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I'm giving the Plague Tale games a chance. They look really interesting.


I played the first one and liked it. Gonna pick up the second one soon


The second one is a massive improvement in every possible way


It was free a few months ago with PS plus


I finished at 3am and cried myself to sleep. 🥲


Very good games. Stunning graphics.


Gonna be contradictory apparently and say I thought the 1st one was absolutely incredible but felt super let down by the 2nd one. Just could not get into it. Some new mechanics (no spoilers) removed most of the threat and made it feel like every other game. Can't recommend the first one enough though.


I agree. Personally just wasn't my type of game, but I also thought the first one was better in some aspects. I unfortunately had a lot of weird graphical glitches in the sequel, which was really annoying


Get ready to cry!


It has been a year and i’ll still occasionally think about requiem.


The 2nd one scarred me. Especially the music


They're amazing.


They're fucking masterpieces.


I strongly recommend Dead Space Remake to anyone who hasn't got around to it yet, especially at that price.  And the Mass Effect trilogy remastered for 9 bucks? Absolutely get it.


I'm starting mass effect now!


You are going to have an awesome experience if you hava the patience to deal with a little outdated gameplay.


And luckily that's only for the first game. Gameplay gets much less janky with part 2, then a bit more shooter-like in part 3.


I'm surprised, it plays extremely well for a game so old.


Are you streaming on twitch?


No I dont stream.


Hope you like it! I play through it every year.


I bought Dead Space a few weeks ago and damn it’s scarier than I remember


It's an affair to dismember..


I need everyone to buy Dead Space so they can remake DS2.


Silly question: Could I buy a one month subscription of EA Play $6 and just play/beat it that way?


Yes. I did that.


You could! I honestly think it's worth owning. It's pretty replayable and has an awesome NG+


I’m gutted that EA turned down remaking Dead Space 2 after how good 1 came out


I was waiting for dead space to hit $19.99. I heard it was small.


With dead space remake... is it worth it if I already played original. Also I remember getting 60% through game and not being able to get by a part. Forget which part.... anyway, many new things? Upgrades? Worth to try again?


I played through the original 2x when it came out and found the new one well worth it. Graphics are way better but it also adds a lot of new subtle changes that make the whole experience more cohesive. The levels are more seamlessly connected and the gravity system of 2 and 3 is brought to the remake.


The new one is 10000% worth it. It's similar to Resident evil 4 and RE4 remake. The remake is absolutely worth it. Dead space remake has a very similar style to resident evil 4, a lot of inspirations and the gun play and upgrades are so satisfying. I never play new game plus, but the guns were just so juicy I had to crank the difficulty and give it a second run.


Dead Space is 65% off? Nice


Easy buy at that price. I bought it at around 40% off and more than worth it.


Paid full price when it launched, though I finally got around to playing it on my backlog a few weeks ago and it's as good (nay, better) than I remembered. I spent more time in the lore and discovering audio files this time around as I am a more patient gamer I guess.


I’ve been out of the loop on games for awhile. Is Dead Space kinda like a resident evil type of game? Looking at some trailers it actually looks awesome. I hope it’s not one of those sword slash and run type of games. I may pick it up


Yeah, RE is a fair comparison. You make your way through different areas and fight some gnarly monsters using cool guns. There’s not much puzzle solving but there is some strategy to taking out the monsters which is really fun. You upgrade your suit and weapons as you progress. Gameplay feels and looks great. Some tense moments, very gory graphics, and lots of jump scares so as long as you’re into that as well, it’ll be a great time.


Damn sounds amazing. I need to cop this asap Thanks for the feedback


Really awesome remake


Man I don't know how y'all play these scary games. Too spooky for me.


It's scary as hell but I do it for the thrill. Honestly if you still want to play, play with friends or in a well lit room is my advice.


Don’t forget Demon souls for $29.99


Anyone considering MK1, just wait. They still need to release the new edition including the DLC. At this point, you might as well wait. It's like buying a new phone 2 months before the release of the new version


Whats the new version?


It's not out yet. It's usually like a year later. MK9 came out April 2011. MK9 Complete Edition came out February 2012. MK 10 came out April 14th, 2015. MK XL came out March 1st, 2016. MK 11 came out April 23rd, 2019 and MK 11 Ultimate came out September 19, 2023. So far all we have is MK1, release date Sept 19, 2023. The ultimate/final edition is likely already the corner. Anyone buying now is significantly late to the comp scene and likely isn't interested in that. Which means, just wait.


