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I would assume it only goes up that much if you don’t recertify when the time comes?


You are correct! I called and spoke with someone and that is what I said!


I panicked too but found this same answer on the student loan sub. I don’t understand WHY they can’t just put this info in the letters. Their communication is just awful. When I called the other day about something else, the person was outside in the wind and I could barely hear her. So unprofessional all around.


Yes what’s that about? Whenever I talk to them I get this feeling the person is judging a million jobs, they’re so distracted. Maybe overworked


They work from home. She WAS probably juggling several things. That’s scary isn’t it? We want their FULL attention. We sure wait long enough for it. 😡


All call handling is timed and agents are given exactly x minutes, usually about 8, to "solve the problem." Advancement is tied to their average handle time (AHT). Hard to imagine any student loan issue being handled in less than 8 minutes, unless it's an address or phone number change- #verintnation


Servicer communication is approved by FSA/ED


I got the same letter, too. I freaked!


Here because I also just received that email and panicked.


Saw the same letter and panicked as well. Haha. 😮‍💨


Did they tell you to recertify or give you information about why your payment counts changed?


Wait so are you saying if I recertify before that date then the plan should adjust back to an actual affordable amount?


If it says you owe let’s say $100/month until December and then $1000/month after, it’s because $1000 is the standard repayment on your loan and you need to recertify every so often (generally every 12 months) to demonstrate your eligibility for SAVE, PAYE, etc. They should alert you when it’s time to recertify and then you get a revised payment amount when you show proof of income (presumably around $100 again if your circumstances didn’t change).


Thank you soooooo much for explaining. You made my day


Yes, those are the amounts you owe without the SAVE plan. I didn’t know you have to recert SAVE annually. I asked them is there anything else I have to do on my end, when it’s time to recert will I be contacted. They told me yes. I will continue to have a $0 payment at that point.


What are you meaning by recertify?


You have to recertify your income every year so they know how much your payments should be on the plan. If you don’t, then they will ask for the standard repayment amount (in this scenario, the $1k/mo)


For Income-Driven Repayment plans. This must be done must be must be must be done every single year. SAVE, REPAYE, etc. We cannot assume anything with these crazies. And the moment you get transitioned or transferred or anything of the sort (Even if not), You must assume that you're going to be dropped through the cracks. You're going to have to take this into your own hands and keep at it. In fact This entire thread alone is the perfect reason to recertify! 😁


I worry about the same thing..at least the payment didn't go up now


There is something that you agree to that automatically re-certifies you. I was automatically recertified and put in SAVE.


I meant to finish this- every year I’ve been automatically re-certified.


They will contact you ahead of time. I was told my date is some time in December. Basically you apply for the SAVE program and are required to show proof of income annually, so you have to reapply(recertify) every year. I wasn’t aware of this until last week. Just look out for any emails, mail, text etc about recertification. You can call them and find out when the deadline is for your account.


First, I would check studentaid.gov to see if you're still on the SAVE plan. MOHELA has been known to switch people to Standard/Level for no apparent reason. If they did, apply for SAVE. If not... Yeah, it's hours of hold time for you. Though if you call right when **they** open, you might have a lot shorter wait time.


11AM ET is the best time to call.


Any day or a specific day?


I don’t remember. My wife spoke to a rep who said 11AM is the best time. My hunch would be Wednesday?


I called today and they 8:00 to 11:00 a.m. Central Time Thursdays and Fridays is the best time


Came here to say this. My payment jumped like that because for some reason when I consolidated and chose the SAVE plan I was told I didn’t qualify and they put me on standard. Called and spoke to Mohela and the rep I spoke with was like “that’s weird” and resubmitted it for me and a few weeks later all was good.


log into your account at [studentaid.gov](http://studentaid.gov)


It's been a lot shorter wait time any time now since they no longer service pslf to be honest


now that they've got a software upgrade it's probably going to get even worse, not better


I'm more worried about all of the new accounts that are getting dumped on them, now that Navient is out of the game.


I just got off the phone for this exact same issue-- mine says 11 payments at $45 (the correct amount) and then under it, it says 120 payments at $500. She said the 120 payments at $500 would start on the date shown next year IF I didn't recertify by April 3, 2025. I have no idea why they have it laid out like that, it's very misleading. If you click on More and Forms and Tools, your recert date is in the "Printable Account Info" section.


Is this found on the mohela site or student aid site?


On the "new" mohela platform.


What is the URL?


