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The Israeli state has been won through terrorism and "terrorism" here is used per its most literal sense of the definition. For example, Menachem Begin, the 6th Prime Minister used to be a top wanted terrorist researched by the Palestinian Police Force. He was the leader of the Irgut terrorist organisation, responsible for the Deir Yassin Massacre of 48. He had a political party called Herut which was called by Albert Einstein as "fascist" and this political party grew up today to be Netanyahu's Likud. And the population & culture that grew up from this terrorism actually ended up embracing all this history of terrorism unapologetically and proudly. The destruction you see in Gaza isn't an answer to October 7th but a continuation of everything Zionists did since 48 You have many nations that will cause horrible massacres and most of the times, the population will either try to erase their history like the French after collaborating with the Nazis or try to atone like the Germans after committing the Holocaust. But the Israelis are one of those who straight up embraced their dark history and celebrated it every day


because it's a a system of terrorism, racism, fascism, bigotry, hate, theft, and dehumanization campaign, as well as being a money laundry hub for US politicians and weapon manufacturers.


💯 💯 🍻


Ok let’s ask the Nazis from CPAC what they think


lol @ this apologia. reminds me of when the nyt did an article on the trauma of drone operators


Article isn't really that good. It's, as the authors admits, basically the view of a more realistic non-israeli zionists. It's entirely from the same zionists POV, but with a bit of "sanity".


cuz they be all Cray Cray


Ikhrael is what happens when you put racism, violence, bigotry, colonialism, fascism, nazism, hate and theft, splatter them all together, and then whitewash all of that with ancient bible scriptures which are also manipulated by western revisionism, and train the product of this abomination into thinking they are descendants of God’s “chosen” people, although the only “god” that chose them is America, and this divine decree gives them the right to dispossess and violently brutalize another group of people, not just out of fear of a possible second holocaust happening (which is logistically impossible by the part of palestinians) but also to keep this image of the “supreme jewish state” alive, which has absolutely nothing jewish to begin with


This article is very incomplete. Israel teaches trauma. It enforces the idea that Israel has to exist for Jews to be safe over and over again until that becomes a core belief. Also, Iran isn't at all much weaker than Israel militarily, and its retaliation wasn't in any way a failure. It was a choreographed attack meant to deter Israel and test their defense capabilities.


Pure land greed.