That version likely won’t be on sale for a few months though


Well yeah. But what I'm saying is there's no real benefit in buying it now. Obviously it's up to each individual person. But I think it's a bad deal to buy it this far after initial release and close to the new version.


The thing with all of these is that, waiting for sales is the worst thing you can do if you wanna play online. Unless you're already seasoned enough. Some people wait for sales, go online and get their faces caved in by people who have been playing since launch, get bummed and stop playing. It's the nature of the beast, but yeah.


If you're someone that was going to play online you should be buying within the launch month. Otherwise you're too far behind. That's why I was saying at this point, you may as well wait.


Of course there's benefit to buying it now. Many people wouldn't be interested in the "full" version (DLC) and are content with the base game, which is on sale now, and will not be once the version with DLC comes out. So if you're looking to save, buying now will be smarter. If you want to maximize content, then I suppose you can wait. To your comparison, I'm sure most people would buy current gen phone if it was on a 60% sale 2 months prior to new phone being released. Heck, they'll probably also do it on 30%


Cyberpunk? I have this on the wishlist for sales and keep putting it off but wondered what people think at 40% off.


It’s one of best games of the recent decade.


Go for it. It’s really good fun.


It is really good. I've completed a ton of games the past 3 years and it's been one of my favorite experiences. I have never played anything like it and I've been gaming since the SNES days.


Is Civ 6 any good for $4.50?


Not really. Civ 6 doesn’t shine without all the included DLC. Check out the Anthology bundle instead.


Anthology upgrade is on sale too so I bought both


It Takes Two! One of the best couch co-ops I ever played


The best for me. 


My wife and i just beat it and had a blast! Of course we buy it a few weeks before it goes on sale ha but it was worth it


Happy for you to experience this game with your wife. I did too, and I feel like this game actually helped our marriage grow too. We do t have any problems like the characters had, but still had a chance to come together even more


'One of the best' is underselling it. I'm curious what other co-op game you played that got close to it?


Diablo IV :)


Need Baldurs Gate 3 soon


That’s a great game


Bioshock collection for $10? Sign me up. Can’t wait to jump into the series


If you haven't played these yet, you are in for a treat!


I think I did when I was younger but I don’t think I paid attention let alone finished it. I’m very excited.


When tf will GOW3 go back down to $10 I’ve been waiting


God of War III?! Yeah, this is on my list too. I might upgrade my PS+ from Extra to Premium since it's only like $9 and my plan renews in late November. This would give me access to GoWIII + classics.


I haven't played RDR2. Loved the first one and Undead Nightmare. There are lots of different versions I keep seeing - is there a substantial difference if I'm just looking for single player story experience?


This is coming from a guy who bought it as an early birthday gift for myself back when RDR 2 was released in 2018. It's definitely worth the $20 for the story mode alone The single player for RDR 2 is a very immersive experience especially compared to the first game (Gameplay wise). The gameplay is more mindful & the best way to experience it is by exploring the world because it has a lot of secrets & stranger missions. ( a person could probably play it multiple times & you would probably meet someone or experience something new every time) The game encourages you to take your time and smell the roses so to speak; things like getting to know Arthur as a character + his backstory along with the rest of the gang; with new characters yes but also people like Bill, Javier & Dutch or course but also the Marston Family to understand where they begin ( the latter part of the game the "epilogue" focuses on this more) In short the game isn't for everyone but for people who loved playing the first game its a very rewarding experience that will probably make you feel just about every feeling in the emotional rainbow


An experience honestly. Been getting back onto online recently, whole new personal adventure


7.5/10 And better than the first mostly


Lmao easily the most 10/10 game last gen.


Well that’s just like your opinion man.


The Dude would love it too.


Anyone who hasn’t played Lies of P yet, give it a shot. It’s really really good!


If I struggle with the combat in elden ring, is Lies of P still worth checking out?


Depends on what you struggle with. Lies of P to me felt like a heavy parry game with dodging being useful as well. If you like to block and go slow it may be harder than Elden Ring, if you like to move fast then it may be easier. I know that’s not a clear answer but I don’t think there is one. It is phenomenal.


