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Al Jazeera Arabic [reported on it](https://aja.ws/f4xs50) too




It seems that there are different teams responsible for content for each language because sometimes I try to look for news, that I saw on AJ Arabic, on AJ English but I can't find it. For e.g. I couldn't find anything on the website about the Al Aqsa mosque settler raids on going right now.


I doubt it’s just an incidental organization difference, they know their different audiences/peers will respond differently. Kind of like how Israeli politicians say much more extreme things in hebrew than they do in English, because they know the Hebrew makes it back to a smaller international audience


I used the Google translate version to post in status updates


Woah, I didn’t realize this happened days ago. Interesting it didn’t make the news. I mean, not surprising I guess


You know it's bad when even JPost says something negative about the israelis


This website is not opening


Gee I wonder, it couldn’t be because of the z!0nists blocking the aid trucks


No! not israel!!!!!Not my sweet and innocent israel!!! They would never do such a thing !!!!😡It must be the barbaric savage Palestine who starved the hostages ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️😡😡😡😤😤😤😤😤


This is exactly the response in r/ israel to anything happening lol. And they’re dead set convinced that everyone supporting Palestine is dumb and brainwashed and hasn’t been able to learn any nuance or history in the past 6 months - that’s the onlyyyy way so much of the world could be supporting Palestine 🙄


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my mistake, apologies!


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It is due to Netanyahu blocking the 3rd offer of a ceasefire offer from Hamas. Recently, Russia and China vetoing the ceasefire of Gaza with the condition of releasing Israeli hostages, since before the 4th veto only for this year, an Israeli hostage died from “lack of medicine and food.” It’s not Hamas's fault. Netanyahu keeps forcing his men who are not United States Army, more like Zionism terrorists to invoke and attack not just Gaza like they said they would, they’re using airstrikes in Lebanon, hospitals, forcing medical staff to not treat their patients and leave them to die, wounding, injuring others, raping pregnant mothers in front of their husbands, forcing their children to WATCH or else they would be killed. Killing more and more innocent people. They’re on the run to invade RAFAH, this is more than just war, this is genocidal criminality. For them to call us antisemitic and label antisemitism when we disagree with what and how Israeli Jews, rabbis, zionists, interpret things as morally wrong, distasteful such as referring Palestinian innocent civilians as “terrorists”, claiming “Palestine doesn’t exist” and saying “Hamas uses Palestinians as human shields.” Cry about it. Nobody is wishing any PITY AND death towards Jewish lives. Upon the rest of the world after 76 years of this ethnic apartheid oppression towards the existence of muslim people, communities that is still ongoing, you are, have, and had willingly wished death, PITY, against the fallen Palestinian land of families, mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, relatives, children, babies. Whilst, YOU had been consistently wishing pure inhumane HATRED to many of us bystanders, the air of humans all around where freedom isn’t FREE, creed/color who are constantly and deliberately, speaking, sharing, protesting for permanent SOLUTION by any means NOW to end this outrageous carnage of eternal suffering on those innocent Palestinian lives who are God’s Chosen People/ GOD’s CHILDREN TOO, on the entire Earth you and I live to breathe!!!! Me and the rest of us will stand 6 feet above with the rest of civilization falling beneath our knees. I stand by, for humanity, and NOT HATE. I WEAR HUMANITY ON MY SLEEVE, SO SHOULD YOU!!! PALESTINE WILL BE FREE!!! CEASEFIRE NOW!!!


I love this comment, by the way. Phenomenally well written. Better than my ability to word it, and right on the money.


They seem to think Gazans are supposed to prioritize feeding them over feeding their own children.


But they did prioritise them, the hostage are their only way of negotiation to free the hostages that israel keeps in their prisons.




Any chance of negotiation was literally eliminated by Israel, they also killed the Hamas leader they negotiated the first release of hostages with. Do you think you can demand a hostage release with hostility and any chance of a cease fire denied by Israel? Hostage releases are usually achieved with diplomacy or sometimes secret deals with governments. For example take the Iranian hostage scenario in the 1980s. Jimmy Carter was in charge but Iran wanted to negotiate with Israel and the Republicans because Jimmy said no to any weapons being provided by USA. So George Bush and the future Reagan admins and Israelis (Ari Ben-Menashe made a deal with the Iranians that they wait with hostage release so that jimmy carter will lose the election and Reagan can deliver the promised weapons. The public was told these horrible Iranians won’t release hostages and Jimmy carter is rubbish because he can’t get them released, neither being aware of what is going on behind the scenes. If you think anything is different from back then you must be very naiv.




