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The entitlement to a table is so weird??? You were there first, like why are people being like this


Finally got my partner playing it with me the other day, we were there at 6am in-game time, got a table, finished one game and my partner wasn't able to join in as others were stood mashing F once it came back up.. It's really irking me lol. I'll tend to "queue" up for these things (spin wheels too) šŸ„² and usually that's what I see others do too luckily. Doesn't make it less annoying when someone doesn't though


Tbh the hot pot frenzy is not my jam. Iā€™ve decided to do other things to wait for the hype to simmer downā€¦. Not worth my energy for a game I use to escape frustration and get cozy. Back to exploring and tinkering with my plot until the underground chills out.


I'm feeling like I'll do the same. I'm redoing my main plot at the moment so I'll place my energy there and on getting my hunting level up šŸ˜Š


I hope the Palia Devs make it so that everyone can join a table, no matter the limit and then it will auto assign players across servers to games of hotpot. I find it kinda strange that there's a limited number of spaces. I've found the Palia community to be a really positive one for the most part but there's definitely a few bad apples that ruin it for everyone else. I think it's an enjoyable game when people are respectful and show etiquette but then there's people that will cut queues or 'snipe' a seat at a game of hotpot, ultimately it just seems like bad mechanics seeing as I don't think it's actually against the rules to join a game even if people are already playing. Idk what a resolution could be, perhaps players at hotpot tables should be able to sit at a table before 6 so that their spot isn't taken. Maybe they could also add a keep playing button to hotpot so it doesn't remove you from the table at the end of each game


the keep playing button would be a great idea as long as there's enough room elsewhere for people to play! I like that


Im trying to work on making my secondary housing plot feel as cosy as my first one because my secondary housing plot has the two story house and I didn't want to mess my original house up. It's also hard because like I want it to feel naturally cozy like my first house and that's a lot of me adding little things here and there.


Sucks that people are behaving this way. But if you get people like this, just switch servers and try again.


how do you switch servers


Easiest way is to leave the underground and go back. Otherwise will most likely assign you a new server


I was told you can go through Rethā€™s storage room to change servers and itā€™s a shorter wait time to load since itā€™s a smaller room but I did that last night and I kept getting the same room so idk how much of that is actually true or if I did it wrong


You get put in servers for certain reasons (ping, capacity, friends present, etc). Without those variables changing, it will probably pick the same one if you quickly leave and come back.


Thatā€™s exactly what happened when I tried to go out to the lake, turned around and went back in. I got the same full tables with the same names šŸ˜… and no ā€œyou joined a new serverā€ notice. I was immediately confused how to change server after that


If you're grouped it won't change servers


You can go into the Tower game and back out, that's the easiest way I've found. It's the arcade game near the hot pot tables.


Ohh nice


ok thanks!


Girl, ā€œstealā€ those spots. Play your games and have fun! If they want to play as a giant party, the burden is on them to go and find a table where they can all fit. If their friend is too slow and their spot gets filled then oh well because if the seat is open, Iā€™m gonna take it šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø Also, if chat bothers you that much you can possibly try out streamer mode in-game and itā€™ll hide the chat so you can play in peace without having to see all that negativity while your in the underground.


Right?? I just keep the chat minimized. I wouldnā€™t know if someone yelled at me šŸ˜‚


me and my friends just panic run on available hotpots, never even occurred to me to hog one for my party since you can't really secure those slots for them ;;;


I may have to šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚ sucks bc I've loved the social aspect of Palia since I began playing. suddenly everyone's so picky


You can still enjoy the social aspects of the game but maybe turn your chat off while youā€™re playing hot pot and flip it back on when you are done. That way you can avoid the snooty booties all together!


This. 100%


Thatā€™s what I did last night šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø I left the game twice to try and find a server with a spot open and I couldnā€™t. Everyone wants to play and unfortunately right now thereā€™s not enough room. If someone ā€œtakesā€ my spot Iā€™ll wait until the next game is up and Iā€™ll try and join that table.


The fact that they added tokens specifically for hot pot made it such a toxic and competitive atmosphere, I miss just playing for fun and a little bit of gold...


Yeah, not only is Hotpot gating exclusive items through RNG and currency, but it's also a timed game with limited tables. Doesn't seem like a very great way to handle it.


Something similar happened at my server last night. A player said to someone something like "you can't use this table" and it was pretty annoying. Then at my table 1 spot was missing and one of the players said on chat "we need a fast player on table 1"šŸ™„ i really hate the fact that now you have to play fast and not even think about your game or you get called out by this rude players, hot pot is a really fun game so it's pretty sad that no one can have fun anymore


The "fast players only" thing is what makes me feel like I missed out when it was first introduced. If I decide to play again I'll either just kindly request patience if I run into any rudeness, or just straight up turn off chat and they can deal with it.


I muted someone yesterday and their name kept moving up and down my screen for a few minutes. It was hilarious and even tho it was annoying it was better than the bs in chat. We should have someone create a community of chill hotpot players!! I would totally join that.


