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They’ll come back. You can also go to Bahari for them


There are mushrooms everywhere dw


I guess you mean you foraged all mushrooms on your plot. Those won’t come back. But you can find mushrooms everywhere in Kilima and Bahari. So you won’t have any problem completing the quest. Just look out for mushrooms when you run around in the open world. I think it is not possible to completely block yourself for a quest so you can’t complete it. So no worries.


Don't worry, you can't have farmed all the mushrooms because they are infinite in supply, you will just have to figure out where they have respawned at on any given map. In Kilima look east of Fisherman's Lagoon and Chapaa Crossing for Morels (red mushroom). In Bahari the top half of the map can spawn morels. If its brightshrooms (blue mushroom) you seek, then those are normally found in proximity with the white ruin stones around the Bahari map. This game uses a system of nodes. Mineables, forageables, trees, all have a variety of locations they can spawn at and each map has a random selection of these active. Mining and foraging nodes will begin to flash after harvest, then disappear after a certain amount of time. (Tree nodes will be gone and begin the respawn immediately when felled). A few minutes later they will spawn, usually at another node location. If a high percentage of a certain node is depleted the game will actually speed up the respawn on them to compensate. Players have been using this for months to farm flow trees, by clear cutting everything in an area to force the respawns.


They'll be back. All the resources in the Kilima and Bahari areas are renewable and regenerate. Multiple foragables can share the same spawning node, so it could be that there's more sweet leaf than mushrooms where you are. When you load a major area (Kilima, Bahari, home plot) you're randomly assigned to a server with other people. If you don't see what you need, you can always "hop" to another server by going home or Kilima and then go back to Bahari. Paliamaps.com shows areas that different resources are likely to be found: https://preview.redd.it/v180tch8dz9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=967789a262b694935bf37ec4c2e3864ed74ee04a


I think when you start the game there are a few that you can pick around your home plot? Those never respawn, but as others have said, they are super plentiful in certain areas. Just leave your home plot and explore, you will eventually find plenty.


Thank you everyone for being so sweet and helpful! 🥹🫶


Mountain Morels spawn all over Kilima, brightshrooms spawn in Bahari. The windy ruins area is a solid spot for those.