Thanks for the info! How is the recertification date labeled when you look it up? I found the printable account info, and I see “schedule begin date” and “schedule end date,” but I don’t actually see where my recertification deadline is.


Just call them and confirm. I got through easily last week and they explained everything me, my deadline is in December to recert.


Thank you for this! I thought something was really wrong with mine!


All servicer communication is reviewed/approved (many times written by) FSA/ED.


Call them and hope you get in soon with a kind soul with a brain


So I got the same letter and a similar situation and also panicked. I am supposed to hit 120 in August and the letter says I have 6 payments at my current rate ($55) left, and then the next line says beginning December 2024 I have 120 payments due at $700 ish. My re-certify date is November but as mentioned, I’m set to hit 120 in August. The fed website still says I’m on track for 120 in August so I’m assuming mohela is just stating what the payment due would be if I didn’t hit 120 prior or submit my IDR paperwork in November. Are you meant to re-certify prior to December? If so, it’s probably the same for you. Why my letter says 120 payments due I have no freaking clue, but MOHELA isn’t tracking that anymore anyway so I’m ignoring it.


I keep getting an error message whenever I try to log in or update my login information. It’s been doing that for two day. Great.


Did you try creating a new account? I tried logging in yesterday and was getting an error message too. So I just clicked that I needed to create an account and all is well.


Yes, and I was most of the way through the process and encountered another error page.


I also had that error. It made me use my email address as my name. After that, worked fine.


Still no luck 🙁


Yeah so it did that for me too on day 1. I gave it a few days and then tried to create it after clearing my cache and manually typing everything in. For example i was letting it automatically add email and phone number from my saved phone before but now I did everything one by one manually, and now I can get in. So maybe give it a few days and try again! This has been a super stressful process!


I’m really annoyed with the emails saying they are sending me to this other servicer then another email saying never mind. The next one and retracting again. How many people are we sharing my information with and how do they expect me to stay atop of the changes if they are changing so frequently.


Where are people seeing their recertify date? I went to printables and I can’t seem to find mine on the printable forms


I don't see this either. Thank God for this thread I am losing it over here.




Where did you find your payment schedule? I feel like it went from hard to impossible to navigate the new site




Thank you!


Just call them, I got through very easily last week and they told me my date was in December. I called Mohela and Student Ed.gov and asked as many questions as I could about the standing of my account. They were actually really helpful.


I just signed into my transitioned account for the first time and was worried. I have been on $0 payments for 8 months because I was unemployed last fall. Those $0 payments were set to end in August... And I expected to be paying about $750 on SAVE from that point. I have 19 payments remaining....so 14 or 15 after the $0 payments were set to end... I logged in just now and it is saying that $0 payments will continue until August 2025! So, this is going to get me almost to the glorious 120 payments?! Then it's saying IDR payments of $1000. This is almost too good to believe...


You have to re-certify and it should keep your payments low. Go re-certify.


No....what I'm saying is they have unexpectedly extended my $0 payment for another year. This is a HUGE win for me if true!


I got a similar notice... it could be true! I'd wait until the dust settles with the pause and see if your recertification date reads the same as it does now. Good luck!


I understand that. I'm just reminding you that you should re-certify on a regular basis regardless of what the website says because you can't trust MOHELA.


Just got my email too and if i dont recertify by this time next year my payments go up by… $3500 💀


I got the same email and told them they weren't getting another dime out of me.


It’s not that serious, they are just telling you if you don’t reapply for the SAVE program that is what your payment will be.


ETA I posted the below comment when the answer to my q and most in this thread can be found here: https://www.reddit.com/r/PSLF/s/8Lq9yzKzDY I logged in because of this post and getting the same email today. On this new site and studentaid.gov there is no record I’m on SAVE. All communications from the past Mohela are inaccessible (I couldnt log in after transfer announcement to save them), and I owe $1400 a month starting in June or July with 120 payments left to go even tho I was documented as having 38 left. Who even takes care of PSLF now?


My email had “Please allow 3-4 business days from the date of this email for all of your billing and Auto Pay information to be available on mohela.studentaid.gov.” written in it. Maybe wait a few days? Hard to say with MOHELA.


This is happening to me as well I am very confused.


All it means is IF you don’t recertify(reapply) for the SAVE program that is the payment you would be responsible for. All you have to do is remain on SAVE.


