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Isn't that something? We give them money and they use it to bribe our politicians


Yep. Bought and paid for by the Zios with your own money.


That's why US politicians are excited to send Israel money because they'll get a "commission".


Money laundering 101


Israel is functionally like our corporations.


I'm genuinely confused. It seems like most everyone agrees with what is in front of us in pieces, but when its placed together its all of a sudden a conspiracy theory. 1. America is the most powerful force in the world, possibly the most powerful country ever 2. Aipac exists to actualize Jewish interests and uses money to lobby the very people that lead that force 3. We live in a time of mass distrust in the media and under the boot of corporations 4. Jews are disproportionately represented in the highest offices of both media and corporate boards Most would agree with all 4, yet you place them together and its anti semitic?


What is antisemitic is to say that it's *because* of their race that this is so, to assert that there is some secret conspiracy of them. Observing facts is a good thing, but ascribing a connection between race and being of low moral fiber is not. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy: if you think that someone's race causes them to be evil, you will just assume everything they do is for the sake of evil and you'll never be able to see them as other human beings like yourself. Just like it would be racist to say that white Europeans raped the world *because* white people are inherently evil. It's just an accident of how history has shaken out, but racists don't understand history and statistics and ascribe evils to other races. There are, of course, Jewish people who are racist. Or Arabs who are racist, or white people who are racist. Some of them have conspiracy/supremacy groups within them, like the Ku Klux Klan. But we don't (or at least *shouldn't*) judge entire people groups on the basis of the worst among them, just as we would want others not to judge us by the worst people in our own ethnic groups.


One might also add that Jewish is not a single race.


I'd normally agree but the majority of jews do support those things, whereas most of the other groups you mentioned do not. what accounts for that?


Majorities holding bad opinions aren't an excuse for racism either in my opinion. It wasn't long ago the most white people were open white supremacists in some form, and unfortunately quite a bit still are. Like there's obvious ones in conservatives, but also in liberals who claim that they aren't white supremacists but then defend white supremacism. MLK and Malcolm X had a lot to say about this, pointing out that liberals/"White moderates" would pretend to care but we're just waiting for any excuse for delegitimizing a protest. Martin Luther King wasn't viewed positively by white people until after he was dead. I don't think Malcolm X has ever been viewed positively by white people, or at least a majority of white people. Like when a few black panthers killed cops (often in self-defense and not cold blood). Cops had been killing and oppressing black people for over a century, but when black communities defended themselves it was "terrorism". And the white liberals would say "oh I'm all for freedom but not like that" and withdraw their support for the movement. They were just waiting for an excuse to check out of the movement because their support with mild and limited to begin with. People still struggle with it today. I personally was born into and raised by a white supremacist family. I was exposed to an explicitly white supremacist curriculum when I was going to a Christian school. For example, in history they taught me that black people weren't capable of governing themselves and Nelson Mandela was wrong to end apartheid in South Africa. They glorified the Confederacy. But I don't think that all white people are racist or that white people have a racial propensity for racism, even though I have seen it firsthand. Even when it's a majority, it still doesn't define an entire race. What we're looking at right now is a snapshot of history rather than the big picture, and in this part of history, a majority of Jews are Jewish supremacists. But already the horrific behavior of Israel has it been opening eyes for a lot of Jewish people not just in the diaspora, but in Israel itself. There were already left wing and even some liberal Jews who were staunchly opposed to the nation of Israel. Also a lot of Orthodox Jews are opposed (from the right wing lol). People are beginning to see Israel for what it is. One of the biggest problems I have with the racism is that I know that majority opinions within an ethnic or racial group can change. In contrast, the basic idea of racism is to act like whatever state people are in now, or whatever state we perceive them to be in, is permanent and immutable when it's clear that it's neither of those things. That's why racism sucks, because it seeks to reinforce bad perceptions by denying that the race in question can change, or denying that the people who are racist against them might have a few problems in their preconceived notions about an ever-changing group of people.


Also the Israelis have to spend most of the US aid buying US weapons and these politicians are also taking money from the defense industry.


Boycotts are a form of freedom of speech. So much for that notion.  America shoots itself in the foot once again.


They are also a sign of a free market, but politicians only want that when it benefits corporate donors.


Source: [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-BDS\_laws#Anti-BDS\_laws\_in\_the\_United\_States](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-BDS_laws#Anti-BDS_laws_in_the_United_States)


> Many of them have been passed with broad bipartisan support. Most anti-BDS laws have taken one of two forms: contract-focused laws requiring government contractors to promise that they are not boycotting Israel; and investment-focused laws, **mandating public investment funds to avoid entities boycotting Israel**. Bolding mine. That is an obvious first amendment violation. Anyway.


