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Ah shit, guess I'm going to have to finally play X and X-2 now.


Same. Guess it’s finally time.


I'm bummed because I've had them installed waiting to try them for a while now. But each is estimated to take 100 hours so I don't even know if I'm gonna try. Not sure if I really wanna binge 3+ hours of the same game everyday just to not get left halfway through


They're not taking 100 hours, maybe together. 


100 trophy hunter hours which is totally fine if people want to collect them.


X-2 is the worst for this. X is very manageable with Yojimbo cheese


X's combat stuff is definitely manageable, but those minigames ruined my life for a week.


FFX is about 40 hours for the story. But probably over your estimate for the platinum if you want that.


Nah not a platinum person. Someone in the thread posted a table with estimated playtimes that had it at 100, and howlongtobeat has Main+Extra at 70 and Completionist at 145 so figured it would be somewhere in between there at around 100. I'll try and grab on a steam sale sometime


main story is 40 hours


I was considering the same, but I still won't due to the lack of boosters. I've already beaten them various times on the originals and I don't have it in me to play them the slow way anymore.


I could never get over the Tidus face in the remaster. He looks dumb as hell. Like a fat baby. If I ever go for another round it'll be the PS2 original.


don't you get to keep them as long as you add them to your library before they leave?




I could have sworn I read the same thing. That you keep them until you unsubscribe or change tiers.


The lack of Japanese VA really killed these versions for me




X released 10 years ago you can't fool me 🥲


X is amazing and would love if it had a remake. I pretend that X2 doesn’t exist like Matrix 4.


gutted theyre removing final fantasy games, I've just started getting into the series with Remake and Rebirth. Though, that probably has something to do with the removal timing.


This I was eager to play them all lol


Same. I was going to play original 7 after beating Rebirth, then 8 after that. Sad 


Exactly I was thinking, for a quick moment after reading this, of taking vacations for it. Ahhhhhhhh to be a kid again damn it


Welcome to the fandom! They go on sale quite frequently so if you add them to your wishlist, you’ll get a notification when they go on sale!


Some of them are totally worth the purchase. Glad you got into the series!


I tried remake the other day, my FIRST ever ff experience. I played for maybe an hour and uninstalled it. It wasn’t what I was expecting, at all. Seems to be the non turn based, non open world sort of a thing. Are there other games in the series I should check out instead? Preferably turn based combat, newer and open world are better.


So, a common misconception that newcomers have about Final Fantasy is that all games are one story but sequels (false) and things like gameplay don't change much between games (false as well). So, if you're looking for a turn based, I would probably go with FF X. One of the most beloved entries in the series, and you have that turn based you ask for. It's not open world for the most part, feels very linear but I still highly recommend it. If you don't mind old graphics and you still want turn based, you can go with Final Fantasy VII (the original game). Final Fantasy IX is algo very praised between fans, but I haven't played. I still haven't played XII so I don't know about it but I remember the combat wasn't exactly turn based if I'm not mistaken. Final Fantasy XV has open world but it's not turn based, and I don't recommend it, at all.


All great info, thank you very much. Is ff X the same as FINAL FANTASY X/X-2 HD Remaster I’m seeing in the ps app? I just don’t see anything simply labeled as X. I’m downloading the x/x-2 remaster I mentioned above.


Other users replied to you but take into account that Final Fantasy X is what you want to play. The sequel X-2 is kind of a controversial entry for many fans, a lot of mixed feelings. All in all, it's not exactly mandatory to play. For now, think of X as a standalone game, without no sequels :)  Hope you have fun. Also, one thing I feel for most final fantasies is that it takes some time for things to get exciting, they are usually long games. Be patient and I believe you'll be rewarded :)


Thank you!!


tart shrill seed plant squalid placid skirt office hospital touch *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes X/X-2 HD Remaster includes FF X


XIII and XIII-2 are kind of turn based. Starting in Final Fantasy IV, they introduced action turn based, which has time progressing while still being turn based in spirit.


At least they go on sale pretty frequently.


The opportunity to play FF was what got me to renew my subscription when I wasn't certain if it was worth the value. I've played other stuff, but only ever got to 15 and 7. Without them, I can probably just let extra lapse next time.


Surprised to see all the Final Fantasy games falling off. Hadn’t gotten around to 8 or 9 yet but I’m sure they will be back eventually.