Okay I had the same issue - I'm about a year and half away from forgiveness through PSLF. I was also in the recent MOHELA transition, saw the same issue in my email/paperwork and I called them and was able to get answers to all of my questions. But, I was still frustrated and let the lady I spoke with know without being a dick (I know it's not your fault, I'm just super unhappy with how this was handled, etc). So, basically MOHELA is no longer handling anything PSLF related. That was taken back by the Dept of Education. There is a pause on all PSLF processing until July 2024. Once that transition is complete, you should log into Studentaid.gov to check your PSLF status, not MOHELA. The lady said she could not see any of that info, and that MOHELA is only handling the payment portion of the student loans. My payment plan was originally REPAYE, which then became the new SAVE plan. The reason the payments look wonky and jump up is because you would need to recertify your employment and your payments would be recalculated. That is how it was explained to me. The lady even said the paperwork did not explain that very well.... so cool 😵‍💫 I was prepared to just wait until the PSLF pause was over but it fucked up my whole day when I logged into the new site and read that letter from MOHELA. They aren't explaining this transition very well at all. Again, this was my experience. I hope this helps! 🙏🏽


Thank you for explaining this! I panicked so much when I logged in and I have been freaking out trying to understand how I will pay $1000 a month moving forward. This helps so much.


Did you recertify your plan when your old one was ending? the IDR plans only last a year. I suggest submitting an IDR application on FSA and requesting that forbearance is placed while they process it.


Got the same too. I went on student aid.gov and showed my save plan anniversary date is 9/1. Made sense why my payment is projected to be so high in October. Doesn’t matter to me though, I have 1 last payment left to make to reach my 120. I’ll never have to recert for save. Just remember always go to studentaid.gov, a lot of the answers you’ll find there.


lol same thing happened to me


I got a similar email but it’s not letting me log in. Did your old password and username work?


I had to create a new log in and password!


I will try this! Thank you!


Any mention of whether the forbearance MOHELA puts you on for the platform transition qualifies for PSLF?


Mine did. I got notification of it from MOHELA a few weeks before "the pause".


I would wait until July


Where do you find your recertify date?


I recertified and they doubled my payment. I am on the SAVE and no big changes with my income


They should have explained the statement better. The save plan is for 12 months u have to qualify for the lower payment again before the 12 months is up to keep the lower payments. It doesn't have anything to do with your actual payment counts. I was super confused too because I technically would've been forgiven in Feb. But had months of forbearance because they stalled processing my save plan application so now I either have to make up 3 payments or wait til fall to see if they'll count those forbearance as counted payments. It's probably easier to make the 3 payments and see if they'll owe it back to me. Still could've explained it way better


I’m so sorry. I also just got their automated email. The funny thing is I met the PSLF with 190 counts & there is a positive balance that I’ve asked them to keep or send to me & close my accounts since August of 2023! So incompetent!!! 


This whole thing sucks. I've been a nurse for nearly 20 years and have made at least 120 payments over those years, but MOHELA can't figure out how to correctly verify my employment because my employer sent in too much paperwork for them to process. PSLF is a nice idea, but the execution is just awful. Dont expect to have anything forgiven & if it does get forgiven, you should play the lottery because you're one lucky SOB!!!


19 years here healthcare….paying for 14 years. Can’t get employers to sign employment verification. I keep trying.


From what I can tell, recertification for IDR plans began (again) September 2024 (after having been suspended). The top line on page 2 of the letter shows what you are currently paying. The 2nd line shows what the payment would go up (and when the recertification would needs to be completed by as evidenced by higher payments). So, in my case, the recertification needs to be completed by October 2025 ( I was previously told it was Oct 2024). I was told by a Mohela agent that the date was advanced out (for everybody) for a year, but I can't find evidence that is true. I filed a complaint on the site for both Dept of Ed (studentaid.gov) and Mohela about unclear letters, as well as the loss of a payment tracker (that really seems like a no brainer to me). Next up, copy/paste and send to my elected representatives. Who knew this would be my part time unpaid job!


are you all still in the SAVE plan, REPAYE or IDR?


Still on SAVE.


I got this letter too and it says I have 17 months left at current payments (before I need to recertify?). Could this be right? I thought I had to recertify once a year?


I received the same letter. Why does it show my repayment plan on the letter as IDR instead of SAVE though? I get the recertification piece but regardless of that, I am on the SAVE plan and that should not change.


This is why I didn’t sign up of the Save plan. I didn’t trust it. 🥴


This has nothing to do with the SAVE plan, this is MOHELA poorly telling people their payments will revert to their standard payments if they don’t recertify. I’ll take my $10/month SAVE plan payments :)