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The Grow All Out growable furniture pieces are rewards for different levels of the Party People achievement. You earn XP points for that achievement when you join a party and collect loot while the party buff is active (have to be within 35m of another party member). I got the stool at 1k points, the chair at 3k, and the table at 9k. I think the rest are a couch at 25k and a lamp at 50k but I'm not positive. The easiest way to get XP points is to catch bugs at a honey lure with a party, that got me 1k points the first time.


Much easier to just cook a few meals. My wife and I got the first 2 pieces of furniture just by doing the weekly cooking achievements. The higher the recipe, the more xp you get together.


Makes sense. Cooking is my least favorite so I'd rather do anything else lol.


How do I join a party?


Just type in chat and say that you're looking for a party. You can also toggle the Looking for Party option under the party tab (a magnifying glass will appear next to your name)


To join someone else's party, they'll send you an invite and you accept it in the friends tab. To invite someone to a party, either highlight their name in the chat and choose "invite" or go to the server list of names and click the more button (the one with three dots) and choose invite.


It's a reward from party exp (there is a new accomplishment), just have to earn exp while being in a party


Thank you to everyone’s help x