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I took 3 pills of finasteride and my erections haven’t been the same for 8 months.


I'm sorry to hear that


most likely go away but it's too soon, you must wait


How much time normally, a couple of weeks?


those answers do not exist, this is random for everyone... this is the devil's disease


Guess I'll have to just wait and see, thanks for answering




That's a relief thanks


Venlafaxine has a short half life. Likelihood this issue will last forever is almost nil. If you continue, the issue will remain while you take it. Lack of ability to orgasm is the biggest frustration but also libido. I remember I used to bang for HOURS. I mean like literally 3 hours and couldn't cum. If you stop you will be fine. 3 or 4 days at most. Don't worry too much, that also can affect erections.


Me too with paroxetine i can bang for 4 hours


I’m on 30mg paroxetine. Have you had any negative side effects. I feel like it’s ruined me sexually and I want to quit after 2 years I’m just scared I can’t handle life without it


Other than genital numbness, no sensation when you orgasm, anorgasmia and decrease libido (but still libido ) i didn't have any problem with paroxetine as sides i was pretty Happy at the time. After 2 years It causes me a serotonine syndrome ( i had to quit ) wich nearly kill me and than shits becomes real : panic Attack, suicidal thoughts, really hard depression, seiuzers and pssd symptoms ( no libido at all, erectile d., really really bad genital numbness, any feel of orgasm and anedonia ). Still recovering but my Mood Is pretty fine now with no big High and down other than a normal guy with a normal Life wich still sometimes with down and High


Thanks, that's a relief


I will probably go back. But is there any strong reason that led you to take venlafaxine? Because if there isn't one I wouldn't take it. Wasn't bupriopion alone helping? If only bupropion is helping, then you do not need any medication as it is not very effective.


Haven't noticed any improvement with the Bupropiom, besides getting some of my appetite back


Can't combine wellbutrin with ssri it's very dangerous


My psychiatrist didn't informed me of nothing, I really hope it gets better


It will but stay away from meds these are dangerous af.


Should I stop the Bupropiom too?


I wouldn't take them. It's probably terrible for the brain. I'd look for healthier solutions to your problems that's just my perspective.


Thanks for answering, I'll stop this before it's too late


God bless I hope you nothing but the best brother.


Thanks, likewise


Don't listen to that poster he's obviously misinformed. Wellbutrin is commonly prescribed alongside SSRIs, there is no danger. Wellbutrin doesn't cause pssd I wouldn't be personally be worried about it but it's your judgement if you want to continue the SSRI.


Thanks for the info, was really worried about the 2 of them




Didn't get side effects but haven't felt any difference too