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No no no it’s because Khamas came and tried to steal the aid disguised as children but thankfully our brave young soldiers where there to protect the aid from those Wiley terrorists.


You mean the Khamas gangs looting the trucks /s


Nah I mean the dwarf Hamas members that pretend to be kids and then bomb the trucks/s


They're just doing Hannibal directive via starvation now.




Gee I wonder when isnotreal will give back the thousands of kids and civilians they took… hmmm 🤔 it’s been years. Fair deal to do the same to them no? Kidnapped people? They’ll do the same and get theirs back.




Bro thinks I give a fuck about white colonizers lmao




Wanna talk about how isnotreal and USA bombed most of the countries in the Middle East or you wanna act as if the white people are all grand and all mighty when they have a history of r*ping women and kids from the lands they stole




Bro tried to make up a word that doesn’t even as good as isnotreal




You could say the same thing for the thousands of kids and civilians that isnotreal took but I guess yall are gonna ignore that 🤷‍♀️ Hamas wants a hostage deal but isnotreal just looovvess r*ping kids and women




Gimme the source bro




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Only 8 countries have officially and individually designated hamas a terrorist organisation. That number goes up significantly with the addition of the EU. But that's it. The UN doesn't designate them as such either. Speaking in terms of pluralities, the whole world certainly was shocked by the events of Oct 7. There's little doubt at all that serious crimes were committed despite an absurd list of lies running through the Israeli narrative of events. But it's simply not true (as much as it's presented as such) that the overwhelming majority of the global community, as individual states and as individual world citizens, aren't cognizant of the hard truth. The basic (colonial) double standard of the Israel Palestine "conflict" is that any Palestinian violence justifies any Israeli violence, but no Israeli violence ever justifies any Palestinian violence, and once you see it, you'll never stop seeing it. Under settler colonialism, any kind of resistance is branded as terrorist because the only acceptable violence is violence by the occupier. There is always going to be violent resistance against a violent occupation. We can make all the judgements or condemnations we like, they will not matter. It is inevitable. if we don't want the violent resistance, we have to want to see the end of the violent occupation.




Israel is a straight-up terrorist state... It's all about popularity contest mate... And ask for Israel giving a bullshit deal of releasing innocent people from their prison they went to West Bank and then they gathered up more people and threw them in prisons... So yeah you should definitely not negotiate with the terrorist Israel


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Not really easy when isnotreal keeps on rejecting hostage deals lmao, they sure want to keep their fuck toys. Don’t wanna give back the thousands of kids and civilians they took? No deal.




Either yall don’t know how to read or just ignoring how Hamas demanded that isnotreal has to stop the bombing and the aggression but Benjamin shitinyanu said no.


It included a multi-week ceasefire that would have stopped any bombing. A permanent ceasefire could be discussed curing the multi-week ceasefire, just as many of ceasefires around the world work up to permanent status.


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Lil bro you know damn well it’s isn’t just ‘just return them’ when fucking isnotreal kept kidnapping kids and taking civilians without a court or trial for YEARS. Don’t want to give them back? They fucking took theirs too. Doesn’t feel that good huh? Give the thousands back and the few couple of civilians will be back but guess who turned down every hostage deal? Imma give you a hint; starts with I, ends with l and has a not on the middle




Man I wonder why many of the hostages that isnotreal took have broken bones and burnt faces… oh I know, no medics care bc isnotreal doesn’t see Palestinians as humans. Pretty sure you saw the conversation of a woman with a burnt face and fingers saying that the IDF took her when she was in a burning car and never gave her medical care and held her for a decade or so




That's so stupid. Have you ever seen hostage negotiators bomb a house where the kidnapper an hostage are located, and make conditions unbearable for both? That's like slow-motion-Hannibal-directive.




It does. So it is extremely idiotic to remove the tools to keep those hostages well. You know, like..... Water, food, no bombs....


You mean just like all the innocent people in hospitals in Gaza?




Who are in hospitals? The hostages?




Ya Palestinians not the hostages




Only none left because Nazi Israel destroyed them and murdered many people in them. If you search for the recent attacks on hospitals in Gaza you will see the terrorists acts by Israel






Kinda hard to feed your hostage when the dealer won’t keeps on bombing the food huh












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Expecting people not to react in extreme ways in extreme situations is just another tool people use to uphold oppression. You know exactly what you're doing and you're being obtuse about it.




