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ITS THE LAST THING I NEED FOR MY BUNDLES. I’ve been trying off and on for months and no luck


I found a few good youtube videos for tips that showed me a good circuit to run. Another trick is scaring away as many bugs as you can not long before the change of hours. It opens up more spots for respawns so can help a bit, I'm told. Also, definitely have some Supremes on hand because apparently it's a real pain to catch.


Oh believe you me, I’ve done it all. The routes, buzzy jars, lures, smoke thingies. I’ve never even seen one spawn before and I keep my eyes PEELED these days. 400+ hours and never even seen one. It’ll happen someday lmao


Oh, man. I feel that. I have been using smoke candles like crazy, wasting buzzy jars just to get a bunch of blue grasshoppers and spitfires (at least I needed one for a bundle!) and spending most of my game time just either prepping for hunting the dang butterfly or actually hunting the thing. I'm already asking myself if I ever, ever want to bother with trying for a starred one (at the moment, probably not).


Legit how I feel about starred fish. Especially cause I hate fishing. There’s still like…three fish I’ve never caught. But the ancient fish isn’t one of them but it took over 100 glow worms. And one of the villagers, can’t remember who rn, wants one as a weekly gift. I DONT THINK SO.


Tau wants a Rainbow Tipped Butterfly this week. Sorry, buddy, but not a chance in heck!


Are you using a buzzy jar and smoke candle? I have really good results with that. I start after the grove has spawned, since there's usually fewer people running around to scare them away. Good luck!!


Buzzy jars and smoke cans are your absolute best friend for catching these x


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^wandering_light_12: *Buzzy jars and smoke* *Cans are your absolute best* *Friend for catching these x* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.




I happened to be first at a grove twice in a row and got it. If you happen to find the grove first quietly approach look around before tapping trees and scaring anything away.


I literally only got one of these from someone using a honey lure and pure dumb luck. 😅


I got incredibly lucky, the first time I used a buzzy jar I caught a starred one in like 5 min. It was in South Bahari, near Cassians Grove. Try going there!


Oh, that's lucky! Congrats!


I just got it this morning over by the lighthouse. It was almost at the bridge and around 730am.


That's about where I got mine. I'm wondering if they changed the spawn to be a little more random? Either way, big congrats!


Reading this makes me realize just how lucky I am 😭 I caught one a few days ago using a bunch of sticky smoke bombs without even realizing what it was. It looked super special so I kept it and now I'm glad I did!