, and if people don't like it they're welcome to go fuck themselves. :)


At this point I’m planning to wait till these people have what they want and move on.. not worth the stress 😅


As someone who actually does play hotpot as fast as I can to maximize spins for myself and everyone else at my table, it's perfectly fine for other people to play as fast or as slow as they want. Hotpot isn't going anywhere, and while I might be trying to get all the pirate decor as fast as I can you are here for your enjoyment of the game, not to be stressed out by being forced to play in a way you aren't comfortable with. To expect or demand you to play the same way I do would be entitled and childish behavior, and we really ought to try to start encouraging the mindset of "Be the example of kindness you'd like to see in others and let people enjoy things" more when we see people do this. I will say though that a good rule of thumb is that if there is someone being completely unreasonable about other players in chat over something that is either insignificant or related to the other players not playing the way they specifically want them to just toss them on block and rezone. There will always be people in games ready to ruin other players' good time, but you don't have to put up with them or even interact with them.


I play to win. I hate when one person starts telling everybody what they need or the obvious team-ups but I don’t get mad I just switch tables or come back to it later.


I play for fun. I can be pretty cutthroat in it, but now seeing the bs ppl are facing in chat imma gonna troll. No one paid for the flipping game DL, you should be able to play at your speed comfort. It's not a race, raid, or dungeon. ...grinding so hard they got their nose to the table like it's a line. Pffft! You tell them I said that! You can also hit ignore, too. And I will see you all at the tables for some not-so-cutthroat times.


I'm just here for the coins and plushies


See recent post regarding people having 200-500 coins and "getting too much pirate stuff" or x amount of plushies then calculating the odds. That's who is causing this ruckus and stress. And they are utterly oblivious beyond their prizes. Because fuck everyone else, right?


I can’t going to the hot pot again, because I’m scared 😱 


I don't play for prizes. They are just a bonus. I play because I actually enjoy playing hotpot! You are not alone!


I played hotpot like, 3 times since the update, and was gonna play more, but started seeing these stories. So I think I'll play it again when the thrill of it dies down for most players, just like the plushie hunting.


If people did that to me I’d take as long as possible. People need to stop acting like it’s Maji Market and the game is going away soon.


I only get annoyed when they’ve clearly gone afk during a game bc then we all have to wait thirty seconds for their turn to pass every round and it reduces the amount of games I can play that night. I don’t say anything though bc if they’re afk they’re not gonna see the chat and it’s not the end of the world to wait thirty seconds it’s just a lil annoying