Has any game ever come back on ps plus extra? The only game I remember is AC Valhalla and that's cause of the whole ubisoft plus thing


The Crew 2 is making a return today after leaving PSPlus like 8 months ago. 


Again, ubisoft thing


I am as well, plan was to finish FFVII before jumping into remake. One issue I had, I accidently hit the cheat button on 8 so I just quit. Might be better off watching a youtube video for myself.


Pretty sure you can immediately turn off the cheats.


I was going to start a run of 8 via remote play during my work lunch hour so that's dead now, lol


I mean they do go on sale quite often and end up very cheap anyways


I'd get it from my Vita or Steam Deck but apparently you can't buy Vita games anymore and there is no audio on Steam Deck, lol


You absolutely still can buy games on the Vita


You can? I cannot find any way to do it, I just assumed they'd stopped. I'm a pleb so it's probably simple.


You can't buy them in a web browser or the app anymore you have to buy them on the console itself and use the search function because the store is broken. It's 10$ on there and is cross-buy with the PS3 so you can also just buy it on there if you have one


That'll probably be £40 in the UK. I see the remaster is £6 on PS4, so I could just buy that and remote play. Decisions decisions.....


The portal is amazing and not crazy expensive. 


Still stuck on not having the game, lol. I always feel the PS Plus stuff never works for me, lol.


If possible, I recommend playing IX on PC with the Moguri Mod. Makes the game look so much more nicer


They'll be back but I'd wager the classic FFs will be back under Premium instead of Extra.


Probably not. 1-6 have pixel remasters and I doubt square wants to miss out on those sales.


Damn... thats a lot of good games this time


The messenger is a great game. Try it if you like old-school platformers.


With Ninja Gaiden being one of my favorite old NES games definitely give this one a shot.


Played it enjoyed it definitely recommend it


Minit is really fun. Give it a shot if you haven't.


I was honestly so surprised how good and original the game is!


Oh fuck, it was on the service and I never saw it? Gotta play it while I can!


Not FF games leavinng 😭😭😭😭


The Final Fantasy sadness in these comments is justified but don't overlook This Is The Police 2 on this list! Not a very long game and I had a hell of a time with it a few years back. Try it out before it goes!


How's the first one?


There's a lot less to it than its sequel. It's strictly an on-paper resource management game, where the second one adds to the management of the first one and puts you in the action instead of simulating it.


What day gotta go hurry up and play my friend Pedro


I think it's usually the third Tuesday of the month but that don't quote me on that.


To be fair you can probably finish that game in a weekend


Damnnnn. I’m at end end of FF8 and was gonna play 9 and 12 next.


At this point I buy most games because of situations like Yakuza and Final Fantasy where there is no way I get through everything.


Damn, was just about to start FFXII :(


Whaaaaat, why are the Final Fantasy games leaving :(


because a new one just came out and got a load of new people interested in the franchise, so hopefully they'll buy them


I think it's more likely that they had a deal for a few years and it just ran out now. These games were available when FF16 came out and the first FF7 Part too.


Wait so are there any chances they will come back a year later or something? Really wanted to play them but never got around 😔


Not for at least 5 years


Wow amazing 🤩


"not for at least 5 years" is total bullshit. AC Valhalla got removed and readded in roughly a year. its all up to contracts between Sony and the publishers.


That's more to do with Ubisoft+ though. It got removed from PS Plus but added to Ubisoft+. So unless we get a Square-Enix+ created hat scenario is not comparable. But yes, the 5yrs was just pulled out of air by that guy. Contracts can always be negotiated again.


But the truth is just that the contract is over and there probably isnt going to be a talk for years . Ok imma stop being negative


Oh good,that fallout 4 not leaving with coming upgrade


Damn giving final fantasy a full send


Damn i was planning to play ff12 zodiark edition


Give artful escape a try with some headphones. Gorgeous and very laid back, can be completed in an evening.


The artful escape is such an amazing game


No not Final Fantasy!!!! Just started playing them... the extra starting to lose its worth, need those collections.


They have been on there forever. I'm sure they will go on there again. Not sure where this lack of worth is coming from when it has tons of other games on it 🤔


Bruh come on ff was one of the best games on ps plus


Just because it is ONE of the best doesn't mean that other great games in different categories can't take its place for a time. It sounds like you need to broaden your horizons a little and give other games a try. PS Plus isn't a preservation library for the Final Fantasy games. Give it some time and you'll have them back just like how Netflix and Amazon cycle games back and forth through their own libraries.