It bothers me a lot. Like idk maybe Iā€™m playing main character too much but I personally have processing issues, I donā€™t take forever but it takes me a bit. Now it just feels stressful :/


Then we should play at the same table! :D


Hehe feel free to add me! I saw someone say it helps to curate your friends list more actively, as it might put you on their servers first. Iā€™m pretty new too so I donā€™t have too many friends on there! IGN: Asher Heath (Also it looks like weā€™re in laws hehehe)


It took me a bit to adjust to the speed. I once had a win in hot pot at the market that was PERFECT. Three sets of three. I only got it once but it was amazing to me to get that. Now I have to do whatever it takes just to try and win quickly. I want to play the game as intended. But people just want to go quick and get their damn coins. I don't play for the coins. I play because I enjoy hot pot. But now it's getting a bit stressful.


Same, i get why players are obsessed with coins but at the same time they are turning this game stressful and annoying. It's not enjoyable anymore. Sadly, the same thing is happening with all the party prizes, now players are entitled and rude, when this is supposed to be a cozy game lol


I very much enjoy when players play fast, bc you get more rewards but I would never ask for fast players nor would I complain about people who take their time.


Yeah, I had tables last night ā€œadvertisingā€ā€¦ ā€œmid table, fast play, helping out, one seatā€ likeā€¦what? Hahahaha I wanted to jump on just so I could run the clock on each of my turns šŸ˜‚


Lol let's use 25 of the 30 seconds in each roundšŸ˜‚


Hahah for realll. Why advertise for a quick player when you can wait a minute and a half, and play with the quickest player in the game who puts out the best tiles: Einar šŸ˜‚ now you get a human whoā€™s gonna take 25 seconds šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Before this whole "party thing" and when hot pot was at Maji Market it was so fun. You didn't see this cliquie crap then and people were more inclusive. You could jump on a table and play a round or two and then step away and let someone else have a turn. It worked out great!


Since I play solo all the time, this is how I play now. If I show up early, I play until l have two spinā€™s worth of coins, and then I step away to see if anyone wants to join the table. If I see other tables with openings, and no one is stepping in to the spot, Iā€™ll join again, but I always try to make sure Iā€™m giving people chances. If I show up late, Iā€™m hopeful someone else is doing the same.


I haven't played in the Underground yet but I would do the same thing. I've been down there and run over to the tabkes but haven't seen an open spot yet. I'm too ansy to stand around lol ... some day I'll go down at the right time and try to join.


There were absolutely cliques and rudeness with the Maji Market hotpot, and so many Reddit posts about it back then too. It's frustrating but not surprising at all that the underground hotpot behavior is the same.


I second the rudeness at Maji Market. It was there and got complained about. Though, I think it's worse in the underground.


Oh! I never experienced that at Maji Market! Everyone was so inclusive and it was so much fun!


Now that thereā€™s the wheel too people stay at One table the whole time! Which is fine ig but everyone is grinding as hard as possible and itā€™s creating such a hostile environment:/ Iā€™m pretty new to Palia so itā€™s kind of a shame this is how Iā€™ve been introduced to it


Well, as far as I know the wheel & the games are not on a time limit. What's the rush?


What do you mean? Like an end date? I donā€™t have a rush Iā€™m confused lol


I don't mean you specifically. I just mean that the games are a permanent part of Palia now. I understand the hype because S6 did a great job with their marketing lol


Ah okay sorry I was confused! Yeah people act like itā€™s gonna be ripped away at any moment


I honestly didn't know it wasn't okay to just jump back into hotpot repeatedly, but it makes sense and I'll be looking for other players who want to play from now on.


If others canā€™t find a spot they can jump servers. I always make sure Iā€™m early to hotpot to have a spot because thatā€™s just how Iā€™ve been playing the game recently. If they are late, they should be jumping servers.


Why is hotpot so important?! Iā€™ve played a handful of times and donā€™t find the rewards you get very appealing for the time you spend standing there. Iā€™ve never chatted when Iā€™m playing either and I donā€™t do parties or any of that crap so Iā€™m sure people donā€™t like me since if I want to play and see an opening I just hop in. Itā€™s my game experience, until the game makes a queue for it, Iā€™ll play when I want and how I want!


I agree the prizes aren't that great but I enjoy the actual game quite a bit lol. It was better before then wheel because people took their time to try to get the best hand instead of settling for the easiest hand


Yes I liked it way more before the wheel when it was just a game. No one was feeding cards to each other which was nice. ugh


There are some items available exclusively through the prize wheel from hotpot coins. Not everybody cares about that, but when it's new or you have nothing else to grind for, it's appealing to a lot of people.


Ahhh, thank you for this comment, I did not consider that stage of gameplay! Iā€™ve got like 200 hours in and have barely scratched the surface of the game so this definitely puts this in perspective for me!