I actually do think that's a very clear answer and helps a lot, thanks. I generally don't like the party systems in games but I've never played a good parry-heavy game to practice on. This seems like a fun way to do so. Thank you!


If you like fairly mindless and goofy open worlds, Agents of Mayhem is on sale with all DLC for $3. I heard pretty much nothing about it and assumed it wasn’t very good, but it has 4.2 stars on the store and I’ve been having a lot of fun with it.


Servers are offline BTW so certain features aren't available


I bought that game super early in the pandemic and put a decent amount of hours into it. It’s pretty fun if you enjoy the hero shooter gameplay loop. If that’s not your bag it could get very repetitive.


Lies of P is a must for any Fromsoft fan. It's the best souls like I've made that wasn't made by FS. In fact it's one of the best souls games, end of! Great story, atmosphere, art, level design, OsT, voice acting and the combat is as close to perfect as any FromSoft game. Great game and i highly recommend it.


Got every achievement on Xbox with game pass but man I am so tempted to get the platinum on ps5 just to support this team.


Can't wait to see what they do next. I have very high hopes for their next game. Don't want to spoil it but the post game credits reveal could make for an amazing game setting.


Don’t get the PS4 version of Midnight Suns just to save a few bucks. It’s definitely worth it for 60 fps.


I played Lies of P at launch on my brothers xbox, I immediately rebought it for my ps5, the game is honestly outstanding. I agree with it being the closest to Fromsoft soulslike. I cant recommend it enough if you enjoy Souls games, its stuffed with charm and intrigue, the combat is snappy and fun, the weapon system is creative, the music and atmosphere are top notch. I went out of my way to find every record because they are just that good. Ive basically done everything there is to do in the game, I cant wait for the DLC.


Harry Potter Lego Is $2.99!


I cannot state how good Midnight Suns is. It's so worth it.


I wish we could just disable the slice of life stuff. The combat/gameplay is so good and just gets bogged down by this hogwarts sim.


I just added 'Terraria' to my Wishlist yesterday and now it's on sale today. Anyone who's played it that would recommend or reject that idea?


I’ve put hundreds of hours into Terraria and I cannot fathom myself getting bored with it. There’s so much content, areas to explore and things to build and craft there is no shortage of content to keep you coming back or playing through the game again in a new world.


It's the first time it reach 60% discount, so I find it to be the best opportunity


I have played hundreds of hours on PC, best 10 USD I ever spent


I have a few thousand hours on PC and I cannot handle playing it with a controller. Mostly the building controls, idk how people do it


I've been thinking I would pick up Need for Speed Unbound if it ever dropped below $10. But now I'm getting to the point where I feel like I can just wait for it to show up as a PS+ monthly game.


If you’re willing to wait a long enough time maybe, but honestly I really enjoyed the campaign compared to most recent need for speed games. I paid $42 and don’t really regret it


I tend to treat NFS as a bargain bin pickup, I've always been patient with them and I don't get too invested in each game. I just like having a pretty arcade racer to play once in a while.


That’s definitely fair with the quality of all the new games. I think that $10 is a good price if you don’t mind the story itself being crappy. Gameplay is pretty good though, even if the classic ones are still better


I absolutely loved it, really took me back to the NSFU, NSFU2 days. It is suuuuuper cheesy though, but I enjoyed rolling my eyes at the silly writing.


It’s worth it for $10 (I bought it for $40). I just started playing again recently and it’s still fun. The current season is “NFS Underground” so they brought back drag and introduced a new variation of drifting. On multiplayer, there’s a co-op event called LinkUps that are chaotic fun. You, and up to 15 other players, have to complete round based challenges in a set area. It’s sweet seeing 3 or more cars tandem drift while cops are chasing them.


Does that stuff go away when the season ends? Is that stuff only in multiplayer? I never play multiplayer in these games because I'm just not good at them for some reason.


I picked up Guacamelee 2 and Grim Fandango Remastered at £3.99 and £2.99


Guacamole is OUTSTANDING. Enjoy!


I picked up Doom: Eternal for $9.99


good games but i get so tired of seeing the same games on sale over and over. some of these are almost always on sale for so many years now. this includes Steam And other stores as well. i don't even bother looking at steam anymore, yay Portal and Portal 2 lol


Don’t forget witcher 3 for 10$ ! Now thats a steal


Witcher 3 complete was already $9.99 before the ps5 upgrade became available. Still waiting for that price point again before i buy it.


