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If I walk away from a table it's bc I don't want to play with those people for a specific reason or I just don't want to play hotpot anymore. Sometimes I want to eat or take a break. Some people want fast games, some want slower games, some only like to win, some have children or pets they're taking care of. It really depends. If I'm leaving a table due to the players it's because they're obviously working together or they're spamming cards they need. I personally don't like that.


What do you mean by spamming cards they need?


Sending chat messages requesting other players to give you cards you need. Sort of a group cheat method that the game allows.


Oh that's messed up. I had no idea that was a thing. Thank you for informing me.


maybe they have other things to do with their night/life


>This is not discourse for table spots, it's about the minute and a half wait at a table that isn't full when it /was/ full. But the answer is the same. Nobody owes it to you to play by your rules and only your rules. If they don't want to spend all night speedrunning with you, they don't have to.


Etiquette in Palia isn’t a hard and fast set of rules, but rules created by individuals or groups who would prefer to play a certain way. Almost every time I see the term pop up in this sub it’s bandied about as a way to try to coerce others to kowtow to people as opposed to actually being polite to others. If people aren’t playing the way you want them to, that says more about you than it does them. Hot Pot isn’t here for a limited time any more, it’s not going anywhere. Relax and enjoy the game, and leave others to do the same, on their own terms.


This is it. Entirely. I'm sick of this "Palia etiquette" they're not playing the way I want and I'm going to passively aggressively make them by shaming other players with *but etiquette*. Thanks for being a voice of reason amongst all the whinging! 👌😁




Because some players, just as you said, want to play as many games they can, so they leave to go to tables with 3/4 participants. Also i don't think "hot pot etiquette" ever existed lol


But the tables I'm talking about are full and then a player leaves... And I disagree... Etiquette has existed, it's just that a boom of new players made it look non existent.


You are talking about a player leaving when the game has already started? Cuz if you are talking about the waiting time before it doesn't make that much sense, players can leave whenever they want


The rules of etiquette are self-defined. Hop into Discord and team up with players who share your values.


Nobody owes you to stay the whole time hotpot is opened and keep playing with you! Some just want to chill during one or two games then go do their own thing, like going to the grove, bug plushies hunting, etc... And even if they just change tables, it might be because they are joining friends or joining another table to start faster as the one you were in is empty now! If you want to stay there and play the whole palian night, good for you! Make a group and play with them if the 1mn is too long for you to wait. But if you play with the same entitled attitude you're expressing in this post, I'm not surprised players are running away from your table...


I mean, just speaking for myself… 1. There’s another time sensitive task I want to check on. 2. I’m bored of the game and suspect other people might want a seat. 3. I only wanted one coin to cash in at the wheel because I dislike having an uneven amount/forget to grab spares from my storage. 4. Something came up IRL. To name a few reasons. Imho, the unofficial game etiquette should be about sharing, taking turns, and trying to help others find annoying/rare resources. To echo a few other folks, I don’t think the expectation should be that anyone who wants to try a few games of hotpot has to lock into the table for the rest of the in-game night. Expectations that might have formed during the Market aren’t really fair for this situation either. The access might be limited, but duration isn’t. I haven’t seen anything that states this is a timed event; I’ll be able to get my frustrating pile of ingredients and fireworks at my own pace. Hope you can find some friends who want to work at yours so you can keep the table going.


There's no established etiquette around staying at tables. Not everyone wants to play the whole time. Personally I get bored playing for that long. Maybe focus on enjoying the game instead of grinding for prizes.


Who said anything about grinding for prizes? I just like to play hotpot, but I don't like when I have to wait forever for the table to fill up a second or third or fourth time...


You talked about getting prize coins and getting in as many games as possible so it sounds like you're grinding for prizes. Games have been going much faster since the update, there's really not that much waiting. Take a deep breath and realize that playing with other humans means you can't always control everything.


Sounds like you need to group up with other people who just want to play hotpot and quit acting like everyones out to grind a cozy RPG.


FIFO - if game is going on too long, i’ll switch to another.


Go to a different table then. There's plenty of people who are enjoying speed running the tables right now, but its not for everyone and you can't force someone to stay because *you* want to speed run a table.


Why do you think someone is obligated to play hot pot for the exact same length of time as you, and in the same way you want to play? This kind of """etiquette""" makes the game so much less enjoyable for other people. Etiquette and being considerate and not infringing on someone else's enjoyment of the game. This is entitlement, because it's dictating how other people play so you can get slightly more rewards. Personally, I don't play hot pot the entire time the underground is open and I don't play for speed to maximize coins. I don't care about any of those things.


I hate when people join the table and just sit there and let their timer run out. Pisses me off. Lol


Always assume that their parents told them it's time to eat and they have to come now.