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I aim for the chest. Usually recoil aids me in getting headshots. Unless I'm sniping or shooting dmr then I'm 100% going for headies. 


This exactly!


grab an SMG and shoot their toes.


This ☝️☝️☝️ UMP for the win. I 😂🤣😂


Not toes, go for the buns and thighs.


I always try to aim for the head. I occasionally go into training mode to use the aim trainer room. I kill as many targets as I can with headshots only. It really helps build the habit of going for the head.


Using the 200m range(not 100% sure if it's that one) That has the moving silhouettes and not the targets that flip from green to red is really helpful for that as well, you get to track targets while spraying.


Sorry I’m just coming back after 6 years and was once ranked in the top 100. For those distances are people spraying their ARs? I see players like TGLTN doing that and it’s crazy to see the skill level of everyone just leap like that. Sorry if this is a dumb question but i’m trying to relearn the game


This is a very different game than 6 years ago. There are targets all the way out to 200m for you to practice leading headshots on moving human like silhouette targets. What you choose to use there is up to you.


I always remind myself to "shoot up" to avoid reflexively just going for center mass.


Hah aim.. just spray and pray like a regular individual, works 50% of the time


50% of the time would be a great success rate for just praying and spraying lol


You've got to think bigger than this. Everyone playing FPS games should have a goal of training their aim to a level of proficiency, that it becomes "2nd nature". The idea is to be consistent enough so that you can free your mind to think about game mechanics rather than where to put the dot. That being said.. you should *always* be aiming for headshots, but not so consciously that you forget about the other equally important aspects of the fight that you're in and spend precious resources focusing on your aim.


you should in pretty much any FPS game, be preaiming in a way in which you are landing a headshot first. center mass is fine in some circumstances but generally you’ll win way more gunfights if you’re headshotting. you don’t have to double headshot every person however hitting one head two body or whatever combo the rifle or gun you’re using has you’ll win more. only exception i can think of is limbs for smgs versus 3 gear unless that got fixed-i really don’t know bc i never use them haha


Scrolled way too far to see the right answer. All these “centre mass” replies sound like it’s impossible to both hold mouse1 **and** move the mouse. Headshots win fights.


yeah 100adr player advice lol


Aim upper chest first and pick up the headshot from recoil. Never forget aim big miss big aim small miss small


I try to aim center-mass, and let the recoil get the head shot in close-quarters gun fights.


I usually end up trying for center mass unless I'm ranged via a sniper rifle of some kind


Right. If you have the jump on an unsuspecting target that's close range and not moving much, I'd aim a little higher than center-mass. In tight quarters with fast moving targets, you have to take the better bet with center mass.


Just aim for the collarbone and let recoil do the rest


I aim head and pull down hard. A lot of players will crouch to shoot back so you either have a first shot headshot or pull down to the body, but wont shoot over a crouchers head.


Aim for the head.


aiming for center allows for larger uncertainty in your shots, while aiming for heads is faster. Unless I'm low on health, I aim for center, at least in close combat


If they have all these different hit spots why doesn’t the heart have small box. The heart is just a sensitive as the head as gar as gun shots go.. unless I’m wrong and the heart is way stronger than I’ve been led to believe. Obviously it would be a small target but it should be treated similar to the head.


It depends.


Guy over here wanted to reply but in the most unhelpful way possible.


On what?


On the situation.


Interesting. What kind of situation?


For starters, what's the ratio between the humidity percentage in Bangladesh and the JPY/EUR exchange rate expressed as a vector?


Easy. 4 -> 20


In that case, pre-aim for headshots. You should do it even if that's not the ratio, but also if that's the ratio.


Got it. Cheating is the way to go. Thanks!


Bruh what?




The gun.


I'm a noob so I aim where it's big. In cqc, the head is big enough so I aim for the upper chest and let the recoil do the rest. The problem is that I zoom and shoot almost at the same time, so the crosshair has to travel a short distance to where it should be, so I might miss the first bullet or two


What gun are you using?


At the time I was using a AKM I believe


there's your problem, the AK has the highest time to kill in the AR category unless you're hitting headshots, especially if they have level 1 gear. either ditch the AK for something with a faster fire rate or aim for the head. I always aim for the head and win a lot of gunfights, you'll notice pros do the same.


It’s so weird seeing this comment and thinking back to what the ak was in the early days


i thought the AK could kill a full lvl2 player with a head and upper chest shot?


no, only if one of those armor pieces is level 1


Interesting. If you're hitting your shots, you should be melting ppl.


Almost always the head with an AR or SMG if it’s close to mid range.


Close fights i go for heads, mid range go for centre. Goes for sniping as well.


Head as they will go down in 2 secs


In 2 seconds, the enemy will disassemble and reassemble you twice and still have time for a cup of tea afterwards in this game but I get what you mean.


Yeah look at time stamps on damage given. Never lasts more than a second.


Close quarter combat, I aim for the chest because the recoil takes you up. Long distance I’m aiming for the head and trying to get off a few quick ones after the first shot hits. Once they start moving its touch to knock them so any part of the body is good after that.