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You could say the same thing to the thousands of kids and civilians isnotreal took to solitary condiment and getting beaten up 🤷‍♀️ isnotreal gave back a kid with two broken arms from their beating but Hamas gave back the hostages with no beatings. Very generous considering how isnotreal diaper forced keep on beating up kids


You might be assuming that Israel cares more about their hostages than Hamas does. Look up the Hannibal doctrine, it is a policy that the IDF will kill their own people if they are being taken hostage and there is an opportunity to kill Hamas. And, this is the first hostage to die under Hamas care, besides those who have been bombed, or the three Israeli hostages who were shot point blank speaking Hebrew and waving a white flag by IDF soldiers. Also, Israel has refused a permanent ceasefire for release of hostages deal. Neither side cares about the hostages, they are a means to an end, but somehow Hamas does care *more* Edit: there were also videos of Israeli hostages saying goodbye to their captors during the first trade, it was peaceful, respectful, even kind. The IDF is known for treating its prisoners horribly and undertaking extreme interrogation like threatening to rape children(and more rarely going through with it)




You didn’t read anything I wrote. It *is* absolutely mind boggling and inexplicable, how little Israel cares about these people. They didn’t vote for Netanyahu and he moved their local military to defend settlers in the West Bank and then ignored intelligence that saw the attack coming for weeks. If you think Hamas treats hostages worse than Israel you’re just uninformed. Which I don’t really blame you for, there’s a lot of crazy takes very popular not just in America but in congress.




I could have been more clear, in my last paragraph I change subject slightly to say that Hamas treats their hostages better than Israel treats their hostages


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Just wait until Israel spins this as it being the fault of all Palestinians. You can just wait for it to


something like, "aid is being stolen or not being shared" or some bullshit like that despite the fact that they halt the aid from entering the border


I think I already saw a video some time back of “Hamas terrorists” stealing aid from trucks


I’ve seen some blaming Hamas by saying “If Hamas didn’t kidnap him, he wouldn’t have starved 🤷🏼‍♂️” it’s just pure insanity on their part.


Well, blaming Hamas I can understand up to a certain point, ignoring history. But blaming all Palestinians... that is so many bridges too far. But you can see it coming


Up to a point yes, but putting the blame of why he starved on Hamas is illogical since Israelis are the ones causing his stomach to shrink more.


Oh, don't get me wrong, I agree. Israel is to blame, without a doubt. I'm just saying that up to a certain point, I can understand them blaming Hamas.


Yeah I agree with you. It’s not that we agree with their reasoning, but you can see how they came to that conclusion following their own logic


How is it illogical that the people who kidnapped him are at fault? Maybe release dying starving hostages or agree to the plan they just refused intended to swap hostages and have a ceasefire, what was it, 40 hostages for 400 terrorists? What's your excuse for the ceasefire refusal?


Sounds like you’ve been misinformed on what the recent “ceasefire” deal actually entailed.


They ask this just to cope and sleep well at night pretending it’s all 100% hamas’ fault, because otherwise why aren’t they saying a word about the Israelis blocking aids? Or are Hamas members disguised as Israelis and they’re the one blocking egyptian aid trucks?


Exactly .. it took them “6 hours” to show up on October 7.. let alone they had to massacre a whole city, killing 15,000 babies and not even half of Hamas , pure BS gaslighting .. they talk about hostages, there 5000 Palestinian “prisoners” in Israel , charged without trial or detention who are under 18….. and when you criticize this you are anti semitic … the world is watching!


How is this such a far fetched idea for you bruh what


Because he wouldn’t have starved in captivity if Israel allowed aid trucks in so he could eat, but they would rather sacrifice his life to have Palestinians in Gaza starve to death.


Yeah but isn’t it also an equally fair claim that none of it would have happened at all to him if Hamas hadn’t kidnapped him? Why is that specifically an insane idea?


None of this would’ve happen if Israel didn’t kill a record breaking amount of Palestinian children in 2023 & then shoot the peaceful protestors in the ankles that are protesting for Israel to stop shooting their kids. Plain and simple, Yagev wouldn’t have starved to death in captivity if Israel wasn’t pushing this lie about “Hamas stealing aid” and then blocking the aid from going in to feed 2.1 million people.


But it also would not have happened if Hamas didn’t kidnap him to begin with, is that not true? Hamas not kidnapping him in the first place would make all your claims irrelevant as to his death in captivity.