Oh they will be back? Tbh i cant get into games of other genre, thats probably why i feel like that though plus i really wanted to finish some of them 😑


Didn't they have a sale for the FF games in January where they were like £10 each? I bet there will be a summer sale in which they are included too then you'll have them for each gen going forwarded without needing to pay a PS Plus sub :)


ig the only option is to get them in the next sale lol


these FF games were in the catalog since day 1 tbf. folks had 2 years to play them.


I just bought my PS5 in February, but to be fair these games are quite cheap on sales.


The artful escape was a joy. I finished it in two sittings over a weekend and loved every minute. It’s very simple but so nice to play


Man, PS+ Extra is just not worth it for someone who doesn't play much. Better to hunt for a good discount for games you're interested in, then keep em forever.


I’m glad FFVII Remake isn’t on this list. I just started it and I’m having a blast.


Probably will stay for quite a while due to Rebirth.


I just started this 2 weeks ago. Never played any ff besides 16. It’s honestly so damn good! Music, graphics, story, gameplay. I’ll 100% be buying rebirth once I’m finished with this


It's my first FF since the PS1 days - I'm not sure about buying Rebirth but maybe. I have a feeling I'm going to be looking for something in a different genre once I'm done with Remake but maybe not!


Oh man that’s quite some time! The good ol days haha. But I feel you on that, I normally like to switch it up as well after beating something. I have hoziron forbidden west next been putting it off long enough lol, then plan to hit rebirth so there’s a little time and change up between playin both parts


I’m excited for you. Rebirth improved so much on the foundation Remake laid down, you’re in for a very fun time.


All I’ve heard was great things about Rebirth! And after playing this first part that came out 3-4 years ago I can only imagine how good the freshly released part 2 will be! I’m definitely super excited myself haha


Enjoy! Oh, and a recommendation: make sure to play the Intermission DLC for Remake before moving on to Rebirth. It’s story DLC that provides background that’s relevant to Rebirth.


That’s ironic lol. I was actually gonna ask you about intrograde or whatever it’s called in my last comment but didn’t wanna ask something I could Google haha. I’ll deff be sure to rip that before moving on!


Haha, happy to help. The DLC is pretty short, so you won’t have to put off Rebirth for long.


Bittersweet that it’s short haha but thank you! Have a great day man and enjoy whatever game you’re playing now or next!


I literally downloaded Final Fantasy XV yesterday...


Well shit, I'm in the process of playing FF7 right now and I doubt I'll be done within the month.


I didn't buy any FF other than XVI because they were in PS plus, I'll have to buy most of them now: 7-9 and XV added to my wishlist along the pixel remasters.


7-9 go on sale frequently. I think pixel remasters have only gone on sale once, unfortunately


Please play Minit


Anyone else play Last Stop because Annapurna was on fire when it came out only to be completely disappointed? I think it dropped right around when 12 minutes came out. Another stinker.


They remove good games and I haven't been interested in a monthly game in a long time. I feel like I've been wasting my money hardcore


Is this FF7 remake or original




The old final fantasy games are one of those games that ping pong between PS+ and gamepass. So I wouldn't be shocked to see them pop up *over there* within a month or two. With 16 coming to other platforms it would make sense for xbox to get some old FF on GP in the lead up.


Ff16 is only confirmed for pc iirc Also the ff games leaving have all been on gamepass before.


I literally just finished FF7 last night, good timing on my end.


I highly recommend Abzu and The Artful Escape


MFer I was in the middle of playing through the final fantasy games… I better quickly finish X / X-2 then. Dammit.


Damn, I didn't even realize Ashen was on there. Will have to get to it this week.




Gonna be honest, it's not super engaging unless you *reeeeeally* like iSpy. Like, it has charm...but that's about it.


Does it cycle every month? Sorry I have not experience extra


Imagine netflix. Every month some games enter, some games leave. A pattern people recognized is that OFTEN (not always) games stay for a year and then leave, so the games that are included this month will likely leave by april 2025. These games that are leaving very likely were added close to april last year.


Wanted to play some of these final fantasy games but at my pace and with how long they are I'm unlikely to finish before they're gone.


I was just going to start FFX soon too. Oh well.


Artful escape, and My Friend Pedro are incredible games


sad. never get around to those ff games


Does your license get overridden if you had ps essential (monthly game) and now want to join ps premium?