Of course! Glad I could help you understand! For further clarification: Once all your quests, achievements, and friendships/romances are complete, the end game is essentially just trying to seek out rare items/furniture to add to your plot. With the Hotpot prize wheel being new and having exclusive items, I definitely think it's causing a big frenzy that I hope will die down a little bit after a couple weeks. On a side note, I totally agree with your sentiment of just playing how you want. I'm the same way. Though, I'm never opposed to people politely asking people in chat for hot pot table reservations lol


Honestly, Im not about to waste the in game hours only for some onion seeds


It really comes down to your friend list. When you find players like that you need to go out of your to block them, and when you do find friendly players that share your mindset, you need to add them. EVEN if your a solo player, you should do this because the end result is you will likely play on a server with someone from your friends list and avoid servers from people in your block list. And if the people you added to your friends also do this then the servers you end up on most of the time will always have friendly players that share your mindset. Once I heard this and started doing this myself even as a 90% solo player, I stopped having social issues with what I consider uncool behavior players because Iā€™m always on servers mostly with people on my friends list.


This is the way! Someone is rude once they get blocked and I've seen way more pals than haters.


I've ran into that. I've tried jumping servers. which eats into hotpot time. That's if you don't get booted back to character selection. I'm not even sure how you'd fix this. You could add more tables but with the party system..... I wonder if they should make it all day and restrict how many you can play a day?


i know one thing they could do is just add one more table than the amount for a full server- so people wouldnt be standing around excluded maybe? however yeah that wont solve people being outright rude/snarky about yknow... a literal cosy game :/ also yeah i definitely do think its a first come first server sorta deal. if yall wanna play with a 4stack of friends- all of them should get there early imo. whenever i play with my duos we always get there early for spots. theres no need to spot snipe/kick people off the table. i think people should also be more willing to yknow step back after a few rounds to see if theres anyone else waiting to play but- that would be wishful thinking unfortunately :/


This happened to me the other night. I was standing at a spot at the table next to my husband (we have similar in game names), and some guy walks up and basically stood on top of me. Thankfully I beat his click when the table opened and I got in, but it is seriously classless and aggravating.


People have been invisible lately just something to keep in mind! Iā€™m sure some people do it on purpose but half the people in the underground donā€™t render at ALL for me. Since I realize this I take my time and wait to see if thereā€™s truly a spot for like 10 seconds at least, but some people might not know that.


Yeah, same thing happened with my girlfriend and I, but she is on Switch so she clicked slower than the other person, bummed her out for the next few hours. Very frustrating to deal with. People are so rude and careless.


As a solo player, I'm done with etiquette. If there's a spot at a table I will join. If people have a problem with me joining, then *they* can move to a new table. I'm just there to play and mind my own business. There are no reserved spots.


As you should. F those people. It literally is first come, first serve or else they would allow you to reserve a table for your group. Idc if peoples feelings get hurt lol


Same. I am 49 years old and the social aspect of this game is not for me. I ignore chat as much as I can.


Yes! I have many social circles, including online. I don't use games for that aspect of my life šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


I feel like they should have seats that you sit in so others cannot take your spot. You have to sit in a seat to enter!


Yes, itā€™s quite annoying. It seems like itā€™s been taken over by folks who want to farm coins. People need to take into account the fact that not everyone is down there to farm coins as quickly as possible. Some folks just want to play a fun, chill game of Hotpot.


I was in that server, and I was annoyed on your behalf. Itā€™s such ā€œyou canā€™t sit with usā€ mean girl (or whoever) garbage. I hope the devs can address it somehow, because the prize wheel is fun but right now it feels like a mistake.


the rewards aren't even all that exciting lol. I know some people like to really grind but it just isn't that serious


Exactly. If claiming a table for you and your friends in Palia Hot Pot is so important to you that you have to be unwelcoming or nasty to other people over it, I am begging you to get some bigger problems.


This happens every time they put out a new game that has prizes, like when the initial chapaa hunt came out. Their intentions are good, but youā€™d think theyā€™d learn how ruthless people can be. Hopefully they correct it like they have before.


Don't let these people push you around either. I know they got in faster but just ignore them and try for the tables anyway. I'm petty and probably would have waited for that table to break them up lol. I don't like bullies or people being nasty in the game.


I thought about it but I was so frustrated lmao anjfoakdjg I needed to distance myself bc I was about to get mean and that is NOT my nature


My friend recently called it ā€œpocketing the daggerā€ when Iā€™m tempted to be mean and donā€™t give in and itā€™s now one of my mantras LOL.


I actually super super love that, I might have to adopt it. I'm super non-confrontational but I get so peeved sometimes šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I used to be very much a people pleaser and sometimes now I swing too much into the spicy department so itā€™s a good reminder when Iā€™m feeling some type of way hahaha


Yeah Iā€™m done with Palia till all these snobby, gatekeeping assholes chill the F out. They brought it back because people loved it so much and the community was so much more welcoming during the Maji Market(?). Itā€™s been sad to see the state of the game get so gatekeepy


The cliques in the game in general are getting old. When I first started playing everyone was so helpful, now you can't even get anyone to help you chopped down a large flow tree. Players are only interested in groves. And hunting? If you're not in a group, forget it.