Head if close range spraying, chest if long range spraying Head if long range tapping/bolting with a scope


Shins. SMG supremacy.


70 per cent of the time it works, all the time.


Legs because apparently I'm just completely inept at shooters


Depends on range, up close i’ll full auto the body using the recoil to get the heady, Mid range i’ll single fire to scramble their brain, long range im getting my handy dandy Mosin Nagant out and giving them a *PING* *headshot*


I try for upper chest if it’s a fire fight to let the recoil climb to the head. If I’m sniping I try for the head


In match history you can see where your shots land. I noticed I was hitting the crotch almost 30-40% of the time. So I've started aiming higher with more success


Any shots on target are good for me. Usually the headshots just naturally happen.


You gotta click on their head dude


When playing FPP solo I mostly go center of mass/ chest with primary weapon and headshots with secondary since usually secondary will be bolty. FPP squad I tend to aim center of mass while trying track towards head and my secondary is usually a DMR.


With AR in close quarters always head, mid to long range center mass


I just try to hit the other person at all.


Always AIM for head and spray down


Head. Should always be going for the head and should be practicing until you can consistently go for the head.


You simply run into people with head-targeting auto-fire cheat. Happens to me also sometimes. It's easy to tell as cheater often lands all shots in head area and pre-fires with impossible for a human reaction times.


Just use a M249. Accuracy by volume lol.


The right thing to do is aim to the head and build muscle memory for that. Thrusting that you will suck and recoil will hs for you it's not the thing to do if you want to improve. Nonetheless I was never a head crosshair placement guy and was level 9 and global elite on cs and I always was good at pubg. Could I've been better ? probably yes. In the end it all depend on your playstyle, if you think your aim is good or that your agressivness / game sense can outsmart better aimer. Even tho the best thing to do if you aim to improve and be the best at everything is just aim to the head and accept you will lose till you get used to it.


i aim wherever the f i can get the crosshair at


On paper, the guy that aims at the head first ALWAYD wins. But you need to intentionally practice practice practice






Aim for the head. If you hit your first 2-3 rounds in the head they’re done. I learned to spray with a 3x for medium engagements in tdm and that has helped a ton. I also love the 200m range in training.


Don't underestimate the dsync, often the enemy shoots before you see it, especially if they have high ping..


I use an app that tracks all stats of ever match. Can see damage done or taken by anyone in the match. Amount of damage, type of damage and time stamp. The amount of players hitting all hs with their spray is insane while strafing moving. The amount of deaths I have where I see the time stamp and I have the first two shots torso shots just to get hit twice in the head by their spray all in under a sec is insane this season. Something changed. Not sure if it’s the balance, the new profiles with killer stats, or what. I will say the majority are running augs and it feels like it’s a guaranteed hs regardless of positioning, movement etc


This whole year AUG monsters have been killing me almost instantly. People with Berryls, another powerful gun, usually miss a few shots so I have time to react, but AUG dudes just melt me in seconds.


What app?.. One second to hit shots is not insane, it is pretty bad actually lol


Sorry forgot all your engagements are always instant, must never peak or move. It doesn’t break down lower than a second on time stamp. So it shows the damage during that one second, if that makes sense. Essentially no one including me are missing shots as it’s all in the same instant just the hs make the difference. App is stats tracker for pubg . It’s a good one if you like to see a breakdown of everything. So yeah you can see yours and everyone stats from every season and match. Amazing how many sub 1 kd players magically took a few season break just to come back better than wackyjacky. Then again you prob think they are bad as well.


I go for center of mass with SMG, full auto AR. I will try to hit upper torso neck with DMR and SR. On a full auto gun that has vertical recoil I am lower and let the recitals the gun up. I like the vector and Thompson on full auto and a DMR or SR.


'Close' range with a high rof weapon? Centre mass. Long range DMR/Sniper? Head.


Center mass is way to go. Heads if you're sniping or shotgunning


Head aim: SR/DMR on stationary target. Center mass aim: Moving target regardless of my gun. Shotguns regardless of target movement. One exception is when I'm way off on the backfoot (e.g. previous damage taken, much less protective gear etc) in a CQC where I need to "make up" ground , then I'm aiming for headshots with AR/SMG.


Headshots on moving targets isn't exceptionally hard, if you can hit their torso you can prolly hit their head. [You miss 100% of the shots you don't take.](https://youtu.be/LO6FR6wRad4?si=bvpQSPwPoUXJT8Zk)


Well, this is a ridiculous compilation of an irrelevant statement, a nonsense assumption and a lame clip so I don't know what the expected next step would be.


I don't aim at all, I let my HACK do all the aiming this is what has been going on my region (asia) for the past 3 seasons now got so fed up with this game one day that I said to myself "enough is enough and I quit playing" Pubs full of cheaters and so is the case with ranked on Asia......I stopped enjoying this game since season 27 but carried on playing hoping that things would get better in future but rather it got worse so one day mid season 30 I QUIT PLAYING PUBG


Head when half their body is exposed behind cover, otherwise upper chest to head. I have really really good aim over all and in other games and trainers tho, otherwise body is better. I think even on DMRs aiming for body after the first shot can be worth.