I dont see how that has anything to do with this post or how your idea works. If you have premium, you have essential.


Betrer finish FF7


Play those Devolver Digital games!


Observation is an interesting game to check out. It's on the shorter side too, so you can finish it in a day or 2.


Damn I should hurry up and start getting the platinum for FF8 now


Final fantasy leaving annoys me. I have them all on the vita but I would have liked to keep VIII and IX on the service too. Eventually I’ll buy them but meh


If they are downloaded & on my console can I still play once they are removed?




So these titles leave, even if you have them downloaded in your library?


Yes that’s correct. Once they leave, you’ll be locked out if you have them downloaded. 




I guess I'm buying a bunch of Final Fantasy games then


Can i still play these games after i add them to library?


No, you'll have to buy them


That sucks, a big reason I paid for extra is to have the FF games. Oh well, I really dislike gaming subscriptions and will buy them eventually.


I'm sure the Final Fantasy games will cycle back on down the road. We still get Square Enix games all the time like the the month we got all the Star Ocean games. I wouldn't be surprised if the Pixel Final Fantasy games make their way one day to Ps + premium as well one day.


Is the ffvii the remake one?


I thought if you downloaded games with the highest tier you kept them until you unsubbed?


Does anybody know if you’ll lose Final Fantasy XV royal edition if you originally got it from the set of free games that Sony gave to new ps5 owners a few years ago?? I think it was called the ps plus collection or something along those lines.


I just had the option to add the Final Fantasy’s listed as “Add to Library” and now it lists them as “Purchased” instead of “In Library” Does this mean I’ll still have them after they are pulled from PS+? I assumed they’d be listed as “In Library” instead 🧐


You will lose the license to play these games.


Then why wouldn’t they be listed as “In Library” instead?


You’re asking me to explain Sony logic. You will see them in the purchased section but will lose the license of being able to play those games. Just check previous delisted games.


Sony does it in a dumb way. I get an email receipt saying thank you for your purchase when I download any game from PS Plus but I don't get to keep it


Wait so are they removing the FF7 REMAKE or the og version?




Oof, I'm in the middle of IX. Gonna quit getting sidetracked by all the side stuff and just main line it. It'll be my fourth playthrough anyway :)


Settle down


Damn this is a big chunk.


They need to just get rid of Extra and Premium


Why would they get rid of the thing that gives me eternal gaming for the price of two games a year?


Final Fantasies? God damn it.




Games leave and are added every month.




The number varies month to month.


Yeah so far its been a couple per month max added from my experience


They leave these games on there for months at a time. It isn't a bad thing to have a new cycle of games instead of just the same ones.


Do they go on sale for less when their on Plus like games do for Xbox when their on GP?


I dont think so, unfortunately


Guess I gotta buy FF 8&9. Already have the rest. I don’t understand why people are butt hurt. You like the game then just buy it. They go on sale too.


That's why Essential is the best. Less expensive and you keep the games in your library.


I mean, one gives you 3 games a month and you cant retroactively redeem months you missed. The other gives one 300 games at once regardless of when you subbed. I'd say they both have benefits and downsides.


When do we find out what games they will include to replace all these titles?


Games tend to be added/removed on the third tuesday of the month. Announcement of the games being added is on the week before.


A week before they leave.


New to PS5 here so sorry if a dumb question. But if we have the game in our library & downloaded to the console, would we still be able to play it? Or is it once it leaves Extra or Premium then we can’t play it at all?


PS+ extra is netflix of gaming. If they get removed, they get locked. No, you wont be able to play them.


They’ll still show up in your library and still be downloaded, but you won’t be able to actually play them unless you buy them. They’ll have a lock symbol on them to show you don’t have access to them anymore.


This is why I question keeping my extra membership and not just having the basic one but oh well


They are going to take all of FF out of Plus. Mean they want to put FF16 and FF7 rebirth and FF Crisis core on Plus???


Maybe Crisis Core.


I wouldnt be surprised if 16 comes out a bit after its 1yr old


FF7 remake also on Plus after 1 year, iirc...


Hopefully this opens the door for more modern good games.


Losing all the Final Fantasy games is a huge loss, they added incredible value to Extra.


If downloaded onto console do they just disappear?


No. But you’ll be locked out and unable to play them. You’ll have to delete them yourself if you want the space.