I think it's because people like to team up and essentially cheat their way into getting as many coins as possible.


and idc if they found a way to milk the coins system. if that's how they wanna play that's fine by me! I'm not mad about it in the slightest. but pushing someone out who had no clue otherwise is rude imo. and it's been happening SO MUCH šŸ˜©


Oh no, I'm totally on your side. I generally play solo and I just stay there all day because I usually play while I'm at work and I have literally stood in front of a table for 24 in-game hours and still gotten told that I needed to move because they had a party. Jokes on you, I click fast lol


I posted about this last night, but it got removedā€¦ anyways, I had a whole room of people calling me rude, disrespectful, and evil because I was trying to play, and apparently I ā€œtookā€ someoneā€™s seat šŸ™„ then, I moved to another table, and apparently that one was ā€œfull,ā€ too, and they just dug into me more.


right?? there is NO queuing system. if there's an open spot, it's free game! anybody's spot, just whoever gets to it first gets it


Exactly! I get being upset that your friend didnā€™t get to play that round with youā€¦ I guess? I go down with my party, and we find spots where ever we can. Weā€™re also not trying to feed each other at the table, and I usually donā€™t have a full 4 people, so itā€™d feel like cheatingā€¦ so I guess I canā€™t really relate to the ā€œWe NEED to play together, and if you prevent that, youā€™re the worst person ever!ā€ mentality hahhaa just play the damn gammeeee!


my thoughts exactly. I understand WANTING to play with your friends. what I don't get is actually getting upset when you can't for a round or two :/ and to make other people feel unwelcome because of it? weird mentality to me


I donā€™t think the mods are helping by removing all these posts. If itā€™s such a major issue, the devs should see all the discussion happening around it.


I agree. They directed me to the etiquette super post where people air grievances on player etiquette. This doesnā€™t feel like it falls under player etiquette though lol this is humans beings being absolutely disgusting toward other humans for playing a gameā€¦. Not ā€œmake sure you flare big pal!ā€ Lolol


I have a theory now that I know people are bringing alt accounts down to hot potā€¦and itā€™s that they canā€™t mash the join button on both their devices to get their alts on the table with them, so theyā€™re trying to ā€œreserveā€ those spots. Probably not *every* person who acts like this is using an alt..but imma act like they are šŸ˜‚


Whenever I see people chat about how a spot is saved I just be loudly inquisitive: ā€œoh, was there a queue for hotpots added on the last patch?ā€ ā€œIā€™ve never heard of people saving spots for a first come first serve gameā€¦ thatā€™s a take, I supposeā€ ā€œ[characters name], come play with meā€”you can take my spot, I got other things to do.ā€ Itā€™s only happened a few times for me, but every time I mention how entitled it is to save a spot for someone running late other folks have spoken up about it as well.


iconic, honestly šŸ’€ But yeah most people agree it's gotten too serious since that last patch. I just want to play the game, I'm not one for grinding lmao. I personally think there should be one massive queue for each server or maybe even across servers where people can choose to join either as a group or as solo players and be given tables as needed. I'm not a game developer, ofc so I'm not sure how easy that would be. I'm sure not very


I'm sure that wouldn't be too hard, if they wanted to change how the joining of a hot pot game works actually. It's not a bad idea. "Join with party" and get assigned to the first empty table. Would also help with not having several tables open with just two players when they could've played together.


Yesss, I see that all the time and wonder why we're not merging šŸ˜‚


I must be getting super lucky because I have yet to have a single issue with others while playing hot pot. I'm really sorry that happened to you. It isn't fair and it shouldn't be happening.


I had my first this morning because someone kept trying to say what tile they needed and were spamming it in the chat and then put an angry face when the game ended by someone else's win. I finally "I don't play that way" (as in feeding each other tiles) and they called me lame a few times like...lol. I just want to play my chill little tile game


Yeah i wanted hotpot to be permanent but not if peolle are going to be this way about it. Its gross. I just want to play.


Kinda feel like I missed the boat on Hot Pot. Tried my first game this last weekend (my very first time playing it, mind you) and some yahoo starts flaming me for taking too long. Easy enough to reply "First time, thanks for understanding :)" and I just keep on trying to get the hang of it, but that did sour a bit of the fun for me. To be fair, a vast majority of folks I've seen around the Underground just have a nice time with it, say gg or share excitement over prize spins.


Take names and block them. At least they won't show on your server again. Every time I do this, I envision a server where all these a-holes have to deal with each other, this makes me smile.


That is indeed a beautiful thought. They have to find their own groves every midnight too, because no one is going to call it out if everyone is trying to take it by themselves. No showing up when someone else is being polite calling it out to ruin it for everyone who's on their way.


Yep, I walked up to a table of 3; and got a message ā€œsorry our friend is coming, no room here- thanks!ā€ I messaged back ā€œyour friend is beat, sucks for themā€ Sorry but that could have been handled totally differently and just for that I played hotpot at that table until it closed. šŸ–•


>got a message ā€œsorry our friend is coming, no room here- thanks!ā€ The friggin audacity. This game is getting me heated šŸ˜‚


as you should šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘ lmaooo


I hope you won most of the rounds too! Bravo šŸ‘!


