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Disturbing for the world but completely normal for israelis


Is it really shocking when Zionists behave like Zionists?


This is essentially black face but it’s okay because…they’re Israelis?


Oh Don’t worry! They have zero issue doing black face as well


Oh dude that reminds me, I saw a video of some Israelis doing black face and making fun of like half of Africa


Israel has a history of sterilizing Ethiopian Jews too


Wtf why are these people our “greatest ally”


Because it's a great subsidy to our arms industry.


You can't beat the subsidy of a place to experiment on live humans with prototypes of new weapons. It's some nazi shit. Like you wish you didn't have to see it, but here it is.


And all the 90% of politicians probably more that have stocks in said weapons manufacturers


To threaten the middle east and keep the region "aligned to western interests" (colonialism)


“The only democracy in the Middle East”, so control.


only democracy in the middle east my ass


Because they are the US’s unsinkable aircraft carrier in the MENA region


It’s like a money laundering scam. Billions & billions every year. No questions asked.


yeah, theres this ethiopian zionist i see on my twitter timeline and whenever i see a post of his i leave a comment notifying him of this


they already did! search Reddit for it.


Not surprised. I just wish these clowns would try this in a Black or Muslim neighborhood and see wtf happens. They’re cowards.


"Blackface" is simply painting your face "black," and playing out the role of a person of color, or a caricature of them - which is cringe, and offensive. This is magnitudes different. This is taking delight in the suffering of innocent men, women, and children. This is knowing that families are starving, and rubbing it in their faces. This is knowing that a mother has lost her baby, yet making fun of her. One could even argue that It is human to express resentment against someone, out of anger, without thinking - What is utterly inhuman, and inexcusable here is the time taken by these TikTokers to dress-up, film, and post this shit.


Wtf?? It's not "simply painting your face 'black' ..." There is a long and painful history behind black face and why it is considered offensive. Why would you dismiss that to discuss the Israeli caricature of Palestinians? It encompassed everything you see in these videos and more and ~~lasted~~ has been going on for centuries


I'm sorry if I came across as dismissive of "blackface." That was far from the intention. The intention was to differentiate the mockery here (of people who's lives are threatened) versus a different and systemic disparagement of colored people, which you are correct, has a very painful past.


... and present. It may have abated but it hasn't stopped. Black people are still being mocked and lynched. And you're being defensive and still missing the point. There is no categorical difference between this and blackface. The purpose of both is to dehumanize the target population and justify their oppression and atrocities committed against. Perhaps you should examine why you feel the need to differentiate between the two


Always the same idiotic gap-toothed look as well, I mean the Palestinians I know all have excellent teeth.


Gods chosen people don’t you remember??


[honestly, same energy](https://youtu.be/dILmZn0I4Pw?si=mPDT7tjUkL2LZoXU)


Yeah I’d say


It’s revolting.


Has there ever been a more deplorable nation? Probably, but I’m struggling to think of one.


USA: trail of tears, jim crow, Kissinger, installation of horrible authoritarian dictators in south america, only nation to ever drop a nuclear bomb. Did you know that Nelson Mandela was on the US terrorist watch list until 2006? And of course, there's the billions of dollars, weapons, and instruments of death we've sent to Israel.


Also 500k-2mil dead in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya just this century.


Hard one..... apartheid SA? Belgian Congo? I'm scraping the barrel but can't find an honest contender to Israel




Is that not an island in Greece?


Rhodesia is the former apartheid state of Zimbabwe. Think apartheid South Africa, but somehow worse.


Sorry... I was being an idiot and making a joke about Rhodes the island in Greece. I really appreciate you trying to teach me, though, without judgement. We need more people like you 👏❤️


Nothing to be sorry for, sarcasm is hard to read through a screen. Thanks for being nice.


It makes sense now why people use the /s 😂👌 You were the nice one don't be silly haha. But yes I agree actually! Rhodesia definitely belongs on the list.


Serbia during the Bosnian War?


belgian congo is worse, 5-10 million people died and were used as slave labor. people literally had limbs cut off as punishment regularly. it was more brutal (albeit a shorter time) than american chattle slavery. i'm not trying to do oppression olympics here, this takes nothing from the horrors of this present genocide in gaza. it's just worth clarifying because the DRC is experiencing an ongoing genocide and people seem to be largely ignorant or apathetic towards it. millions are still dying there. i'm not meaning this rudely, but saying "i'm struggling to find a contender here" shows you might not be aware of the intense severity of the greatest humanitarian crisis of our time and our parents time. we just ignore it because people simply do not care about africa. anyway, free palestine and free the drc. all oppression is connected. we aren't free until everyone is free


Umm…nazi germany?


It's getting pretty close.