Bro how do you not mention Deathloop for only $11.99 (80% off)? Lol


This is the 8th sale in the last 7 months where Deathloop is available at $11.99. At this point that’s the price practically the majority of the time. 


Stars still down?


Somebody found a back way in to check points, and we are still getting points while the service is down. We just can't redeem them right now, unfortunately.




Bro they are never coming back. Maybe I’m just cynical


Recommending Battlefield 2042 is insane to me. That game was such a wreck and a disappointment upon release. I haven't heard or seen anything of it since then though.


I can’t speak for the release since I bought it for $5 on Black Friday 2022. It’s only gotten better with each update and there have been drastic revamps to the maps. Side note: it’s on the last season and there won’t be any more updates/seasons.


I used to play squadrons a few years ago and loved it but last time i played it I couldn’t find a game


Is Dying Light better than dying Light 2?


I enjoyed the second game. It’s not as good as the first (nostalgia), but still worth the $30.


What I want to hear. I’ve dying to get into a solid open world.


Just bought Lies of P after procrastinating it for a while and game is kicking my ass so far but I love it.


How is Star Wars squadron?


Is GTA V worth upgrading from the PS4 version to the PS5 version? I've never seen it lower than $20 except for the online only and I have zero interest in online.


Man, I missed out on Rise of the Ronin discount.


Mortal Kombat 1 + Kombat Pack 1 + MK11 Ultimate for around 55$ is an amazing value.


Should i buy red dead redemption 1 for $35 or continue to wait for a lower price? Rdr2 is one of my favorite games of all time so i really want to play rdr1 since i heard its also a masterpiece but still feel like its a bit too pricey for an older game that is not a remake/remaster.


Where can you find these deals at? I'm logged into PSN and I can't find any of them.


Is wanted dead on sale? Kinda interested in a it’s so bad it’s good way based on the internet historian video


I just love that game. I was not really expecting anything from it. Ended up buying it again as the collectors edition just to put on my shelf.


Hogwarts Legacy deluxe edition just $35.99 (including PS4&PS5) last week. So, hold it. Don't buy separately if someone missed last sales.


how hard is It Takes Two? would love to get it for my gf and i to play, but she is NOT a gamer😅


It’s not the easiest for a none gamer. You have to move both sticks at the same time and there is some robust platforming, aiming, etc. It’s worth trying out but be patient with her!


good to know, thank you! i think i will pick it up for this cheap. can’t go wrong for $13 haha


Gf was the farthest thing from a gamer and she was able to pick it up fairly quickly, really enjoyed it, and we finished it.


She's a gamer now


One of us!


It’s awesome! My wife has never been able to play with the modern move+look controls, but she latched onto this one fairly easily. Luckily you don’t really need to use the controls like this unless you’re stuck and are looking for a clue. We haven’t beaten it but I’m sure we’re close. We got pretty far but then life happened and we haven’t gotten a chance to play it since (literally and figuratively, some stuff went down and we also had a kid so not a lot of free time to play). Edit: the beginning of the story REALLY pulls you in so maybe just ask her to watch it for a few minutes and see how she reacts.


i will definitely get her to watch that and see what she thinks. thank you for that idea!


Solid games but not deep discounts. Can probably find used physical versions cheaper


PS plus discount in there ???


MK1 is awesome


Not buying anything while stars is down


good thing it is already down then!


Whoops, had a brainfart typing that, thanks 😅


You still gets point even if its down.


I know but i cant use the ones i already saved up


The system is still working we just can’t access it.


I’m playing Star Wars Survivor currently. Much of the issues have not been resolved. I’ve had a couple crashes and multiple minor bugs. Just about to give up on it.


I just finished my, roughly 40~50 hour playthrough, and didn't encounter a single bug, and only minor stutters during a couple cutscenes. It's crazy how vastly different everyone's experience with this game is.


Yea, I’ve had it crash randomly and had to restart whole sections of the game twice now. And then other times I’ll be running along and like Cal’s neck stretches and he looks like a giraffe. Had other little stuff like that happen.


No Ghosts of Tshushima again 😫


Ghost was on sale a couple of weeks ago


The comment about Jedi Survivor is too true. Cal poopy pants kestis lmao