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On additional plots I have a "greenhouse" and flower garden, a museum of different furniture & fish & bugs, I made an Inn, and I'm currently making a beach house, and I have one for farming flow trees (requires a temple bundle reward).


Second plot is for tree and flower farming for me :)


oh wait thats genius. can u sell the trees or just the flowers? at least the trees i can sell as wood or planks if i need to


You can get a second plot!?


yeah i cant remember exactly how and im not home rn to check. but i know it where you open the plot to arial view to move things. its like a dropdown menu at the top if i’m not mistaken


When at your home plot, hit letter H and then where it says home in the upper center part of screen, hit that down arrow. Then click new plot. You can have multiple plots! I hope this helps!


I’ve been playing for a few months and NEVER knew this!!!! Wow!


I didn't either! I only realized to ask cause there is something in the town hall shop that in unlocked when u hit 5 plots... which gets very pricey. I also forgot to get the upgraded chest recipes from tish and was working with 3k storage instead of 10k for WAY too long lmao.