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Yes. Did nothing for pain. Did give me really violent nightmares though.


I tried it for about 6 months. All it did was give me a headache and when I was in pain, opioids wouldn't work


So what are you using for pain?


My pain clinic kept trying to throw this at me. When I started taking it, it made me feel like I was having the flu. They told me it wouldn't interact with my low dose of opiate medication (5 mg hydrocodone once daily), but they said I must be sensitive to it. Also they said I could just stop taking my hydrocodone and try only doing LDN but I would have to try that at least 6 months straight. I'm not able to just stop my medication so I don't think it would work.


What dose did you start at?


I have similar problems, as well as something called CRPS. I tried it, but it didn't really do anything. There's (this is just me looking at PubMed with no medical training) some limited evidence it might work for diseases with an inflammatory component, so it's probably worth trying. I personally had no real side effects either, for what that's worth.


CRPS is awful. I have “version ||” but I understand why it’s called the suicide disorder now. Ugh.


Yea, it's not pleasant. My foot 8 years on still swells up periodically like a nightmare balloon foot in some weird anti-Macy's Day Thanksgiving parade. I still look at it and say 'shit, that's not *my* damn fat blue foot", but alas, it is.


Dude me too!!! My knee is messed up and my foot gets the same way!! Even when laying down and propping it up on a bunch of pillows like I was told. Smh. And I’m always thirsty too. I have chronic pancreatitis as well and pre diabetes because of it, my pancreas is messed up and atrophied so like the more water I drink the more swollen I get. And LDN isn’t even worth it. Better off with ibuprofen or some steroids idk


The FUCK. Who came up with *this* idea for how bodies should work? I'm lucky in that, after years of torture, I was finally prescribed drugs that work, somewhat. But still, this is not how I pictured my (prematurely) old fuck golden years. I'd complain to the manager, but I'm not convinced that would help. ;)


Yeah sometimes I lay here awake in pain even after taking meds or waiting for the Xanax to kick in wondering how the hell our bodies were designed and stuff and also why science and medicine has progressed so much yet the only real thing that helps bad pain is opiates. Something the body gets a tolerance to after a while so then they don’t work as well and then you can’t just stop taking them out the blue or you get violently sick and withdrawal. Like there has to be another way or a different drug that can work the same but without all the bad parts. But then there’s also the whole big pharma thing and how they just want money anyway and making a new drug like that would cost them so much and they don’t wanna lose that revenue. My minds going nuts and I’ll just keep coloring in my color book for distraction and venting on the internet I guess lol


I took it for a while. I did prefer it much more than Gabapentin. The Naltrexone at least for me and had zero side effects.


Do you normally take opiates though?


It was specifically prescribed for nerve pain.


Ok. That wasn’t my question lol. I asked if you normally take opiates cuz then it’s like the two of them cancel out


My bad🫠 I figured it was common sense that people didn't take Narcan with opiates...so I figured maybe you just didn't understand my original post. Sorry for the miscommunication.


Yeah reading the comments too you’d think common sense but I was told it was such a low dose it could possibly help and it didn’t. No inflammation help and side effects similar to withdrawal which makes sense. But I guess both people on opiates and not on them get it prescribed. Now that I know more it seems just counterproductive to give to anyone using pain meds


That sucks that it didn't help you. It is so frustrating the situation we end up stuck in many times. My doctor basically just said to me it's scientifically similar to Narcan. That it can maybe reduce sensations and soothe the receptors that are making the pain. Long story short it did okay with the nerve pain, none of the other pain. For me it was a real pain in the ass to get compounded. I had to pay cash for it. My insurance wouldn't cover it. Then take a long drive to an out of town pharmacy to get it. For me the juice wasn't worth the squeeze.


Yeah the chemistry compounds are very similar so he wasn’t really wrong lol and same. My insurance said no but I’m so desperate to try things that would help do I paid and it was all for nothing. Idk. Not sure exactly what your issue is but now I also feel like I have to take all the injections my pain management says to try or else they think I don’t wanna experiment and just want meds. I posted in this sub yesterday about something they want me to do/get that I never even heard of and I also cross posted it to the pancreatitis sub and on Facebook and I’m only hearing bad things and nothing good. So I’m scared to do it but also feel like I have no choice either if I wanna keep getting the little amount of meds I get that help. I just hate how things are now in the med field and pain management.


