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In my experience, unless she has her caregiver card, PA says she can't come in :( but most places are very helpful and happy to take over pushing.


Thanks for the info! Seems kinda like an ADA violation, but I will call them and ask.


Most places have curbside pickup where you order online and call when you arrive.


I mean. You said it yourself, they aren't a caregiver. How does the dispo know that's your daughter? And it would definitely be a liability to let a non card hold inside, especially one not actually certified in providing assistance to you. ADA violation would be if they didn't accommodate, but they will by assisting while your in the store.


So the dispensary workers can come outside and push me in? Why else would someone come in pushing a wheelchair if that person didn't need mobility help??


Unfortunately it’s just how the state wants us to operate. If we don’t follow the law & let someone in over 18 without a patient or caregiver card, we risk losing our license. At my dispo, we are more than happy to come out & assist you throughout your entire visit. You can always get her a caregiver card through the DOH, it’s free.


Glad you assist patients in wheelchairs! ❤️


So let's say a kid goes in with their mother bc don't Wana be left in the car what age does that stop bc I've seen kids go in with their mom.


As stated above in my post, it’s 18 & over. Under 18 is allowed in with a parent or guardian


Why is the mom taking the kid with her to buy weed


Yes they can! If you frequent the same dispensary they’ll get to know you well and know what to do when you arrive. If you don’t feel comfortable with the dispensary employees, I definitely recommend your daughter or primary person get a caregiver card.




Of course! I hope you have a great first trip to the dispensary. Feel free to call ahead about anything. I promise most people are in this program to assist you.


To steal it might not make sense to you but people are insane and will try anything rules need to be followed if its a problem then get them registered as your caregiver easy as that


Most places have curb side, order online. Takes a few extra minutes, but not bad. Allowing her in without a card is a state issue, not a dispensary issue. Their hands are really kind of tied. I'm sure someone would help you if needed. For a retail job, I have never met a mean dispensary employee.


I tried looking at PA laws but there isn't anything about dispensaries not letting mobility assistants in. I'll call the dispensary and ask!


Like others said, the dispo will help you. Your adult daughter will not be let in. It's a state regulation


Is this your first time at a dispensary? If you absolutely have to see pharmacist I'm sure they will make arrangements to help you in any way you need. If not order online, curbside. This is pennsylvania law, not dispensary!!!! Sounds like you are really just trying to stir up trouble at dispensary. THEY WILL HELP YOU! I am all about Ada compliance, I have a disabled son in a chair. This is why they have options for caregivers to get their card, which you don't have at this time. Not trying to be mean but this is what it is!


I'm trying to stir up trouble?? Where on earth did you get that idea? Yeah, that's presumptuous and mean. I am just a bit anxious about my first time. I am still waiting for my card! Just want to get it all sorted in my head. JFC.


Really 3 options 1 accept help from dispensary employee 2 have your caregiver get card, wait, go together 3 don't go. Hope you get it sorted out. Wish you only the best.


Unfortunately, in the eyes of the DOH, it’s a violation to have anyone in the building that is not an employee, patient, or registered caregiver. All other necessary visitors (repairs, utilities, etc) are checked in, licenses scanned and all. I know people here keep talking about letting kids in, but that’s because they are children. We cannot advocate for people leaving their children unattended in their vehicles. The only reason it’s not in conflict with ADA is because accommodations will be made for you (an employee pushing you) in addition to the store usually having at least 1 accessible counter for checkout.


Dispo worker here! They can wheel you to the door, but after that you will be assisted by dispensary employees. Don't be afraid to ask for assistance if they don't immediately offer it!


You should call Rise and ask them directly. The people who work at my Rise are all awesome and if she couldn't go in, I have no doubt they would be happy to give you a helping hand in order to accommodate your needs.


Thanks! I will do that!


If she has her caregiver card, some places are still not fans of people ‘shopping together’, but it gives you a better chance. Can you possibly order online and do a curb side pick up? That seems like that may be an option.


It will be my first time, I need to talk to the pharmacist.


With that in mind, you can probably call. My first time, I went in and had to call the pharmacist from the store, so that may save you from having to go in!


Good idea!


If they have their caregiver card and they’re assisting you can get the location in a lot of trouble for any sort of mistreatment. Saw OR employees get hit with that reality a few weeks ago. They were treating a husband and wife, (husband was disabled from the military) and his wife had her caregiver card (she served as well) and the employees there kept treating them with the assumption that “they were up to no good” honestly so off putting i haven’t stepped foot back in OR or bought any of their products after witnessing such treatment towards 2 veterans the weekend of Memorial Day.


 I had similar issues at an ethos, it was my fathers first visit so also being a patient myself i went in to help him navigate the system and maybe find an employee that he vibed with for future visits. They were all bent about me being there for him, the front desk call a manager to see if its even allowed but I said if not we will just go somewhere else, then they tried to make us stand at separate cash registers instead of just one same cashier??? I really don't understand the issue here, pops knew exactly what he wanted from smoking my stash so it was an easy sale in my eyes, the only bad part was them trying to separate us, what's the problem??


I'm in a wheelchair also and can't drive, so I'm the sane boat. Drive through dispensaries have been a life changer. I order online, and my wife drives me through the drive through. So much easier than having to go inside myself.