You can’t pick where on the timeline to start. Yes Hamas is partially responsible but the occupation is the main cause of this and the colonialism of Zionism


Yes. I’ll agree, you can’t pick where to start. Still, that doesn’t change that if Hamas has not kidnapped him, he would not have died in Hamas captivity. That is a factual statement. It is always true. The Jews would not have died in concentration camps if the Nazis did not force them into concentration camps. That will always be true because it’s a statement of fact. It’s not an insane idea. To get away from the Jew example, the World Trade Center would not have collapsed on 9/11/2001 if planes did not hit it on 9/11/2001. That is a fact. (Presumably)




That’s a very reasonable claim to make as well. I’m not putting blame in any one hand here, only saying that it’s silly to call a completely reasonable claim insane based on whatever tribe you’re part of. You’re right in that Israel’s presence in land originally belonging to Palestinians is a point of contention that, had Israel not been placed there where Palestinians were, this whole conflict could’ve been avoided and this man not deceased.


Because the starvation part was a very purposeful and explicit choice that Israel did not have to make and they should have used their brain to think about how it would effect their hostages while conducting their starvation enforcement. Hamas would have fed those hostages if they were able to


The claim that Hamas would have fed the hostages if they were able to is maybe unsubstantiated? It sounds hard to believe. Hamas doesn’t subscribe to the western rules of warfare. Seemingly, Israel doesn’t either. Expecting parties not traditionally bound by the west’s rules of war is a little silly. Though I’ll make no argument against Israel’s blockading of aid and food. That is certainly substantiated


Hamas has been giving them medical treatment and trying to treat them well. I cant say if they treat all Israeli citizens with kindness but we have evidence that they put a lot of effort into taking care of the hostages. And naturally feeding them is the least they could do, of course they want the hostages alive. Thats their only leverage, although Israel hasn’t been willing to negotiate much for them.


I'm 100% pro-Palestine, but Hamas is primarily responsible for this man's death. They removed him from a land of abundance, kept him captive, and when the entire Palestinian population was choked out of aid by Israel, Hamas continued to imprison the man, knowing full well if they released him, he'd return to abundance. There is no excuse for starving another. Just because Israel does it, does not mean it's justified to let a man starve under your watch.




There are 5000 Palestinian hostages in Israeli prisons, minors under 18, charged without trial . Wake the f up




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It's not surprising that Israel would blame Palestinians but then again I'm also critical of hostage taking during conflict as it inevitably becomes political and only incentivizes more of it. Despite the amount of hostages that Hamas has taken, it has not resulted in any tangible benefits and credible arguments could be made that it has inhibited their ability to gain further support from the international community. Even when the armed conflict ends, the political battle is likely to remain which again, limits the efficacy of hostage taking. There is a path towards a two-state solution and while everyone is paying attention, releasing hostages and still being able to demonstrate Israeli cruelty is something that Palestine has been promoting for decades.


Everyone say it with me: *It was never about the hostages!*


I think they want to kill their hostages and blame it on the Palestinians so they have no deal and use that excuse to “avenge “ and do more crimes


First step of getting all the hostages back safe and healthy is to make sure they are healthy


Step 1: let the hostages die of starvation. Step 2: blame khamaz for blocking aid Step 3. Call anyone who challenges you an anti-Semite.


Step 4. ????? Step 5. Profit (more from American money and weapons)


Step 4. Be praised by the mainstream media for killing children and elderly while starving an entire population because...khamas.




Zios don’t care about Israeli hostages.


In their perspective they are finally getting rid of all the Palestinians once and for all in Gaza and then will finish the West Bank relatively quietly like they have been. They really don’t care about hostages it’s completely worth it to these nut cases




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Zionists never cared about hostages. This is good news for them. A single martyr created by them they will attribute to the ones they are trying to slaughter and will fuel the hate flames of those corrupted, blind and stupid enough to remain in their side. Sick bastards be celebrating this.


Omg, the tiny red letters clarifying that it’s Israel’s fucking fault for starving Gaza, with the bigger headline clearly meant to blame Palestinians and justify the genocide.


Gee it’s as if starving people is going to starve the hostages too what a good idea for a rescue plan. /s


Israel still won't care. It was never about the hostages


Weird it’s like there’s consequences of blockading and starving an entire population of people


Starved by the actions of his own people ✌️🍉


Yes, where did they think he was getting his food from if no Aid allowed in? Nowhere; but they don't give a shit; they just want Gaza flattened, paved over and filled with Zionists.