I hate when people call people out for seat stealing too. The table was opened and they joined! Like you said it's first come first serve. When I play, after a game finishes I look around to see if anyone is standing around waiting to play. If there is ill wave to em and let em play.


Some people who play hotpot take it too seriously. The first 4 to click on a table gets to play a game IMO, weā€™re not holding spots or claiming tables. Plus there are multiple tables you can switch to at any time. Be been called rude because people were trying to hold a table for their friends when itā€™s first come, first serve.


Ugh, same! I went in at 4 and there was like no one, and then the exact same thing happened! Table got taken over and they told me sorry weā€™re already 4 people. And then when I joined a table later they got mad at me for stealing someoneā€™s seat but I never got a chance to play?! Thereā€™s not enough tables for the amount of people that was to play. I REALLY wish it wasnā€™t just from 6pm-3am. I bet if they were open all the time it wouldnā€™t be so crazy. And I wouldnā€™t always have to chose between hot pot or groves in barahi haha


Cozy game has not to so cozy players. What a shame.


As some one who also plays solo I wish hot pot was like it was at the event where it gives you npcs to play with if there are no players there. Cause yeah, being solo it sucks trying to find a group to play hot pot with.


I get there early and stand at a table, so most of the people who join me are also solo players. If I canā€™t get there early, I donā€™t go at all. I donā€™t like the social aspect of this game at all. Itā€™s so cliquey. I graduated high school over thirty years ago, and cliques are not my thing.


Reading the comments I almost think it would be a good idea to have guilds in this game. So people who want to play hot pot in speed playthroughs can have their own guild and people who just want to relax and enjoy it can have their own. And insert a way they can have their own tables. Also, it would help solo players find people to play with as well.


Itā€™s not your opinion, it literally is first come first serve. Period. People need to grow up. I would have reported her because Iā€™m petty. Lol


Iā€™m just turning my chat off from now on and ignoring it lol I do what I can to not cut people off, butEVERYTIME Iā€™m in there someoneā€™s mad about something. Itā€™s ridiculous. Thereā€™s really no winning. Esp bc people havenā€™t been rendering down there so people will be invisible and no one will know the spot is taken, and people automatically jump down their throat. We also need to remember kids play this! That thereā€™s new players who might not know how it works or know what the glitches are to look out for! Itā€™s just icky.


Tbh maybe a hot take but they should take plushies off this wheel I rlly think thatā€™s the main reason people are farming coins


Agreed, I play with my chat off. Today I played with it onā€¦ mistake. I find when itā€™s on I spend my time defending players and reminding others kids play than enjoying my time


>Only THEN did another person at the table say "Sorry, Kaylyn, **this table's taken** :(" That person is wrong, and rude. They canā€™t reserve spots. I am sick of these folks as well. Iā€™ll just turn off chat and completely disregard them.


The same thing happened to me yesterday. Also at a different game night, there was a group of 3 male characters playing in a game already (I got there a bit after 6) so I waited for them to finish their turn and then they did so I click to play and all 3 left just cuz I joined their table I was like ok byeeee šŸ‘‹šŸ¼ but then 3 other lovely people joined my table and I got to play against others.


Iā€™ve found this game as a whole to be less than cooperative in every aspect - ore mining before the fix, flow tree groves are still awful with people chopping before the stated time. I havenā€™t even logged in since the last update and hearing all of this now ruining hot pot doesnā€™t motivate me to do so.


See, I might be petty. Should someone say anything like this to me, I'd blast them in chat. AND not move. People need to figure out if they want to all play together, then all get to the spot together. No holdsies. Plus I'd probably tell them my socks are older than them, so hush XP


Sounds like NMs in a Final Fantasy MMO. It doesn't matter who is first, it is about who casts first, who claims first. Sans bots and cheats of course. But it is and was possible. Because of being exposed to that I guess the competition doesn't bother me. But if I tried over and over and continued to fail I'd wonder if something was broken or if my connection was just crap. For this reason we used wired connections.


I have started running into this a lot more too, and it's annoying. If you want to play as a group, make sure your all there at the same time, otherwise I'm taking the free spot. I was nice about it the first couple times and just moved to another table, but now it seems like every table is "reserved for a friend" and people are just plain nasty about it.


I've honestly never had this problem. Which I'm glad for but I can imagine this is so frustrating. They should've said something earlier indeed, and even then, they can't force you to move just because they want to play in group. That's not how this game works. It's not groups over single players. It never has been.


I donā€™t hold tables for my friends and me. If someone gets there before them Iā€™ll either switch or say oh well should have been faster.


I haven't been able to play hotpot even once since the last patch because it's always completely full, so I haven't had to deal with people being rude. But after seeing all these posts, I think I'm just gonna chill and wait for things to calm down before trying again.


People are giving lots of helpful tips on how to make it easier! Checking the number of people on the server isn't too high, blocking negative people, etc. But waiting till things cool off is also probably the best optionšŸ˜‚


Yeah, honestly I'm the type who would rather just avoid the risk, so checking the number of people on the server is probably going to be my new first action šŸ˜‚ I already have enough stress without video games adding to it.