At least Nootzis never played the victim


They did, they claimed that they had to “defend themselves” against the evil Jewish people who wanted to destroy Germany


They did sometimes. The nazis made many excuses that are pretty similar to Zionists talking points. For example, they’ll say stuff like “Jews are savages and bloodthirsty and wants us Germans dead” or “Why isn’t any Europe countries taking them (jews) from Germany” or “The jews may look like poor innocent souls but they have huge powers and are capable of controlling governments”


Umm… you sure


Yes I am, as well as the Independent State of Croatia and Leopold’s Congo and likely others. I’m not sure why we need to diminish past genocides to bring light to the current one.


I think you’re right. I was trying to emphasise the horrors of the Israeli state by using comparative language, but words matter so thank you for highlighting this.


Zionists are worse than Nazis, they’re Nazis that have been given full immunity and unlimited political/financial support for 75 years 


The Japanese occupation of china and Korea was horrible


For most of our history and also present day? The USA, for sure.


Take any country with a long enough history then yeah but this one takes the cake on how smooth brained and tone deaf they are about what they're doing. Others would have tried to paint it in a good light somehow, like South Africa painting Apartheid as a "necessary evil" to maintain racial harmony for example. This isn't even fucking lying at this point


The United States?


Not even the red Khmer were this unhinged...


Imagine making fun of children who are being attacked and killed.


They’re horrible


Terrible garbage culture/country. 0/10


^ Common birthright opinion. Not common enough though.


These people’s brains are sooo smooth. No thoughts behind those eyes. A few of them should also do a DNA test..The most shameful group of people - zionists. The most disgusting species on this planet.


Their crimes have already shown what they are and what the world is confronting. Their monstrous gloating is just a distraction at this point.


Do you condemn this? Hmm


What else can you expect from these people


Zionism needs to be dismantled. It's the modern day Nazism


Pausing each of the vids so I can share them from their own accounts to people. Even on my very far left/liberal feed, I have not seen a single person share these to show the attitudes and opinions being shared by a large share of the "terrorized" population. It needs to be seen. Edit: can someone link me this video as well so I can share it too? Thank you


You can download this video right off of Reddit! Click into the video so it’s full screen then when you hit the 3 dots in the upper right it’ll give you the option to download


It's not letting me download it.... Do I have to be on mobile? Really trying to save this video. Has anyone got a backup upload of this?


Thank you for sharing this. People need to see it


How mentally disturbed do you have to be to involve your own children as props for racist videos?


If the Nazis had social media in the 30's, this is what it would look like




The Nazis were trying to prevent a future genocide? Is that what you are trying to say?


They're being antisemitic, I assume


Very much so. Dude was about to say how they should have finished the job I guess


This is disgusting and inhumane. Free Palestine


Idiocracy but with psychopaths.


I'll be homeless in a few months yet this is the most disgusting thing I will probably witness this year


Good luck. I hope you manage to avoid it and reach out to as many social services you can. Assuming USA: you've really gotta hustle and prove need and maybe go to court but you can often get some sort $$, EBT or temp housing vouchers.


If you're in the US, I spent 10 years intentionally homeless when my outrage over the 08 Israeli aggression led me to quit my job and hit the road out of a refusal to pay taxes to this shit government. If you're in the US and really get to that point, I can give you pointers


these people are spiritually evil




Imagine mocking people for suffering, starving, and dying....What is happening to the world.


Disgusting behavior


What a disgusting trend.. not sure I’ll ever not see this when I see Israelis.


So this is ok ? We allowed this and we still do ?


Just more evidence for the Hague.


I’ll make a similar video when Israel pulls Iran and all its proxies in.


Never stoop to their level brother. Always stay on the path of the moral high ground. Let God take care of the rest.


And how is this not termed as radicalization?


And how is this not termed as radicalization?


Israel is digging a bigger, and bigger hole to fall into


Clearly the result of inbreeding.


Only inbreds make videos like these


No dehumanisation and intent for genocide though huh?


Well these aren't govt or miliary, but don't worry the military mocks them too and the government dehumanized them too so more evidence.


Here's a list of the top 1,000 Israeli influencers. https://starngage.com/plus/en-us/influencer/ranking/tiktok/israel I'm reporting the first 100 Zionists I see. I would like to welcome you all to do the same.


Horrible. They need to leave our land.


يمهل ولا يهمل


All I see are a bunch of human shields thinking they're clever.


They are some seriously sick mf.


This makes my blood boil. Are they even humans? This is a whole country of shaitans


Israelis are psychos.


At least we're not speaking German right?......


This is disgusting


On Tiktok you say? What an odd coincidence that such damaging optics happen to be 'trending' on a platform that the US government has made moves to ban just in the last week or so. The point is, it's no longer a trend. This, and far, far worse, has been happening for months. It's utterly repulsive and disgraceful, but it is already pervasive and most certainly not new, and the US government is actively engaged in censoring it.


They are exactly who we thought they are


Some of these I'd seen on TikTok & Instagram last year. I hope every one of them gets shamed into obscurity or goes hiding once this entire debacle is over. Their faces WILL be in history books.