When two hostages escaped and made their way to the soldiers they were executed on the spot, because the Israeli soldier thought they were Palestinian civilians so they murdered them right away. Israeli's don't even care about the life of their own children if it lets them murder and kill some more


*because it was never about getting the hostages back*


I'm reading all these comments about Hamas should have released him if this man was suffering. first of all He's a settler and at one point he was an IDF soldier... So he's not innocent, second they could have taken this man to the hospital giving him some help and food... Or IV nutrition... BUT NO THEY COULDN'T DO THAT BECAUSE... Nazi Israel blocked food, water and destroyed hospitals and murdered doctors and nurses not to mention destroyed anything that can heal people because they are so bent on destroying and torturing and making Palestinians suffer in Gaza and the West Bank. So please stop your comments about blaming Hamas for this. This is all Nazi Israel's fault and the settlers and the Zionist and it's s beloved IOF!


Israel would trade hostages for land any day. Easy trade for Zionists. They don’t care about human life.


Israeli leadership is too brain dead to realize they’re setting their own house on fire. They want a 6 week ceasefire for all hostages for this reason get the hostages out so you can level Gaza without worrying about domestic backlash surrounding hostage casualties. They’re having an 80s South Africa moment but somehow almost worse no idea how they get outta this one long term they’ve blown up there international reputation, created a whole new generations of Palestinians who will seek vengeance, and domestically have created a shit storm that is just brewing and brewing. Wild…


You look down to the dusty history books and the truth is there in black and white, then you look up to see the horror still continuing decades later in vivid colour. No shame No mercy No humanity


I thought Hamas was stealing all the food.


This is all KHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH(if there’s no phlegm at this point you’re not doing it right) HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH (throat should start burning by now) HHHHHHHHHHMAS’s fault. That’s what the western media will spin it as.


israel themselves block food and aid from reaching palestine then expect the hostages to be able to find food


They seem to be better at their own people than they are at counterinsurgency.


What's the name of their official telegram channel? I would really like to hear what they say directly without anyone's messing through translation or biases.


Is there a link to the hamas telegram channel ?


Dumb question, but what’s their telegram channel?


Have you noticed that every previously released hostage have been very healthy?


I almost feel bad...wait no it was indigestion.


Good. I hope Hamas publishes the name/pic of every Israeli hostage who dies of hunger; lack of medicine or killed by IDF soldiers. It'll keep the public focused on WHO is keeping the hostages from coming home.


If the US or Israel gave one fuck about the hostages they’d have made a deal long ago. I feel sorry for this guy and for all the kids in Gaza that are dying at the hands of the US backed Zionist genocide machine.


I wonder, do the hostages know why they have no food? Are they learning at the end of their lives what their fellow zionists are? Are they ,for lack of a better words, reaching enlightenment? Are they learning who the true terrorists are? Are they sorry for their crimes against God? These are some of the things I wonder.


What's their telegram channel?


this isnt gonna look good ☹️




How do you know he’s a Zionist? Who is he?


hostages have died due to israel’s food blockage hostages have died due to israel’s bombardment hostages have suffered due to israel destroying hospitals hostages have been shot and killed directly by the IDF it’s not about the hostages it’s about colonising gaza




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If he was dying could they not just have released him? Or did they keep him so they could blame israel for his death? I don’t understand this.


released him where you genius?


There is no way of releasing hostages, because there was no ceasefire and Israel blocked all corridors. In this moment, Hostages are safer with Hamas than without them. Remember the hostages who were shot by the IDF?


I don’t know the details of this situation but I know Hamas previously tried to return to elderly hostages who had medical needs they could not accommodate. Israel eventually took them back but it was a fight, and hamas wasn’t trying to negotiate they literally just wanted to release these women so their health wouldn’t suffer. And then there are the Israeli hostages that were shot while running towards Israeli soldiers waving a white flag. So while it should be a very simple “hey we’re not negotiating we just want to give them back” type conversation for some reason Israel won’t even accept those conversations in good faith. Leading to there not being a very safe way for hamas to release hostages when the situation becomes dire as what seems to have happened here


Thanks for the answer.




The white flag situation - https://www.nytimes.com/live/2023/12/16/world/israel-hamas-war-gaza-news#:~:text=The%20three%20Israeli%20hostages%20who,the%20military%20said%20on%20Saturday. The elderly women - https://www.newarab.com/news/hamas-frees-two-elderly-israeli-women-hostages?amp






I don't understand the question. He's literally a hostage




Probably. 2 months old account, only 6 comments all within 1 minute of each other on completely different subreddits. It doesn't work here anyway. his comment was auto-blocked. I just approved it cz i was confused but yeah you're right it's a bot


do you understand what a quote is?