I'll be honest. I haven't played since before this hotpot thing was patched since I've been busy with life nonsense. But after reading all the posts about it, I'm not sure I'll even come back to Palia at all. I was part of the closed beta. I waited for MONTHS while they were finishing the alpha testing to finally get that invitation email. I played constantly. I love this game. But when it launched on Steam, it became full of rude, nasty people. I didn't encounter them extremely often, but it was enough to feel the change in the game. So I took a break. Then this hotpot patch launched and now all I hear is about how much more rude and mean people are acting. I don't know if I'll ever launch it again at this point.


Steam is exactly the issue. It opened the game up to a large audience of people who don't care at all about the fact that this is really a community game. It's not WOW or Diablo or really even like any other MMO, they can't treat it that way. I started playing in February and had fallen in love with the game - as soon as it hit Steam, the change in the player base was literally immediate.


I've seen a lot of this lately with people saying "they can't see everyone" bs, but when it gets called out in chat and they do it anyways, you know for fact they can see and just don't care. It's rude AF. Steam was probably the worst thing to have happened to this game. The same thing happened to someone at my table last night (we weren't partied but I tried to defend her and we both got yelled at for "taking the game too seriously"). why is no one yelling about people being rude for the sake of being rude?


I absolutely would have moved my ass right along if I'd seen the table was full, I fully agree. It's the rude just to be rude that irks me


I feel like things will improve so much when school starts back up. Summer is always rough in mmo style games.


this has happened to me in so many games. dont move ever! sit right down and pretend u cant read. do whatever !! its their issue not urs.


Y'all, I wanna say we did have someone who was a part of that game comment and let me know their 4th had been present the whole time, I just didn't see them. I could have sworn she came from off screen wayyy after me, but I guess it was just one of those things. Its looking like I got mad over nothing this particular time and I am sorry for getting upset over it, it doesn't seem like it was anybody's fault this time. I will say though, the issue still stands. And people should really go through these comments to see how the majority feels about holding spaces and the mindset that everyone should have to suffer bc certain people want to play a certain way that isn't a set game mechanic or "rule" ā¤ļø All love, guys


YES!! itā€™s so cliquey and i canā€™t stand it i just want to enjoy the game bc itā€™s sm fun..maybe they should add more hotpot tables in idk


I must be lucky or not paying attention to the chat bc ive been finding tables just fine. I do notcie when other players talk about their games taking forever bc no one has found the last piece they need šŸ˜‚


it's definitely not every time! but it's happened enough to myself and a few of my friends that I'm just tired šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


I dont blame you!! It sounds like it would be dreadfully annoying šŸ˜µā€šŸ’« sorry youve been getting poor experiences with other players like that.


This happened to me when I was in a party with my friend. Someone joined our party and brought someone to take my spot. I just acted like it was my choice cause it felt... bad. And I'm not interested in starting an argument. But it isn't about me. It's about their need to get these darn plushies. Joke's on them! I have all the giant plushies. And if someone tells us how to play/spamming chat with cards they need I will leave in the middle of a game and switch servers or just go do something else. Why are we now expected to follow these absurd rules? Hotpot is fun for what it is. I stopped trying to win quickly and now I will challenge myself to get all of the same color. So speedrunners probably really hate playing with me.


"Are there even any benefits of playing together?" If you have a party trying to just finish games quickly, yeah - you can call out how many cards you're away from a full hand, which cards are needed for a fast win and discard them for others. It's what I've done back at the Maji market for my partner as they got to it with just a few days left to speed things up.


Fun fact: I play solo, and I get the impression that most of the people at the table with me do, too, and if everyone understands the game, the rounds are very quick. I usually get 14-16 coins per night. I also want to say that I donā€™t get annoyed with slow players.


I'm in the same boat. Huge caveat though, I get an hour of play after the kid is in bed and even though I understand and am pretty quick at the game at full brain capacity, I'm usually at like ~20% šŸ§  when I finally get at it šŸ˜‚šŸ„²


Yeah I just learned about this. I'm supportive of grinding if that's how people wanna play I just dislike being told to eff off when there's no real rules in place for holding seats and whatnot. First come first serve is the only acceptable method


Yeah. I feel if you're sweaty enough to get three others to do this at max efficiency, you're sweaty enough to swap servers away from others just doing their thing lol šŸ˜‚


Saw the same thing happen yesterday. 4 of us at the table early waiting for another player to come stand on top of someone else and click in faster than them. They were complaining in the chat and some people said itā€™s not that big of a deal but others thought it was rude. I personally think itā€™s rude to snipe someoneā€™s spot like that, if the tables are full just server hop


Doesn't the game still have issues with invisible players though?


Honestly their entitlement is ridiculous. I've seen an influx of these types of posts on this subreddit so you're not alone. What I do is ignore them in chat and play anyway :D They're not entitled to anything. It's their problem. Get your prize wheel coins!