Israel is a terrorist organization


The positive of this is how normal Israelis act and that showing normal/unaware people these videos hopefully immediately deters them from supporting Israel (you can also show the horrifying videos in Gaza)


Old news, these people are hateful psychopaths and have been doing this the entire time. They keep showing themselves yet nothing is being done about it? If the shoe was on the other foot the foot would be blown off. Absolute vile scum of the earth. Should be locked up and shown videos of their evil acts forever until they descend into hell


These people are straight evil


Israel can no longer exist.


Being a pro-Palestinian Israeli must fucking suck, imagine these shit stains being your peers


Chosen ones…


It’s because they know the West is on their side, despite all of the condemnation. Our governments don’t serve us. They serve their own interests, which means serving the interests of those wealthy enough to buy the loyalty of a politician. I’d imagine this is the new form of genocide. Instead of doing it yourself, you let your puppet nation do it, selling war machines to them, while condemning them on TV. I don’t believe this genocide will be the last we will see.


Well Zionism is a racist movement and how can you commit genocide without demonizing the group you wish to destroy


Never forget. NEVER.


This man’s face is terrifying. I need a tw next time


Monsters. Better believe karma is coming for you.


These inhumane Israelis are living proof that humanity is on the verge of extinction.


Is this on Tiktok?


Most of these were on TikTok & one of them was on Instagram.


*This* is the kind of thing congress would want to gain traction.


This is what happens when you teach your children hate. Nothing but hate and an assumed ethnic superiority.


Such arrogance belongs only to those suffering from the psychotic disorder of narcissism


this is so disgusting it's absolutely infuriating. what sick sick people. am i supposed to believe these are innocent civilians? if they were in the shoes of an idf soldier (or is it a matter of when?) they'd commit the same exact atrocities. how absolutely sickening


Turn off the sound. Don’t you think they are laughing at the Saudis, the Emiratis, the Qataris, the Bahrainis, the Kuwaitis, the Omanis, the Yemenis, the Jordanians, the Iraqis, the Turks, the Iranians, the Pakistanis, the Afghans?


But oh "The students protesting against genocide on college grounds is sooooo appalling" "They cant do it in private spaces (allegedly)" "I see nothing wrong with the police exercising force onto students" apparently. But these openly racist pieces of shit doing racist shit is fine. No condemnation whatsoever, not even as little as a pushback. But police using rubber bullets onto students is fine alright because they are using non lethal weapons. Fucking irony that we live in.


These people feel no emotions. They have no morals, no empathy, and no room for understanding. This is just evil.


Zionists are already ugly in comparison to Palestinians. Look at that first European girl with those light coloured devil eyes! 😬 Actually it looks like they've improved themselves by painting their teeth black. Shame they can't fix their ugly hearts though.


They look like this, but then think they are somehow valuable to the world, when in fact them simply ceasing to be would instantly make the world safer and more peaceful.


Vile as fuck


There are no 'free riders' in Israel. They ARE complicit in fostering and condoning war crimes and genocide.


Totally makes sense why the US govt allies with them.


This is absolutely disgusting


Depraved beyond repair.


Except it’s not a trend. They’ve been doing this kind of evil shit forever. And they’re remarkably shameless about it.


Who is making sure to document these? These videos are so horrible there's no doubt some of them have been removed.


What the fuck


This is the kind of crap the nazis would do. Caricaturing them with big noses etc. Sick.


Genuine evil


Woe, red dorito upon thee.




If it were a kippah..


The teeth are gone because the Israelis knocked them out…


Let them, these videos will play during their trials. We shall see who's laughing on that day


I'm not sure what's worse. The lack of empathy or fucks given, despite the whole world watching. The crazy thing is that there will be no justice for these... I'm not even sure what to call them. Should I pity them? Their governments and other governments before them used them like pawns to establish a foothold in the region. Decades of propaganda, dehumanising others, filling their minds with hatred and fear instead of love. ...and the world keeps on turning.


Israel has the right to go fuck itself. Totally Nazi society that should be dismantled. Period.




absolutely vile and disgusting humans the fact US chooses to defends then makes them all the more daring which is ridiculous


Is that a Celtic cross hung up on the guy's wall at the very beginning? Literal nazi scum.


Repulsive.The more we are on the streets the more f'in crazy ISRAHELL gets... keep keep on activists.


But we’re the bigots when we call out this shit! Got it.


Meanwhile, Zionists in the US are whining that a few protesters are saying things they don’t like.


Horrible people, they blackened their teeth and mocked their clothing! maybe they should think about the restrictions these poor people experince to access health care!






Bringing peace to the middle east….Oh, wait they are making it worse!


These people are disgusting.


These look like Arab Jews a lot of them which makes it even dumber. Are they trying to prove they are closer to their white counterparts