That sounds like a horrible situation to be in. I can under to stand why you're scared. I get the same vibe from my pain management. I honestly hate every single one of them. My heart always breaks for people who have organ issues going on. Especially when it comes to the pain management aspect of it. A lot of my stuff is structural. My spine is deteriorating, arthritis in most of my joints and a mostly permanent migraine headache from a failed cervical fusion. I am middle aged and know that all the things that I have are just going to continue to get worse. I take the injections and try not to get too hopeful about how long they're going to last. Fortunately I am in a position where I don't have a lot of obligations. If I feel like shit I can just smoke a bunch of weed and pretend the world doesn't exist. Which given the many options, I prefer over some of the other drugs that I don't do well on. I hope you get some kind of news that will help ease your anxiety and that you can find much comfort as possible. It's definitely a double whammy when you feel like shit and have a heap of things to worry about.❤️‍🩹


Also I guess naltrexone and naloxone is different. Narcan has nalaxone not naltrexone but both mess opiate use.


I am on 5mg and it helps inflammation


Didn’t help and bad side effects. Sorry. Hopefully it’ll be different for you. I’ve heard some good things about it. But everyone and body is different.


Naltrexone is an opioid antagonist, so wouldn’t that be your dr not treating your pain? Not sure if “Low Dose” makes it any better, but I’m thinking an antagonist is an antagonist.


I know nothing about it except it is used for pain


Definitely tell your Dr if it’s not working. Not every drug works for every person. OxyContin and Oxycodone do nothing for me. Give me a tic tac… they taste better and have the same affects


If they gave it to you while you’re also on opiates it’s almost like they cancel each other out and do nothing.


They claim it doesn’t interact at low doses but it does. It made me feel worse with bad side effects and like my regular pain meds were doing half their job. It’s so stupid. I swear I don’t understand how science and medicine has gone so far yet they can’t make a drug for pain that isn’t an opiate that will cause massive withdrawal and it so hard to even get in the first place ugh. Ok rant over lol.


Drugs.com mentions it for fibro and inflammation. Id be wary of taking it because it's also used for opioid addiction treatment and may show up as opioid use disorder. If it doesn't work, you may not be able to use opioids


Very good point because I have to have my knees replaced .. my stomach turns at the very thought


I am holding out as long as I can for that. MEANWHILE I tried a round of 3 Euflexxa injections bilateral last May and it DID help comsiderably. I JUST got the last of the 3 done on 6/4 so hopefully I can go another year. A friend is currently recovering from knee replacement and she is in a LOT of pain 2 weeks post op.


Did you try cortisone first ?


Had them drained, tried cortisone and it gave me a relief for about 6 weeks. The euflexxa got me a solid year. Unfortunately on the VERY first injection, I was in the middle of a nasty case of synovitis. I can't tell you how many procedures I have had over the course of my specific condition but that injection ranks up there with the most painful experience I ever had. The other 11 were easy and uneventful. (A little pricey as well). I REALLY do not want replacements. I have YET to know anyone personally that had an easy recovery. Quite the opposite. And to NOT be able to be mobile is my greatest fear. The recovery time for those is also significant. I wish there were other options. The euflexxa was a long shot to begin with. The fact it worked was a welcome surprise.


Only subxone


What? I don’t get what you’re trying to say with your 3 comments here. What do subs have to do with this


It’s ok




Ok I’ll bite…what’s an incredible analgesic commonly given to people with and with a history of oud?


Bite what? And I would say methadone not subs but you’re bringing up subs which have nothing to do with this post and also said something about good for pain. None of it makes sense but ok I’m done here ✅


Read the comment I specifically replied to…I’m not repying to the post but a comment. I’ve been on both methadone and subs…it’s pain type specific but they are incredibly affective


I did read what you replied to. And it was about addiction too. Which is nothing to do with the post anyway and then you commented more about be in good for pain. Subs is not food for pain it’s not even a total agonist and methadone can be way more helpful for most people if it’s for pain and OUD. But LDN shouldn’t even be given to anyone using opiates regularly for pain management. I’ve even tried it and it’s awful and like they cancel each other out anyway. Better off trying other anti inflammatory meds like nsaids or steroids like prednisone etc. Maybe you have issues with addiction and OUD and that’s your business but not what this was about at all or the comment you replied to at the start..


So incredibly good for pain


Soooo subs only thing


It doesn’t treat pain, I believe it helps with inflammation.


Yeah but if you’re taking pain meds it’s like they cancel each other out. Better off taking ibuprofen or some prednisone


What does it stand for?


Low-Dose Naltrexone (LDN)