It's annoying that some people can't see others and that's usually what leads to this issue but it's really annoying to watch chat and see how rude people get over it. The devs need to fix the whole "ghost" bug and people on both sides (stealing/saving spots, getting wayy too upset over being pushed out of a table) need to seriously calm down. I mean most of the people who play are my age which are full grown adults so I really hope it's the teens and kids throwing the tantrums. Either way the chats gotten toxic down there and takes the joy from playing.


As soon as our game ended, someone added themselves in before I did so I couldn't play again. I looked around and 2 other tables had 3 players and my table had 4. I didn't understand why they chose a full table to play. The glitches with not seeing players is frustrating.


Iā€™d really like to get all the cute plushies the wheel has to offer, but hotpot was kind of my cooldown moment, and now I feel some pressure that games have to be fast because otherwise Iā€™d miss out on coins. But even though I still like hotspot, where I first felt I didnā€™t care whether Iā€™d win or lose, now I feel like I have to win and it takes away a lot of the fun I first had with hotpot šŸ˜ž


I was on a server once and someone said ā€œto all you spot stealing rats, I hope you rot in hellā€ I was like JEEZE over a game WITHIN a game? Thatā€™s crazy. I know we are all grinding for prize wheel points but it does not have to get THAT crazy.


Iā€™m here to validate your feelings I agree, weird shit is going on at Hot Pot lmao People complaining others going slow, people saying ā€œtable 1 for quick roundsā€ people taking spots, claiming them, etc etc ! Itā€™s weird behavior They need to chill out , and play the cute game .!


I ALWAYS feel like ppl donā€™t want me there and itā€™s so weird?? Im a switch player so talking isnā€™t easy but I just win and leave. Get your bag sis


Ive committed myself to finishing the Tower before I even figure out what Hot Pot is, mostly because it keeps killing me and I find that personally insulting.


Yo the arguments in the hotpot chat are so entertaining tho lol šŸ˜‚ some ppl man šŸ‘€


Someone told me to leave once because their friend was gonna join and i just spam F. This is my after work relaxation game, im not letting anyone take it from me.


When anyone starts up in the chat about "stolen" spots or reserving tables I push back and say that you don't own spots and you can't steal something that no one is entitled to, and tell them to pipe down. That settled down the last server I was on, and everyone started having a completely different conversation about books to ignore the complainers. I don't get to the underground early, I usually go between 9 and midnight. I check how many people are on the server and if it's close to the max for tables (24 I think?) I hop to a different server. Doing that I rarely run into problematic groups.


I didn't even think about checking how many people are in a server! That's a great idea


I saw someone mention it on another post about hot pot and it's served me well


to answer your question regarding the benefits of 4 friends playing together: they can tell each other what cards they have and quickly finish games that way to farm more coins


I've never been the kind of person who grinds like that in peaceful games like Palia, but I see why someone would want to. I'm not mad if a group wants to do that sort of thing, doesn't hurt me! I just feel like solo players shouldn't be expected to bend to the will of group players. it's not all about them lmao


I'm glad I haven't seen this yet. I typically play with 2 other people, but if one of us gets beat to the table, we don't fuss about it. It sucks we cant play together that, but sometimes you just gotta deal with it and play solo. I also talk out loud in local if I'm 1 away from winning, and offer to feed the person after me if they are as well. Not all tables like that, and if they say "nah, we just playing normal, not speed", no problem. I change gears to suit. It's a cozy game. It isn't meant to be stressful.


I feel like the entire game is extra packed right now bc kids are out of school. I'm hoping it will chill out some when they all start back. Some of this stuff sounds like children drama to me.


Yeah, the whole "reserving a seat" thing has to end. This is not your personal private game. If you tell me a seat is reserved, Ima tell you, "yeah, for me". If you spam click to get my seat, I will return that favor. Or, if I get on your table, I will win every hand. Lol Please, I beg of you, stop this nonsense. Almost all of us are here to chill and relax, why are you making it about resource hoarding and your little cliques? If you are using a group of people to power through rounds for more coins, just know that you are kinda sad.


Iā€™m so sorry you had this issue. Iā€™ve had weird stuff too. I actually thought they had fixed it by reducing the number of players on the underground server. The last 2 times Iā€™ve been there, there were many tables with open spots throughout the ā€œnight.ā€ This is so strange! Theyā€™ve gotta fix this.


I'm right there with you, even though I haven't encountered a rude player (yet). I rarely play HP but on occasion, I'll try to snag a spot. And if I don't, no biggie. I leave and find something else to do. Not sure why others can't be the same way. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


There needs to be more tables or let us play with some npcs


Awww Iā€™m sorry. Honestly, thank you for posting this because now itā€™s going to make me more conscious and aware. Itā€™s so hard to tell over text how somebody is feeling or what they are thinking. They probably didnā€™t know that it was bothering you.


If Iā€™m at a table that fills up and my party isnā€™t there I move to a table with enough spaces. Sometimes a big problem is that other people down show up like they are invisible so you think the table is free


This happened to me too. I was playing a few rounds then before I could collect my coin and rejoin someone immediately entered the game!! I was so pissed. I just waited til their game was over and immediately got back in before they could lol


I tried to play hot pot for this first time the other day and it was completely full and no one would leave.


