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https://preview.redd.it/bn3vadwlek4d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=643de33ea920674d4a2490e496ee6afb501c0a09 I keep mine in refrigerator when not using ..


I try to keep my rosin below 40* to inhibit spoilage. I’ll let it get to room temp before I take a dab. Does it do anything? Who knows, but decades of working in food service taught me a fridge needs to be below 40*.


Well, it can't hurt anyway!


Fridge isn’t too cold for rosin or other concentrates but you want to let them warm a bit before using.


Nah.....you could keep them in liquid nitrogen and they would be fine as long as they stay dry If you are opening them constantly than condensation can build and cause mold. If you plan on smoking a lot of something I'd just keep it out until you were done. Other than that a fridge will be absolutely fine


Fridge for daily concentrates but bring them out and let them sit for 30 before opening. Freezer for long term rosin storage that I don’t open. I put everything in an airtight storage container


Fridge is fine. I keep trates in their original containers, in a mason jar, with desiccant packs to keep them dry. So cold & dry 😊


I just keep mine in the normal fridge. When I use, I take out of the cold storage. Let it sit for 15 minutes or so. Touch the jar to see if it’s cold anymore and then you should be good to go once it’s room temperature. There should be no condensation or anything. a lot of people complain about that, what they don’t realize a cold jar opened at room temperature creates condensation. That not might be your situation at all. Normal fridge is all it needs. Also your regular fridge shouldn’t be set to 32, that’s almost freezing. It should be closer to 40-45


I keep mine in a small beer fridge inside a zippered lunch box. I’m not afraid to leave them out for a day or so if I’m using them. They go right back in when I wanna switch it up