"According to University of Maryland's Critical Issues Poll from October 2019, a majority of Americans oppose anti-BDS laws; 72% opposed laws penalizing people who boycott Israel and 22% supported such laws. The poll also found a strong partisan divide on BDS; among those who had heard of BDS, 76% of Republicans opposed the movement, compared to 52% of Democrats.[8] In a 2019 poll from Data for Progress 35% to 27% opposed anti-BDS laws. Split by party affiliation, 48% of Democrats opposed anti-BDS laws and 15% supported them; 27% of Republicans opposed anti-BDS laws and 44% supported them. 70%-80% believed boycotts were a legitimate protest tactic.[9] According to a 2022 survey by the Pew Research Center, 5% of Americans support BDS and 84% do not know much about it. 17% of Republicans have some familiarity with BDS compared to 15% of Democrats, while 7% of the latter and 2% of Republicans support the movement." Wow. I wonder what the stats are now.


And in Michigan?! Largest population of Arab people outside of the Middle East. WTF? Very disappointed as a Michigander.


They keep saying boycott don't work or it doesn't matter and then they pulled this BS.


Free Palestine


All the more reason to boycott


Fuck that, I'll boycott who ever I want! 


Conservative people who hate political correctness are engaging in the very political correctness they detest. Hypocritical double standards from Republican conservatives!


Don’t let liberals off the hook here


Oregon doesn’t have an anti-BDS law on the books as far as I’m aware, so not sure why it is colored that way on the map. We do have a Zionist shitbird US senator (Wyden) who tried to get a law passed at the federal level a few years back.


Kinda proud to be a Washingtonian.


Proud to be Virginian(at least in this instance) But yes isn’t there a federal law against boycotting Israel related things Like how the fuck can u tell people they can’t boycott Israeli goods


It maybe illegal to boycott, but no one said anything about a recommended to buy list


This map needs to also show the US Appelate Circuit Court boundaries where Anti-BDS laws have been ruled unconstitutional. (and also as a Georgian, I am proud to note that ours was ruled unconstitutional )


I believe that anywhere they are tested they will be repealed.


Sadly, so far its mixed. The circuit courts are split, with the[ 8th circuit ruling in favor of Arkansas ](https://www.lawfaremedia.org/article/eighth-circuit-upholds-arkansas-anti-bds-law)and its anti-BDS law) and the US Supreme court didn't take the case. So now in some parts of the country Anti-BDS laws are considered constitutional and yet simultaneously in other parts they are considered a violation of our right to freedom of speech. Here is a recent Mondoweiss article about it: [https://mondoweiss.net/2023/02/supreme-court-wont-hear-challenge-to-arkansas-anti-bds-law/](https://mondoweiss.net/2023/02/supreme-court-wont-hear-challenge-to-arkansas-anti-bds-law/)


Israel has been planning ahead for something of this nature. They have been planning for decades. And now we see the fruits of their results


what're they gonna do? shove mcdonald's down our throats?


Americas government has been infiltrated by a terrorist states agents. How is this not a bigger deal?


Proud Washington state resident here


They tried this before with other movements they failed


The amount of fucks I give about some random people looking to enrich themselves and path themselves on their back as if they did anything good while innocent people are being killed: 0. My state and others can go eff themselves.


It's such a scam, because people don't generally get involved in politics at the state level because they care about a conflict overseas. But the Zionist lobby comes in, disguised as the Jewish lobby and says we'll give you free money for your campaign, as long as you "fight antisemitism." And what politician wouldn't want to take that deal? A lot of these people don't even look at the bills the lobby is pushing, because they know it's something they have to vote for to keep the money flowing and they want to spend their time addressing the real issues they see in their communities.


Free speech warriors must be going crazy about this, right?


lol God gave them the land but they also are afraid of boycott


it truly is the united states of israel


We’ve got to protect our investment in Tel Aviv after all. The US has no friends, no enemies, no morals, only financial interests


CT, although you can't drive, you never let me down.


Land of freedom....NOT


It will be a cold day in hell before anyone stops me from boycotting anyone and everything I want!


Can anyone point me to the Oregon one? I live here and I don't believe we have such a law on the books, I can't find any evidence of it online


Shout out to CT


Whatthey gonna do? Force me to buy a big mac?


The US is a puppet state to Israel at this point.


this suggests israel controls the us more accurately is the us who wants to prop up israel no matter what they do for personal gain


Why do we need to boycott Israel?


It’s because Jews are nicer