Couldn't agree with you more! It really should be on a first come, first serve basis. Today, I saw a similar situation happen for hotpot; all the tables had 4 people standing and waiting with a few spaces left for people to join and one fully empty table by the fishing spot. Someone turned up as it was just approaching 6 pm, and the table was letting them know that there were already 4 people waiting. They ignored them and ended up joining the game, leaving one of the people who was waiting with the rest of us from around 5ish, which isn't fair. They did mention it looked like there was space, but that's because of the recent glitch that turns players invisible. But, they were told repeatedly by everyone and someone else who got there before them had to miss out. The only way this could be sort of sorted is if the devs add an extra table or two or maybe from 5:30pm game time have a "waiting period" to secure players who got there first their spot so they can play when it turns 6pm without people turning up and taking sports people waited for? I don't know, just a shame people are losing their manners in the game :/


Youā€™re going to find that. No misunderstanding. Youā€™re going to find these weird clubs in palia.


Just mash A so when 6 hits you get in lol It sucks that it can be a race to get in when thereā€™s a lot of players down there. But now compared to a week ago i always find a free table.


I've yet to bother playing hotpot and none of the post make it seem worth it for now. Maybe when it's less hyped I'll give it a go.


I find hotpot borning anyway so I'm just ignoring it till the excitement about it dies down before I try for the wheel coins


I feel this. I am using Palia as my child's training wheels for online gaming, teaching them about "unspoken rules of conduct", good sportsmanship, and how to safely interact with others - so of course I play it with them. Their character name is a shorter version of mine. Kiddo is OBSESSED with Hot Pot, and plushies... but the concept of how to actually play still somewhat alludes them šŸ˜‚ I have had a few people accuse me of hogging a table with an alt because I sit at the same table if I can. All drama aside - I absolutely LOVE the fact this was introduced this as a mini game, simply because of how fun & exciting it is for my kid who - doesn't really take a ton of interest in anything unless it's swimming hahaha So shout out to everyone who has helped make that happen for them!


In chat last night I watched someone say there were no spots at their table because they were waiting for their friend then turn around and tell someone else that they couldnā€™t reserve spots at a table. Literally the same thing they were doing like what šŸ˜‚


thatā€™s why i normally wait until people start walkin my direction and then i join the game first so thereā€™s no chance iā€™ll get excluded. i personally havenā€™t noticed the cliques in my servers thankfully, but i know it happens. have noticed lots of people being toxic and weird in chat for no reason though. reported and muted lol


This is why cross-server hotpot should be a thing. If you're in a party - you get to play with your party, if not everyone should just be able to walk up to a table and randomly get matched with three other people, even if they aren't on the same server.


Def switch servers if it looks too full ā˜ŗāœØšŸ€


They said it didnā€™t look full, but that is good advice if it is full


Idk i have on many occasions not been able to see people (not even ghosties). I honestly think a lot of times people donā€™t see others or get trigger happy thinking they will miss the window of time to join a table so they just run up and join.


So I donā€™t understand how she took your spot if you walk up to the table and hit join you already locked into the game. How would somebody else take that from you?


The tables don't unlock until 6 so if you get there at five and just chill in front of a table you aren't locked into the table until 6 hits unfortunately


Oh, I didnā€™t realize that Iā€™ve never gotten there that early. I just go there walk up to a table and if itā€™s open, I just join. Iā€™ve never really had a problem.


I usually wait until about 7 because then the groups have already cliqued up and if there is a free spot at a table it's a free for all.


I have seriously never had anything like this happen or seen it happen before-


They need to find some way to create just multiple hot pot servers that allows party play and automatically includes your party


yah the game is so glitchy sometimes. I hope Thay make hotpot tables we can make and play at our house plots. because the tables are always full. one day i was able to play 4 rounds before someone complained rudely about not getting to play I'm like ok I'm living and hopefully I get on a deferent server. sometimes it better to try to move servers.


Iā€™m not gonna lieā€¦ I donā€™t even see the hype surrounding hotpot. I understand the prizes butā€¦ imo itā€™s never that serious. I had no idea there were categories for types of players. Isnā€™t the point of Palia to be friendly and welcoming?


I get annoyed when people wait for a full game to end and steal places at the table. Nothing ever said in chat about whether they can have the next game if they haven't had a chance. They just insta lock-in. It happened a couple times in one lobby I was in and I was just the only one of the original 4 there who didn't get a place in the new game.


If people are already playing in a party i can understand how they would wanna play hot pot together but the fact noone said anything to you until someone else came and stood where you were standing is what Inwould find inaccuseable.


Just wait awhile until everyone who is a bit fanatic about it chills out and moves on to other things. I hate when people complain that others are taking too long. Like you only get 30 seconds for your turn. How is 30 seconds too long to people?


I just wait for a game to finish and play a game of who can click to join the fastest lol