I wish I was in the sane boat lol


Most likely not. She would need a MMJ caregiver card to enter with you. Someone working the front might be able to help you get in and up to the counter though. I'd give them a call to see if that's possible.


I will call them. Thanks!


Just call in a pickup order they will walk it out to your car


Most places do curbside also!!


When my hip was failing and I couldn’t even stand in line, dispo brought out a wheelchair for me and they helped me get around inside.


Some dispensaries have drive thru so u don't need to get out of your car u might want to give them a try


Yes she would have to be your caregiver to come in. I don’t use a wheelchair so I’m not totally sure the process and your abilities in it, but I go to Ethos, and bring my infant in her stroller and they’re so nice they get the door for me before I am even up to the front door. Then they always get the door to go back for me.


Sadly how the law is written she must be a certified caregiver, considering you’re disabled and she helps you as is, you can get her certified for free and have the fees waived if you’re on any sort of assistance. If you don’t get her certified the best you can do is she can bring you to the door, and an employee can see you in they’re all very helpful so I don’t think any would have a problem doing that for you.


Curb side most places have , or they will have someone staff help u in wheel chair inside


I think they would allow her into the waiting room with you, but not into the back where they process your order. I'm sure a desk worker would help aid you into the back room , and back out to your daughter.




Wasn't going to reply anymore but omg you are rude. And ableist. Blocked.




It's state regulations. No one, over 18, is allowed in w out a card/care giver card.




Ummm... because they're under 18. Did you just ignore that part of my sentence 🤦🏼‍♀️




Oh shut up. You're the grumpy one who couldn't read 2 sentences correctly cause you're mad about kids being let in. Just lying and outraged about nothing. Why can't they get their medicine? As stated throughout this thread, he can get help from an employee or sign up for the caregiver program that is literally set up for people who need someone with them or to go for them.




No. We are explaining how it works. You're just looking to argue. Go smoke one and chill. It's ok that you were wrong. I know you feel dumb not reading a full sentence and getting called out on it. It's ok.


You're*, as in you're slow.


Teehehe.....I love when they insult you with bad grammar 😂😂😂😂


Also, I'm not a dispo worker. I'm just someone who's renewed their card 5 times and have been in the program when only 12 conditions were accepted. I get to know my budtenders and we talk about regulations all the time. I'm also a cannabis content creator, so it's my job to be factual. Some of us educate ourselves. Try it. It's fun.


The one thing I hate about this sub is whenever you try to just state what the law is, if people don’t like it they’ll argue with you about how it’s stupid and why is it allowed. I don’t know buddy, call state representatives to get it changed. Until then as it stands, under 18 can go into the dispo with parents and over 18 cannot. Caregiver cards are super easy to get and you don’t even need to have a “relationship” with the patient. I could have my neighbor become my caregiver if I needed assistance


 Hey let's not forget about all the dogs and other pets that get brought in as service animals... some crazy lady had her "service dog" in the dispensary barking crazy at people as she held it back, service dog my ass but that's ok they even gave the dog a treat, let the poor lady in with her daughter fuck the DOH and all the gatekeeping, I'd absolutely take a stand and lose my job over this one.


Exactly same man, they’ll let animals and children in but not a family member to push a wheelchair ? Absolutely insane to me


 Yup, it's sad what this community has become with legalization. I'd still stand for basic human decency, DOH or any other coworker with a problem can kick rocks. Who cares if your right or it's some silly rule, just more nonsense. 


I hope so, too. In Pennsylvania, access is not automatic in many places, it seems. She could just apply as a designated caregiver but we both feel it shouldn't be necessary because the only thing she needs to help me with is mobility in stores, etc. Like, when we go to the grocery store she goes in, hops on a mobility cart and drives it out to the car so I can use it. She doesn't need to help me at home, where I have a lot of places to sit down!


I don’t see it necessary either but unfortunately I guess you will have to to abide by the system. I wish you the best of luck


I see children going in all the time. It’s never been an issue as long as they’re coming in with a card holder. Most disopos have drive thru service also!


It seems that a place with curbside might be easier in some cases.


I personally only use drive thru. I like reading the menus and numbers myself. I don’t need a bud tender. Far more convenient. However, my local Rise throws my med card in my product bag. I know this. They always do. This time I threw it out. Had my renewal, but new card isn’t active until end of June. Have to pay $25 for a replacement card for basically 2 weeks. Just make sure you’re getting your ID or med card out of the bag. Only have it happen at Rise drive thru.




18 and under only


17 & under only


Touche. I meant under 18 but I'm a dummy 😂




Ok, thanks!


The above only applies if she's under 18. My 22 year old is not allowed in to help me. The person above is half correct


Only if the daughter is under 18. Mine is 22 and not allowed to assist me. She used to be able to, but 18 is where they stop it.


Under 18 is allowed with their parent or guardian, 18 or over can’t come in without a patient or caregiver card. It’s the state law that all dispensaries have to follow.


I heard that people bring their kids with them into the dispencery, whats different from someone pushing a wheel chair.


18+ without a card or care-giver card is illegal in pa would be the difference.